The Anatomy of Donald Trump’s South Carolina Supporters: Fed Up And Fearful

I would think that few conservative children grow up to convert to Islam. That seems more a reaction to the type of morally bankrupt homelife found among libs.

Do you agree that taking step to reduce random death is rational?

Problem is the course of action you are proposing is just to one segment of society that I have lesser of a chance of being killed by. Maybe we should focus on the mental health issues of our general society, and you do know those that convert to any form of radical religion or support any form of terrorism are usually conservative and not Liberal.

Tell me one thing that is Liberal in Radical Islam?
OK. Radial Islamofascists believe it's OK the murder innocent humans. Liberals believe it's OK to murder innocent humans in the womb.
Same difference. Murder is murder.

Abortion is legal, and killing someone outside the womb is illegal, and you know this. If you dislike the law about abortion then get it changed and have the USSC to change it ruling, and if not the get over it.

Also Islamic terrorists are anti-abortion because of their religion, so you have more in common once again!

And yet Muslims here block vote dem, isn't that strange?

True, so did Southern Christians until LBJ ran them from the party...

It still does not explain why those like ISIS have more in common with those of the far-right than they have with those like me.

They're anti-gay, and use their religion to support their hatred.

They're anti-women rights, and use their religion to support their hatred.

They believe their religion should be the law of society, and I know many Christian's that have this same view.

It just strange how they have more in common with the far right than what they have with Liberals...

You have any republican friends?



The REPUBLICAN WAR ON WOMEN....How fucking ridiculous can one get?
Problem is the course of action you are proposing is just to one segment of society that I have lesser of a chance of being killed by. Maybe we should focus on the mental health issues of our general society, and you do know those that convert to any form of radical religion or support any form of terrorism are usually conservative and not Liberal.

Tell me one thing that is Liberal in Radical Islam?
OK. Radial Islamofascists believe it's OK the murder innocent humans. Liberals believe it's OK to murder innocent humans in the womb.
Same difference. Murder is murder.

Abortion is legal, and killing someone outside the womb is illegal, and you know this. If you dislike the law about abortion then get it changed and have the USSC to change it ruling, and if not the get over it.

Also Islamic terrorists are anti-abortion because of their religion, so you have more in common once again!

And yet Muslims here block vote dem, isn't that strange?

True, so did Southern Christians until LBJ ran them from the party...

It still does not explain why those like ISIS have more in common with those of the far-right than they have with those like me.

They're anti-gay, and use their religion to support their hatred.

They're anti-women rights, and use their religion to support their hatred.

They believe their religion should be the law of society, and I know many Christian's that have this same view.

It just strange how they have more in common with the far right than what they have with Liberals...

You have any republican friends?

I am Republican you nimrod.

Oh wait I forgot if I am not Tea Party then I am not Republican. You do understand the difference between far right and the right?

So do you have a brain?
No, I say medicate them until they're drooling and do not buy them a AR-15 for Christmas. You take them off the medication then you run the chance of them voting Tea Party when they're eligible to vote, and that is scary, or worst they convert to radical Islam and with that AR-15 turn against their Tea Party parents...

I would think that few conservative children grow up to convert to Islam. That seems more a reaction to the type of morally bankrupt homelife found among libs.

Do you agree that taking step to reduce random death is rational?

Problem is the course of action you are proposing is just to one segment of society that I have lesser of a chance of being killed by. Maybe we should focus on the mental health issues of our general society, and you do know those that convert to any form of radical religion or support any form of terrorism are usually conservative and not Liberal.

Tell me one thing that is Liberal in Radical Islam?
OK. Radial Islamofascists believe it's OK the murder innocent humans. Liberals believe it's OK to murder innocent humans in the womb.
Same difference. Murder is murder.

Abortion is legal, and killing someone outside the womb is illegal, and you know this. If you dislike the law about abortion then get it changed and have the USSC to change it ruling, and if not the get over it.

Also Islamic terrorists are anti-abortion because of their religion, so you have more in common once again!

And yet Muslims here block vote dem, isn't that strange?
Not strange at all. Muslims helped put G. W. in the WH by giving overwhelming support to the Republican in the close election. It was the post anti -Muslim positions and antics of the Republicans following 9/11, similar to the ones seen today that chased them away.
OK. Radial Islamofascists believe it's OK the murder innocent humans. Liberals believe it's OK to murder innocent humans in the womb.
Same difference. Murder is murder.

