The Ancient Black Hebrews

. If skin color was irrelevant why did god turn Miriam white? Why did god turn mosses hand white? Why did the Hebrews say their skin was Black due to famine?

Excellent questions... Still, being turned white has nothing to do with skin color.

You never explained what made you think the guys in the picture had Black hair. Care to tell me?

Sure, just as soon as you care to tell me how you have concluded that the people in this picture have black hair and represent black Hebrews..

When would having white skin not be having white skin?

Numbers 12:10 When the cloud lifted from above the tent, Miriam's skin was leprous --it became as white as snow. Aaron turned toward her and saw that she had a defiling skin disease,

"When the cloud lifted from above the tent, Miriam's skin was leprous --it became as white as snow. Aaron turned toward her and saw that she had a defiling skin disease,"

Well I asked you first. Please dont deflect. BTW thank you for tackling the skin color issue. Everyone else avoided it like the plague.

White people often have white spots on their flesh toned skin which are not leprous or an indication of a defiling skin disease or an implication that they were first black.

What does that have to do with anything? In scripture by and large white is associated with purity not skin color.

Do you think the cloud that lifted from above the tent was a freakish weather phenomenon too?

That may be true but you miss the point. Obviously turning Miriam white was not seen as a sign of purity. It was a punishment. Did you forget about that? Also as I asked before. Why would turning Moses hand spotted white be seen as a more impressive miracle than turning a stick into a snake? If Moses was already white as you are claiming without a shred of proof then you wouldnt be able to see the spots from more than 10 ft away.

If you ever bothered to read the CAUSE of tzaris, you would know it's caused by Lashon Harah (speaking evil of people).
Hashem was illustrating to Moshe not to say that the Children of Israel would not believe was going to save them from Egypt.
I did read it but as you state that doesnt jibe with white being a sign of purity. It means white is a sign of dishonor. However, none of your deflections address the question.
Thanks for proving my point that scripture was intentionally written in figurative language that would go over the heads of those who do not think very deeply.

If his head "like pure gold" is not about skin color then black dreadlocks are not about skin color either.

Congratulations! You have missed the point completely.

Skin color is irrelevant.

Pure Gold is an alliteration to being pure of mind and heart.
Black locks are an indication of youthful energy.
I agree but that doesnt jibe with the claim that white is pure.
Thanks for proving my point that scripture was intentionally written in figurative language that would go over the heads of those who do not think very deeply.

If his head "like pure gold" is not about skin color then black dreadlocks are not about skin color either.

Congratulations! You have missed the point completely.

Skin color is irrelevant.

Pure Gold is an alliteration to being pure of mind and heart.
Black locks are an indication of youthful energy.
I agree but that doesnt jibe with the claim that white is pure.

The skin turning white is a sign that one SHOULD be pure.
By the way, if my skin was as white as my hair I would look like a freak.

Isaiah 1 / Hebrew - English Bible / Mechon-Mamre
Isaiah Chapter 1:18 Come now, and let us reason together, saith the LORD; though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they be red like crimson, they shall be as wool.

Read the entire chapter and learn something.
Excellent questions... Still, being turned white has nothing to do with skin color.

Sure, just as soon as you care to tell me how you have concluded that the people in this picture have black hair and represent black Hebrews..

When would having white skin not be having white skin?

Numbers 12:10 When the cloud lifted from above the tent, Miriam's skin was leprous --it became as white as snow. Aaron turned toward her and saw that she had a defiling skin disease,

"When the cloud lifted from above the tent, Miriam's skin was leprous --it became as white as snow. Aaron turned toward her and saw that she had a defiling skin disease,"

Well I asked you first. Please dont deflect. BTW thank you for tackling the skin color issue. Everyone else avoided it like the plague.

White people often have white spots on their flesh toned skin which are not leprous or an indication of a defiling skin disease or an implication that they were first black.

What does that have to do with anything? In scripture by and large white is associated with purity not skin color.

Do you think the cloud that lifted from above the tent was a freakish weather phenomenon too?

That may be true but you miss the point. Obviously turning Miriam white was not seen as a sign of purity. It was a punishment. Did you forget about that? Also as I asked before. Why would turning Moses hand spotted white be seen as a more impressive miracle than turning a stick into a snake? If Moses was already white as you are claiming without a shred of proof then you wouldnt be able to see the spots from more than 10 ft away.

