The Aftermath of the Trial

If everyone had just stayed home that night then their would had been no incident.
You guys have made this thread interesting. I'm grateful.


Standard jury charge in the Judge's instructions to the jury in ALL cases and specifically this one:
"George Zimmerman does not have to prove anything. He is presumed innocent. The burden of proof is 100% on the prosecution as they have to prove each and every element of their indictment and charges".

You and I are in agreement. The burden of proof is on the prosecution. However, it didn't hurt Zimmerman's case that the available evidence generally supported his story. I'm just saying that there are a lot of people who are convinced of Zimmerman's guilt; the evidence be damned.

They're convinced because NBC told them that Zimmerman was a racist murderer. People should not even watch that network, frankly. Make em pay for their BS.

I don't ;-)

I haven't for a year.

Money where your mouth is and all that. It's the VETO channel.
If GZ had stayed in his car there would have been no incident.

There was an "incident" because Trayvon Martin made a decision to walk back and confront the "Cracker". There was an "incident" because Trayvon Martin made a decision to sucker punch someone instead of talking it out. There was an "incident" because Trayvon Martin wasn't satisfied to just knock George Zimmerman down...he made a decision to REALLY give him an ass kicking! That's why there was an "incident". Not because George Zimmerman tried to keep a suspicious person in sight until the Police arrived.
If GZ had stayed in his car there would have been no incident.

There was an "incident" because Trayvon Martin made a decision to walk back and confront the "Cracker". There was an "incident" because Trayvon Martin made a decision to sucker punch someone instead of talking it out. There was an "incident" because Trayvon Martin wasn't satisfied to just knock George Zimmerman down...he made a decision to REALLY give him an ass kicking! That's why there was an "incident". Not because George Zimmerman tried to keep a suspicious person in sight until the Police arrived.
Great points...
Of course George Zimmerman's story was supported by the evidence. It was designed to be.
If GZ had stayed in his car there would have been no incident.

There was an "incident" because Trayvon Martin made a decision to walk back and confront the "Cracker". There was an "incident" because Trayvon Martin made a decision to sucker punch someone instead of talking it out. There was an "incident" because Trayvon Martin wasn't satisfied to just knock George Zimmerman down...he made a decision to REALLY give him an ass kicking! That's why there was an "incident". Not because George Zimmerman tried to keep a suspicious person in sight until the Police arrived.

Didn't you know -- If a white (hisp.) profiles a black as being "up to no good", that is just cause for the black person to beat the crap out the white person to teach him a lesson. And its the black person that is defending his self.
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Of course George Zimmerman's story was supported by the evidence. It was designed to be.

George Zimmerman's "story" is supported by the evidence because George Zimmerman was telling the truth.

It's the Prosecution's "story" that didn't add up. They wanted us to believe that George Zimmerman was a depraved racist cop wannabe, who racially profiled an innocent unarmed teen and stalked him despite being told not to by Police. Only when you looked at the evidence instead of the propaganda that was put out by the main stream media the Prosecution's "story" had massive holes in it.

First of all, it turns out that the man in question was on record leading the protest against the white son of a Sanford Police officer who beat a black homeless man. Why would a "racist" do that? It makes no sense at all...

It also comes to light that George Zimmerman was offered the opportunity to become part of the volunteer force of the Sanford Police and declined. Why would someone who was a "cop wannabe" do that? It makes no sense at all...

The Prosecution says all of George Zimmerman's phone calls prove he was "obsessive". Only the Prosecution's own witness, the woman that was in charge of setting up Neighborhood Watch programs for the Police stated that it was the Watch "Captain" who was supposed to be the go between, between the Police and the Watch. Zimmerman called so many times because that was the way the system was designed BY THE POLICE! Once again the Prosecution's case makes no sense at all...

The Prosecution wanted you to believe that it was Trayvon Martin that was "afraid" of the scary man who followed him in the darkness. Yet the Prosecution's own witness stated that Martin had run away from Zimmerman and was outside of the condo he was staying at THEN WENT BACK TO CONFRONT THE "CREEPY ASSED CRACKER"! Once again, the Prosecution's case makes no sense at all...

And then there is Trayvon himself. The Prosecution wanted us to believe that this was an innocent teen who simply went to the store to buy candy. Only when you REALLY look into who Trayvon Martin was and why he was in Sanford, Florida in the first place it's quickly apparent that the Prosecution's portrayal of an innocent teen unfairly profiled by Zimmerman falls apart as well. This was a young man with a troubled past, serving his 3rd suspension from High School because he'd been caught defacing school property with obscene graffiti, being in possession of a large quantity of stolen jewelry and having a baggy with pot residue in it and a marijuana pipe. So the truth is...what George suspected Martin of? Casing the property and acting like he was on drugs? That appraisal is actually spot on with who Trayvon Martin WAS. The only reason he's IN Sanford is that he had been kicked out of High School for doing what George Martin suspected he was up to in the Twin Lakes community. Once again the Prosecution's case makes no sense...
I happened to watch what was broadcast to all of Canada on the CBC National news a couple of nights ago:

A place called Sanford

The Trayvon Martin shooting trial opens up old wounds. Paul Hunter takes us to Sanford, Florida.

