The AIDS virus was created?

Was Dr 666 Fauci at the helm then?

Then everything is possible, absolutely everything.

I heard that Fauci also helped develop the Black Plague in his secret laboratory in the basement of a monastery.

That was back in the 1300's, but he doesn't look a day over 700 years old. It must be sorcery.


Via Children’s Health Defense
During the AIDS epidemic in the 1980s, Dr. Anthony Fauci discouraged and prevented inexpensive treatments for AIDS and focused exclusively on AZT. He’s doing the same thing today with COVID, focusing on highly profitable vaccines and ignoring potentially safe and effective treatments.
In a new video on The Hill’s “Rising,” political commentator Kim Iversen analyzes Dr. Anthony Fauci’s support for azidothymidine (AZT) to treat HIV/AIDS.

In a new video on The Hill’s “Rising,” political commentator Kim Iversen analyzes Dr. Anthony Fauci’s support for azidothymidine (AZT) to treat HIV/AIDS and compares it to his current support for COVID mRNA vaccines.
Fauci, named head of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases in 1984, sparked panic among Americans in the 1980s when he wrote in a medical journal that AIDS could be transmitted not only through sexual contact and sharing needles, but also through “ordinary close contact” with the infected.

Iversen says Fauci’s remarks followed the discovery of an infant diagnosed with AIDS — a case we would later learn was caused when the child passed through the womb of an infected mother.
But the damage was already done, said Iversen:
“Public panic had intensified and people were fearing they could get aids from sharing a toilet seat or even from shaking hands. People living with AIDS were being alienated and ostracized from their jobs, homes, communities, and gay men, in particular, were heavily stigmatized.”
Meanwhile, Fauci and his team of scientists at the National Institutes of Health (NIH) went full speed ahead on developing a vaccine for AIDS. However, despite promises from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services that it would roll out an AIDS/HIV vaccine, Iversen says that never happened.
Realizing the potential to earn big profits, Iversen says pharmaceutical companies soon began developing treatments for AIDS.
The British drug company, Burroughs Wellcome & Co., said its failed cancer drug AZT could be used to treat AIDS.
Few studies were done, said Iversen, and the long-term side effects were unknown. But in March 1987, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration approved AZT, claiming the benefits outweighed the risks.
Celia Farber, who in 1989 reported on the approval of AZT and its potential health risks, wrote at the time:
“The majority of those in the AIDS-afflicted and medical communities held the drug up as the first breakthrough on AIDS. For better or worse, AZT had been approved faster than any drug in FDA history, and activists considered it a victory. The price paid for the victory, however, was that almost all government drug trials, from then on, focused on AZT — while over 100 other promising drugs were left uninvestigated.”
The drug was “one of the most toxic, expensive and controversial drugs in the history of medicine,” Farber wrote.
In 1989, Iversen said Fauci started promoting the drug not only for critically ill AIDS patients, but for anyone who tested positive for HIV, including those who were asymptomatic and showed no sign of the disease.
“Those patients included hospital workers, pregnant women and even children,” said Iversen. “Doctors were stunned.”
Despite limited data, the NIH went all in on AZT, ignoring evidence that the drug was toxic, caused liver damage and destroyed white blood cells, Iversen said.
“The drug continued to be used for years,” she explained.
As Children’s Health Defense Chairman Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. notes in his upcoming book, “The Real Anthony Fauci,” Fauci sabotaged safe and effective off-patent therapeutic treatments for AIDS while promoting deadly chemotherapy drugs that almost certainly caused more deaths than HIV.
what do you mean by that?
Protease Inhibitors are a class of drugs introduced n the 1990's to fight the AIDS virus.

They were basically a God send for HIV/AIDS patients.

They were actually so good they permitted them to return to bareback stabbin with abandon.

However, most sadly they permitted Africans to continue to fuck anything that walked with abandon.

This resulted in a labor boom...many of which are now flooding in to the west.

So...yeah...fucking protease inhibitors....
i respectfully disagree.
Let me make one thing perfectly clear once again. If you as a man put your dick, in another man's anus, then you a flirting with all types of diseases.

Queer's argument - But men will put their dick in a woman's anus. And yes if you do that, you can get all types of disease.

If you play in shit, then you get what you deserve.

The odor of feces may be increased when various pathologies are present, including:
  • Celiac disease
  • Crohn's disease
  • Ulcerative colitis
  • Chronic pancreatitis
  • Cystic fibrosis
  • Intestinal infection, e.g. Clostridium difficile infection.
  • Malabsorption
  • Short bowel syndrome

More ...

Human feces - Wikipedia
According to Nostradamus, in Conversations With Nostradamus by Dolores Cannon, The Cabal financed the creation of the AIDS virus and there exists a secret group of evil scientists that work for The Cabal.

No, I think the origin of AIDS has been settled. When Africans fuck monkeys, weird shit's bound to happen.