Abortion is legal, and killing someone outside the womb is illegal, and you know this. If you dislike the law about abortion then get it changed and have the USSC to change it ruling, and if not the get over it.

Also Islamic terrorists are anti-abortion because of their religion, so you have more in common once again!

And yet Muslims here block vote dem, isn't that strange?

True, so did Southern Christians until LBJ ran them from the party...

It still does not explain why those like ISIS have more in common with those of the far-right than they have with those like me.

They're anti-gay, and use their religion to support their hatred.

They're anti-women rights, and use their religion to support their hatred.

They believe their religion should be the law of society, and I know many Christian's that have this same view.

It just strange how they have more in common with the far right than what they have with Liberals...

You have any republican friends?

I am Republican you nimrod.

Oh wait I forgot if I am not Tea Party then I am not Republican. You do understand the difference between far right and the right?

So do you have a brain?

In the vein of "BONER" The "BITCH MITCH" and.....

OK. Radial Islamofascists believe it's OK the murder innocent humans. Liberals believe it's OK to murder innocent humans in the womb.
Same difference. Murder is murder.

Abortion is legal, and killing someone outside the womb is illegal, and you know this. If you dislike the law about abortion then get it changed and have the USSC to change it ruling, and if not the get over it.

Also Islamic terrorists are anti-abortion because of their religion, so you have more in common once again!

And yet Muslims here block vote dem, isn't that strange?

True, so did Southern Christians until LBJ ran them from the party...

It still does not explain why those like ISIS have more in common with those of the far-right than they have with those like me.

They're anti-gay, and use their religion to support their hatred.

They're anti-women rights, and use their religion to support their hatred.

They believe their religion should be the law of society, and I know many Christian's that have this same view.

It just strange how they have more in common with the far right than what they have with Liberals...

You have any republican friends?

I am Republican you nimrod.

Oh wait I forgot if I am not Tea Party then I am not Republican. You do understand the difference between far right and the right?

So do you have a brain?

Your description of the "Far Right" does not match with reality of a group of harmless middle aged white guys that are me and my peers.

If you are a Republican, then you need to stop allowing the lib media to define your reality for you.

Step One: Realize that the media is your enemy and wants to destroy you and is lying to you all the time.
Abortion is legal, and killing someone outside the womb is illegal, and you know this. If you dislike the law about abortion then get it changed and have the USSC to change it ruling, and if not the get over it.

Also Islamic terrorists are anti-abortion because of their religion, so you have more in common once again!

And yet Muslims here block vote dem, isn't that strange?

True, so did Southern Christians until LBJ ran them from the party...

It still does not explain why those like ISIS have more in common with those of the far-right than they have with those like me.

They're anti-gay, and use their religion to support their hatred.

They're anti-women rights, and use their religion to support their hatred.

They believe their religion should be the law of society, and I know many Christian's that have this same view.

It just strange how they have more in common with the far right than what they have with Liberals...

You have any republican friends?

I am Republican you nimrod.

Oh wait I forgot if I am not Tea Party then I am not Republican. You do understand the difference between far right and the right?

So do you have a brain?

In the vein of "BONER" The "BITCH MITCH" and.....


Only if you knew what a RINO really was, and you would call Reagan a RINO if he were alive today and running for President.

Hell Barry Goldwater would be a RINO to you and so would Joe McCarthy.

I swear you support a RINO and call those that disagree with you of being a RINO...
I would think that few conservative children grow up to convert to Islam. That seems more a reaction to the type of morally bankrupt homelife found among libs.

Do you agree that taking step to reduce random death is rational?

Problem is the course of action you are proposing is just to one segment of society that I have lesser of a chance of being killed by. Maybe we should focus on the mental health issues of our general society, and you do know those that convert to any form of radical religion or support any form of terrorism are usually conservative and not Liberal.

Tell me one thing that is Liberal in Radical Islam?
OK. Radial Islamofascists believe it's OK the murder innocent humans. Liberals believe it's OK to murder innocent humans in the womb.
Same difference. Murder is murder.

Abortion is legal, and killing someone outside the womb is illegal, and you know this. If you dislike the law about abortion then get it changed and have the USSC to change it ruling, and if not the get over it.

