The Aftermath of the Trial

Why didn't GZ do what you say you'd do? Was he looking for the ending that he got?

Not being George Zimmerman I can't tell you why he did what he did. I can try to make an educated guess based on what I know about Zimmerman's personality and the facts I do know about the conditions that night.

First of all, I don't see George Zimmerman as an "aggressive" person. All of the both Prosecution and Defense witnesses painted him as the exact opposite of that. I believe the terms used quite often were "soft" and "meek". When Martin appears suddenly out of the dark with his "You got a problem?" query...Zimmerman responds with "I don't have a problem with you." and then tries to get to his cell phone to call the police.

What Zimmerman SHOULD have done was yell loudly for Martin to keep back as he pulled his handgun...letting the stranger approaching him know that he was armed and considered him a threat if he came closer.

It's quite obvious that Zimmerman ISN'T well versed in street fighting. He let's someone close on him without pulling his weapon or assuming a defensive posture. If he hadn't been such a wuss he would have learned about what distance is safe and what is not in the ring at his gym. If you're not throwing a punch or kick then you shouldn't allow yourself to be within a distance where your opponent CAN hit you with a punch or kick. Zimmerman got sucker punched by someone he SAW coming at him. That's the sign of someone who's NOT a fighter.
Why didn't GZ do what you say you'd do? Was he looking for the ending that he got?

Not being George Zimmerman I can't tell you why he did what he did. I can try to make an educated guess based on what I know about Zimmerman's personality and the facts I do know about the conditions that night.

First of all, I don't see George Zimmerman as an "aggressive" person. All of the both Prosecution and Defense witnesses painted him as the exact opposite of that. I believe the terms used quite often were "soft" and "meek". When Martin appears suddenly out of the dark with his "You got a problem?" query...Zimmerman responds with "I don't have a problem with you." and then tries to get to his cell phone to call the police.

What Zimmerman SHOULD have done was yell loudly for Martin to keep back as he pulled his handgun...letting the stranger approaching him know that he was armed and considered him a threat if he came closer.

It's quite obvious that Zimmerman ISN'T well versed in street fighting. He let's someone close on him without pulling his weapon or assuming a defensive posture. If he hadn't been such a wuss he would have learned about what distance is safe and what is not in the ring at his gym. If you're not throwing a punch or kick then you shouldn't allow yourself to be within a distance where your opponent CAN hit you with a punch or kick. Zimmerman got sucker punched by someone he SAW coming at him. That's the sign of someone who's NOT a fighter.

he seems passive
There is not the slightest chance that middle of the road America would have allowed that not to go to trial. I'm not even sure a majority will settle for this verdict.

The decision on whether something should go to trial is not made by majority vote. That decision is made by the District Attorney usually and either a Grand Jury or a judge. In the Zimmerman/Martin case the local District Attorney looked at the facts of the case and decided (rightly) that this was not a case that could be won in court because there was FAR too much reasonable doubt to prove Murder II or Manslaughter.

The Special Prosecutor purposely avoided going in front of a Grand Jury because she knew that they would most likely agree with the DA. She instead went to a judge and left out important aspects of the case in order to get an arrest warrant served.

As for what a majority of Americans "thinks" about the verdict having any affect ON the verdict? It won't. That case is over. The DOJ investigation is political theater and will result in nothing being done. I'm sorry you don't LIKE the verdict but the jury followed the law and returned the only verdict that was possible given the evidence.
Why didn't GZ do what you say you'd do? Was he looking for the ending that he got?

Not being George Zimmerman I can't tell you why he did what he did. I can try to make an educated guess based on what I know about Zimmerman's personality and the facts I do know about the conditions that night.

First of all, I don't see George Zimmerman as an "aggressive" person. All of the both Prosecution and Defense witnesses painted him as the exact opposite of that. I believe the terms used quite often were "soft" and "meek". When Martin appears suddenly out of the dark with his "You got a problem?" query...Zimmerman responds with "I don't have a problem with you." and then tries to get to his cell phone to call the police.

What Zimmerman SHOULD have done was yell loudly for Martin to keep back as he pulled his handgun...letting the stranger approaching him know that he was armed and considered him a threat if he came closer.

