The American Medical Association Is Very Quietly Trying To Change Their Position On Hydroxychloroquine To Treat COVID-19

That is very much up for debate. Many countries have been using it and have had much better success than the US, which is not.
It’s not really. Not with anyone that actually knows what they’re talking about. Comparing mortality rate among these various countries is a fools errand. The data sources, quality, reliability and definitions are so heterogenous that comparisons are nearly meaningless.

The best studies, quality double blind placebo controlled and most importantly randomized showed no benefit.

Don’t kid yourself. The attempt to pain HCQ as an effective treatment is mostly political. If Trump hadn’t hyped it up so much, this wouldn’t be a controversy.

My wife is a physician who knows many other physicians who would beg to differ with your opinion.
VERIFY: The AMA did not change its stance on hydroxychloroquine and COVID-19
While a change in its position toward hydroxychloroquine was considered, the American Medical Association rejected the proposal.
The AMA has blood on their hands, for the sake of politics they came out against HCQ, and now they are using double talk to save face.

Agreed. Any deaths tied to a lack of treatment that could have been otherwise provided should be laid at the feet of this organization, and it's leadership prosecuted appropriately.
My wife is a physician who knows many other physicians who would beg to differ with your opinion.
If she actually exists and actually is a doctor

God Help Her Patients

Yes, she does actually exist as do her colleagues. None of them could possibly know more about medicine than you brainiacs who follow the MSM and believe everything Fauci tells you. Her patients do quite well thank you. I wouldn't really care if Democrats chose to be lemmings if their brainwashing didn't directly affect me as well, but we all suffer for the stupidity and gullibility of the left in this country.
VERIFY: The AMA did not change its stance on hydroxychloroquine and COVID-19
While a change in its position toward hydroxychloroquine was considered, the American Medical Association rejected the proposal.

You are some hard headed mother fuckers - for sure.
My wife is a physician who knows many other physicians who would beg to differ with your opinion.
I’m a physician and I’ve seen the data. Your wife and her colleagues can have their opinions but it’s not backed up by data.
VERIFY: The AMA did not change its stance on hydroxychloroquine and COVID-19
While a change in its position toward hydroxychloroquine was considered, the American Medical Association rejected the proposal.

You are some hard headed mother fuckers - for sure.
You were lied to but lash out at people who point it out.

That’s actually a characteristic of a cultist.
They are not changing their position. HCQ is still not being used to treat Covid 19. The Blob was taking it when he went to the hospital and they gave him drugs other than HCQ.

That is not at all accurate.
HCQ is, has, and will continue to be used for some covid-19 treatment.
The AMA just left it up to individual physicians, as it should be.

The main problem with covid-19 it the over active immune system response it generates, and HCQ is an immuno suppressant proven to help in some cases.

Instead, the House of Delegates reaffirmed current AMA policy supporting the decision-making authority of a physician on off-label uses of pharmaceuticals. The AMA, the American Pharmacists Association and American Society of Health-System Pharmacists issued a joint statement in April on this topic that said, “Novel off-label use of FDA-approved medications is a matter for the physician’s or other prescriber’s professional judgment.”

Well, if you catch the virus...please don't take anything other than HCQ then I suppose.

The Blob was given other drugs when he caught it. One would think that would dispel the myth about there being political reasons for it not being administered and that it's not used to treat C19. But your mileage may vary.
My wife is a physician who knows many other physicians who would beg to differ with your opinion.
If she actually exists and actually is a doctor

God Help Her Patients

Yes, she does actually exist as do her colleagues. None of them could possibly know more about medicine than you brainiacs who follow the MSM and believe everything Fauci tells you. Her patients do quite well thank you. I wouldn't really care if Democrats chose to be lemmings if their brainwashing didn't directly affect me as well, but we all suffer for the stupidity and gullibility of the left in this country.

Right. That's why every left wing first world country is doing better at controlling the virus than the USA.
VERIFY: The AMA did not change its stance on hydroxychloroquine and COVID-19
While a change in its position toward hydroxychloroquine was considered, the American Medical Association rejected the proposal.

That is true, but the previous and still current AMA postion on HCQ is for doctors to use it on covid patients when it seem worth trying.
VERIFY: The AMA did not change its stance on hydroxychloroquine and COVID-19
While a change in its position toward hydroxychloroquine was considered, the American Medical Association rejected the proposal.
My wife is a physician who knows many other physicians who would beg to differ with your opinion.
I’m a physician and I’ve seen the data. Your wife and her colleagues can have their opinions but it’s not backed up by data.

That is not true.
There is lots of data showing successes with HCQ.
But obviously HCQ is an immuno suppessant and should not be given to all those who contract covi-19, nor it is appropriate at all times.
Given to the wrong people or at the wrong time, it can make an infection worse.
It is not for an infection.
It is only to reduce the cytokine storm, only if and after one has started.
But if nothing else, HCQ reduces fever, and that is good for covid patients, since fever does nothing to the covid-19 virus.
VERIFY: The AMA did not change its stance on hydroxychloroquine and COVID-19
While a change in its position toward hydroxychloroquine was considered, the American Medical Association rejected the proposal.