It appears that Sanford, Florida has a long history of virulent racism. I had not realized what a microcosm of all that is most vile and disgusting in the American national experience the place is, but now I know -- and most of Canada now knows it.

It is hardly surprising that so many people in the world regard Americans as violent, primitive savages when they learn of the behavior of Americans in places like Sanford, Florida.
Thank you, Gatsby, for taking the trouble to watch the CBC report. I would be surprised if many other readers here did.

Naturally, I disagree completely with your interpretation of it, but I must thank you for some new information which was not in the report:

Then they go back into the town's history. They call the town's founder, Henry Sanford, "a failed fruit farmer" and go into his alleged role in slavery:

Yet, this from his wiki page:
Apparently your knowledge of recent world history does not extend to King Leopold being one of the most evil human beings who has ever lived -- right up there with Hitler and Stalin!! His monstrous exploitation of the "Belgian" Congo, and brutalizing and torturing and murdering its people, are legendary -- and the founder of Sanford, Florida, you have revealed, was his staunch ally!!

I did not expect that the history of Sanford could be more loathsome than was revealed in the CBC news report, but, thanks to you, I now know how its vileness surpassed my worst imaginings!!

You might consider reading Joseph Conrad's Heart of Darkness to gain a tongue-tip taste of the horror which King Leopold and his ally, Henry Sanford, unleashed.
Kidding me right, so you think modern day Sanford can be connected to someone or something that existed way back then ? WOW what a stretch that is for modern times in which we all live in today in this nation.
I certainly think it has considerable relevance in the light of the long and unremitting history of racism in the Sanford region, as was so clearly revealed in the CBC National News report.

Watch the news report linked above and judge for yourself.
The history of Sanford might be full of racism - at least historically. So what?
That has absolutely nothing to do with the Zimmerman case.
Zimmerman didn't know what race he was until he approached Zimmerman's car - as recorded on the non-emergency call. The operator asked what race he was and Zimmerman replied, "I don't know" and then as he approached Zimmerman's car he said, "he looks black". He made the call before it was known that he was black. Race wasn't an issue.

Zimmerman tried to follow Martin so he could give a location to the police and an address for the dispatcher. He lost Martin and got within 30 yards of his truck when Martin attacked him. Martin must have followed him back or gotten ahead of him after leaving the proximity of where he was staying in order to confront Zimmerman before he could get into his car. That is when the incident began. Martin attacked Zimmerman committing the felony of assault and battery. Zimmerman, thinking his life was in danger used the only defense he had and shot his attacker in self defense.

Under the law he was presumed innocent and after the trial he was pronounced not guilty of any crimes. He is innocent of any wrong-doing in the incident.
Not guilty! With the evidence presented and the testimony given along with his own account of the actions taken combined with witness testimony he was found innocent of all charges.

That means he committed no crimes - not one - in this case.
Martin is the only one that committed any crime and that was his assault on Zimmerman.
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Attitudes are really hardening because of this case, just like the other bad case, the O.J. Simpson murder of his wife. A total race split on attitudes toward both cases.

Yes, and no one really knows what happened !!

A classic example of feeble-minded Americans raving and defending their ignorance !!


Yes, and no one really knows what happened !!

A classic example of feeble-minded Americans raving and defending their ignorance !!


It's obvious what happened.

You're the only one who can't figure it out.
A jury that heard ALL of the witnesses testify and be subject to cross examination, that saw ALL of the evidence and heard ALL of the Judge's jury instructions and charges found Zimmerman NOT GUILTY.
The same jury that DID NOT have their minds made up BEFORE the trial because they WERE NOT INFLUENCED by media like the dumb ass low information citizen sheep here.

Yes, and no one really knows what happened !!

A classic example of feeble-minded Americans raving and defending their ignorance !!


Gee, Numan...don't you have an igloo to build somewhere? You know...Canada's contribution to world architecture? Eh?

Yes, and no one really knows what happened !!

A classic example of feeble-minded Americans raving and defending their ignorance !!


Yes we do!

Civilized countries have this thing called a Jury system

A Jury said Zimmerman did nothing legally wrong

That's all that matters

No go back to the global warming threads and let the grown ups handle this.
' Prosecutor John Guy's first words to jurors recounted what Zimmerman told a police dispatcher in a call shortly before the fatal confrontation with Martin: "F------ punks. These a-------. They always get away."'

Not an objective perspective.

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