The Amazing Amnesia of whites

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I would like to know what whites call the years from 1776 until 1965 by law? Was this not whites getting extra rights at the expense of others?

This is not about what your asses were doing in 1776 or 1965. It is about what the law provided for people and what did that law mean. If blacks did not have equal rights, then were whites not getting special treatment at the expense of others?

But I understand why you can't answer the question. It's got to be tough getting your little dream world crushed.
I am not aware of a law that tells whites what to call the years from 1776 until 1965. Do white people get arrested and put in jail if they break that law?
Even as today whites still get more than everyone else at the expense of others. How convenient.


No, they really do not.
Blacks today get more than everyone else in the form of government hand outs.

Not so.
Of course you can't. But you can damn sure whine about how everybody else but whites are getting something extra at the expense of whites now. Funny how you can't find the word to describe the 189 years out the 241 years of Americas existence that whites got rights no one else got and were given things at the expense of others explicitly stated by law. Even as today whites still get more than everyone else at the expense of others. How convenient.

So do you propose that whites endure an equal amount of years in servitude (slavory) and oppression by Jim Crow type of laws to pay a historical debt to blacks? Is that what you want?


That was not a No! Admit it, you would love to own a plantation of white slaves. You would make them pay for the years 1776 to 1965.

I don't have to answer your questions and because I don't say no it doesn't mean anything.

Since I am not white I don't think like a white boy. Having been a victim of white racism why do I want to put that on someone else? You can't understand that kind of thinking because you are a dumb ass. Because If you had actually endured what we have, you would understand how you would not want to be so mother fucking evil as to put anyone else through the kind of bullshit we have to endure.

. We ???? LOL... Hey idiot, I experienced black racism when they desegregated the schools, and they sent me to an angry black majority school who yep hated whites. Don't Tell me about racism, because I know all about it, and I know that blacks are just as capable of racism as the whites are. Funny thing though, is that I don't blame all blacks, but I do have a problem with the racist ones.

I will tell you about racism because you used a piss poor example to try making a claim of black racism. You went to a black school you say after over 100 years of segregation and then you wondered why lacks were mad and call that racism.

Who gives a shit? That was decades ago. There is no systematic discrimination against blacks anymore. Perhaps individual but that won't ever go away.
Just like your racist bias against whites.
Grow up

Yes, there is "systematic discrimination" against blacks, Native Americans, Hispanics, Muslims, Asians ...

Start by looking at school systems and go from there.

Sent from my iPad using
. If they were discriminated against, then they wouldn't have been allowed into the majority white school system back in the day or up unto now. Thank the white folks for your successes in America, because if it wasn't for them the blacks would have remained in chains way longer or they would have been sent back to Africa after they were freed.

I won't be thanking whites for anything.
Institutional Racism Is Our Way of Life

Prove when racism ended and its effects were allayed. Show, with data and peer-reviewed studies supporting your argument, when the effects of the hundreds of years of anti-Black racism from chattel slavery through Old Jim Crow leveled off. Show when the wealth expropriated during that oppression was repaid to those it was expropriated from and through.
There was a guy called Joshua Solomon in 1999. He changed himself from black to white

This is him.


He was one of those tough talking white dudes "black people get hand outs" "black people need to stop whining"

He grew up in Maryland. He had black friends and did not believe them.

So what did he do ? He went to a doctor who gave him pills to turn his white skin brown. He shaved the hair off his head but dressed the same, acted the same, talked the same. He had the same money and education. It was just his brown skin and bald head that were different.

After one week he was done.

Even though he was going to do it for about four months and visit different parts of the country.

As a white man he looks and smiles at white people and they smile back. But as a Black man whites look away, lock their doors, assume he is dangerous or up to no good.

The police would stop him even though he was just walking down the street minding his own business.

Restaurants would tell him they were full, even when they were not, restaurants where nearly everyone sitting down was – White.