Also Islamic terrorists are anti-abortion because of their religion, so you have more in common once again!

And yet Muslims here block vote dem, isn't that strange?
Not strange at all. Muslims helped put G. W. in the WH by giving overwhelming support to the Republican in the close election. It was the post anti -Muslim positions and antics of the Republicans following 9/11, similar to the ones seen today that chased them away.

You mean like this?

"We see in Islam a religion that traces its origins back to God's call on Abraham. We share your belief in God's justice, and your insistence on man's moral responsibility. We thank the many Muslim nations who stand with us against terror. Nations that are often victims of terror, themselves."

President Hosts Iftaar Dinner
Remarks by the President at Iftaar Dinner
State Dining Room

The Fiend!
Abortion is legal, and killing someone outside the womb is illegal, and you know this. If you dislike the law about abortion then get it changed and have the USSC to change it ruling, and if not the get over it.

Also Islamic terrorists are anti-abortion because of their religion, so you have more in common once again!

And yet Muslims here block vote dem, isn't that strange?

True, so did Southern Christians until LBJ ran them from the party...

It still does not explain why those like ISIS have more in common with those of the far-right than they have with those like me.

They're anti-gay, and use their religion to support their hatred.

They're anti-women rights, and use their religion to support their hatred.

They believe their religion should be the law of society, and I know many Christian's that have this same view.

It just strange how they have more in common with the far right than what they have with Liberals...

You have any republican friends?

I am Republican you nimrod.

Oh wait I forgot if I am not Tea Party then I am not Republican. You do understand the difference between far right and the right?

So do you have a brain?

Your description of the "Far Right" does not match with reality of a group of harmless middle aged white guys that are me and my peers.

If you are a Republican, then you need to stop allowing the lib media to define your reality for you.

Step One: Realize that the media is your enemy and wants to destroy you and is lying to you all the time.


Are you telling me you are not against Gay Right?

Are you telling you support abortion?

If you are then hell RINO and if you are against those things then you and ISLAM have more in common than me.

I am a Libertarian Republican and fall into more of the Rand Paul and Ron Paul class, and believe the U.S. government should get it nose out of my life, but as for personal choices I do not care what someone does as long as the government is not paying for their fucking mistake!

Those like you believe your religion should be pushed onto others because you believe the Founding Fathers wanted it this way, but the reality is Church has no place in Government and if you believe it does then you have another thing in common with ISLAM.

So please save your bullshit for some liberal that might believe that everyone on the right think like you and if not they're a RINO and the enemy of the state!
Problem is the course of action you are proposing is just to one segment of society that I have lesser of a chance of being killed by. Maybe we should focus on the mental health issues of our general society, and you do know those that convert to any form of radical religion or support any form of terrorism are usually conservative and not Liberal.

Tell me one thing that is Liberal in Radical Islam?
OK. Radial Islamofascists believe it's OK the murder innocent humans. Liberals believe it's OK to murder innocent humans in the womb.
Same difference. Murder is murder.

Abortion is legal, and killing someone outside the womb is illegal, and you know this. If you dislike the law about abortion then get it changed and have the USSC to change it ruling, and if not the get over it.

Also Islamic terrorists are anti-abortion because of their religion, so you have more in common once again!

And yet Muslims here block vote dem, isn't that strange?
Not strange at all. Muslims helped put G. W. in the WH by giving overwhelming support to the Republican in the close election. It was the post anti -Muslim positions and antics of the Republicans following 9/11, similar to the ones seen today that chased them away.

You mean like this?

"We see in Islam a religion that traces its origins back to God's call on Abraham. We share your belief in God's justice, and your insistence on man's moral responsibility. We thank the many Muslim nations who stand with us against terror. Nations that are often victims of terror, themselves."

President Hosts Iftaar Dinner
Remarks by the President at Iftaar Dinner
State Dining Room

The Fiend!
No, I meant exactly what I said. Your embellishment and misinterpretation are not needed. You said Muslims were voting in a bloc for Democrats and I merely pointed out that they had voted in a block for a Republican a few elections back. You seem to have difficulty dealing with simply facts on an academic level. Perhaps you are a typical Trump fan and view everything in distorted and on emotional levels. Truth and honesty are meaningless to Trump, so it is reasonable to assume his brainwashed cult followers are the same.
And yet Muslims here block vote dem, isn't that strange?