But the AMA stance on HCQ has NEVER been negative.
It has always been cautiously positive, and the AMA leaves it up to the doctors in each case.
They are not changing their position. HCQ is still not being used to treat Covid 19. The Blob was taking it when he went to the hospital and they gave him drugs other than HCQ.

That is not at all accurate.
HCQ is, has, and will continue to be used for some covid-19 treatment.
The AMA just left it up to individual physicians, as it should be.

The main problem with covid-19 it the over active immune system response it generates, and HCQ is an immuno suppressant proven to help in some cases.

Instead, the House of Delegates reaffirmed current AMA policy supporting the decision-making authority of a physician on off-label uses of pharmaceuticals. The AMA, the American Pharmacists Association and American Society of Health-System Pharmacists issued a joint statement in April on this topic that said, “Novel off-label use of FDA-approved medications is a matter for the physician’s or other prescriber’s professional judgment.”

Well, if you catch the virus...please don't take anything other than HCQ then I suppose.

The Blob was given other drugs when he caught it. One would think that would dispel the myth about there being political reasons for it not being administered and that it's not used to treat C19. But your mileage may vary.

You are obviously wrong.
HCQ is often used successfully to treat over responses by the immune system to covid-19.
For example, it brings down fevers, and fevers are useless against covid-19.
Is anyone stupid enough to use it for covid anymore?

They didn't use it on Trump, Rudy Toot Toot, or Christie
They are not changing their position. HCQ is still not being used to treat Covid 19. The Blob was taking it when he went to the hospital and they gave him drugs other than HCQ.

That is not at all accurate.
HCQ is, has, and will continue to be used for some covid-19 treatment.
The AMA just left it up to individual physicians, as it should be.

The main problem with covid-19 it the over active immune system response it generates, and HCQ is an immuno suppressant proven to help in some cases.

Instead, the House of Delegates reaffirmed current AMA policy supporting the decision-making authority of a physician on off-label uses of pharmaceuticals. The AMA, the American Pharmacists Association and American Society of Health-System Pharmacists issued a joint statement in April on this topic that said, “Novel off-label use of FDA-approved medications is a matter for the physician’s or other prescriber’s professional judgment.”

Well, if you catch the virus...please don't take anything other than HCQ then I suppose.

The Blob was given other drugs when he caught it. One would think that would dispel the myth about there being political reasons for it not being administered and that it's not used to treat C19. But your mileage may vary.

You are obviously wrong.
HCQ is often used successfully to treat over responses by the immune system to covid-19.
For example, it brings down fevers, and fevers are useless against covid-19.

It has therapeutic would aspirin or chicken soup when you have a cold.

Again, if you catch the virus...please take HCQ and leave the actual effective medications for the more productive members of humanity. Thanks in advance.
My wife is a physician who knows many other physicians who would beg to differ with your opinion.
I’m a physician and I’ve seen the data. Your wife and her colleagues can have their opinions but it’s not backed up by data.

My wife was in a group on Facebook for physicians discussing COVID. The purpose was to have an informed medical group discussion about the disease. What she found was that the left leaning physicians on the board were unable to divorce their political feelings from science. If she or others didn’t agree or even questioned their opinions, threats were made about reporting them to the medical board. They were not willing to even entertain the possibility that they were wrong. Doctors are humans first and doctors second. We act as if their personal feelings on a matter can’t affect or interfere with their professional opinions. That is a falsehood.

My wife and I used to get into lively discussions about whether or not scientists were biased. Being from a science background, she would argue they weren’t. She questioned a few things here and there like when the climate scientists deleted/lost/removed data that didn’t align with their theory, but overall she thought they were on the up and up. She is now questioning if real science actually exist anymore. Politics and money have become infused into “science” to a point where “scientific” outcomes can be pre-determined by the prevailing sentiment among Democratic politicians.

She would be much better to discuss this, but in a nutshell, the FDA, with the help of the MSM and many doctors, misled people into thinking that HCQ was dangrous, despite knowing full well that is not true. Honest Rheumatologists likely got a kick out of those headlines. The studies that were halted were due to a few patients having adverse reactions, but were given a very high dose of HCQ. If given at the correct time and dosage, coupled with zinc, HCQ is an effective treatment in decreasing the viral load. (Again, my wife could provide a much more informed explanation here). There was absolutely no reason for it not to be prescribed in the US. If doctors were informed as to when to give HCQ and when it would not be effective, many lives could have potential been saved and could continue to be saved to this day. The problem is that didn’t align with the Democrats political agenda, especially since Trump actually mentioned the drug.
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My wife is a physician who knows many other physicians who would beg to differ with your opinion.
If she actually exists and actually is a doctor

God Help Her Patients

Yes, she does actually exist as do her colleagues. None of them could possibly know more about medicine than you brainiacs who follow the MSM and believe everything Fauci tells you. Her patients do quite well thank you. I wouldn't really care if Democrats chose to be lemmings if their brainwashing didn't directly affect me as well, but we all suffer for the stupidity and gullibility of the left in this country.

Right. That's why every left wing first world country is doing better at controlling the virus than the USA.

What metric tells you this? Be careful, many countires that are doing better than the US have also been prescribing HCQ by the truck loads.

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