White respect and friendliness that he took for granted was gone. Instead Whites regarded him with disdain, even fear. He met a homeless White man, blond hair, blue eyes, who had almost nothing in this world: even he looked down on Blacks.

By his second day in he was in tears (Yup - This big brave hard talking white man)

Oprah did a programme about it.

And the thing is. That’s the easier part of racism. As I say, real racism is when you can deny people jobs, housing, health care, decent educations, or their physical freedom via the justice system, thereby wrecking their lives and that’s something this guy avoid, instead fell apart at the first hurdle.

This is why it goes in one ear and out the other when people try to shame black people for speaking about racism. They can't handle racism for a minute

Not to mention that one would think that dealing with poverty, racism, crumbling schools and dilapidated housing, as is common for some (Not all) black people would be pretty stressful.

Yet why is it whites who are more likely to drink alcohol, use drugs, or smoke cigarettes ?

It's their lack of coping skills.

Not to romanticize racism or but what many studies show is that the folks ppl have been taught to fear have more self-control b-coz as the old saying goes, the fish tends to rot from the head down.
I'm making plenty of sense. But you can't answer the question because you are scared to.
You mean this question: I would like to know what whites call the years from 1776 until 1965 by law?

I can answer is American history. I had nothing to do with it. However, I do have several ancestors who fought in Lincoln's War to free the slaves. One died outside Atlanta at the ripe old age of 19. Do I get any credit for that?

No. No credit.
You best just feel guilt anyway and by gawd you best embrace it or you're a racist.
And get busy paying reparations too.

There is no amount of money that can ever pay back what was done to Africans.

Same is true of Native Americans.

We often talk of genocide by hitler and others but none compares to what white America has done.

Yes it's true that others kidnapped people and forced them into slavery but that's not an excuse.

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No one alive today had anything to do with it.

And yet you want "CREDIT" for an ancestor's military service.



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/---- You're looking for a free ride as repayment for something that never happened to you.
I'm making plenty of sense. But you can't answer the question because you are scared to.
You mean this question: I would like to know what whites call the years from 1776 until 1965 by law?

I can answer is American history. I had nothing to do with it. However, I do have several ancestors who fought in Lincoln's War to free the slaves. One died outside Atlanta at the ripe old age of 19. Do I get any credit for that?

No. No credit.
You best just feel guilt anyway and by gawd you best embrace it or you're a racist.
And get busy paying reparations too.

There is no amount of money that can ever pay back what was done to Africans.

Same is true of Native Americans.

We often talk of genocide by hitler and others but none compares to what white America has done.

Yes it's true that others kidnapped people and forced them into slavery but that's not an excuse.

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No one alive today had anything to do with it.

And yet you want "CREDIT" for an ancestor's military service.



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Don't twist my words please.

The OP (aka Mr. Racist) demands whites TODAY make amends for racist actions done long ago. Following that logic (aka ignorance) should not whites of today also get credit for the actions taken by their ancestors to end slavery?

See my point or do you require more explanation?
Who gives a shit? That was decades ago. There is no systematic discrimination against blacks anymore. Perhaps individual but that won't ever go away.
Just like your racist bias against whites.
Grow up

Yes, there is "systematic discrimination" against blacks, Native Americans, Hispanics, Muslims, Asians ...

Start by looking at school systems and go from there.

Sent from my iPad using
. If they were discriminated against, then they wouldn't have been allowed into the majority white school system back in the day or up unto now. Thank the white folks for your successes in America, because if it wasn't for them the blacks would have remained in chains way longer or they would have been sent back to Africa after they were freed.

I won't be thanking whites for anything.
Ungrateful prick. If it wasn't for my ancestors, you would probably have Ebola right now
Who gives a shit? That was decades ago. There is no systematic discrimination against blacks anymore. Perhaps individual but that won't ever go away.
Just like your racist bias against whites.
Grow up

Yes, there is "systematic discrimination" against blacks, Native Americans, Hispanics, Muslims, Asians ...

Start by looking at school systems and go from there.

