The Amazing Amnesia of whites

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Never because they didn't do it.

But when are you going to thank me for my ancestors fighting and dying to provide you whites with independence from Britain, World War 1 and saving us from Hitler and Japan?

Another white boy who can't answer the question.

Blacks were underrepresented in WW2, unlike my Polish Americans who were overrepresented.

But, FDR, and Truman just gave Poles the royal flush, by handing Stalin Poland in Yalta Conference, and Potsdam Conference.

My father and 4 uncles fought in that war. You lie a lot about your "Polish people" You polish people are white.

You are white. Understand? You dIdn't get anything but what other whites got.

I blacks were underrepresented its because of racial discrimination. But I doubt this is the case. The thing is that a lot of backs fought and they did not have equal rights in the country they were fighting for. The polish who chose to join did.
You've done a fine job of illustrating why blacks were discriminated against in the first place.

Why? Because white boys are so insecure that they can't deal with the truth?​
The truth according to who, you ?? ROTFLMBO.

No, according to documented historical fact,. supreme court decisions, and enacted government policy and programs.

...and if blacks were over represented as some ethnics groups were, you would complain about THAT being discriminatory.

Imagine if on D-Day the first wave to hit the beach were black units, suffering high casualty rates.

You fail to understand that blacks were dying in a war for a nation that did not consider them citizens, My father took a bullet for America and had to sit on the back of the bus when he came back,​

Why didn't your father moved to a Northern state, where he wouldn't have had to sit in the back of the bus?
Maybe like you, you are quick to screech, and slow to do something about it?

He lived n Ohio at that time.​

Show me a source for Ohio doing this?

were being denied those rights should have them, whites like you maggots started whining like Julio Gallo about how unfair it was and then it evolved into making up bullshit of how others are asking for extra things. r..

Are you sure the maggots aren't the ones who say the U.S.A is so racist, and injust, but stay here to cause trouble, anyways?

You complain about Whites in the past getting government handouts, but since the 1960's Blacks have disproportionately received more handouts than Whites.

Why? Because white boys are so insecure that they can't deal with the truth?​
The truth is you have the IQ of a housefly and would have stood no chance against a race with brains.

That's why I have you white boys scared to answer a question and totally avoiding the issue by making idiotic comments.​
You keep puking up your banana and re-eating it.

So, he's not just Black, he's Gay too?

Never because they didn't do it.

But when are you going to thank me for my ancestors fighting and dying to provide you whites with independence from Britain, World War 1 and saving us from Hitler and Japan?

Another white boy who can't answer the question.
Your ancestors probably sold their relatives to the Muslims in the slave trade.

We are taking abut the 189 years whites were given rights and handouts at the expense of everyone else.​
. They (the whites) were given handouts or they created the handouts to give to others ????
He's still fine tuning his racist rants. Why, is a mystery.


What racist rants? I said whites were given rights and handouts. They were.​
Why? Because white boys are so insecure that they can't deal with the truth?​
The truth is you have the IQ of a housefly and would have stood no chance against a race with brains.

That's why I have you white boys scared to answer a question and totally avoiding the issue by making idiotic comments.​
You keep puking up your banana and re-eating it.

So, he's not just Black, he's Gay too?

Never because they didn't do it.

But when are you going to thank me for my ancestors fighting and dying to provide you whites with independence from Britain, World War 1 and saving us from Hitler and Japan?

Another white boy who can't answer the question.
Your ancestors probably sold their relatives to the Muslims in the slave trade.

We are taking abut the 189 years whites were given rights and handouts at the expense of everyone else.​
. They (the whites) were given handouts or they created the handouts to give to others ????
He's still fine tuning his racist rants. Why, is a mystery.


What racist rants? I said whites were given rights and handouts. They were.​

As if Blacks haven't received hand outs since the 1960's?
The question to be answered is what do you call the years from 1776 until 1965 if it wasn't whites being given rights and handouts on the backs of others.
Repeating stupidity doesn't make it appear smart. If you can't stand US history put your feet where your mouth is and move to Africa. Their history is wonderful I hear.
...and if blacks were over represented as some ethnics groups were, you would complain about THAT being discriminatory.

Imagine if on D-Day the first wave to hit the beach were black units, suffering high casualty rates.

You fail to understand that blacks were dying in a war for a nation that did not consider them citizens, My father took a bullet for America and had to sit on the back of the bus when he came back,​

Why didn't your father moved to a Northern state, where he wouldn't have had to sit in the back of the bus?
Maybe like you, you are quick to screech, and slow to do something about it?

He lived n Ohio at that time.​

Show me a source for Ohio doing this?
A bunch of white crybabies who think hey are entitled to be given everything because of their race

LOLz, so Whites didn't have to work hard, they just had everything handed to them?
Wow, what convoluted logic.
If that's true, what about Black welfare recipients?

