The American Dream is out of reach

The American Dream is out of reach - Jun. 4, 2014

Some 63% of all Americans said most children in the U.S. won't be better off than their parents. This dour view comes despite most respondents, 54%, feeling they are better off than their own parents

The vast majority of Americans have higher incomes than their parents, but that's in large part because most families have two earners now, she said. Only half have more wealth

People also tend to be more pessimistic about the next generation's fortunes in general than their own children's prospects, Currier said. In Pew's polls and focus groups, parents say that it will be tougher for their children to succeed, but they still believe it's possible

When did the "American Dream" change to acquiring more wealth than your parents?

More liberal lies and propaganda.

Our kids have been raised to work hard, sacrifice and depend on themselves. Not to make excuses, to look in the mirror when they fail. They're doing great, we're not worried about them a bit.

When I look at the decay around them, I feel terrible. So I try to console myself by knowing that they'll simply rise faster as so many others are making excuses and thinking that success and happiness are only for "someone else".

The American Left has succeeded in convincing many that successful people "didn't build that", they only got to where they are by getting lucky, having it given to them, or by stealing. What a horrible thing to do to kids, goddamn.

Not my kids.


So easy to throw an entire generation under the bus

Most of the friends my kids grew up with are hard working and played by the rules. They went to college, joined the military, learned a trade. That used to be a pathway to success.

Most now have jobs but don't have careers. They have a job that pays a salary but not a career that they will be able to support themselves, raise a family, buy a house and someday retire

I think it's important that you help them blame someone else for that.

Most likely someone with an (R) after their name.

That'll improve their lives for 'em.


I expect them to blame our generation for it. We climbed the ladder and pulled it up after us. We chased low taxes and high spending. We sold workers out for quick profits. We invested in supply side but never did get that trickle down

Our kids are paying the price
The American Dream is out of reach - Jun. 4, 2014

Some 63% of all Americans said most children in the U.S. won't be better off than their parents. This dour view comes despite most respondents, 54%, feeling they are better off than their own parents

The vast majority of Americans have higher incomes than their parents, but that's in large part because most families have two earners now, she said. Only half have more wealth

People also tend to be more pessimistic about the next generation's fortunes in general than their own children's prospects, Currier said. In Pew's polls and focus groups, parents say that it will be tougher for their children to succeed, but they still believe it's possible

When did the "American Dream" change to acquiring more wealth than your parents?

More liberal lies and propaganda.

You are welcome to define your own American Dream

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