The American mindset: 2020.. the idea of being right, is more important than being right.


Diamond Member
Aug 19, 2010
Black Lives Matter.
Now who could be against that? Only a racist right? Surely everyone no matter their color agrees with that!!
Except of course, the group itself is anything but... black lives matter.

- of sound, (especially speech) pleasing to the ear.

Black lives matter is an organization whose principle founders and leaders are Marxist, support extreme government control including that children are more the property of state than their parents. Don't believe that?... right on their website - FRONT PAGE - We disrupt the Western-prescribed nuclear family structure requirement by supporting each other as extended families and “villages” that collectively care for one another, especially our children, to the degree that mothers, parents, and children are comfortable.
Unless you have a third grade reading comprehension, they are saying that the family with a mom, dad raising their children is a bad thing. And that children instead should be taught/raised/guided by the government (collective) is a better way. Sound familiar? It should, North Korea does precisely this. And so did Nazi Germany.
Black lives Matter does not recognize the sovereignty of the United States. And does not identify citizenry. Rather...if you are here... you are a "citizen".
What does this have to do with black lives? Nothing.
Black lives matter seeks to diminish the role of fathers down to basically no more than bulls in the field.
We dismantle the patriarchal practice that requires mothers to work “double shifts” so that they can mother in private even as they participate in public justice work. See the phrase - "mothers, parents and children". Why is it written "mothers, parents and children"? - that is deliberate. They are deliberately omitting fathers. In fact - the word father is never mentioned in their entire creed on family. Mothers are mentioned 3 times in just 1 paragraph - fathers zero.
NOW - did you know that all of the founders of Black Lives Matter are childless? Unmarried and females. And ALL are openly stated Marxist.

It is not about Black Lives.
Half of Black lives Matter and 100% of antifa are domestic terrorists. 50% of BLM are for social reform and healing. The group that combines BLM and antifa are hotheads and bigots who will always play the part of the victim. They're anti American assholes who will never admit to being wrong.
And once again the inexcusable left refuse to address the problems within themselves...
How many #BLacklivesmatter "supporters know that all of the $millions donated to this "movement" goes to three lesbian activist who have refused to specifically say where the money is going. Just broad terms.
At the same time no one is asking, and therefore no one knows just how many $millions the three girls are raking in.
Black Lives Matter.
Now who could be against that? Only a racist right? Surely everyone no matter their color agrees with that!!
Except of course, the group itself is anything but... black lives matter.

- of sound, (especially speech) pleasing to the ear.

Black lives matter is an organization whose principle founders and leaders are Marxist, support extreme government control including that children are more the property of state than their parents. Don't believe that?... right on their website - FRONT PAGE - We disrupt the Western-prescribed nuclear family structure requirement by supporting each other as extended families and “villages” that collectively care for one another, especially our children, to the degree that mothers, parents, and children are comfortable.
Unless you have a third grade reading comprehension, they are saying that the family with a mom, dad raising their children is a bad thing. And that children instead should be taught/raised/guided by the government (collective) is a better way. Sound familiar? It should, North Korea does precisely this. And so did Nazi Germany.
Black lives Matter does not recognize the sovereignty of the United States. And does not identify citizenry. Rather...if you are here... you are a "citizen".
What does this have to do with black lives? Nothing.
Black lives matter seeks to diminish the role of fathers down to basically no more than bulls in the field.
We dismantle the patriarchal practice that requires mothers to work “double shifts” so that they can mother in private even as they participate in public justice work. See the phrase - "mothers, parents and children". Why is it written "mothers, parents and children"? - that is deliberate. They are deliberately omitting fathers. In fact - the word father is never mentioned in their entire creed on family. Mothers are mentioned 3 times in just 1 paragraph - fathers zero.
NOW - did you know that all of the founders of Black Lives Matter are childless? Unmarried and females. And ALL are openly stated Marxist.

It is not about Black Lives.

Black Lives Matter.
Now who could be against that? Only a racist right? Surely everyone no matter their color agrees with that!!
Except of course, the group itself is anything but... black lives matter.

- of sound, (especially speech) pleasing to the ear.

Black lives matter is an organization whose principle founders and leaders are Marxist, support extreme government control including that children are more the property of state than their parents. Don't believe that?... right on their website - FRONT PAGE - We disrupt the Western-prescribed nuclear family structure requirement by supporting each other as extended families and “villages” that collectively care for one another, especially our children, to the degree that mothers, parents, and children are comfortable.
Unless you have a third grade reading comprehension, they are saying that the family with a mom, dad raising their children is a bad thing. And that children instead should be taught/raised/guided by the government (collective) is a better way. Sound familiar? It should, North Korea does precisely this. And so did Nazi Germany.
Black lives Matter does not recognize the sovereignty of the United States. And does not identify citizenry. Rather...if you are here... you are a "citizen".
What does this have to do with black lives? Nothing.
Black lives matter seeks to diminish the role of fathers down to basically no more than bulls in the field.
We dismantle the patriarchal practice that requires mothers to work “double shifts” so that they can mother in private even as they participate in public justice work. See the phrase - "mothers, parents and children". Why is it written "mothers, parents and children"? - that is deliberate. They are deliberately omitting fathers. In fact - the word father is never mentioned in their entire creed on family. Mothers are mentioned 3 times in just 1 paragraph - fathers zero.
NOW - did you know that all of the founders of Black Lives Matter are childless? Unmarried and females. And ALL are openly stated Marxist.

It is not about Black Lives.


And is precisely why no one is asking any questions. And exactly what they are using the $millions of dollars they have received.
Mark my word... in a few years this will go down as one of the largest money raising schemes in modern times.
You got three activist women who thought of probably one of the best phrases in decades.. what a terrific name!!
And they used the black struggles, and used the pictures of dead blacks to raise funds and bought cars/houses with the money.

Just look at this.......
None of the money those employees donated to the Black Lives Matter Foundation actually ended up with the foundation, according to Apple, Google, and Microsoft

And here is another example that the left will not critique their own

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