It's quite obvious that Zimmerman ISN'T well versed in street fighting. He let's someone close on him without pulling his weapon or assuming a defensive posture. If he hadn't been such a wuss he would have learned about what distance is safe and what is not in the ring at his gym. If you're not throwing a punch or kick then you shouldn't allow yourself to be within a distance where your opponent CAN hit you with a punch or kick. Zimmerman got sucker punched by someone he SAW coming at him. That's the sign of someone who's NOT a fighter.

he seems passive

I studied martial arts for decades, Jon...there are people that it doesn't matter how many classes they take...they will NEVER be fighters. That's George Zimmerman in a nutshell. He takes a class for over a year and the instructor won't even let him get in the ring because he's afraid George will get hurt? That says more about Zimmerman than if he took no classes at all.
Not being George Zimmerman I can't tell you why he did what he did. I can try to make an educated guess based on what I know about Zimmerman's personality and the facts I do know about the conditions that night.

First of all, I don't see George Zimmerman as an "aggressive" person. All of the both Prosecution and Defense witnesses painted him as the exact opposite of that. I believe the terms used quite often were "soft" and "meek". When Martin appears suddenly out of the dark with his "You got a problem?" query...Zimmerman responds with "I don't have a problem with you." and then tries to get to his cell phone to call the police.

What Zimmerman SHOULD have done was yell loudly for Martin to keep back as he pulled his handgun...letting the stranger approaching him know that he was armed and considered him a threat if he came closer.

It's quite obvious that Zimmerman ISN'T well versed in street fighting. He let's someone close on him without pulling his weapon or assuming a defensive posture. If he hadn't been such a wuss he would have learned about what distance is safe and what is not in the ring at his gym. If you're not throwing a punch or kick then you shouldn't allow yourself to be within a distance where your opponent CAN hit you with a punch or kick. Zimmerman got sucker punched by someone he SAW coming at him. That's the sign of someone who's NOT a fighter.

he seems passive

I studied martial arts for decades, Jon...there are people that it doesn't matter how many classes they take...they will NEVER be fighters. That's George Zimmerman in a nutshell. He takes a class for over a year and the instructor won't even let him get in the ring because he's afraid George will get hurt? That says more about Zimmerman than if he took no classes at all.

from the get go George reminded me of a guy who might

have gotten his firearm taken away from him

if push came to shove

i think he waited too long much to long before pulling his firearm
There is no evidence at all that he had to shoot.

I guess he could have continued to let Trayvon beat him senseless, PMZ. It's amazing how much damage the human body can sustain and recover from. He could have just taken his beating and hoped the Police showed up at some point and saved him.

The problem is...there's no guarantee that you're not going suffer permanent damage or even death from blows to the head. It's a crap shoot. There are scores of people doing time in prisons right now for punching someone one time in the head and killing them. Me? I'd rather not gamble with my life that way...
he seems passive

I studied martial arts for decades, Jon...there are people that it doesn't matter how many classes they take...they will NEVER be fighters. That's George Zimmerman in a nutshell. He takes a class for over a year and the instructor won't even let him get in the ring because he's afraid George will get hurt? That says more about Zimmerman than if he took no classes at all.

from the get go George reminded me of a guy who might

have gotten his firearm taken away from him

if push came to shove

i think he waited too long much to long before pulling his firearm

I remember a friend who always carried a baseball bat in his car for "protection". He got into an accident and the person whom he hit was angry and confrontational. My friend got the bat out of the car and told the other guy to back off. The guy took the bat friend ran away...and the other guy proceeded to break most of the glass on my friend's car with his newly found "toy" before he drove away.
I studied martial arts for decades, Jon...there are people that it doesn't matter how many classes they take...they will NEVER be fighters. That's George Zimmerman in a nutshell. He takes a class for over a year and the instructor won't even let him get in the ring because he's afraid George will get hurt? That says more about Zimmerman than if he took no classes at all.

from the get go George reminded me of a guy who might

have gotten his firearm taken away from him

if push came to shove

i think he waited too long much to long before pulling his firearm

I remember a friend who always carried a baseball bat in his car for "protection". He got into an accident and the person whom he hit was angry and confrontational. My friend got the bat out of the car and told the other guy to back off. The guy took the bat friend ran away...and the other guy proceeded to break most of the glass on my friend's car with his newly found "toy" before he drove away.