If you ever bothered to read the CAUSE of tzaris, you would know it's caused by Lashon Harah (speaking evil of people).
Hashem was illustrating to Moshe not to say that the Children of Israel would not believe was going to save them from Egypt.
I did read it but as you state that doesnt jibe with white being a sign of purity. It means white is a sign of dishonor. However, none of your deflections address the question.

We wear white on Yom Kippur the day of atonement ..Yes white is a sign of purity. Do you actually know anything?

It is a tradition in all Jewish communities to wear a large tallit on Yom Kippur evening. The white of the tallit also serves to suggest purity and mercy.

The story is told of a great righteous man who stood before the congregation one Yom Kippur eve, and addressed his fellow Jews, who were all clad in white garments and wrapped in their white tallitot.

My brothers and sisters, children of Israel! Take to heart that it is in white garments like these we are wearing now, that we shall ascend to the World to Come to be judged and give our accounting before the King of all kings, the Holy One, blessed is He.

Why We Wear White on Yom Kippur
Jeremiah 13 / Hebrew - English Bible / Mechon-Mamre
Jeremiah 13:23 Can the Ethiopian change his skin, or the leopard his spots? Then may ye also do good, that are accustomed to do evil.

Amos 9 / Hebrew - English Bible / Mechon-Mamre
Amos 9:7 Are ye not as the children of the Ethiopians unto Me, O children of Israel? saith the LORD. Have not I brought up Israel out of the land of Egypt, and the Philistines from Caphtor, and Aram from Kir?

Yikes! God must have been REALLY pissed off at the Jews here comparing them to the inveterate Ethiopian sinners.

God is telling the Jews that even though He promised to never wipe them out that they DESERVE to be wiped out.

Yep! God must REALLY love those Ethiopian!
That was pretty weak and shows your misunderstanding of the verses. You really need to get your money back. How you came up with that interpretation is amusing. Here god is comparing the value of Black skin to the value of leopards skin. Back then leopard skin was extremely valuable and seen as a sign of high value. since the Black skin is mentioned first that means the Black skin was considered even more valuable. This comparison is used to address the true nature of the Hebrews as being inherently Black and valuable. God is encouraging the Hebrews to return to their true nature. Thanks for making me remember that one. i totally forgot about it.

Bible Animals

"The skin of the Leopard has always been highly valued on account of its beauty, and in Africa, at the present day, a robe made of its spotted skin is as much an adjunct of royalty as is the ermine the emblem of judicial dignity in England. In more ancient times a leopard skin was the official costume of a priest, the skin being sometimes shaped into a grament and sometimes thrown over the shoulders and the paws crossed over the breast."
Bible Animals; Being a Description of Every Living Creature Mentioned in the Scripture
-John George Wood pg 34
When would having white skin not be having white skin?

Numbers 12:10 When the cloud lifted from above the tent, Miriam's skin was leprous --it became as white as snow. Aaron turned toward her and saw that she had a defiling skin disease,

"When the cloud lifted from above the tent, Miriam's skin was leprous --it became as white as snow. Aaron turned toward her and saw that she had a defiling skin disease,"

Well I asked you first. Please dont deflect. BTW thank you for tackling the skin color issue. Everyone else avoided it like the plague.

White people often have white spots on their flesh toned skin which are not leprous or an indication of a defiling skin disease or an implication that they were first black.

What does that have to do with anything? In scripture by and large white is associated with purity not skin color.

Do you think the cloud that lifted from above the tent was a freakish weather phenomenon too?

That may be true but you miss the point. Obviously turning Miriam white was not seen as a sign of purity. It was a punishment. Did you forget about that? Also as I asked before. Why would turning Moses hand spotted white be seen as a more impressive miracle than turning a stick into a snake? If Moses was already white as you are claiming without a shred of proof then you wouldnt be able to see the spots from more than 10 ft away.