Makes you wonder how the hell those Chinese had sex with those bats, though. I know their dicks are small, but damn.
According to Nostradamus, in Conversations With Nostradamus by Dolores Cannon, The Cabal financed the creation of the AIDS virus and there exists a secret group of evil scientists that work for The Cabal.

Don't spoil you own started as a perfectly fine thread.

Now you killed it, IMO


Via Children’s Health Defense
During the AIDS epidemic in the 1980s, Dr. Anthony Fauci discouraged and prevented inexpensive treatments for AIDS and focused exclusively on AZT. He’s doing the same thing today with COVID, focusing on highly profitable vaccines and ignoring potentially safe and effective treatments.
In a new video on The Hill’s “Rising,” political commentator Kim Iversen analyzes Dr. Anthony Fauci’s support for azidothymidine (AZT) to treat HIV/AIDS.

In a new video on The Hill’s “Rising,” political commentator Kim Iversen analyzes Dr. Anthony Fauci’s support for azidothymidine (AZT) to treat HIV/AIDS and compares it to his current support for COVID mRNA vaccines.
Fauci, named head of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases in 1984, sparked panic among Americans in the 1980s when he wrote in a medical journal that AIDS could be transmitted not only through sexual contact and sharing needles, but also through “ordinary close contact” with the infected.

Iversen says Fauci’s remarks followed the discovery of an infant diagnosed with AIDS — a case we would later learn was caused when the child passed through the womb of an infected mother.
But the damage was already done, said Iversen:
“Public panic had intensified and people were fearing they could get aids from sharing a toilet seat or even from shaking hands. People living with AIDS were being alienated and ostracized from their jobs, homes, communities, and gay men, in particular, were heavily stigmatized.”
Meanwhile, Fauci and his team of scientists at the National Institutes of Health (NIH) went full speed ahead on developing a vaccine for AIDS. However, despite promises from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services that it would roll out an AIDS/HIV vaccine, Iversen says that never happened.
Realizing the potential to earn big profits, Iversen says pharmaceutical companies soon began developing treatments for AIDS.
The British drug company, Burroughs Wellcome & Co., said its failed cancer drug AZT could be used to treat AIDS.
Few studies were done, said Iversen, and the long-term side effects were unknown. But in March 1987, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration approved AZT, claiming the benefits outweighed the risks.
Celia Farber, who in 1989 reported on the approval of AZT and its potential health risks, wrote at the time:
“The majority of those in the AIDS-afflicted and medical communities held the drug up as the first breakthrough on AIDS. For better or worse, AZT had been approved faster than any drug in FDA history, and activists considered it a victory. The price paid for the victory, however, was that almost all government drug trials, from then on, focused on AZT — while over 100 other promising drugs were left uninvestigated.”
The drug was “one of the most toxic, expensive and controversial drugs in the history of medicine,” Farber wrote.
In 1989, Iversen said Fauci started promoting the drug not only for critically ill AIDS patients, but for anyone who tested positive for HIV, including those who were asymptomatic and showed no sign of the disease.
“Those patients included hospital workers, pregnant women and even children,” said Iversen. “Doctors were stunned.”
Despite limited data, the NIH went all in on AZT, ignoring evidence that the drug was toxic, caused liver damage and destroyed white blood cells, Iversen said.
“The drug continued to be used for years,” she explained.
As Children’s Health Defense Chairman Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. notes in his upcoming book, “The Real Anthony Fauci,” Fauci sabotaged safe and effective off-patent therapeutic treatments for AIDS while promoting deadly chemotherapy drugs that almost certainly caused more deaths than HIV.
Thank you very much for that information! It is horrendous!
Protease Inhibitors are a class of drugs introduced n the 1990's to fight the AIDS virus.

They were basically a God send for HIV/AIDS patients.

They were actually so good they permitted them to return to bareback stabbin with abandon.

However, most sadly they permitted Africans to continue to fuck anything that walked with abandon.

This resulted in a labor boom...many of which are now flooding in to the west.

So...yeah...fucking protease inhibitors....
thank you very much for the explanation!
According to CNN, the AIDS virus was first detected in five gay people in Los Angeles, California on June 5, 1981. 733,000 people died of AIDS in the United States and 32 million people died of AIDS worldwide. According to Nostradamus, in Conversations With Nostradamus by Dolores Cannon, the AIDS virus was created. The new AIDS virus was injected into gay people who volunteered to test the Hepatitus vaccine.
They are wrong---no surprise CNN is always wrong. AIDS actually has been known to have been around since the early 1900's--I seem to recall 1930's or 1940's they had taken blood samples of a man who died of unknown virus then which was aids and saved what was needed to confirm that his death was aids later on as scientist sought to research any trace of aids (earliest recorded.) They think or thought in the 90's(no telling what the globalists and their propaganda CNN are trying to rewrite)...that Aids has probably lived in primates for centuries but due to not much travel due to lack of modern roads and that needle druggy usage (not to mention WHO using REUSING contaminated needles in Africa) or the wide spread whoring gay and straight --that when there was an outbreak that it was limited to one or just a few close villages and just a few people limiting its spread.