I think that GZ was found not guilty of breaking FL's laws for murder, which I agree with, but also manslaughter, which I don't agree with.

It would have been simple for him to have prevented this tragedy. Leave his gun at home or in the car. Carrying it to the scene, against police advice, shows grave indifference to human life IMO.

TM, on the other hand, committed no crime. Was not a threat to anyone. His life was endangered not by his actions but by GZ's.

I do believe that GZ regretted his actions. Too little, too late.

Are you smoking crack? Trayvon Martin committed no crime? He committed assault and battery, which is not only a crime but a felony. What part of that don't you GET?

You are assuming that GZ's story is the truth, but you have no way of knowing that it is. If GZ confronted TM, TM had the right under Florida's "Stand Your Ground" to defend himself, and punching him in the nose was legal. GZ's tiny head wounds very possibly came from him hitting the ground when TM hit him. So, according to Florida's law, TM committed no crime.
George was walking back to his car. That was established by the timeline and the evidence. Martin moved from "at his house" back to the point where the confrontation took place. Zimmerman was attempting to get back to his car because he had lost Martin and no longer had him in view. Martin attacked Zimmerman assaulting him. Then Martin continued to beat the man while sitting on top of him. That is a felony, battery. Zimmerman had done nothing wrong and was retreating from the area. There is an eye witness, another witness that heard the confrontation, and two 911 emergency phone recordings that back up the timeline and Zimmerman's account of the events that took place. There is also the recording of Zimmerman's none emergency call that ties all this together. Martin's knuckles were bruised showing that he was the one doing the punching. Martin's head was cut, bruised and swollen from being beaten and his knuckles were not bruised showing that he had not hit anyone. The gun was fired from 4 to six inches from Martin which means that he was very close to Zimmerman and was not retreating. The angle of the bullet travel through Martin's clothes show that he was still bent over Zimmerman when the shot was fired.

All the evidence showed that Martin wrongfully attacked Zimmerman and that Zimmerman used his gun as a last resort to stop the felonious attack against him.
The "presumption of innocence" until proven guilty and the not guilty of any charges verdict shows that justice, for Zimmerman, was served. It is unfortunate that Martin was killed. It would have been better if he could have been brought to trial for his crime of Assault and battery against Zimmerman.
Once the trial ended and the verdict rendered the case is over. The judgement in this case (not attached to any other cases) was justifiable homicide.
Either accept the results or be contrary to the rule of law. Martin acted contrary to the rule of law and died because the man he attacked feared for his life.
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There is not the slightest chance that middle of the road America would have allowed that not to go to trial. I'm not even sure a majority will settle for this verdict.

The decision on whether something should go to trial is not made by majority vote. That decision is made by the District Attorney usually and either a Grand Jury or a judge. In the Zimmerman/Martin case the local District Attorney looked at the facts of the case and decided (rightly) that this was not a case that could be won in court because there was FAR too much reasonable doubt to prove Murder II or Manslaughter.

The Special Prosecutor purposely avoided going in front of a Grand Jury because she knew that they would most likely agree with the DA. She instead went to a judge and left out important aspects of the case in order to get an arrest warrant served.

As for what a majority of Americans "thinks" about the verdict having any affect ON the verdict? It won't. That case is over. The DOJ investigation is political theater and will result in nothing being done. I'm sorry you don't LIKE the verdict but the jury followed the law and returned the only verdict that was possible given the evidence.

An a very important witness, one who WAS 16 and not 18 at the time.
There is not the slightest chance that middle of the road America would have allowed that not to go to trial. I'm not even sure a majority will settle for this verdict.

The decision on whether something should go to trial is not made by majority vote. That decision is made by the District Attorney usually and either a Grand Jury or a judge. In the Zimmerman/Martin case the local District Attorney looked at the facts of the case and decided (rightly) that this was not a case that could be won in court because there was FAR too much reasonable doubt to prove Murder II or Manslaughter.

The Special Prosecutor purposely avoided going in front of a Grand Jury because she knew that they would most likely agree with the DA. She instead went to a judge and left out important aspects of the case in order to get an arrest warrant served.