You fail to understand that blacks were dying in a war for a nation that did not consider them citizens, My father took a bullet for America and had to sit on the back of the bus when he came back,​

Why didn't your father moved to a Northern state, where he wouldn't have had to sit in the back of the bus?
Maybe like you, you are quick to screech, and slow to do something about it?

He lived n Ohio at that time.​

Show me a source for Ohio doing this?

were being denied those rights should have them, whites like you maggots started whining like Julio Gallo about how unfair it was and then it evolved into making up bullshit of how others are asking for extra things. r..

Are you sure the maggots aren't the ones who say the U.S.A is so racist, and injust, but stay here to cause trouble, anyways?

You complain about Whites in the past getting government handouts, but since the 1960's Blacks have disproportionately received more handouts than Whites.

You have no evidence supporting your last line.

The maggots are those like you. You and those like you are the trouble here, not the people of every race trying to .rid this nation of the poison you guys preach.

You fail to understand that blacks were dying in a war for a nation that did not consider them citizens, My father took a bullet for America and had to sit on the back of the bus when he came back,​

Why didn't your father moved to a Northern state, where he wouldn't have had to sit in the back of the bus?
Maybe like you, you are quick to screech, and slow to do something about it?

He lived n Ohio at that time.​

Show me a source for Ohio doing this?
A bunch of white crybabies who think hey are entitled to be given everything because of their race

LOLz, so Whites didn't have to work hard, they just had everything handed to them?
Wow, what convoluted logic.
If that's true, what about Black welfare recipients?
He is only spouting what he is told by his leadership.
Why didn't your father moved to a Northern state, where he wouldn't have had to sit in the back of the bus?
Maybe like you, you are quick to screech, and slow to do something about it?

He lived n Ohio at that time.​

Show me a source for Ohio doing this?

were being denied those rights should have them, whites like you maggots started whining like Julio Gallo about how unfair it was and then it evolved into making up bullshit of how others are asking for extra things. r..

Are you sure the maggots aren't the ones who say the U.S.A is so racist, and injust, but stay here to cause trouble, anyways?

You complain about Whites in the past getting government handouts, but since the 1960's Blacks have disproportionately received more handouts than Whites.

You have no evidence supporting your last line.

The maggots are those like you. You and those like you are the trouble here, not the people of every race trying to .rid this nation of the poison you guys preach.

I'm quite sure you're trying to poison the well for White America, unlike a rational person who would leave for a more just land, with their own kind, you seek to have a vindictive, anti-White streak.

If there was a real racist regime here, you wouldn't be able to post your anti-White dribbles here.
You'd be put in jail ,as an enemy of the state.
Why didn't your father moved to a Northern state, where he wouldn't have had to sit in the back of the bus?
Maybe like you, you are quick to screech, and slow to do something about it?

He lived n Ohio at that time.​

Show me a source for Ohio doing this?

were being denied those rights should have them, whites like you maggots started whining like Julio Gallo about how unfair it was and then it evolved into making up bullshit of how others are asking for extra things. r..

Are you sure the maggots aren't the ones who say the U.S.A is so racist, and injust, but stay here to cause trouble, anyways?

You complain about Whites in the past getting government handouts, but since the 1960's Blacks have disproportionately received more handouts than Whites.

You have no evidence supporting your last line.

LOL, the U.S.A is 13% Black, but 37% of the welfare is going to Blacks.

What do you call that?

You fail to understand that blacks were dying in a war for a nation that did not consider them citizens, My father took a bullet for America and had to sit on the back of the bus when he came back,​

Why didn't your father moved to a Northern state, where he wouldn't have had to sit in the back of the bus?
Maybe like you, you are quick to screech, and slow to do something about it?

He lived n Ohio at that time.​

Show me a source for Ohio doing this?
A bunch of white crybabies who think hey are entitled to be given everything because of their race

LOLz, so Whites didn't have to work hard, they just had everything handed to them?
Wow, what convoluted logic.
If that's true, what about Black welfare recipients?

The truth s what it is. Blacks were slaves remember? We worked for free o dark to o dark pretty much 7 days a week. Now that's what you call work. Whitey did not do this.. And whitey got the money because

There are white welfare recipients and white farmers get paid a subsidy to not farm.

You are out of y league trying to argue with me at these things boy.
The truth is you have the IQ of a housefly and would have stood no chance against a race with brains.

That's why I have you white boys scared to answer a question and totally avoiding the issue by making idiotic comments.​
You keep puking up your banana and re-eating it.

So, he's not just Black, he's Gay too?

Your ancestors probably sold their relatives to the Muslims in the slave trade.

We are taking abut the 189 years whites were given rights and handouts at the expense of everyone else.​
. They (the whites) were given handouts or they created the handouts to give to others ????
He's still fine tuning his racist rants. Why, is a mystery.


