The African American Museum

And why do people act like americans were he only ones to kill off a bunch of indigenous people? Ever hear of congo, Guatemala, Timor, brazil...
Yea, americans are the worst if you are fucking ignorant

Why are blacks so much more important than the Native Americans in this country? Why are monuments built for African Americans, but not Native Americans, or Mexican Americans in Washington D.C.?

There are 48 African Americans in congress, but only three Native Americans. Maybe that's because whites did a better genocide on the Natives, and there just not are enough left to vote in. Or maybe the Native Americans don't want to be part of a government that committed genocide on them, and stole their land.

60 Native American tribes are still fighting for their sacred land in North Dakota, against big oil trying to run a pipeline through their burial grounds. These Natives are still fighting against the pollution of this country.
The genocide was not done by "whites" it was done by the federal government and still is being done…

The virus came to the "new world" with european contact son.
Silly rabbit, the federal government is to blame. And at this time it's worse now than ever before and it's treatment of Indians.

That's exactly what they have in mind for you, and ya know what? The public allowed and cheered what was done to indigenous peoples, often insisting upon it.
The federal government is solely to blame...

Why are blacks so much more important than the Native Americans in this country? Why are monuments built for African Americans, but not Native Americans, or Mexican Americans in Washington D.C.?

There are 48 African Americans in congress, but only three Native Americans. Maybe that's because whites did a better genocide on the Natives, and there just not are enough left to vote in. Or maybe the Native Americans don't want to be part of a government that committed genocide on them, and stole their land.

60 Native American tribes are still fighting for their sacred land in North Dakota, against big oil trying to run a pipeline through their burial grounds. These Natives are still fighting against the pollution of this country.

The Native American Museum opened on the mall years ago.

Where were you?

Why are blacks so much more important than the Native Americans in this country? Why are monuments built for African Americans, but not Native Americans, or Mexican Americans in Washington D.C.?

There are 48 African Americans in congress, but only three Native Americans. Maybe that's because whites did a better genocide on the Natives, and there just not are enough left to vote in. Or maybe the Native Americans don't want to be part of a government that committed genocide on them, and stole their land.

60 Native American tribes are still fighting for their sacred land in North Dakota, against big oil trying to run a pipeline through their burial grounds. These Natives are still fighting against the pollution of this country.

There was no genocide of the Native American people. That is propaganda.t.

There were various genocides against groups of Native American peoples.

But the sad reality is that the vast majority of those who died, died because of diseases Europeans inadvertantly(for the most part) infected them with.

Why are blacks so much more important than the Native Americans in this country? Why are monuments built for African Americans, but not Native Americans, or Mexican Americans in Washington D.C.?

There are 48 African Americans in congress, but only three Native Americans. Maybe that's because whites did a better genocide on the Natives, and there just not are enough left to vote in. Or maybe the Native Americans don't want to be part of a government that committed genocide on them, and stole their land.

60 Native American tribes are still fighting for their sacred land in North Dakota, against big oil trying to run a pipeline through their burial grounds. These Natives are still fighting against the pollution of this country.

The short answer is that other then killing a shit ton of buffalo, Indians mean very little in the scheme of things. Most are to useless to court as a voting block and they have bastardized their ways so they can sell cheesy "indian" jewelry to hipsters or manufacturing meth on their reservations. In short, who cares. They no longer matter as a voting block if they ever did.

Glad to hear how you feel about Americans.

Why are blacks so much more important than the Native Americans in this country? Why are monuments built for African Americans, but not Native Americans, or Mexican Americans in Washington D.C.?

There are 48 African Americans in congress, but only three Native Americans. Maybe that's because whites did a better genocide on the Natives, and there just not are enough left to vote in. Or maybe the Native Americans don't want to be part of a government that committed genocide on them, and stole their land.

60 Native American tribes are still fighting for their sacred land in North Dakota, against big oil trying to run a pipeline through their burial grounds. These Natives are still fighting against the pollution of this country.

Yes, because we decided to genocide them out of functional existence as opposed to enslaving and propagating them as beasts of burden.

Not true at all. The so called genocide was propaganda that never occurred

So you are going to be stubbornly stupid.
california governor ordered extermination native americans at DuckDuckGo
It was a widely held belief in 19th-century California that all of the Indians had to be exterminated. Reported the Daily Alta California, “Whites are becoming impressed with the belief that it will be absolutely necessary to exterminate the savages before they can labor much longer in the mines with security.”

The United States Army often participated in the mass killing, making Capitol Hill complicit in what was happening in the goldfields of the Sierra Nevada and elsewhere in California. In the winter of 1849, Indians wanting freedom killed Andrew Kelsey and Charles Stone, two slavers in what is today Lake County. In revenge, federal infantry and cavalry detachments attacked a village at Clear Lake. On May 15, 1850, they “poured in destructive fire indiscriminately upon men, women and children,” according to one account. As many as 800 members of the Pomo tribe were killed at what has come to be known as Bloody Island. “It took them four or five days to gather up the dead,” one survivor remembered.

A village of Yokayas on the Russian River was attacked by U.S. troops just days later, in what their commander deemed “a perfect slaughter pen.” Yokaya casualties may have been as high as 100. The U.S. troops lost no men, though two suffered wounds.

Much of the slaughter was carried out by state militias, which enjoyed financial support from both Sacramento and Washington, D.C. In Round Valley, north of San Francisco, the Eel River Rangers were so prolific in their murder of the Yuki that even some white observers became alarmed. “The killing of Indians is a daily occurrence,” reported California’s head of Indian affairs. “If some means be not speedily devised, by which the unauthorized expeditions that are constantly out in search of them can be restrained, they will soon be exterminated.”

One of the killers sent a bill to California: $11,143. The state paid it nearly in full. Madley notes that of the $1.5 million that California spent on 24 different Indian-killing militia campaigns between 1850 and 1861, Congress paid the state back all but $200,000.

But that hardly meant the suffering was over for Indians, in California and elsewhere in the United States. Reservations were established in the mid-19th century, and the conditions there were so brutal, Adolf Hitler is said to have used them in part as a blueprint for his Final Solution. On the Round Valley Reservation, Native Americans were getting only between 160 and 390 calories a day from federal officials, as part of what Madley calls “institutionalized starvation conditions.” Eighty years later, the daily ration for prisoners at Auschwitz was 1,300 calories.
It is fucking insane. Is there any "museum" made in the past few decades that is not weird propaganda against Whites? Oprah was actually part of the exhibit. :p

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