Sent from my iPad using
. If they were discriminated against, then they wouldn't have been allowed into the majority white school system back in the day or up unto now. Thank the white folks for your successes in America, because if it wasn't for them the blacks would have remained in chains way longer or they would have been sent back to Africa after they were freed.

I won't be thanking whites for anything.
Ungrateful prick. If it wasn't for my ancestors, you would probably have Ebola right now

I have no reason to be grateful to whites. The people who fought for me were black.

You talk shit, but if not for us, you would have died of the bubonic plague.
Who gives a shit? That was decades ago. There is no systematic discrimination against blacks anymore. Perhaps individual but that won't ever go away.
Just like your racist bias against whites.
Grow up

Yes, there is "systematic discrimination" against blacks, Native Americans, Hispanics, Muslims, Asians ...

Start by looking at school systems and go from there.

Sent from my iPad using
. If they were discriminated against, then they wouldn't have been allowed into the majority white school system back in the day or up unto now. Thank the white folks for your successes in America, because if it wasn't for them the blacks would have remained in chains way longer or they would have been sent back to Africa after they were freed.

I won't be thanking whites for anything.
Ungrateful prick. If it wasn't for my ancestors, you would probably have Ebola right now

I have no reason to be grateful to whites. The people who fought for me were black.

You talk shit, but if not for us, you would have died of the bubonic plague.
If you really believe what you have posted in this thread, you need to seek mental help immediately. You have a terrible mental illness...though it could be merely stupidity.
Eternal blame and racism is the racist black mans downfall, and it is evident with those who are like the OP that he will of course be consumed forever by it all, and that is sad for him. People like him are among those who wanted to use Obama to strike back, get even, get reparations, get ahead, take that nasty ole white mans wealth and redistribute it, and when Obama couldn't do it good enough for him, then he resorts back to this sort of blame whitey non-sense.
There was a guy called Joshua Solomon in 1999. He changed himself from black to white

This is him.


He was one of those tough talking white dudes "black people get hand outs" "black people need to stop whining"

He grew up in Maryland. He had black friends and did not believe them.

So what did he do ? He went to a doctor who gave him pills to turn his white skin brown. He shaved the hair off his head but dressed the same, acted the same, talked the same. He had the same money and education. It was just his brown skin and bald head that were different.

After one week he was done.

Even though he was going to do it for about four months and visit different parts of the country.

As a white man he looks and smiles at white people and they smile back. But as a Black man whites look away, lock their doors, assume he is dangerous or up to no good.

The police would stop him even though he was just walking down the street minding his own business.

Restaurants would tell him they were full, even when they were not, restaurants where nearly everyone sitting down was – White.

White respect and friendliness that he took for granted was gone. Instead Whites regarded him with disdain, even fear. He met a homeless White man, blond hair, blue eyes, who had almost nothing in this world: even he looked down on Blacks.

By his second day in he was in tears (Yup - This big brave hard talking white man)

Oprah did a programme about it.

And the thing is. That’s the easier part of racism. As I say, real racism is when you can deny people jobs, housing, health care, decent educations, or their physical freedom via the justice system, thereby wrecking their lives and that’s something this guy avoid, instead fell apart at the first hurdle.

This is why it goes in one ear and out the other when people try to shame black people for speaking about racism. They can't handle racism for a minute

Not to mention that one would think that dealing with poverty, racism, crumbling schools and dilapidated housing, as is common for some (Not all) black people would be pretty stressful.

Yet why is it whites who are more likely to drink alcohol, use drugs, or smoke cigarettes ?

It's their lack of coping skills.

Not to romanticize racism or but what many studies show is that the folks ppl have been taught to fear have more self-control b-coz as the old saying goes, the fish tends to rot from the head down.

In 1999? Sounds like complete bullshit.
Who gives a shit? That was decades ago. There is no systematic discrimination against blacks anymore. Perhaps individual but that won't ever go away.
Just like your racist bias against whites.
Grow up

Yes, there is "systematic discrimination" against blacks, Native Americans, Hispanics, Muslims, Asians ...

