The Alpha RINO falls to 6th place


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Mar 23, 2013

In the Pew Research Center survey released Friday, 4 percent of likely GOP primary voters pick the former Florida governor as their first choice for the nomination; 25 percent select Trump, 16 percent choose retired pediatric neurosurgeon Ben Carson, Carly Fiorina and Florida Sen. Marco Rubio tie with 8 percent, and 6 percent name Texas Sen. Ted Cruz.
Pew: Jeb Now Polling at 4 Percent, Collapses Behind Rubio

There is hope for the empire!! The RINOs are making no headway.

I think Fiorina's surge will be pissed away once it's better circulated that she left her senate campaign staff hanging for 6 years before paying their salaries while making sure she was paid first. If she can't explain that egregious act she's in the pits with the 3 RINOs IMO.

I like Carson, he is a good man. An accomplished man of great character and integrity. I don't see him as president though. He definitely should be the man to spearhead medical reform though. It's a 6th of the economy and no small task. I think he could do it and that statues of him should be built after he accomplishes it. I will still gladly vote for him if he makes the nod.

Rubio is milquetoast. Trying too hard not to be extreme. Trying too hard to appease the "moderates" and I don't think he's going to stay in the top tier. If I'm wrong I would still support him as the GOP nominee.

Trump...What can I say? He is the Ultimate RINO, not the herd RINO. I still can't believe he hit%30 at one point and has rebounded from what looked like a peak. His tax plan is palatable but not a conservative flat tax that I would prefer. His ideas about "universal HC" still need to be addressed but I am not inclined to promote the idea out of principle. If he can draw up a plan that keeps it an efficient tiered system I might be inclined to support it, but I have serious reservations about the entire concept and it would take several threads to hammer it out. I do like his border policy and immigration stance and that he calls assholes assholes, and when pussies piss and moan about it he shoves tampons in their faces. We need a guy who tells stupid people to shut the fuck up. I'll support him if he stays on top.

Ted Cruz is my man. He is a man of principle. He stands by his core beliefs, makes them plain to see and does not apologize or back down. He is willing to be demonized and condemned but refuses to compromise on what he and I myself know is right. I listen to the guy wax eloquently about his dedication to the constitution and how that document changed the course of human history. He is a true believer and a demagogue. He was the first to announce, and has not faltered from his position in the top tier. He is the one candidate that I will contribute to at this point. Most of his contributions come from people like me, and I'm also proud of that.

Did I mention how delighted I am that the RINO's aren't even relevant?

Rubio is milquetoast. Trying too hard not to be extreme. Trying too hard to appease the "moderates" and I don't think he's going to stay in the top tier. If I'm wrong I would still support him as the GOP nominee...

...Ted Cruz is my man. He is a man of principle. He stands by his core beliefs, makes them plain to see and does not apologize or back down. He is willing to be demonized and condemned but refuses to compromise on what he and I myself know is right.

While I don't agree with some of your conclusions you do make an important point that I believe extends to many people ... that despite their current preference they could support Rubio as the standard bearer.
Teamed with either Carson or Fiorina in the gen election he could win Florida while retaining an energized Repub base and grabbing some of the Dem's minority, female and youth support.

Did I mention how delighted I am that the RINO's aren't even relevant?

Where you just as delighted when the same thing occurred during the 2012 primaries, one which the "RINO" (Romney) eventually won? Keep in mind it's all about money, connections and staying power and Bush has all those things in abundance. Personally I'd be happy to see the GOP nominate someone that doesn't exist exclusively in the orbit of the Washington power brokers but I don't think it's likely.

So I expect another redo of 2012 (which was a redo of 2008, which was a redo of 2000, which was a redo of 1996..... ) to whit, Jeb wins the nomination because that's what the GOP power brokers want.
Reagan would be considered a RINO. And he's the republican God .
While I don't agree with some of your conclusions you do make an important point that I believe extends to many people ... that despite their current preference they could support Rubio as the standard bearer.
Teamed with either Carson or Fiorina in the gen election he could win Florida while retaining an energized Repub base and grabbing some of the Dem's minority, female and youth support.

I don't want to sound condescending but what I have to say most likely will be perceived that way.

You are speaking in terms pundits and bullshit artists like Karl Rove do.