The 1980's outbreak was traced to a group of idiot teenagers/young men who ran across a dead or dying infected primate---either eating it near raw or having sex with it if you want to get more specific. HIV dies quickly with any doesn't live on surfaces once it dries....
It was diagnosed as something else before it was called 'AIDS', karposi carcinoma or something. Faggots of course, being faggots, couldn't spread it around fast enough, such is their love for each other and humanity in general. They invented the ridiculous lie that it was because they couldn't get married legally n stuff that caused the epidemic, a laughably stupid claim that sold well to all the dopers and other deviants in the 80's. The compromised immune systems led to rare cancers and others normal people wouldn't catch. The faggots and their bathouses and other disgusting public behavior and 'lifestyle choices' were the cause of its spread.
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According to CNN, the AIDS virus was first detected in five gay people in Los Angeles, California on June 5, 1981. 733,000 people died of AIDS in the United States and 32 million people died of AIDS worldwide. According to Nostradamus, in Conversations With Nostradamus by Dolores Cannon, the AIDS virus was created. The new AIDS virus was injected into gay people who volunteered to test the Hepatitus vaccine.
As conspiracy theories go this one has a lot more credibility than any of the Covid ones do. The HIV/AIDS virus is a retrovirus, and has two other genetic properties that would indicate it was manipulated by man. The high incidence of AIDS in South Africa among the black population, plus the fact that white South Africans were panicking that there would be a genocide when apartheid fell apart would be a good reason to develop a bio-weapon that affects the black population significantly greater than it does the white population. If there was a US Marine contingent somehow consigned to guard the biological weapons plant in the Northeast part of the country, they could have easily got their hands on the material when apartheid collapsed. I was in the Air Force at the time at Offutt Air Force Base ( Strategic Air Command ). I was just a medic, but we shared barracks with those who worked in Strategic Air Command, I became friends with some of them. I remember having a conversation they were wondering what a marine contingent was doing in South Africa. That wasn't 1971 1972 can't remember exactly when it's been a while. Just in time for a sitting president to express fake concern for gay men and offering them a vaccine against hepatitis which was in reality the virus. I remember several people who got the vaccination saying it was unusual that it was so warm. The AIDS virus only lives in a certain temperature range. Outside the body it dies in seconds, minutes. Kudos to hatred, if a president of the United States could pull that off.
According to CNN, the AIDS virus was first detected in five gay people in Los Angeles, California on June 5, 1981. 733,000 people died of AIDS in the United States and 32 million people died of AIDS worldwide. According to Nostradamus, in Conversations With Nostradamus by Dolores Cannon, the AIDS virus was created. The new AIDS virus was injected into gay people who volunteered to test the Hepatitus vaccine.
They are wrong---no surprise CNN is always wrong. AIDS actually has been known to have been around since the early 1900's--I seem to recall 1930's or 1940's they had taken blood samples of a man who died of unknown virus then which was aids and saved what was needed to confirm that his death was aids later on as scientist sought to research any trace of aids (earliest recorded.) They think or thought in the 90's(no telling what the globalists and their propaganda CNN are trying to rewrite)...that Aids has probably lived in primates for centuries but due to not much travel due to lack of modern roads and that needle druggy usage (not to mention WHO using REUSING contaminated needles in Africa) or the wide spread whoring gay and straight --that when there was an outbreak that it was limited to one or just a few close villages and just a few people limiting its spread.

The 1980's outbreak was traced to a group of idiot teenagers/young men who ran across a dead or dying infected primate---either eating it near raw or having sex with it if you want to get more specific. HIV dies quickly with any doesn't live on surfaces once it dries....
i disagree. i'm just going by what the accepted version of the origin of AIDS is.
They are wrong---no surprise CNN is always wrong. AIDS actually has been known to have been around since the early 1900's--I seem to recall 1930's or 1940's they had taken blood samples of a man who died of unknown virus then which was aids and saved what was needed to confirm that his death was aids later on as scientist sought to research any trace of aids (earliest recorded.) They think or thought in the 90's(no telling what the globalists and their propaganda CNN are trying to rewrite)...that Aids has probably lived in primates for centuries but due to not much travel due to lack of modern roads and that needle druggy usage (not to mention WHO using REUSING contaminated needles in Africa) or the wide spread whoring gay and straight --that when there was an outbreak that it was limited to one or just a few close villages and just a few people limiting its spread.

The 1980's outbreak was traced to a group of idiot teenagers/young men who ran across a dead or dying infected primate---either eating it near raw or having sex with it if you want to get more specific. HIV dies quickly with any doesn't live on surfaces once it dries....
Coincidentally, the virus showed up first in the four cities where gay men were given the hepatitis vaccine.

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