The American Press Is Destroying Itself

Deplorable Yankee

Diamond Member
Feb 7, 2019
the American left has lost its mind. It’s become a cowardly mob of upper-class social media addicts, Twitter Robespierres who move from discipline to discipline torching reputations and jobs with breathtaking casualness.

Its also become very western european ....that aint good Sally....through every economic strata
American leftist are completly void of any culture ...they're empty shells whose ignorance and sheer stupidity is freaking ridiculous

More snip
Probably the most disturbing story involved Intercept writer Lee Fang, one of a fast-shrinking number of young reporters actually skilled in investigative journalism. Fang’s work in the area of campaign finance especially has led to concrete impact, including a record fine to a conservative Super PAC: few young reporters have done more to combat corruption.

Yet Fang found himself denounced online as a racist, then hauled before H.R. His crime? During protests, he tweeted this interview with an African-American man named Maximum Fr, who described having two cousins murdered in the East Oakland neighborhood where he grew up. Saying his aunt is still not over those killings, Max asked:

I always question, why does a Black life matter only when a white man takes it?... Like, if a white man takes my life tonight, it’s going to be national news, but if a Black man takes my life, it might not even be spoken of… It’s stuff just like that that I just want in the mix.

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Matt Taibbi is gonna get himself cancelled
The American media have already destroyed themselves.

Before the election of Donald J. Trump, the media were in deep financial blank. The New York Times, for example, was on wobbly legs. Then that alleged "news"paper saved itself by becoming the media leader of the Resistance. Although I would never lower myself to read that rag, I have read elsewhere that it regularly has half a dozen or so Trump stories on its front page everyday because its readers look to that rag to stir them up each morning for the good fight.

The media are staffed by young whippersnappers who have been indoctrinated by liberal professors who know nothing about the real world, for they live in a pampered world of tenure. Their students get jobs in the media and "report" everything from a liberal point of view.

I cannot think of a single local or national source that I trust to tell the facts and then shut up.

I am 83 years ago. I had been reading the Los Angeles Times since I was a teenager. But last year, I could not stand that rag's liberal bias anymore. So I canceled it. I no longer have the pleasure of touching a print publication every morning. For us old folks, digital publications do not seem to have the same gravitas as good, old-fashioned print.

The American media. RIP.
Taibbi is a very smart guy who calls out bullshit when he sees it, without being tied down by an ideology,



The American media have already destroyed themselves.

Before the election of Donald J. Trump, the media were in deep financial blank. The New York Times, for example, was on wobbly legs. Then that alleged "news"paper saved itself by becoming the media leader of the Resistance. Although I would never lower myself to read that rag, I have read elsewhere that it regularly has half a dozen or so Trump stories on its front page everyday because its readers look to that rag to stir them up each morning for the good fight.

The media are staffed by young whippersnappers who have been indoctrinated by liberal professors who know nothing about the real world, for they live in a pampered world of tenure. Their students get jobs in the media and "report" everything from a liberal point of view.

I cannot think of a single local or national source that I trust to tell the facts and then shut up.

I am 83 years ago. I had been reading the Los Angeles Times since I was a teenager. But last year, I could not stand that rag's liberal bias anymore. So I canceled it. I no longer have the pleasure of touching a print publication every morning. For us old folks, digital publications do not seem to have the same gravitas as good, old-fashioned print.

The American media. RIP.
indeed're correct sir
I'm 30 years younger but I grew up reading the ny times...loved the smell of the ink an paper
Today It was more like a Mexican billionaire who keeps them afloat

When I got older I hit the newsstands
Times ,wsj,wwd, Barrrons , quite a few others along with my trade and shipping publications ,

The ny sun was even reborn in the 2000's I bought it everyday to support them
It was to late was here

It was a right wing ny times
They have a site up still ...writers only post occasionally

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