I do not subscribe to the thinking that in order to win the votes of split tails you need a woman candidate. In order to win Florida you need a spik or someone from there. In order to win blacks you need a black or someone who can bullshit them. In order to win over No Child Left Behind you need someone who can "reach out to the youth".

That's all bullshit IMO.

We need a candidate who can inspire Americans to believe in each other again. Someone who doesn't compartmentalize people in groups and categories in order to placate them or divide them. Someone who can convince them that through freedom alone success can be achieved. We all have different opinions and ambitions that transcend every category political "scientists" like to divide us by.

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Where you just as delighted when the same thing occurred during the 2012 primaries, one which the "RINO" (Romney) eventually won? Keep in mind it's all about money, connections and staying power and Bush has all those things in abundance. Personally I'd be happy to see the GOP nominate someone that doesn't exist exclusively in the orbit of the Washington power brokers but I don't think it's likely.

So I expect another redo of 2012 (which was a redo of 2008, which was a redo of 2000, which was a redo of 1996..... ) to whit, Jeb wins the nomination because that's what the GOP power brokers want.

I guess I'm more optimistic?

I would argue that Romney was never "irrelevant", he was the embodiment of the establishment. There was no Bush, Crispy or Cracker or wild card in play. Currently all of the establishment candidates are below the esteem Romney had at his lowest point.

It can be more than an election about money, connections and bullshit skills. I think the "people on top of the hill" can sense the discontent of the masses. If I'm wrong and they force a RINO down the chute I'll maybe vote for Sanders or write in Mickey Mouse. I will never again fill in a circle for a RINO.

I think the power brokers know a lot of people are expressing the same sentiment.

What's a Rino ? It's a republican centerist . Why is that a bad thing to be ??

That's just the type of Guy who can win a general election.

Romney WAS a centrist but moved from that in the election . That's why he got creamed .

In the Pew Research Center survey released Friday, 4 percent of likely GOP primary voters pick the former Florida governor as their first choice for the nomination; 25 percent select Trump, 16 percent choose retired pediatric neurosurgeon Ben Carson, Carly Fiorina and Florida Sen. Marco Rubio tie with 8 percent, and 6 percent name Texas Sen. Ted Cruz.
Pew: Jeb Now Polling at 4 Percent, Collapses Behind Rubio

There is hope for the empire!! The RINOs are making no headway.

I think Fiorina's surge will be pissed away once it's better circulated that she left her senate campaign staff hanging for 6 years before paying their salaries while making sure she was paid first. If she can't explain that egregious act she's in the pits with the 3 RINOs IMO.

I like Carson, he is a good man. An accomplished man of great character and integrity. I don't see him as president though. He definitely should be the man to spearhead medical reform though. It's a 6th of the economy and no small task. I think he could do it and that statues of him should be built after he accomplishes it. I will still gladly vote for him if he makes the nod.

Rubio is milquetoast. Trying too hard not to be extreme. Trying too hard to appease the "moderates" and I don't think he's going to stay in the top tier. If I'm wrong I would still support him as the GOP nominee.

Trump...What can I say? He is the Ultimate RINO, not the herd RINO. I still can't believe he hit%30 at one point and has rebounded from what looked like a peak. His tax plan is palatable but not a conservative flat tax that I would prefer. His ideas about "universal HC" still need to be addressed but I am not inclined to promote the idea out of principle. If he can draw up a plan that keeps it an efficient tiered system I might be inclined to support it, but I have serious reservations about the entire concept and it would take several threads to hammer it out. I do like his border policy and immigration stance and that he calls assholes assholes, and when pussies piss and moan about it he shoves tampons in their faces. We need a guy who tells stupid people to shut the fuck up. I'll support him if he stays on top.

Ted Cruz is my man. He is a man of principle. He stands by his core beliefs, makes them plain to see and does not apologize or back down. He is willing to be demonized and condemned but refuses to compromise on what he and I myself know is right. I listen to the guy wax eloquently about his dedication to the constitution and how that document changed the course of human history. He is a true believer and a demagogue. He was the first to announce, and has not faltered from his position in the top tier. He is the one candidate that I will contribute to at this point. Most of his contributions come from people like me, and I'm also proud of that.

Did I mention how delighted I am that the RINO's aren't even relevant?