As for what a majority of Americans "thinks" about the verdict having any affect ON the verdict? It won't. That case is over. The DOJ investigation is political theater and will result in nothing being done. I'm sorry you don't LIKE the verdict but the jury followed the law and returned the only verdict that was possible given the evidence.

An a very important witness, one who WAS 16 and not 18 at the time.


there is/was a 16 year old & a 18 year old
I think that GZ was found not guilty of breaking FL's laws for murder, which I agree with, but also manslaughter, which I don't agree with.

It would have been simple for him to have prevented this tragedy. Leave his gun at home or in the car. Carrying it to the scene, against police advice, shows grave indifference to human life IMO.

TM, on the other hand, committed no crime. Was not a threat to anyone. His life was endangered not by his actions but by GZ's.

I do believe that GZ regretted his actions. Too little, too late.

Are you smoking crack? Trayvon Martin committed no crime? He committed assault and battery, which is not only a crime but a felony. What part of that don't you GET?

You are assuming that GZ's story is the truth, but you have no way of knowing that it is. If GZ confronted TM, TM had the right under Florida's "Stand Your Ground" to defend himself, and punching him in the nose was legal. GZ's tiny head wounds very possibly came from him hitting the ground when TM hit him. So, according to Florida's law, TM committed no crime.

You are assuming that GZ's story is the truth

the jury got the chance to see zimmerman tell his side of the story

the judge instructed the jury that zimmerman is presumed to be innocent

which would include being truthful

the jury found that to be the case

and found him not guilty of murder or manslaughter

that his act was justifiable
I think that GZ was found not guilty of breaking FL's laws for murder, which I agree with, but also manslaughter, which I don't agree with.

It would have been simple for him to have prevented this tragedy. Leave his gun at home or in the car. Carrying it to the scene, against police advice, shows grave indifference to human life IMO.

TM, on the other hand, committed no crime. Was not a threat to anyone. His life was endangered not by his actions but by GZ's.

I do believe that GZ regretted his actions. Too little, too late.

Zimmerman was not on patrol as a function of the neighborhood watch. He was on his way to Target. He was licensed to carry a firearm and 100% within his rights to do so.
In retrospect, carrying his firearm while out running errands, may just have saved his life.
I get it. You're pissed a 17 year old black kid died, but the responsibility for his death lies directly on his own attitude.
Had the State shown that Zimmerman assaulted Martin, George would be in jail. Instead, the defense, with the unselfish help of several Prosecution witnesses, proved Martin attacked Zimmerman.
I think that GZ was found not guilty of breaking FL's laws for murder, which I agree with, but also manslaughter, which I don't agree with.

It would have been simple for him to have prevented this tragedy. Leave his gun at home or in the car. Carrying it to the scene, against police advice, shows grave indifference to human life IMO.

TM, on the other hand, committed no crime. Was not a threat to anyone. His life was endangered not by his actions but by GZ's.

I do believe that GZ regretted his actions. Too little, too late.

Are you smoking crack? Trayvon Martin committed no crime? He committed assault and battery, which is not only a crime but a felony. What part of that don't you GET?

You are assuming that GZ's story is the truth, but you have no way of knowing that it is. If GZ confronted TM, TM had the right under Florida's "Stand Your Ground" to defend himself, and punching him in the nose was legal. GZ's tiny head wounds very possibly came from him hitting the ground when TM hit him. So, according to Florida's law, TM committed no crime.
Of course we are assuming GZ's story is the truth. All forensic evidence and testimony supports his version and zip, zero, nadda refutes it.
The fact that you want GZ to do time is not enough to send a man to jail.
I think that GZ was found not guilty of breaking FL's laws for murder, which I agree with, but also manslaughter, which I don't agree with.

It would have been simple for him to have prevented this tragedy. Leave his gun at home or in the car. Carrying it to the scene, against police advice, shows grave indifference to human life IMO.

TM, on the other hand, committed no crime. Was not a threat to anyone. His life was endangered not by his actions but by GZ's.

I do believe that GZ regretted his actions. Too little, too late.

