The Americans were against Serbs before the wars in Ex-Jugoslavia even started?


Gold Member
Sep 29, 2010
#england #ThreeLions
I have a friend who is bosnian croat/catholic, she said her cousin was born at the beginning of the bosnian war, and the americans marched up with their tanks to congratulate her uncle, she said her uncle was a high ranking bosnian croat officer and the americans "worked with him". So they were already on the side of croats, before the war even started not only at the end of it?
I have a friend who is bosnian croat/catholic, she said her cousin was born at the beginning of the bosnian war, and the americans marched up with their tanks to congratulate her uncle, she said her uncle was a high ranking bosnian croat officer and the americans "worked with him". So they were already on the side of croats, before the war even started not only at the end of it?

I doubt most of America had even heard of Serbia.

What Milosevic did.. doesn't really make many friends, except with evil dictators like Putin....
I doubt most of America had even heard of Serbia.

What Milosevic did.. doesn't really make many friends, except with evil dictators like Putin....
Hey now. . . who doesn't like a good strong man Serb? We all miss those days, wut wut. . . :113:

. . . maybe if we had one there now? We wouldn't have to even deal w/ Putin?


Serbia was pro-Stalin and pro-Russian after him, so yes, we backed Croatian nationalists.
Clinton decided to attack Serbia in order to take his Lewinsky affair off the front pages and to curry favor with the muslin oil-producing countries by defending Albania.
I have a friend who is bosnian croat/catholic, she said her cousin was born at the beginning of the bosnian war, and the americans marched up with their tanks to congratulate her uncle, she said her uncle was a high ranking bosnian croat officer and the americans "worked with him". So they were already on the side of croats, before the war even started not only at the end of it?
Indeed they were and on the side of the Bosnian Muslims, there was an arms embargo on Bosnia but the US were flying weapons into Tuzla airport every night.
Who knows if Clinton's inept CIA decided to declare war on Yugoslavia to protect a democrat pervert from scrutiny? The CIA hadn't made a good decision since WW2.
The whole region went to shit when he died. Only Euro leader with the balls to to threaten Stalin.
Agree. Tito was able to keep Yugoslavia together. Though, Yugoslavia itself was an 'artificial' creature, with national regions that was close ethnically wise, but too different in religious and cultural aspects. With some parts literally hating others. When a strong leader passed, quite naturally this 'patched' country broke away.
The Serbs are the same blockheads and bigots as the Russians are. Dreaming of their little 'empire' gathering all their 'historical' lands, and subjugating all 'artificial' nations that are 'Serbs' or almost Serbs.

The Kosovo military operation put an end to these ideas, at least on a political level in Belgrade. And finally, put an end to Yugoslavia.
That's no answer, why do you have to be involved in every other County in the World? and as for the Euros not sure what you are talking about most are US puppets.

lol you're too big a liar to take seriously. We have people from 'every country in the world' living here; they all want to do business with us. Idiots like you are just desperate for attention, is all. Nobody is trying to crash into Russia or Red China in masse, dumb shit.
Agree. Tito was able to keep Yugoslavia together. Though, Yugoslavia itself was an 'artificial' creature, with national regions that was close ethnically wise, but too different in religious and cultural aspects. With some parts literally hating others. When a strong leader passed, quite naturally this 'patched' country broke away.

Yugoslavia was indeed a creation of the Treaty of Versailles, and was continued on after WWII.

That it wanted to break up after the cold war is not surprising.
lol you're too big a liar to take seriously. We have people from 'every country in the world' living here; they all want to do business with us. Idiots like you are just desperate for attention, is all. Nobody is trying to crash into Russia or Red China in masse, dumb shit.
Red China :abgg2q.jpg: that alone shows how far gone you are.
The Serbs are the same blockheads and bigots as the Russians are. Dreaming of their little 'empire' gathering all their 'historical' lands, and subjugating all 'artificial' nations that are 'Serbs' or almost Serbs.

The Kosovo military operation put an end to these ideas, at least on a political level in Belgrade. And finally, put an end to Yugoslavia.

They have been "pro-panslavic" since they got us into that little clusterfuck called World War I.
The Serbs are the same blockheads and bigots as the Russians are. Dreaming of their little 'empire' gathering all their 'historical' lands, and subjugating all 'artificial' nations that are 'Serbs' or almost Serbs.

The Kosovo military operation put an end to these ideas, at least on a political level in Belgrade. And finally, put an end to Yugoslavia.
Is that why you have an illegal military base in occupied Serbian province of Kosovo?

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