The American Waffen SS?

So do you when it fits your ideology.
Ahhh The PeeWee Herman Defense

That's the best this clown has

Wanna really embarrass him...ask him for a link. to anything he claims. The results are always hysterical

Links to 85% of "news" articles connect to pure propaganda. Facts have become the roulette wheel of our Age . . . Russian roulette, that is.
You may wonder why I put Lesh on Ignore.
The U.S. Constitution used to protect the American population from abuse of the military by some future dictator.

Silly old bits of helpen paper suitable only for shredding and smoking!

Ain't that right neo-Communists (name change from "Democrats" on hold until Jan. 20,2021)
Liberals cannot control their emotions and will destroy the US.
I'm not condoning the ruthlessness of neo-Conservatives.
I believe the Next Administration will use the Military to quash any and all opposition to their power and control of the thoughts and actions of anyone deemed "not liberal enough". You must be pure or you must be purged and silenced. The MSM will assist of course, and then their masters will turn on them too

You a big fan of conspiracy theories?
That's about all the RWNJs have left, since the military sendoff he planned for himself on Inauguration Day was vetoed by Pentagon officials. Il Douché will be left to tuck his tail between his legs and slither away.

The RWNJs' weasel-n-chief and wannabe führer was thrown out of office by 80 million Americans, fed up with his corruption. And, all their orange-toned messiah's lies and the RWNJs' many conspiracy theories cannot change that.

(Only a weasel would throw the insurgents he sent to the Capitol to attempt his coup, under the bus by blaming them for everything, AND saying they should be severely punished.)

Liberals cannot control their emotions and will destroy the US.
I'm not condoning the ruthlessness of neo-Conservatives.
I believe the Next Administration will use the Military to quash any and all opposition to their power and control of the thoughts and actions of anyone deemed "not liberal enough". You must be pure or you must be purged and silenced. The MSM will assist of course, and then their masters will turn on them too
60 Minutes ran a piece that basically said Republicans must be imprisoned.
Anyone reading some of the threads here would agree.
The RWNJs are itching to see a civil war, but the keyboard warriors on these message boards will gladly permit the Proud Pu$$ies and the like to be the traitorous insurgents. Just in case all does not go well for the rebels and severe consequences must be faced in the aftermath.

(Only a weasel would throw the insurgents he sent to the Capitol to attempt his coup, under the bus by blaming them for everything, AND saying they should be severely punished.)

This is a good thing!

These marshals will be used to arrest the treasonous bastards in our gov't.

Remember when a guy in portland OR shot 3 Trump supporters and they refused to arrest the murderer?

Trump had to send in the US MARSHALS to snuff the leftist bastard like a candle.
But thanks to Reagan's Business Visa legislation my career went down the drain and I had to change.
Millions of people other than myself lost their jobs, careers, families and homes.
You simply never heard about this because there was no consumer web until the late 1990s and only big firms could afford the servers.
There's probably a lot that a lot of people never heard about.

If that were true, about millions losing their jobs, careers, families, and homes, how did unemployment decrease along with interest rates, and inflation. A stark improvement.
Atomwaffen was one of the "very fine people" at the Charlottesville riot organized by the Proud Boys.

Portland Oregon this year.


Dimm's denigrate the soldiers by questioning their loyalty.
I hope most of the soldiers see it this way because this IS the way it is!
Dimm's denigrate the soldiers by questioning their loyalty.
I hope most of the soldiers see it this way because this IS the way it is!
its because of this:

but also, the national guard could be vulnerable to inflitration

Dimm's denigrate the soldiers by questioning their loyalty.
I hope most of the soldiers see it this way because this IS the way it is!
its because of this:

but also, the national guard could be vulnerable to inflitration

You know this isn't why.
Loon Congressman Cohen told us why: most of the soldiers are white and 80% voted for Trump!
You lying moron.
Liberals cannot control their emotions and will destroy the US.
I'm not condoning the ruthlessness of neo-Conservatives.
I believe the Next Administration will use the Military to quash any and all opposition to their power and control of the thoughts and actions of anyone deemed "not liberal enough". You must be pure or you must be purged and silenced. The MSM will assist of course, and then their masters will turn on them too
Maybe !! But rogue white nuts can assassinate almost anyone
This is not my America; not the America I defended for nearly three decades in uniform. This America? This America is some psycho-clown caricature of our beloved civilization ripped straight from the pages of what could be just about any dystopian nightmare novel or film.