Zimmerman was not on patrol as a function of the neighborhood watch. He was on his way to Target. He was licensed to carry a firearm and 100% within his rights to do so.
In retrospect, carrying his firearm while out running errands, may just have saved his life.
I get it. You're pissed a 17 year old black kid died, but the responsibility for his death lies directly on his own attitude.
Had the State shown that Zimmerman assaulted Martin, George would be in jail. Instead, the defense, with the unselfish help of several Prosecution witnesses, proved Martin attacked Zimmerman.

It would have been simple for him to have prevented this tragedy. Leave his gun at home or in the car. Carrying it to the scene, against police advice, shows grave indifference to human life IMO.

he was not given that advice

he had a legal right to have a firearm

having a firearm handy proves often to be a life saver
The decision on whether something should go to trial is not made by majority vote. That decision is made by the District Attorney usually and either a Grand Jury or a judge. In the Zimmerman/Martin case the local District Attorney looked at the facts of the case and decided (rightly) that this was not a case that could be won in court because there was FAR too much reasonable doubt to prove Murder II or Manslaughter.

The Special Prosecutor purposely avoided going in front of a Grand Jury because she knew that they would most likely agree with the DA. She instead went to a judge and left out important aspects of the case in order to get an arrest warrant served.

As for what a majority of Americans "thinks" about the verdict having any affect ON the verdict? It won't. That case is over. The DOJ investigation is political theater and will result in nothing being done. I'm sorry you don't LIKE the verdict but the jury followed the law and returned the only verdict that was possible given the evidence.

An a very important witness, one who WAS 16 and not 18 at the time.


there is/was a 16 year old & a 18 year old

The 18 year old, we heard from. It would be interesting to see what Crump would do if forced to reveal the name of the 16 year old. Would he say that he gave De le Rionda her name to save his ass?
I think that GZ was found not guilty of breaking FL's laws for murder, which I agree with, but also manslaughter, which I don't agree with.

It would have been simple for him to have prevented this tragedy. Leave his gun at home or in the car. Carrying it to the scene, against police advice, shows grave indifference to human life IMO.

TM, on the other hand, committed no crime. Was not a threat to anyone. His life was endangered not by his actions but by GZ's.

I do believe that GZ regretted his actions. Too little, too late.

Are you smoking crack? Trayvon Martin committed no crime? He committed assault and battery, which is not only a crime but a felony. What part of that don't you GET?

You are assuming that GZ's story is the truth, but you have no way of knowing that it is. If GZ confronted TM, TM had the right under Florida's "Stand Your Ground" to defend himself, and punching him in the nose was legal. GZ's tiny head wounds very possibly came from him hitting the ground when TM hit him. So, according to Florida's law, TM committed no crime.

I'm amused by all you liberals that hate "Stand Your Ground" so much yet don't seem to understand the law at all. For Trayvon Martin to be able to use "Stand Your Ground" as a defense first of all he can't walk BACK to confront George Zimmerman. That's Martin causing the confrontation. Martin would also have to be in fear for his life or of great bodily harm. Zimmerman is walking back to his SUV to meet the Police. He's not attacking Martin or acting in a threatening manner. You can't sucker punch someone that hasn't done anything even remotely illegal and then say that you aren't guilty of assault and battery because of "Stand Your Ground". You seem to think that "Stand Your Ground" is a license to attack anyone you want at any time you isn't!
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I studied martial arts for decades, Jon...there are people that it doesn't matter how many classes they take...they will NEVER be fighters. That's George Zimmerman in a nutshell. He takes a class for over a year and the instructor won't even let him get in the ring because he's afraid George will get hurt? That says more about Zimmerman than if he took no classes at all.

from the get go George reminded me of a guy who might

have gotten his firearm taken away from him

if push came to shove

i think he waited too long much to long before pulling his firearm

I remember a friend who always carried a baseball bat in his car for "protection". He got into an accident and the person whom he hit was angry and confrontational. My friend got the bat out of the car and told the other guy to back off. The guy took the bat friend ran away...and the other guy proceeded to break most of the glass on my friend's car with his newly found "toy" before he drove away.

If someone is not strong enough to use a bat as a weapon they should use something else. If your friend had his bat, and got out of the car immediately rushing his opponent swinging, he might not have had it taken away.

The worst thing a person can do when wielding a weapon is to make a threat or act aggressively. Such hesitancy is an invitation to take it away.

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