If you ever bothered to read the CAUSE of tzaris, you would know it's caused by Lashon Harah (speaking evil of people).
Hashem was illustrating to Moshe not to say that the Children of Israel would not believe was going to save them from Egypt.
I did read it but as you state that doesnt jibe with white being a sign of purity. It means white is a sign of dishonor. However, none of your deflections address the question.

We wear white on Yom Kippur the day of atonement ..Yes white is a sign of purity. Do you actually know anything?

It is a tradition in all Jewish communities to wear a large tallit on Yom Kippur evening. The white of the tallit also serves to suggest purity and mercy.

The story is told of a great righteous man who stood before the congregation one Yom Kippur eve, and addressed his fellow Jews, who were all clad in white garments and wrapped in their white tallitot.

My brothers and sisters, children of Israel! Take to heart that it is in white garments like these we are wearing now, that we shall ascend to the World to Come to be judged and give our accounting before the King of all kings, the Holy One, blessed is He.

Why We Wear White on Yom Kippur
I dont care what you wear. If god felt it was a sign of purity he wouldnt turn people white as a punishment. Dont blame me because you dont get that.
Jeremiah 13 / Hebrew - English Bible / Mechon-Mamre
Jeremiah 13:23 Can the Ethiopian change his skin, or the leopard his spots? Then may ye also do good, that are accustomed to do evil.

Amos 9 / Hebrew - English Bible / Mechon-Mamre
Amos 9:7 Are ye not as the children of the Ethiopians unto Me, O children of Israel? saith the LORD. Have not I brought up Israel out of the land of Egypt, and the Philistines from Caphtor, and Aram from Kir?

Yikes! God must have been REALLY pissed off at the Jews here comparing them to the inveterate Ethiopian sinners.

God is telling the Jews that even though He promised to never wipe them out that they DESERVE to be wiped out.

Yep! God must REALLY love those Ethiopian!
That was pretty weak and shows your misunderstanding of the verses. You really need to get your money back. How you came up with that interpretation is amusing. Here god is comparing the value of Black skin to the value of leopards skin. Back then leopard skin was extremely valuable and seen as a sign of high value. since the Black skin is mentioned first that means the Black skin was considered even more valuable. This comparison is used to address the true nature of the Hebrews as being inherently Black and valuable. God is encouraging the Hebrews to return to their true nature. Thanks for making me remember that one. i totally forgot about it.

Bible Animals

You're an idiot.

"The skin of the Leopard has always been highly valued on account of its beauty, and in Africa, at the present day, a robe made of its spotted skin is as much an adjunct of royalty as is the ermine the emblem of judicial dignity in England. In more ancient times a leopard skin was the official costume of a priest, the skin being sometimes shaped into a grament and sometimes thrown over the shoulders and the paws crossed over the breast."
Bible Animals; Being a Description of Every Living Creature Mentioned in the Scripture
-John George Wood pg 34
White people often have white spots on their flesh toned skin which are not leprous or an indication of a defiling skin disease or an implication that they were first black.

What does that have to do with anything? In scripture by and large white is associated with purity not skin color.

Do you think the cloud that lifted from above the tent was a freakish weather phenomenon too?

That may be true but you miss the point. Obviously turning Miriam white was not seen as a sign of purity. It was a punishment. Did you forget about that? Also as I asked before. Why would turning Moses hand spotted white be seen as a more impressive miracle than turning a stick into a snake? If Moses was already white as you are claiming without a shred of proof then you wouldnt be able to see the spots from more than 10 ft away.

If you ever bothered to read the CAUSE of tzaris, you would know it's caused by Lashon Harah (speaking evil of people).
Hashem was illustrating to Moshe not to say that the Children of Israel would not believe was going to save them from Egypt.
I did read it but as you state that doesnt jibe with white being a sign of purity. It means white is a sign of dishonor. However, none of your deflections address the question.

We wear white on Yom Kippur the day of atonement ..Yes white is a sign of purity. Do you actually know anything?

It is a tradition in all Jewish communities to wear a large tallit on Yom Kippur evening. The white of the tallit also serves to suggest purity and mercy.

The story is told of a great righteous man who stood before the congregation one Yom Kippur eve, and addressed his fellow Jews, who were all clad in white garments and wrapped in their white tallitot.