Isn't this how the Third Reich started in Germany?
  • A highly specious and dubious election forced down the nation's throat with no questions allowed, no vetting done and any doubters muzzled and vilified.
  • The reigning president exiled from office, barred from speaking, banned from even publishing to communicate to others.
  • Anyone protesting these actions being suspected, rounded up, questioned of their "loyalty."
  • A protest gone bad vilified rather than the REASON for the protest; public objection, a constitutional right, crushed.
  • The capitol militarized under martial law.
  • The military suspected, not trusted, feared they could be "loyal" to the president, so vetted and investigated for their personal political views and weeded of "suspects" to insure a "loyal" force to the new leaders.
  • Rampant fanaticism, paranoia and loyalty in the public to either tow the line or be suspect, all dissenters arrested and shunned?
  • The White House thoroughly cleaned and scrubbed of every surface for germs, viruses, contaminants, foreign agents and suspicious objects and people.
This is highly abnormal, folks. What we are seeing here is raging psychosis and paranoia that would make George Orwell turn over in his grave.
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Liberals cannot control their emotions and will destroy the US.
I'm not condoning the ruthlessness of neo-Conservatives.
I believe the Next Administration will use the Military to quash any and all opposition to their power and control of the thoughts and actions of anyone deemed "not liberal enough". You must be pure or you must be purged and silenced. The MSM will assist of course, and then their masters will turn on them too
Maybe !! But rogue white nuts can assassinate almost anyone

So can black, yellow, brown and red ones.
So do you when it fits your ideology.
Ahhh The PeeWee Herman Defense

That's the best this clown has

Wanna really embarrass him...ask him for a link. to anything he claims. The results are always hysterical

As usual, the ad hominem attack to discredit the messenger because you really have no sound evidence to ever back your views.
This is not my America; not the America I defended for nearly three decades in uniform. This America? This America is some psycho-clown caricature of our beloved civilization ripped straight from the pages of what could be just about any dystopian nightmare novel or film.

Isn't this how the Third Reich started in Germany?
  • A highly specious and dubious election forced down the nation's throat with no questions allowed, no vetting done and any doubters muzzled and vilified.
  • The reigning president exiled from office, barred from speaking, banned from even publishing to communicate to others.
  • Anyone protesting these actions being suspected, rounded up, questioned of their "loyalty."
  • A protest gone bad vilified rather than the REASON for the protest; public objection, a constitutional right, crushed.
  • The capitol militarized under martial law.
  • The military suspected, not trusted, feared they could be "loyal" to the president, so vetted and investigated for their personal political views and weeded of "suspects" to insure a "loyal" force to the new leaders.
  • The White House thoroughly cleaned and scrubbed of every surface for germs, viruses, contaminants, foreign agents and suspicious objects and people.
This is highly abnormal, folks. What we are seeing here is raging psychosis and paranoia that would make George Orwell turn over in his grave.

The thought occurred that this could end up being a purge of Trump supporters from military ranks, at least National Guard ranks. I don't know . . . there are too many theories at this point and far too few answers or truths. Process of elimination? Historical Precedent? None of the usual suspects seem to be doing the trick as the clock ticks down.
Dimm's denigrate the soldiers by questioning their loyalty.
I hope most of the soldiers see it this way because this IS the way it is!
its because of this:

but also, the national guard could be vulnerable to inflitration

Here in America, shill, we free and entitled by God individuals are by the rule of law allowed, even encouraged to be, to say, to express any belief or position we choose without fear of persecution or reprisal, from any person or entity, public or private. If, in his private life, a National Guardsman does not like people of the same or different cultures, that is his constitutional right—to express his tastes and preferences, so long as said expressions harm no one and are done off duty. Sticks and stones . . . remember? I am as free to like or despise you as you are to despise or like me. The only requirement by rule of law? We live in peace on the same domestic soil together. Freedom. Take a deep breath; smell it, love it, be ready to put your life on the line to defend it, or get the fuck out. Your side wants to start a real war inside our nation? One you can't win? Continue attempts to delete or cancel our indelible American rights. Do that and people will turn into monsters.

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