True, so did Southern Christians until LBJ ran them from the party...

It still does not explain why those like ISIS have more in common with those of the far-right than they have with those like me.

They're anti-gay, and use their religion to support their hatred.

They're anti-women rights, and use their religion to support their hatred.

They believe their religion should be the law of society, and I know many Christian's that have this same view.

It just strange how they have more in common with the far right than what they have with Liberals...

You have any republican friends?

I am Republican you nimrod.

Oh wait I forgot if I am not Tea Party then I am not Republican. You do understand the difference between far right and the right?

So do you have a brain?

Your description of the "Far Right" does not match with reality of a group of harmless middle aged white guys that are me and my peers.

If you are a Republican, then you need to stop allowing the lib media to define your reality for you.

Step One: Realize that the media is your enemy and wants to destroy you and is lying to you all the time.


Are you telling me you are not against Gay Right?

Are you telling you support abortion?

If you are then hell RINO and if you are against those things then you and ISLAM have more in common than me.

I am a Libertarian Republican and fall into more of the Rand Paul and Ron Paul class, and believe the U.S. government should get it nose out of my life, but as for personal choices I do not care what someone does as long as the government is not paying for their fucking mistake!

Those like you believe your religion should be pushed onto others because you believe the Founding Fathers wanted it this way, but the reality is Church has no place in Government and if you believe it does then you have another thing in common with ISLAM.

So please save your bullshit for some liberal that might believe that everyone on the right think like you and if not they're a RINO and the enemy of the state!

There is nothing moderate about my support for this nation or the traditions and beliefs that have made it great.

Your view of the Religious RIght sounds right out of the Lefty playbook.
OK. Radial Islamofascists believe it's OK the murder innocent humans. Liberals believe it's OK to murder innocent humans in the womb.
Same difference. Murder is murder.

Abortion is legal, and killing someone outside the womb is illegal, and you know this. If you dislike the law about abortion then get it changed and have the USSC to change it ruling, and if not the get over it.

Also Islamic terrorists are anti-abortion because of their religion, so you have more in common once again!

And yet Muslims here block vote dem, isn't that strange?
Not strange at all. Muslims helped put G. W. in the WH by giving overwhelming support to the Republican in the close election. It was the post anti -Muslim positions and antics of the Republicans following 9/11, similar to the ones seen today that chased them away.

You mean like this?

"We see in Islam a religion that traces its origins back to God's call on Abraham. We share your belief in God's justice, and your insistence on man's moral responsibility. We thank the many Muslim nations who stand with us against terror. Nations that are often victims of terror, themselves."

President Hosts Iftaar Dinner
Remarks by the President at Iftaar Dinner
State Dining Room

The Fiend!
No, I meant exactly what I said. Your embellishment and misinterpretation are not needed. You said Muslims were voting in a bloc for Democrats and I merely pointed out that they had voted in a block for a Republican a few elections back. You seem to have difficulty dealing with simply facts on an academic level. Perhaps you are a typical Trump fan and view everything in distorted and on emotional levels. Truth and honesty are meaningless to Trump, so it is reasonable to assume his brainwashed cult followers are the same.

My point was clear. THe President of the United States was not engaged in any such "antics" as you describe and the Muslims left.
So there you have it, uneducated rubes crapping their pants, that is what is driving them

"I know I'm afraid," said Wood, who was laid off from his construction job in 2011 and has since settled into retirement. "We need to know who these people are, and I don’t think they should be able to just come into this country illegally and shoot up people."

In a series of interviews conducted at Trump's town hall last weekend in South Carolina, many supporters of the billionaire real estate mogul expressed outright fear -- and others a general unease -- about the security of the United States.

The Anatomy of Donald Trump’s South Carolina Supporters

Don't you find it appalling and just totally unacceptable that thousands gather to hear Trump speak while Hillary is lucky to draw twenty five or thirty to one of her political events? There are just a whole trainload of really stupid and uneducated rube out there and so few of you highly educated geniuses. LOL!!!
Abortion is legal, and killing someone outside the womb is illegal, and you know this. If you dislike the law about abortion then get it changed and have the USSC to change it ruling, and if not the get over it.

Also Islamic terrorists are anti-abortion because of their religion, so you have more in common once again!