Start by looking at school systems and go from there.

Sent from my iPad using
. If they were discriminated against, then they wouldn't have been allowed into the majority white school system back in the day or up unto now. Thank the white folks for your successes in America, because if it wasn't for them the blacks would have remained in chains way longer or they would have been sent back to Africa after they were freed.

I won't be thanking whites for anything.
Ungrateful prick. If it wasn't for my ancestors, you would probably have Ebola right now

I have no reason to be grateful to whites. The people who fought for me were black.

You talk shit, but if not for us, you would have died of the bubonic plague.

Depending on which specific fight you are talking about, they were mostly likely mostly white.
Yes, there is "systematic discrimination" against blacks, Native Americans, Hispanics, Muslims, Asians ...

Start by looking at school systems and go from there.

Sent from my iPad using
. If they were discriminated against, then they wouldn't have been allowed into the majority white school system back in the day or up unto now. Thank the white folks for your successes in America, because if it wasn't for them the blacks would have remained in chains way longer or they would have been sent back to Africa after they were freed.

I won't be thanking whites for anything.
Ungrateful prick. If it wasn't for my ancestors, you would probably have Ebola right now

I have no reason to be grateful to whites. The people who fought for me were black.

You talk shit, but if not for us, you would have died of the bubonic plague.

Depending on which specific fight you are talking about, they were mostly likely mostly white.
They were white.. Do these people not understand that if it weren't for the whites fighting fro their plight in life, that they would still possibly be in servitude roles only or either back in Africa by now ? How should the whites feel about such ungratefulness at this point in time that is being displayed, otherwise if this IM2 cat were the spokesperson for all of the black race in this nation if they thought like this now ?
. If they were discriminated against, then they wouldn't have been allowed into the majority white school system back in the day or up unto now. Thank the white folks for your successes in America, because if it wasn't for them the blacks would have remained in chains way longer or they would have been sent back to Africa after they were freed.

I won't be thanking whites for anything.
Ungrateful prick. If it wasn't for my ancestors, you would probably have Ebola right now

I have no reason to be grateful to whites. The people who fought for me were black.

You talk shit, but if not for us, you would have died of the bubonic plague.

Depending on which specific fight you are talking about, they were mostly likely mostly white.
They were white.. Do these people not understand that if it weren't for the whites fighting fro their plight in life, that they would still possibly be in servitude roles only or either back in Africa by now ? How should the whites feel about such ungratefulness at this point in time that is being displayed, otherwise if this IM2 cat were the spokesperson for all of the black race in this nation if they thought like this now ?

IMO, they would have realized that their efforts were in vain. This situation of reverse discrimination and increasing strife is not what they were fighting for.
I won't be thanking whites for anything.
Ungrateful prick. If it wasn't for my ancestors, you would probably have Ebola right now

I have no reason to be grateful to whites. The people who fought for me were black.

You talk shit, but if not for us, you would have died of the bubonic plague.

Depending on which specific fight you are talking about, they were mostly likely mostly white.
They were white.. Do these people not understand that if it weren't for the whites fighting fro their plight in life, that they would still possibly be in servitude roles only or either back in Africa by now ? How should the whites feel about such ungratefulness at this point in time that is being displayed, otherwise if this IM2 cat were the spokesperson for all of the black race in this nation if they thought like this now ?

IMO, they would have realized that their efforts were in vain. This situation of reverse discrimination and increasing strife is not what they were fighting for.
Exactly, but here we have so many useful idiots these days, and that is a shame. Why not see the racism for what it is, and depart from it instead of be used by it I wonder ? Liberalism is a mental condition that screams "HELP".
Ungrateful prick. If it wasn't for my ancestors, you would probably have Ebola right now

I have no reason to be grateful to whites. The people who fought for me were black.

You talk shit, but if not for us, you would have died of the bubonic plague.

