The Alawite Regime Agents In Public Cages!

The peace will return in the region if the Nazi khazars will return to their homes in Europe and Russia.

People in the Western world will breathe a sigh of relief when extremist Sunni Muslims pack up their bags and go back to the countries from which they originated and where they truly belong. Does anyone actually think that Freeman, an immigrant from some third world country, was taught in his madrassa about the "Khazars?" Of course not, but those NeoNazi/Islamorfascist hate sites sure come in handy for Muslims like he is.

Say,I wonder if Freeman would be all for the idea if his fellow Muslims give back the land of the Chaldens, the Assyrians, the Persians, etc. After all, these were the people who were there way before Islam popped up and now these people can't even practice their religion in peace. Freeman, years ago I went to see the exhibit of the Icons of the Holy Land. The most common comment among the viewers was "I don't see any Arabs in these Icons." Naturally they didn't since your people hadn't invaded yet.

History of Jihad against the Egyptian Coptic Christians (640)

Sally standard islamo Nazi propaganda is taught in muslim schools as if
the stuff is more sacred than the koran. I read it as a child----and as a young
adult HEARD IT QUOTED CHAPTER AND VERSE by young doctors educated
the MUSLIM way-----in countries like Pakistan and even Kenya
Why not after all they are still muslims, and we know how Russians view all muslims
Why not after all they are still muslims, and we know how Russians view all muslims

Phoen-----there are lots and lots and LOTS of hatreds that brew thruout the lands
represented by the AXIS countries-------Iran, Syria, China, Russia, Turkey,
Iraq, Pakistan. Real, intense, and deep. The very idea of IRANIAN imperialism
fascinates me-------Iranians hate everyone based on just about any feature of the
"other" from language to skin color to cuisine to patterns of music and
dance. Most of all they hate arabs. Strange bedfellows is nothing new-----
Italians actually did not like germans, and the Japanese despise--------anything
not Japanese. I have a theory about world war II-------the allies won because
they did not hate EACH OTHER as much as the Axis guys did
And, some think that minorities will survive if the terrorists win. Thank goodness the Russians are bombing the crap out of the Islamists.

^^^^^^ the above is an endorsement of Arabian Nazism-----the filth of NAZISM-----
the claim of the Baathist pigs and dogs should be checked against the opinions of chistians who lived under the filth and stink of baathism-----copts in Egypt who survived Nasser and chaldeans from Iraq who survived BAATHIST PIG saddam Hussein Al husseini ----the grand mufti of baby throat slitting was also a "Baathist"

And the palestinians expelled by zionazis from their land?

And we are still waiting to see the evidence that it was their land in the first place. All we have is conjecture and misunderstood LoN treaties to prove nothing. Not that long ago you and your ilk were screeching at the Jews " go back to where you belong in Palestine". Now you are screeching " go back to where you belong in ...................... " Such a pity that 90% of all the Jews came from the M.E isn't it.
And, some think that minorities will survive if the terrorists win. Thank goodness the Russians are bombing the crap out of the Islamists.

^^^^^^ the above is an endorsement of Arabian Nazism-----the filth of NAZISM-----
the claim of the Baathist pigs and dogs should be checked against the opinions of chistians who lived under the filth and stink of baathism-----copts in Egypt who survived Nasser and chaldeans from Iraq who survived BAATHIST PIG saddam Hussein Al husseini ----the grand mufti of baby throat slitting was also a "Baathist"

And the palestinians expelled by zionazis from their land?

And we are still waiting to see the evidence that it was their land in the first place. All we have is conjecture and misunderstood LoN treaties to prove nothing. Not that long ago you and your ilk were screeching at the Jews " go back to where you belong in Palestine". Now you are screeching " go back to where you belong in ...................... " Such a pity that 90% of all the Jews came from the M.E isn't it.

somehow-----arab/muslim populations are growing in the land of Israel and
those they supervise-----Christian populations are growing in Israel proper
but getting wacked out of existence in lands with a plethora of arab muslims----
not just gaza and the west bank-----but in the glorious centers of baathism
like Egypt and Syria and Iraq -----and are either wiped out completely or almost ----
in those lands invaded by Hezbollah. eg Lebanon, Yemen, Iraq Tell us again
about those endangered minorities, Monte
And, some think that minorities will survive if the terrorists win. Thank goodness the Russians are bombing the crap out of the Islamists.

^^^^^^ the above is an endorsement of Arabian Nazism-----the filth of NAZISM-----
the claim of the Baathist pigs and dogs should be checked against the opinions of chistians who lived under the filth and stink of baathism-----copts in Egypt who survived Nasser and chaldeans from Iraq who survived BAATHIST PIG saddam Hussein Al husseini ----the grand mufti of baby throat slitting was also a "Baathist"

And the palestinians expelled by zionazis from their land?

And we are still waiting to see the evidence that it was their land in the first place. All we have is conjecture and misunderstood LoN treaties to prove nothing. Not that long ago you and your ilk were screeching at the Jews " go back to where you belong in Palestine". Now you are screeching " go back to where you belong in ...................... " Such a pity that 90% of all the Jews came from the M.E isn't it.

Palestinians (Canaanites) lived more than 15 centuries in the land before israelites who lived about 2 centuries in the land.

Do you want that amerindians kick you off from USA?
The land you call 'palestine' what not named "Palestine" until about 1800
year ago and it is a greek word. It was a province of the Roman empire-----the
eligible "citizens" were considered romans. The only extant culture of the land mass called canaan four thousand years ago are jews. The only extant language
which developed in that land is hebrew
The land you call 'palestine' what not named "Palestine" until about 1800
year ago and it is a greek word. It was a province of the Roman empire-----the
eligible "citizens" were considered romans. The only extant culture of the land mass called canaan four thousand years ago are jews. The only extant language
which developed in that land is hebrew
Sharing the Land of Canaan - Palestinian History
Terrorists. They are fucking terrorists. Go Syria, smash those terrorist scum! God, Syria and Bashar and only Bashar!

So you are alawite slave!

The land you call 'palestine' what not named "Palestine" until about 1800
year ago and it is a greek word. It was a province of the Roman empire-----the
eligible "citizens" were considered romans. The only extant culture of the land mass called canaan four thousand years ago are jews. The only extant language
which developed in that land is hebrew
Sharing the Land of Canaan - Palestinian History

your islamo Nazi citation is chock full of historical revisionism and inaccuracies
andblatant lies.
In fact----in terms of the filth of islam------it would have to be called
BLASPHEMY ---a capital crime since it contradicts the filthy koran.
PS-----Arabic is not a dialect of Aramaic.
Terrorists. They are fucking terrorists. Go Syria, smash those terrorist scum! God, Syria and Bashar and only Bashar!

bashar the Baathist pig used NITROGEN MUSTARD GAS

I don´t think so.

since world war I the only slobs to use nitrogen mustard gas or STORE
it have been Baathist pigs. I would not put it past-----their doppleganger
caliphatists like ISIS or AL QAEDA

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