What racist rants? I said whites were given rights and handouts. They were.​
The truth is you have the IQ of a housefly and would have stood no chance against a race with brains.

That's why I have you white boys scared to answer a question and totally avoiding the issue by making idiotic comments.​
You keep puking up your banana and re-eating it.

So, he's not just Black, he's Gay too?

Your ancestors probably sold their relatives to the Muslims in the slave trade.

We are taking abut the 189 years whites were given rights and handouts at the expense of everyone else.​
. They (the whites) were given handouts or they created the handouts to give to others ????
He's still fine tuning his racist rants. Why, is a mystery.


What racist rants? I said whites were given rights and handouts. They were.​

As if Blacks haven't received hand outs since the 1960's?

No blacks have not received handouts.

He lived n Ohio at that time.​

Show me a source for Ohio doing this?

were being denied those rights should have them, whites like you maggots started whining like Julio Gallo about how unfair it was and then it evolved into making up bullshit of how others are asking for extra things. r..

Are you sure the maggots aren't the ones who say the U.S.A is so racist, and injust, but stay here to cause trouble, anyways?

You complain about Whites in the past getting government handouts, but since the 1960's Blacks have disproportionately received more handouts than Whites.

You have no evidence supporting your last line.

The maggots are those like you. You and those like you are the trouble here, not the people of every race trying to .rid this nation of the poison you guys preach.

I'm quite sure you're trying to poison the well for White America, unlike a rational person who would leave for a more just land, with their own kind, you seek to have a vindictive, anti-White streak.

If there was a real racist regime here, you wouldn't be able to post your anti-White dribbles here.
You'd be put in jail ,as an enemy of the state.

I was born here, I don't have tp go anywhere.

This is a racist country. Look at you, you are a racist and you sit on your polish ass trying to tell me how its not so.

Why didn't your father moved to a Northern state, where he wouldn't have had to sit in the back of the bus?
Maybe like you, you are quick to screech, and slow to do something about it?

He lived n Ohio at that time.​

Show me a source for Ohio doing this?
A bunch of white crybabies who think hey are entitled to be given everything because of their race

LOLz, so Whites didn't have to work hard, they just had everything handed to them?
Wow, what convoluted logic.
If that's true, what about Black welfare recipients?

The truth s what it is. Blacks were slaves remember? We worked for free o dark to o dark pretty much 7 days a week. Now that's what you call work. Whitey did not do this.. And whitey got the money because

There are white welfare recipients and white farmers get paid a subsidy to not farm.

You are out of y league trying to argue with me at these things boy.

That's why I have you white boys scared to answer a question and totally avoiding the issue by making idiotic comments.​
You keep puking up your banana and re-eating it.

So, he's not just Black, he's Gay too?


We are taking abut the 189 years whites were given rights and handouts at the expense of everyone else.​
. They (the whites) were given handouts or they created the handouts to give to others ????
He's still fine tuning his racist rants. Why, is a mystery.


What racist rants? I said whites were given rights and handouts. They were.​

That's why I have you white boys scared to answer a question and totally avoiding the issue by making idiotic comments.​
You keep puking up your banana and re-eating it.

So, he's not just Black, he's Gay too?


We are taking abut the 189 years whites were given rights and handouts at the expense of everyone else.​
. They (the whites) were given handouts or they created the handouts to give to others ????
He's still fine tuning his racist rants. Why, is a mystery.


What racist rants? I said whites were given rights and handouts. They were.​

As if Blacks haven't received hand outs since the 1960's?

No blacks have not received handouts.

Uh, White indentured servants worked right next to Blacks picking cotton, and a massive amount of White colonials came as indentured servants initially.

You're totally coo coo for cocoa puffs, thinking Blacks didn't receive handouts since the 1960's, or to act as if all Whites were slave owners.
Show me a source for Ohio doing this?

were being denied those rights should have them, whites like you maggots started whining like Julio Gallo about how unfair it was and then it evolved into making up bullshit of how others are asking for extra things. r..

Are you sure the maggots aren't the ones who say the U.S.A is so racist, and injust, but stay here to cause trouble, anyways?

You complain about Whites in the past getting government handouts, but since the 1960's Blacks have disproportionately received more handouts than Whites.

You have no evidence supporting your last line.

The maggots are those like you. You and those like you are the trouble here, not the people of every race trying to .rid this nation of the poison you guys preach.

I'm quite sure you're trying to poison the well for White America, unlike a rational person who would leave for a more just land, with their own kind, you seek to have a vindictive, anti-White streak.

If there was a real racist regime here, you wouldn't be able to post your anti-White dribbles here.
You'd be put in jail ,as an enemy of the state.

I was born here, I don't have tp go anywhere.

