The Aftermath of the Trial

What if democracy proves unsustainable because of the above? Is there an alternative that also offers freedom? If there is, I haven't seen it demonstrated in the world. If the people aren't capable of making informed choices about government, who's left? Business? The Military? The oft rumored but never seen benevolent dictator? Computers?

Will we go down in history as the first generation of Americans who were not willing to pay the price of freedom?

Democracy is 2 wolves and a sheep deciding what to have for dinner

We ain't that.

The US is that. What we don't know is what you are.

Didn't do well in civics class

See Representative Republic
I don't read any "Screw the court system and replace it with Kangaroo courts" from those who recognize that our system is imperfect and allowed GZ to get away with the murder that he wanted when he said what he did about "they" always getting away with it". We can only assume "it" to be a black kid walking through a white neighborhood with a hoodie on.

GZ merely showed the country the truth about red neck states. Don't leave witnesses and juries will fall for whatever you tell them.

Epic, they = blacks

No wonder we can't move forward

They may mean thieves. They may mean teans. They may mean hoods. They may mean gang members. They may mean skateboarders.

Quit attempting to read minds and look at the facts instead of trying to flame a fire that's already been put out.

Sounds like you believe that "blacks, thieves, teens, hoods, gang members, and skateboarders" all deserve summary execution.

No, and I never said that

Any of the above sucker punches me ( or probably you too ) takes me to the ground, pummels me, slams my head onto a concrete sidewalk, if I have a weapon, I will assure you I would be going home. Not sure about the assailant. That would be his problem

Go ahead, now it's your turn to create more fantasy.
Gee, you'd think that all of that trauma would leave some marks behind. Not to mention that you've heard only half of the story. You seem desperate to believe that half even though, with the other witness dead, who's to know if any of it is true.

Reasonable doubt is a very low bar.
Democracy is 2 wolves and a sheep deciding what to have for dinner

We ain't that.

The US is that. What we don't know is what you are.

Didn't do well in civics class

See Representative Republic

We are a constitutional democratic Republic.

Our consent to be governed is based on the by-laws of government specified by the Constitution.

We don't have a monarch so we are a republic.

We make decisions, including who represents us based on pluralities.
The US is that. What we don't know is what you are.

Didn't do well in civics class

See Representative Republic

We are a constitutional democratic Republic.

Our consent to be governed is based on the by-laws of government specified by the Constitution.

We don't have a monarch so we are a republic.

We make decisions, including who represents us based on pluralities.

Tell that to scotus
He learned all of that as a Constitutional lawyer. You'd be surprised at how far you are behind, how many of us.
Gee, you'd think that all of that trauma would leave some marks behind. Not to mention that you've heard only half of the story. You seem desperate to believe that half even though, with the other witness dead, who's to know if any of it is true.

Reasonable doubt is a very low bar.

By that logic we need not prosecute most murder case because the most reliable witness is dead?

Just let the mob hang em.

How's that for frontier redneck justice

Now come back with other witnesses in other cases are more reliable then those in this case
He learned all of that as a Constitutional lawyer. You'd be surprised at how far you are behind, how many of us.

Please finish your sentence. Waiting with baited........

And explain how so many people are serving time for Murder when the most reliable witness is victim who, by the way


Somehow the State is able in those cases, just not this one?

Please explain
Nobody represents dead people. For one thing, dead people are not charged with criminal behavior. Only live people are.

What do you think a Prosecution's role is, PMZ? They represent dead people all the time. If someone is killed and has no family do you think their death isn't investigated and if a crime is seen...prosecuted by the State? That's what they DO!

The prosecution's job is not to try the victim. That is apparently what many here think the public's job is. A murdered victim's only input is the evidence. How do you think that this trial would have come out if GZ was not allowed any testimony?

Let me ask you a very simple question...

If the Police had shown up prior to George Zimmerman finally managing to pull his handgun and shoot the man sitting on him...who would have been considered the "victim" then? It's my contention that if the Police had gotten there five minutes earlier that Trayvon Martin would have been arrested for assault and battery. How could he NOT have been?

So if Zimmerman was the obvious victim BEFORE he pulled his gun and shot Martin...then how does he lose that victim status simply for defending himself?

As for how I think the trial would have come out if GZ's testimony wasn't introduced by the Prosecution? The same...

It would have been the same result if the Defense hadn't called a witness. That's how weak of a case was brought by the Prosecution. Prosecution witness after Prosecution witness introduced probable doubt upon probable doubt. I've never actually seen a judge dismiss a case after the Prosecution rested but it could have EASILY been done in this case if it wasn't for the political ramifications.
Nobody represents dead people. For one thing, dead people are not charged with criminal behavior. Only live people are.

GZ told a story that implied TM engaged in criminal behavior as it was the only way for him to avoid a criminal conviction. Imagine that. A criminal professing innocence. First time in history. We'll never know what TM's testimony would have been. A coincidence? I think not.

I did not say they represent him. I said the State, with INCREDIBLE resources represented his side. The issue was if Zimmerman killed Martin in an effort to defend himself, self defense. The jury was given the duty to determine a verdict on facts, not fantasy.