If he gets the nomination, I will simply write in Donald Trump or Ben Carson.
Rubio is milquetoast. Trying too hard not to be extreme. Trying too hard to appease the "moderates" and I don't think he's going to stay in the top tier. If I'm wrong I would still support him as the GOP nominee...

...Ted Cruz is my man. He is a man of principle. He stands by his core beliefs, makes them plain to see and does not apologize or back down. He is willing to be demonized and condemned but refuses to compromise on what he and I myself know is right.

While I don't agree with some of your conclusions you do make an important point that I believe extends to many people ... that despite their current preference they could support Rubio as the standard bearer.
Teamed with either Carson or Fiorina in the gen election he could win Florida while retaining an energized Repub base and grabbing some of the Dem's minority, female and youth support.
I gotta tell ya something. Jeb's not too well liked in Florida.
Taxes increased dramatically during his tenure. Also, whether it was Bush's doing or not is immaterial, but he was in office during the worst loss in home values in the history of the state. There were retirees left with massive debt when their second home lost 50% of its value. Again, may not have been Jeb Bush's fault, but as we know, when bad stuff happens we look for some one to blame.
What's a Rino ? It's a republican centerist . Why is that a bad thing to be ??

That's just the type of Guy who can win a general election.

Romney WAS a centrist but moved from that in the election . That's why he got creamed .
Its a republican that ran their campaign on conservative principles and subsequently abandoned them once in office. In other words. A FRAUD.
Where you just as delighted when the same thing occurred during the 2012 primaries, one which the "RINO" (Romney) eventually won? Keep in mind it's all about money, connections and staying power and Bush has all those things in abundance. Personally I'd be happy to see the GOP nominate someone that doesn't exist exclusively in the orbit of the Washington power brokers but I don't think it's likely.

So I expect another redo of 2012 (which was a redo of 2008, which was a redo of 2000, which was a redo of 1996..... ) to whit, Jeb wins the nomination because that's what the GOP power brokers want.

I guess I'm more optimistic?

I would argue that Romney was never "irrelevant", he was the embodiment of the establishment. There was no Bush, Crispy or Cracker or wild card in play. Currently all of the establishment candidates are below the esteem Romney had at his lowest point.

It can be more than an election about money, connections and bullshit skills. I think the "people on top of the hill" can sense the discontent of the masses. If I'm wrong and they force a RINO down the chute I'll maybe vote for Sanders or write in Mickey Mouse. I will never again fill in a circle for a RINO.

I think the power brokers know a lot of people are expressing the same sentiment.

Optimism is great, however I hope for your sake it doesn't lead to disappointment, as far as your "will never again fill in a circle for a RINO", that's just the same as filling in a circle for a Democrat, it's commonly referred to as voter suppression (i.e. if you can't get them to vote for you, get them so disillusioned with their party of choice they don't vote at all or vote 3rd party) and both parties do it all the time.
Optimism is great, however I hope for your sake it doesn't lead to disappointment, as far as your "will never again fill in a circle for a RINO", that's just the same as filling in a circle for a Democrat, it's commonly referred to as voter suppression (i.e. if you can't get them to vote for you, get them so disillusioned with their party of choice they don't vote at all or vote 3rd party) and both parties do it all the time.

Filling a circle for a RINO is voting for a democrook in a different shirt. I agree that the establishment uses RINOs to disillusion the proles. I've had enough of it, and I encourage like minded people to get behind Ted Cruz. He has become a pariah for a reason and he has not backed down. He is a demagogue for individual rights while the establishment offers us an orwellian existence. I will have none of it.
Optimism is great, however I hope for your sake it doesn't lead to disappointment, as far as your "will never again fill in a circle for a RINO", that's just the same as filling in a circle for a Democrat, it's commonly referred to as voter suppression (i.e. if you can't get them to vote for you, get them so disillusioned with their party of choice they don't vote at all or vote 3rd party) and both parties do it all the time.

Filling a circle for a RINO is voting for a democrook in a different shirt. I agree that the establishment uses RINOs to disillusion the proles. I've had enough of it, and I encourage like minded people to get behind Ted Cruz. He has become a pariah for a reason and he has not backed down. He is a demagogue for individual rights while the establishment offers us an orwellian existence. I will have none of it.