This is a racist country. Look at you, you are a racist and you sit on your polish ass trying to tell me how its not so.


It's so racist, but you don't do anything about it, why don't you move to a Black nation in Africa, or the Caribbean?
Are you a lazy idiot, or some kind of masochist?
The challenge is simple white folks. Prove when racism ended and its effects were allayed. Show, with data and peer-reviewed studies supporting your argument, when the effects of the hundreds of years of anti-Black racism from chattel slavery through Old Jim Crow leveled off. Show when the wealth expropriated during that oppression was repaid to those it was expropriated from and through.
Without slavery negros would be living in mud houses , eating each other. When they first saw the wheel , they were dumbfounded. Be appreciative ; let Whites be Whitte and live White.
You enter these threads and you read page after page of whites complaining about how people of color, most specifically blacks, are asking for extra things at the expense of whites. For some reason these people believe that equal rights lows and policies for non whites infringes upon their "individual" freedom.

I would like to know what whites call the years from 1776 until 1965 by law? Was this not whites getting extra rights at the expense of others? I need an explanation from one of our fine colorblind equal rights for everyone white conservative here.

I don't get something before the 1960s blacks owned way more , I mean way more business then they do today, so why do you say whites had special treatment?

I believe they owned "way more businesses" than now because before the 1960's, blacks could not enter white establishments or be served in them. So they had to open their own, in their own neighborhoods.

But numerically they did not.
That's good, then? I was just guessing.
The challenge is simple white folks. Prove when racism ended and its effects were allayed. Show, with data and peer-reviewed studies supporting your argument, when the effects of the hundreds of years of anti-Black racism from chattel slavery through Old Jim Crow leveled off. Show when the wealth expropriated during that oppression was repaid to those it was expropriated from and through.
Nobody needs your approval or validation. Some blacks do well, others don't. In the same environment. You've chosen the attitude of the loser. People can come here not speaking English and do well. So it all falls under the tough shit category.

He lived n Ohio at that time.​

Show me a source for Ohio doing this?
A bunch of white crybabies who think hey are entitled to be given everything because of their race

LOLz, so Whites didn't have to work hard, they just had everything handed to them?
Wow, what convoluted logic.
If that's true, what about Black welfare recipients?

The truth s what it is. Blacks were slaves remember? We worked for free o dark to o dark pretty much 7 days a week. Now that's what you call work. Whitey did not do this.. And whitey got the money because

There are white welfare recipients and white farmers get paid a subsidy to not farm.

You are out of y league trying to argue with me at these things boy.
You keep puking up your banana and re-eating it.

So, he's not just Black, he's Gay too?

. They (the whites) were given handouts or they created the handouts to give to others ????
He's still fine tuning his racist rants. Why, is a mystery.


What racist rants? I said whites were given rights and handouts. They were.​
You keep puking up your banana and re-eating it.

So, he's not just Black, he's Gay too?

. They (the whites) were given handouts or they created the handouts to give to others ????
He's still fine tuning his racist rants. Why, is a mystery.


What racist rants? I said whites were given rights and handouts. They were.​

As if Blacks haven't received hand outs since the 1960's?

No blacks have not received handouts.

Uh, White indentured servants worked right next to Blacks picking cotton, and a massive amount of White colonials came as indentured servants initially.

You're totally coo coo for cocoa puffs, thinking Blacks didn't receive handouts since the 1960's, or to act as if all Whites were slave owners.

I know all about the slave situation son. White indentured servants signed a contract to get their passage to America paid for in return for working 7years for the person who paid their way. Slaves did not make any such agreement So white indentured servants picked cotton for 7 years then got a heardright and became landowners.

I laughed hard when I first read this Y actually think you have an argument using that as justification. That's how stupid your ass is.:badgrin:

Black got no handouts. Government programs were mot called handouts from 1776 until 1964 when only whites got them, they are not handouts now because everybody can apply..

You are a loon. A straight stump stupid idiot.
The challenge is simple white folks. Prove when racism ended and its effects were allayed. Show, with data and peer-reviewed studies supporting your argument, when the effects of the hundreds of years of anti-Black racism from chattel slavery through Old Jim Crow leveled off. Show when the wealth expropriated during that oppression was repaid to those it was expropriated from and through.
Nobody needs your approval or validation. Some blacks do well, others don't. In the same environment. You've chosen the attitude of the loser. People can come here not speaking English and do well. So it all falls under the tough shit category.

I've been more successful in my field than you have in yours. If we don't need my approval or validation, we damn sure don't need yours.

The challenge is simple white folks. Prove when racism ended and its effects were allayed. Show, with data and peer-reviewed studies supporting your argument, when the effects of the hundreds of years of anti-Black racism from chattel slavery through Old Jim Crow leveled off. Show when the wealth expropriated during that oppression was repaid to those it was expropriated from and through.
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