The American hero you'll never hear about.

the other mike

Diamond Member
Jan 5, 2019
This man is an American hero but the 'mainstream' media just continue to ignore him, and the facts. Greg reports on Col. Phil Waldron.

Here he was testifying last week in Pa....

And this week in Arizona
"Col Waldron" is one of the cranks who keeps parroting the weirdass Q-anon fable about how voting data was sent to servers in Germany, which were then seized in a raid by the US military. He's a serious nutter, just like the Trump cultists on this board.
Douchebag. Fraud.
Charge him with aiding sedition...Bye Phil! :)
You probably worship Hanoi Jane.

She was kinda hot during her first "fitness" vids in the mid 1980's. Spandex and all.
But, I don't remember her saying that Goldwater should have contested!! LOL....(almost got that out with a straight face).

EDIT - Sorry, it was bad! :)
OP, I thought you were going to be discussing the great abolitionist John Brown.

I guess not. Hmph...

Douchebag. Fraud.
Charge him with aiding sedition...Bye Phil! :)
Explain to us why he is a "douchebag" and a "fraud". I am sure you will run away and find another thread to troll.

This man..has NO CREDIBILITY...that's why.
Where do you come up with that crap? The man is a 30 year Army Colonel and is one of the top cyber security experts in the world. He has Top Secret Crypto security clearance and higher clearances than that. You are a bullshit artist.
Douchebag. Fraud.
Charge him with aiding sedition...Bye Phil! :)
Explain to us why he is a "douchebag" and a "fraud". I am sure you will run away and find another thread to troll.

This man..has NO CREDIBILITY...that's why.
Where do you come up with that crap? The man is a 30 year Army Colonel and is one of the top cyber security experts in the world. He has Top Secret Crypto security clearance and higher clearances than that. You are a bullshit artist.
All the Biden fans are that,they get paid by the dnc to post lies.even care4all a poster that I always respected,has gone over to the dark side,until now,she never lied when she was losing a debate and unable refute evidence,now she does that everyday,more and more posters are telling her the same thing that she used to be a respectable poster but do not respect her anymore ,have you noticed that Hossfly .?
Where do you come up with that crap? The man is a 30 year Army Colonel and is one of the top cyber security experts in the world.

Yes, that's what he says about himself. However, there's no evidence to back up that claim.

This appears to be another case where Trump cultists do that "I saw it on the internet, so it has to be true!" thing that they're so well known for.

You fell for another scam, Trump cultists.
Where do you come up with that crap? The man is a 30 year Army Colonel and is one of the top cyber security experts in the world.

Yes, that's what he says about himself. However, there's no evidence to back up that claim.

This appears to be another case where Trump cultists do that "I saw it on the internet, so it has to be true!" thing that they're so well known for.

You fell for another scam, Trump cultists.
Wooly Mammoth brain doesn't have a clue about anything except that Trump is bad.
Wooly Mammoth brain doesn't have a clue about anything except that Trump is bad.

And there they go. The brainwashed Trump losers are going into weeping fits now, to divert attention from the faceplants they all did.

Your hero was a fraud. And you fell for the fraud, because you're a serious dumbshit.


To date, Waldron, who has been presented as a cybersecurity and voting machine expert, has not provided any proof whatsoever of his claims. It also remains unclear what exactly the former servicemember's background is in the cybersecurity field.

Bryson Bort, Senior Fellow at the R Street Institute for Cybersecurity and Emerging Threats, told the Daily Dot that he had never heard of Waldron.

One witness, Phil Waldron, a retired colonel, got introduced as a statistician, but had to clarify that he wasn't.

'I am not a statistician. I’m a combat officer and didn’t do well in math,' he said.
Where do you come up with that crap? The man is a 30 year Army Colonel and is one of the top cyber security experts in the world.

Yes, that's what he says about himself. However, there's no evidence to back up that claim.

This appears to be another case where Trump cultists do that "I saw it on the internet, so it has to be true!" thing that they're so well known for.

You fell for another scam, Trump cultists.
Its like the social program scams that never end. People abusing what was designed to help them. Finally we do not care about your blue areas. Foreign interests can destroy them and we will celebrate. The age of tribal living is starting.
If in the coming months, a patriot is able to PROVE that there was substantial rigging of the November 3 vote, s/he will go down in history as the most important person in the history of this country.

Of course, I do not know whether there was or not.

But I do know two things:

1. A lot of important and ordinary people really, really, really "disliked" him and would do anything to make sure that he lost.

2. There is some truth in that old folk saying: "Where there's smoke, there's fire."

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