My brothers and sisters, children of Israel! Take to heart that it is in white garments like these we are wearing now, that we shall ascend to the World to Come to be judged and give our accounting before the King of all kings, the Holy One, blessed is He.

Why We Wear White on Yom Kippur
I dont care what you wear. If god felt it was a sign of purity he wouldnt turn people white as a punishment. Dont blame me because you dont get that.

Do you know how much of the skin turns white?
The size of a quarter.
I realize you refuse to feel stupid.
That may be true but you miss the point. Obviously turning Miriam white was not seen as a sign of purity. It was a punishment. Did you forget about that? Also as I asked before. Why would turning Moses hand spotted white be seen as a more impressive miracle than turning a stick into a snake? If Moses was already white as you are claiming without a shred of proof then you wouldnt be able to see the spots from more than 10 ft away.

If you ever bothered to read the CAUSE of tzaris, you would know it's caused by Lashon Harah (speaking evil of people).
Hashem was illustrating to Moshe not to say that the Children of Israel would not believe was going to save them from Egypt.
I did read it but as you state that doesnt jibe with white being a sign of purity. It means white is a sign of dishonor. However, none of your deflections address the question.

We wear white on Yom Kippur the day of atonement ..Yes white is a sign of purity. Do you actually know anything?

It is a tradition in all Jewish communities to wear a large tallit on Yom Kippur evening. The white of the tallit also serves to suggest purity and mercy.

The story is told of a great righteous man who stood before the congregation one Yom Kippur eve, and addressed his fellow Jews, who were all clad in white garments and wrapped in their white tallitot.

My brothers and sisters, children of Israel! Take to heart that it is in white garments like these we are wearing now, that we shall ascend to the World to Come to be judged and give our accounting before the King of all kings, the Holy One, blessed is He.

Why We Wear White on Yom Kippur
I dont care what you wear. If god felt it was a sign of purity he wouldnt turn people white as a punishment. Dont blame me because you dont get that.

Do you know how much of the skin turns white?
The size of a quarter.
I realize you refuse to feel stupid.
Are you saying Miriams only white spot was the size of a quarter? The verse clearly says all of her skin was white. maybe you meant she was the size of a quarter?
White people often have white spots on their flesh toned skin which are not leprous or an indication of a defiling skin disease or an implication that they were first black.

What does that have to do with anything? In scripture by and large white is associated with purity not skin color.

Do you think the cloud that lifted from above the tent was a freakish weather phenomenon too?

That may be true but you miss the point. Obviously turning Miriam white was not seen as a sign of purity. It was a punishment. Did you forget about that? Also as I asked before. Why would turning Moses hand spotted white be seen as a more impressive miracle than turning a stick into a snake? If Moses was already white as you are claiming without a shred of proof then you wouldnt be able to see the spots from more than 10 ft away.

If you ever bothered to read the CAUSE of tzaris, you would know it's caused by Lashon Harah (speaking evil of people).
Hashem was illustrating to Moshe not to say that the Children of Israel would not believe was going to save them from Egypt.
I did read it but as you state that doesnt jibe with white being a sign of purity. It means white is a sign of dishonor. However, none of your deflections address the question.

We wear white on Yom Kippur the day of atonement ..Yes white is a sign of purity. Do you actually know anything?

It is a tradition in all Jewish communities to wear a large tallit on Yom Kippur evening. The white of the tallit also serves to suggest purity and mercy.

The story is told of a great righteous man who stood before the congregation one Yom Kippur eve, and addressed his fellow Jews, who were all clad in white garments and wrapped in their white tallitot.

My brothers and sisters, children of Israel! Take to heart that it is in white garments like these we are wearing now, that we shall ascend to the World to Come to be judged and give our accounting before the King of all kings, the Holy One, blessed is He.

Why We Wear White on Yom Kippur
I dont care what you wear. If god felt it was a sign of purity he wouldnt turn people white as a punishment. Dont blame me because you dont get that.

You don't get it fraud ..You don't know anything about the topic. all you do is post spoon fed talking point from the
the Christian bible..Is there anything in that bible that foretells how black men will be slaughtering each other in the streets?:dunno:..It must be in there somewhere
If you ever bothered to read the CAUSE of tzaris, you would know it's caused by Lashon Harah (speaking evil of people).
Hashem was illustrating to Moshe not to say that the Children of Israel would not believe was going to save them from Egypt.
I did read it but as you state that doesnt jibe with white being a sign of purity. It means white is a sign of dishonor. However, none of your deflections address the question.