The issue originally raised was frontier justice as if Zimmerman acted in that manner. The jury found he had not, that he acted in self defense. The jury found he had. NOW many on here are acting as a Kangaroo court.

Kangaroo courts are frontier justice, those advocating such are the real rednecks

The prosecution's "INCREDIBLE resources" consisted of almost no evidence because the only reliable eye witness was dead. GZ was as tainted a witness as there is but the only one able to say what happened. And what he said is that it was TM's fault.

What would TM have said if GZ had not prevented him from testifying?

There was an incredible amount of evidence as to what happened that night...most of it captured on audio tapes. Then you've got an eyewitness to the fight itself in John Good. The truth of the matter is that there was far more evidence in this case than there is in MOST murder cases.

As for Zimmerman being "tainted"? He didn't lawyer up...he didn't refuse to answer questions...he gave multiple statements on what happened that night. When the Police tried to bluff him into a confession, saying that they had the whole thing on video, Zimmerman was relieved. THAT'S why Chris Serino said he believed Zimmerman was telling the truth.
Once GZ murdered TM, the only witness, there was very little reliable evidence. It was a simple matter to put together a story that didn't contradict the skimpy evidence and that put the blame on TM. Especially for people like you who were desperate to exonerate GZ.
Once GZ murdered TM, the only witness, there was very little reliable evidence. It was a simple matter to put together a story that didn't contradict the skimpy evidence and that put the blame on TM. Especially for people like you who were desperate to exonerate GZ.

Or, try to make up a story about a conspiracy so those that wanted to make this a gun control case don't end up with egg on their face

That's what this is all about

Had Zimmerman picked up a rock and bashed his assailants head in none of this would have ever made national news
Murder is murder. How is a moot point. Once GZ eliminated the only witness, it was his show. He simply had to make up a story that allowed him to be the victim that wasn't contradicted by the sparce evidence. Child's play.
Murder is murder. How is a moot point. Once GZ eliminated the only witness, it was his show. He simply had to make up a story that allowed him to be the victim that wasn't contradicted by the sparce evidence. Child's play.

I guess he made-up all the evidence that clearly showed self defense too. You're an idiot who sees what he wants to see. If GZ wanted to murder TM, he certainly never would have called the police in the first place.
Murder is murder. How is a moot point. Once GZ eliminated the only witness, it was his show. He simply had to make up a story that allowed him to be the victim that wasn't contradicted by the sparce evidence. Child's play.

I guess he made-up all the evidence that clearly showed self defense too. You're an idiot who sees what he wants to see. If GZ wanted to murder TM, he certainly never would have called the police in the first place.

He had already announced to the police that he intended to right old wrongs. The police knew the probable outcome from the get go. No surprises. It was only a black guy though so the Sanford police didn't get too excited.
Murder is murder. How is a moot point. Once GZ eliminated the only witness, it was his show. He simply had to make up a story that allowed him to be the victim that wasn't contradicted by the sparce evidence. Child's play.

I guess he made-up all the evidence that clearly showed self defense too. You're an idiot who sees what he wants to see. If GZ wanted to murder TM, he certainly never would have called the police in the first place.

He had already announced to the police that he intended to right old wrongs. The police knew the probable outcome from the get go. No surprises. It was only a black guy though so the Sanford police didn't get too excited.

You're in your own world, dude. You have zero proof and you're just recklessly pretending that GZ is a murderer. The reality is that TM attacked GZ and the evidence shows it. But, I guess a racist like yourself wants to give the benefit of the doubt to the gang member, with a criminal pattern over the community volunteer, who has been talked up by virtually dozens of people who knew him.
I guess he made-up all the evidence that clearly showed self defense too. You're an idiot who sees what he wants to see. If GZ wanted to murder TM, he certainly never would have called the police in the first place.

He had already announced to the police that he intended to right old wrongs. The police knew the probable outcome from the get go. No surprises. It was only a black guy though so the Sanford police didn't get too excited.

You're in your own world, dude. You have zero proof and you're just recklessly pretending that GZ is a murderer. The reality is that TM attacked GZ and the evidence shows it. But, I guess a racist like yourself wants to give the benefit of the doubt to the gang member, with a criminal pattern over the community volunteer, who has been talked up by virtually dozens of people who knew him.

What GZ wanted the court to believe is the same as what you want to believe. Why? It excuses racism.

What you don't want to know is how much of the country sees this as it is. The simple murder of a black teenager because he was a black teenager. And the perp, because he murdered the only witness, got away with murder.

Shit happens.
So who actually attacked whom? I heard it was Tray who attacked Zimm, in which case he deserved a bullet.
Murder is murder. How is a moot point. Once GZ eliminated the only witness, it was his show. He simply had to make up a story that allowed him to be the victim that wasn't contradicted by the sparce evidence. Child's play.

You do not determine murder, only a jury does, the jury said it was not. By saying it is, you flame the fire. Are you trying to incite an action by an individual against another?

You keep bringing up this conspiracy between Zimmerman and the Police and you want to be taken seriously? Have you brought your evidence of this to the Florida State Patrol or the FBI?

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