Depending on which specific fight you are talking about, they were mostly likely mostly white.
They were white.. Do these people not understand that if it weren't for the whites fighting fro their plight in life, that they would still possibly be in servitude roles only or either back in Africa by now ? How should the whites feel about such ungratefulness at this point in time that is being displayed, otherwise if this IM2 cat were the spokesperson for all of the black race in this nation if they thought like this now ?

IMO, they would have realized that their efforts were in vain. This situation of reverse discrimination and increasing strife is not what they were fighting for.
Exactly, but here we have so many useful idiots these days, and that is a shame. Why not see the racism for what it is, and depart from it instead of be used by it I wonder ? Liberalism is a mental condition that screams "HELP".

It is very sad. And dangerous for our nation. I don't know how or if it can be stopped.
I have no reason to be grateful to whites. The people who fought for me were black.

You talk shit, but if not for us, you would have died of the bubonic plague.

Depending on which specific fight you are talking about, they were mostly likely mostly white.
They were white.. Do these people not understand that if it weren't for the whites fighting fro their plight in life, that they would still possibly be in servitude roles only or either back in Africa by now ? How should the whites feel about such ungratefulness at this point in time that is being displayed, otherwise if this IM2 cat were the spokesperson for all of the black race in this nation if they thought like this now ?

IMO, they would have realized that their efforts were in vain. This situation of reverse discrimination and increasing strife is not what they were fighting for.
Exactly, but here we have so many useful idiots these days, and that is a shame. Why not see the racism for what it is, and depart from it instead of be used by it I wonder ? Liberalism is a mental condition that screams "HELP".

It is very sad. And dangerous for our nation. I don't know how or if it can be stopped.
There has been an agenda that has gone back now for years, and it was taken way to far... When it became guilty of the same things it had accused others of, then it became reverse discrimination. Sadly it has been protected by federal, and state to local judges (who had been appointed by specific people for specific agenda's and purposes). Now getting that straightened back out will be somewhat of a huge task.
. If they were discriminated against, then they wouldn't have been allowed into the majority white school system back in the day or up unto now. Thank the white folks for your successes in America, because if it wasn't for them the blacks would have remained in chains way longer or they would have been sent back to Africa after they were freed.

I won't be thanking whites for anything.
Ungrateful prick. If it wasn't for my ancestors, you would probably have Ebola right now

I have no reason to be grateful to whites. The people who fought for me were black.

You talk shit, but if not for us, you would have died of the bubonic plague.

Depending on which specific fight you are talking about, they were mostly likely mostly white.
They were white.. Do these people not understand that if it weren't for the whites fighting fro their plight in life, that they would still possibly be in servitude roles only or either back in Africa by now ? How should the whites feel about such ungratefulness at this point in time that is being displayed, otherwise if this IM2 cat were the spokesperson for all of the black race in this nation if they thought like this now ?
Just because someone does good. That does not mean they are good.

Even the devil does good.

Evil people can do good. Secondly you don't get an A for effort. Get back to me when the job is done. I don't give no white person any credit or respect for anything in regards to white people fighting for racial justice. None.
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I won't be thanking whites for anything.
Ungrateful prick. If it wasn't for my ancestors, you would probably have Ebola right now

I have no reason to be grateful to whites. The people who fought for me were black.

You talk shit, but if not for us, you would have died of the bubonic plague.

Depending on which specific fight you are talking about, they were mostly likely mostly white.
They were white.. Do these people not understand that if it weren't for the whites fighting fro their plight in life, that they would still possibly be in servitude roles only or either back in Africa by now ? How should the whites feel about such ungratefulness at this point in time that is being displayed, otherwise if this IM2 cat were the spokesperson for all of the black race in this nation if they thought like this now ?
Just because someone does good. That does not mean they are good.

Even the devil does good.

Evil people can do good. Secondly you don't get an A for effort. Get back to me when the job is done. I don't give no white person any credit or respect for anything in regards to white people fighting for racial justice. None.

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