We wear white on Yom Kippur the day of atonement ..Yes white is a sign of purity. Do you actually know anything?

It is a tradition in all Jewish communities to wear a large tallit on Yom Kippur evening. The white of the tallit also serves to suggest purity and mercy.

The story is told of a great righteous man who stood before the congregation one Yom Kippur eve, and addressed his fellow Jews, who were all clad in white garments and wrapped in their white tallitot.

My brothers and sisters, children of Israel! Take to heart that it is in white garments like these we are wearing now, that we shall ascend to the World to Come to be judged and give our accounting before the King of all kings, the Holy One, blessed is He.

Why We Wear White on Yom Kippur
I dont care what you wear. If god felt it was a sign of purity he wouldnt turn people white as a punishment. Dont blame me because you dont get that.

Do you know how much of the skin turns white?
The size of a quarter.
I realize you refuse to feel stupid.
Are you saying Miriams only white spot was the size of a quarter?

Yes...Trying learning the halacha.
You think God tries to make people look like clowns?
That may be true but you miss the point. Obviously turning Miriam white was not seen as a sign of purity. It was a punishment. Did you forget about that? Also as I asked before. Why would turning Moses hand spotted white be seen as a more impressive miracle than turning a stick into a snake? If Moses was already white as you are claiming without a shred of proof then you wouldnt be able to see the spots from more than 10 ft away.

If you ever bothered to read the CAUSE of tzaris, you would know it's caused by Lashon Harah (speaking evil of people).
Hashem was illustrating to Moshe not to say that the Children of Israel would not believe was going to save them from Egypt.
I did read it but as you state that doesnt jibe with white being a sign of purity. It means white is a sign of dishonor. However, none of your deflections address the question.

We wear white on Yom Kippur the day of atonement ..Yes white is a sign of purity. Do you actually know anything?

It is a tradition in all Jewish communities to wear a large tallit on Yom Kippur evening. The white of the tallit also serves to suggest purity and mercy.

The story is told of a great righteous man who stood before the congregation one Yom Kippur eve, and addressed his fellow Jews, who were all clad in white garments and wrapped in their white tallitot.

My brothers and sisters, children of Israel! Take to heart that it is in white garments like these we are wearing now, that we shall ascend to the World to Come to be judged and give our accounting before the King of all kings, the Holy One, blessed is He.

Why We Wear White on Yom Kippur
I dont care what you wear. If god felt it was a sign of purity he wouldnt turn people white as a punishment. Dont blame me because you dont get that.

You don't get it fraud ..You don't know anything about the topic. all you do is post spoon fed talking point from the
the Christian bible..Is there anything in that bible that foretells how black men will be slaughtering each other in the streets?:dunno:..It must be in there somewhere
Thats another subject entirely though. You still havent explained why god punished Miriam by turning her white if it was a sign of purity?
I did read it but as you state that doesnt jibe with white being a sign of purity. It means white is a sign of dishonor. However, none of your deflections address the question.

We wear white on Yom Kippur the day of atonement ..Yes white is a sign of purity. Do you actually know anything?

It is a tradition in all Jewish communities to wear a large tallit on Yom Kippur evening. The white of the tallit also serves to suggest purity and mercy.

The story is told of a great righteous man who stood before the congregation one Yom Kippur eve, and addressed his fellow Jews, who were all clad in white garments and wrapped in their white tallitot.

My brothers and sisters, children of Israel! Take to heart that it is in white garments like these we are wearing now, that we shall ascend to the World to Come to be judged and give our accounting before the King of all kings, the Holy One, blessed is He.

Why We Wear White on Yom Kippur
I dont care what you wear. If god felt it was a sign of purity he wouldnt turn people white as a punishment. Dont blame me because you dont get that.

Do you know how much of the skin turns white?
The size of a quarter.
I realize you refuse to feel stupid.
Are you saying Miriams only white spot was the size of a quarter?