And yet Muslims here block vote dem, isn't that strange?
Not strange at all. Muslims helped put G. W. in the WH by giving overwhelming support to the Republican in the close election. It was the post anti -Muslim positions and antics of the Republicans following 9/11, similar to the ones seen today that chased them away.

You mean like this?

"We see in Islam a religion that traces its origins back to God's call on Abraham. We share your belief in God's justice, and your insistence on man's moral responsibility. We thank the many Muslim nations who stand with us against terror. Nations that are often victims of terror, themselves."

President Hosts Iftaar Dinner
Remarks by the President at Iftaar Dinner
State Dining Room

The Fiend!
No, I meant exactly what I said. Your embellishment and misinterpretation are not needed. You said Muslims were voting in a bloc for Democrats and I merely pointed out that they had voted in a block for a Republican a few elections back. You seem to have difficulty dealing with simply facts on an academic level. Perhaps you are a typical Trump fan and view everything in distorted and on emotional levels. Truth and honesty are meaningless to Trump, so it is reasonable to assume his brainwashed cult followers are the same.

My point was clear. THe President of the United States was not engaged in any such "antics" as you describe and the Muslims left.
I did not make an accusation about President Bush. I said the antics of Republicans. Bush, in fact made honorable efforts to stand up for Muslims after 9/11. You are simply giving another example of how you distort and misinform to be dishonest.
And yet Muslims here block vote dem, isn't that strange?
Not strange at all. Muslims helped put G. W. in the WH by giving overwhelming support to the Republican in the close election. It was the post anti -Muslim positions and antics of the Republicans following 9/11, similar to the ones seen today that chased them away.

You mean like this?

"We see in Islam a religion that traces its origins back to God's call on Abraham. We share your belief in God's justice, and your insistence on man's moral responsibility. We thank the many Muslim nations who stand with us against terror. Nations that are often victims of terror, themselves."

President Hosts Iftaar Dinner
Remarks by the President at Iftaar Dinner
State Dining Room

The Fiend!
No, I meant exactly what I said. Your embellishment and misinterpretation are not needed. You said Muslims were voting in a bloc for Democrats and I merely pointed out that they had voted in a block for a Republican a few elections back. You seem to have difficulty dealing with simply facts on an academic level. Perhaps you are a typical Trump fan and view everything in distorted and on emotional levels. Truth and honesty are meaningless to Trump, so it is reasonable to assume his brainwashed cult followers are the same.

My point was clear. THe President of the United States was not engaged in any such "antics" as you describe and the Muslims left.
I did not make an accusation about President Bush. I said the antics of Republicans. Bush, in fact made honorable efforts to stand up for Muslims after 9/11. You are simply giving another example of how you distort and misinform to be dishonest.

Bush was the most visible and powerful of all Republicans during the time in question, and the Muslims left him, despite his "honorable efforts".

SO, it doesn't seem like the "antics" you refer to were the problem.
Not strange at all. Muslims helped put G. W. in the WH by giving overwhelming support to the Republican in the close election. It was the post anti -Muslim positions and antics of the Republicans following 9/11, similar to the ones seen today that chased them away.

You mean like this?

"We see in Islam a religion that traces its origins back to God's call on Abraham. We share your belief in God's justice, and your insistence on man's moral responsibility. We thank the many Muslim nations who stand with us against terror. Nations that are often victims of terror, themselves."

President Hosts Iftaar Dinner
Remarks by the President at Iftaar Dinner
State Dining Room

The Fiend!
No, I meant exactly what I said. Your embellishment and misinterpretation are not needed. You said Muslims were voting in a bloc for Democrats and I merely pointed out that they had voted in a block for a Republican a few elections back. You seem to have difficulty dealing with simply facts on an academic level. Perhaps you are a typical Trump fan and view everything in distorted and on emotional levels. Truth and honesty are meaningless to Trump, so it is reasonable to assume his brainwashed cult followers are the same.

My point was clear. THe President of the United States was not engaged in any such "antics" as you describe and the Muslims left.
I did not make an accusation about President Bush. I said the antics of Republicans. Bush, in fact made honorable efforts to stand up for Muslims after 9/11. You are simply giving another example of how you distort and misinform to be dishonest.

Bush was the most visible and powerful of all Republicans during the time in question, and the Muslims left him, despite his "honorable efforts".