Yeah Ted Cruz talks a good game but I have my doubts about his intentions (what has he actually accomplished during his time in the Senate? what did he actually accomplish before that?), I get the distinct impression his candidacy is all about him and his ego...which generally leads to someone that fulfills none of his campaign promises when they get elected to the presidency. Assume politicians (and Cruz is a politician) are lying to you and/or posing 100% of the time and you'll never be disappointed.
Yeah Ted Cruz talks a good game but I have my doubts about his intentions (what has he actually accomplished during his time in the Senate? what did he actually accomplish before that?), I get the distinct impression his candidacy is all about him and his ego...which generally leads to someone that fulfills none of his campaign promises when they get elected to the presidency. Assume politicians (and Cruz is a politician) are lying to you and/or posing 100% of the time and you'll never be disappointed.

Your skepticism is healthy.

He has not accomplished anything in the senate because all of his endeavors have been designed to reduce government power and oppose incremental leftist policy.

Both parties promote increased government and leftist policy to one degree or another. The republicrats meerly want softer socialism than the democrooks.

Ted Cruz wants socialism rolled back and expelled to europe where it belongs. I want the same.

He is not an accomplished politician. To me that is a resume enhancement.

He has however successfully argued on behalf of conservative principles 9 times in the SCOTUS. He has never faltered from his principles. He does not moderate or compromise between right or wrong.

He was been compared to absolutist Barry Goldwater who lost to LBJ and the nation has regretted it since. They elected the moderturd nixon who open up china, unleashed the tyranny of the environazis with the EPA and diminished the office through corruption the moonbat messiah only got away with thanks to a sycophant media.

If the country rejects Ted Cruz over a democrook, then we deserve the resulting decline. We elected a faggot meat muppet only over straight meat muppets. This time America has a choice.

Return to the fundamentals that made this country great, or embrace the policies that killed millions of people and brought down the soviet union.

While I don't agree with some of your conclusions you do make an important point that I believe extends to many people ... that despite their current preference they could support Rubio as the standard bearer.
Teamed with either Carson or Fiorina in the gen election he could win Florida while retaining an energized Repub base and grabbing some of the Dem's minority, female and youth support.
I don't want to sound condescending but what I have to say most likely will be perceived that way.

We need a candidate who can inspire Americans to believe in each other again. Someone who doesn't compartmentalize people in groups and categories in order to placate them or divide them. Someone who can convince them that through freedom alone success can be achieved. We all have different opinions and ambitions that transcend every category political "scientists" like to divide us by.

Doesn't seem condescending to me but rather extremist as in "my way or the highway," the result of which is another 8 years of a Democrat in the White House.

It's a bit of cutting off your nose to spite your face.

...It can be more than an election about money, connections and bullshit skills. I think the "people on top of the hill" can sense the discontent of the masses. If I'm wrong and they force a RINO down the chute I'll maybe vote for Sanders or write in Mickey Mouse. I will never again fill in a circle for a RINO.

I think the power brokers know a lot of people are expressing the same sentiment.

Indeed there is much discontent on both sides of the aisle and the party that more successfully minimizes it will win the White House.

Would you rather the Dems get another 8 years because that is the only realistic option to a Repub?
Doesn't seem condescending to me but rather extremist as in "my way or the highway," the result of which is another 8 years of a Democrat in the White House.

It's a bit of cutting off your nose to spite your face.

...It can be more than an election about money, connections and bullshit skills. I think the "people on top of the hill" can sense the discontent of the masses. If I'm wrong and they force a RINO down the chute I'll maybe vote for Sanders or write in Mickey Mouse. I will never again fill in a circle for a RINO.

I think the power brokers know a lot of people are expressing the same sentiment.

Indeed there is much discontent on both sides of the aisle and the party that more successfully minimizes it will win the White House.

Would you rather the Dems get another 8 years because that is the only realistic option to a Repub?

I guess I'll have to use an analogy to explain my thinking on this.

I perceive the country to be a bus speeding towards a cliff with the moonbat messiah at the wheel. There are new drivers lined up. The democrooks will keep the peddle to the floor, there is little arguement there.

A "moderate" republicrat at best will simply let off the throttle and if need be push the bus off the cliff.

We need to turn the bus around, not "compromise" or slow it down but completely change direction. All the last 2 republicrats have done is slow down moonbat regressive policy. We need someone who will not even just stop it, but repeal it.

So if we're going to go off the cliff I say leave the peddle down and get it over with.


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