Yes...Trying learning the halacha.
You think God tries to make people look like clowns?
Yes what? She only had a white spot the size of a quarter or she was the size of a quarter?
I did read it but as you state that doesnt jibe with white being a sign of purity. It means white is a sign of dishonor. However, none of your deflections address the question.

We wear white on Yom Kippur the day of atonement ..Yes white is a sign of purity. Do you actually know anything?

It is a tradition in all Jewish communities to wear a large tallit on Yom Kippur evening. The white of the tallit also serves to suggest purity and mercy.

The story is told of a great righteous man who stood before the congregation one Yom Kippur eve, and addressed his fellow Jews, who were all clad in white garments and wrapped in their white tallitot.

My brothers and sisters, children of Israel! Take to heart that it is in white garments like these we are wearing now, that we shall ascend to the World to Come to be judged and give our accounting before the King of all kings, the Holy One, blessed is He.

Why We Wear White on Yom Kippur
I dont care what you wear. If god felt it was a sign of purity he wouldnt turn people white as a punishment. Dont blame me because you dont get that.

Do you know how much of the skin turns white?
The size of a quarter.
I realize you refuse to feel stupid.
Are you saying Miriams only white spot was the size of a quarter?

Yes...Trying learning the halacha.
You think God tries to make people look like clowns?

This guy "Asclepias" looks like a clown..Is G-d behind it?:dunno:
If you ever bothered to read the CAUSE of tzaris, you would know it's caused by Lashon Harah (speaking evil of people).
Hashem was illustrating to Moshe not to say that the Children of Israel would not believe was going to save them from Egypt.
I did read it but as you state that doesnt jibe with white being a sign of purity. It means white is a sign of dishonor. However, none of your deflections address the question.

We wear white on Yom Kippur the day of atonement ..Yes white is a sign of purity. Do you actually know anything?

It is a tradition in all Jewish communities to wear a large tallit on Yom Kippur evening. The white of the tallit also serves to suggest purity and mercy.

The story is told of a great righteous man who stood before the congregation one Yom Kippur eve, and addressed his fellow Jews, who were all clad in white garments and wrapped in their white tallitot.

My brothers and sisters, children of Israel! Take to heart that it is in white garments like these we are wearing now, that we shall ascend to the World to Come to be judged and give our accounting before the King of all kings, the Holy One, blessed is He.

Why We Wear White on Yom Kippur
I dont care what you wear. If god felt it was a sign of purity he wouldnt turn people white as a punishment. Dont blame me because you dont get that.

You don't get it fraud ..You don't know anything about the topic. all you do is post spoon fed talking point from the
the Christian bible..Is there anything in that bible that foretells how black men will be slaughtering each other in the streets?:dunno:..It must be in there somewhere
Thats another subject entirely though. You still havent explained why god punished Miriam by turning her white if it was a sign of purity?

I explained tsaris...white is to remind someone to turn towards heaven and behave.
God would NEVER turn someone Black as that would indicate a complete rejection.
We wear white on Yom Kippur the day of atonement ..Yes white is a sign of purity. Do you actually know anything?

Why We Wear White on Yom Kippur
I dont care what you wear. If god felt it was a sign of purity he wouldnt turn people white as a punishment. Dont blame me because you dont get that.

Do you know how much of the skin turns white?
The size of a quarter.
I realize you refuse to feel stupid.
Are you saying Miriams only white spot was the size of a quarter?

Yes...Trying learning the halacha.
You think God tries to make people look like clowns?
Yes what? She only had a white spot the size of a quarter or she was the size of a quarter?

Try learning the law rather than spouting your racist nonsense.
You think for a moment the entire body turns white?
Not even close.
In fact, the Torah SPECIFICALLY points out that the tsaris is discovered by the person who gets it, NOT someone else.
I did read it but as you state that doesnt jibe with white being a sign of purity. It means white is a sign of dishonor. However, none of your deflections address the question.

We wear white on Yom Kippur the day of atonement ..Yes white is a sign of purity. Do you actually know anything?

It is a tradition in all Jewish communities to wear a large tallit on Yom Kippur evening. The white of the tallit also serves to suggest purity and mercy.