SO, it doesn't seem like the "antics" you refer to were the problem.
You guys just never want to admit to the responsibilities of the consequences of the things you do. Here is an example of the one of the "antics" that had nothing to do with Bush, but everything to do with the Republican party.
You mean like this?

"We see in Islam a religion that traces its origins back to God's call on Abraham. We share your belief in God's justice, and your insistence on man's moral responsibility. We thank the many Muslim nations who stand with us against terror. Nations that are often victims of terror, themselves."

President Hosts Iftaar Dinner
Remarks by the President at Iftaar Dinner
State Dining Room

The Fiend!
No, I meant exactly what I said. Your embellishment and misinterpretation are not needed. You said Muslims were voting in a bloc for Democrats and I merely pointed out that they had voted in a block for a Republican a few elections back. You seem to have difficulty dealing with simply facts on an academic level. Perhaps you are a typical Trump fan and view everything in distorted and on emotional levels. Truth and honesty are meaningless to Trump, so it is reasonable to assume his brainwashed cult followers are the same.

My point was clear. THe President of the United States was not engaged in any such "antics" as you describe and the Muslims left.
I did not make an accusation about President Bush. I said the antics of Republicans. Bush, in fact made honorable efforts to stand up for Muslims after 9/11. You are simply giving another example of how you distort and misinform to be dishonest.

Bush was the most visible and powerful of all Republicans during the time in question, and the Muslims left him, despite his "honorable efforts".

SO, it doesn't seem like the "antics" you refer to were the problem.
You guys just never want to admit to the responsibilities of the consequences of the things you do. Here is an example of the one of the "antics" that had nothing to do with Bush, but everything to do with the Republican party.

If Muslims can't accept that there were some hurt feelings among Americans after the mass murder of 3000 Americans, I don't think the REpublicans are the ones at fault.
No, I meant exactly what I said. Your embellishment and misinterpretation are not needed. You said Muslims were voting in a bloc for Democrats and I merely pointed out that they had voted in a block for a Republican a few elections back. You seem to have difficulty dealing with simply facts on an academic level. Perhaps you are a typical Trump fan and view everything in distorted and on emotional levels. Truth and honesty are meaningless to Trump, so it is reasonable to assume his brainwashed cult followers are the same.

My point was clear. THe President of the United States was not engaged in any such "antics" as you describe and the Muslims left.
I did not make an accusation about President Bush. I said the antics of Republicans. Bush, in fact made honorable efforts to stand up for Muslims after 9/11. You are simply giving another example of how you distort and misinform to be dishonest.

Bush was the most visible and powerful of all Republicans during the time in question, and the Muslims left him, despite his "honorable efforts".

SO, it doesn't seem like the "antics" you refer to were the problem.
You guys just never want to admit to the responsibilities of the consequences of the things you do. Here is an example of the one of the "antics" that had nothing to do with Bush, but everything to do with the Republican party.

If Muslims can't accept that there were some hurt feelings among Americans after the mass murder of 3000 Americans, I don't think the REpublicans are the ones at fault.
Muslims are telling you why other Muslims are upset with the Republican Party, but you disagree with them and think you know better. Of course, you do not offer an alternative, you just refuse to take responsibility for the problem the Republicans created for themselves.
Fear is the rational response to random death.

And yet I have less chance of being killed by a Terrorist Muslim than by one of their ( Trump Supporters ) kids that are on lithium and their parent buys the little one a AR-15 for Christmas...

So, you're against the medication of our young? Me too.

And fear is still the rational response to random death.

Taking steps to reduce the chance of that random death is pretty rational too.

You know what is the opposite of rational? Taking active steps to increase the chance of random death.

America has the highest rate of mass killing of any developed nation on the planet.

Where is the rational fear over that in this political campaign?
Fear is the rational response to random death.

And yet I have less chance of being killed by a Terrorist Muslim than by one of their ( Trump Supporters ) kids that are on lithium and their parent buys the little one a AR-15 for Christmas...

So, you're against the medication of our young? Me too.

And fear is still the rational response to random death.

Taking steps to reduce the chance of that random death is pretty rational too.

You know what is the opposite of rational? Taking active steps to increase the chance of random death.

America has the highest rate of mass killing of any developed nation on the planet.

Where is the rational fear over that in this political campaign?

Not true at all. We are #8. Norway is #1. Stop lying.

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