The story is told of a great righteous man who stood before the congregation one Yom Kippur eve, and addressed his fellow Jews, who were all clad in white garments and wrapped in their white tallitot.

My brothers and sisters, children of Israel! Take to heart that it is in white garments like these we are wearing now, that we shall ascend to the World to Come to be judged and give our accounting before the King of all kings, the Holy One, blessed is He.

Why We Wear White on Yom Kippur
I dont care what you wear. If god felt it was a sign of purity he wouldnt turn people white as a punishment. Dont blame me because you dont get that.

You don't get it fraud ..You don't know anything about the topic. all you do is post spoon fed talking point from the
the Christian bible..Is there anything in that bible that foretells how black men will be slaughtering each other in the streets?:dunno:..It must be in there somewhere
Thats another subject entirely though. You still havent explained why god punished Miriam by turning her white if it was a sign of purity?

I explained tsaris...white is to remind someone to turn towards heaven and behave.
God would NEVER turn someone Black as that would indicate a complete rejection.

He made lots of African people Black. What are you talking about?

Leviticus 13:1. The LORD said to Moses and Aaron, "When anyone has a swelling or a rash or a bright spot on his skin that may become an infectious skin disease, he must be brought to Aaron the priest or to one of his sons who is a priest. The priest is to examine the sore on his skin, and if the hair in the sore has turned white and the sore appears to be more than skin deep, it is an infectious skin disease. When the priest examines him, he shall pronounce him ceremonially unclean.
I dont care what you wear. If god felt it was a sign of purity he wouldnt turn people white as a punishment. Dont blame me because you dont get that.

Do you know how much of the skin turns white?
The size of a quarter.
I realize you refuse to feel stupid.
Are you saying Miriams only white spot was the size of a quarter?

Yes...Trying learning the halacha.
You think God tries to make people look like clowns?
Yes what? She only had a white spot the size of a quarter or she was the size of a quarter?

Try learning the law rather than spouting your racist nonsense.
You think for a moment the entire body turns white?
Not even close.
In fact, the Torah SPECIFICALLY points out that the tsaris is discovered by the person who gets it, NOT someone else.
Thats odd. It would be pretty hard for the general population to miss out on the fact that your house and clothes turned white first wouldnt it?
We wear white on Yom Kippur the day of atonement ..Yes white is a sign of purity. Do you actually know anything?

Why We Wear White on Yom Kippur
I dont care what you wear. If god felt it was a sign of purity he wouldnt turn people white as a punishment. Dont blame me because you dont get that.

You don't get it fraud ..You don't know anything about the topic. all you do is post spoon fed talking point from the
the Christian bible..Is there anything in that bible that foretells how black men will be slaughtering each other in the streets?:dunno:..It must be in there somewhere
Thats another subject entirely though. You still havent explained why god punished Miriam by turning her white if it was a sign of purity?

I explained tsaris...white is to remind someone to turn towards heaven and behave.
God would NEVER turn someone Black as that would indicate a complete rejection.

He made lots of African people Black. What are you talking about?

Leviticus 13:1. The LORD said to Moses and Aaron, "When anyone has a swelling or a rash or a bright spot on his skin that may become an infectious skin disease, he must be brought to Aaron the priest or to one of his sons who is a priest. The priest is to examine the sore on his skin, and if the hair in the sore has turned white and the sore appears to be more than skin deep, it is an infectious skin disease. When the priest examines him, he shall pronounce him ceremonially unclean.

Sores or blemishes of any kind make make a Priest unclean...Cherry picking again, the color makes no difference
Do you know how much of the skin turns white?
The size of a quarter.
I realize you refuse to feel stupid.
Are you saying Miriams only white spot was the size of a quarter?

Yes...Trying learning the halacha.
You think God tries to make people look like clowns?
Yes what? She only had a white spot the size of a quarter or she was the size of a quarter?

Try learning the law rather than spouting your racist nonsense.
You think for a moment the entire body turns white?
Not even close.
In fact, the Torah SPECIFICALLY points out that the tsaris is discovered by the person who gets it, NOT someone else.
Thats odd. It would be pretty hard for the general population to miss out on the fact that your house and clothes turned white first wouldnt it?

I truly believe you're mentally unstable:cuckoo:

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