The Ancient Black Hebrews

""His head is like gold, pure gold; His locks are like clusters of dates And black as a raven."
-Song of Solomon 5:11

If you are using this verse to prove Jews were Black you're retarded.
Black hair = Black person.
A simply retarded assertion.

Whats so dumb about that?

It's like saying because scripture says his head was like pure gold = yellow = Asian.

His logic is impeccable.
""His head is like gold, pure gold; His locks are like clusters of dates And black as a raven."
-Song of Solomon 5:11

If you are using this verse to prove Jews were Black you're retarded.
Black hair = Black person.
A simply retarded assertion.

Black Locks like clusters of dates = Black person



dreadlocks do not automatically = black person

View attachment 83776 View attachment 83777

Over half of surviving Ancient Greek kouros sculptures (from c. 615 – 485 BC) are found wearing dreadlocks.
Thats because they copied the hair styles of the Egyptians which really has nothing to do with the point in time that we are discussing but thanks.
""His head is like gold, pure gold; His locks are like clusters of dates And black as a raven."
-Song of Solomon 5:11

If you are using this verse to prove Jews were Black you're retarded.
Black hair = Black person.
A simply retarded assertion.

Whats so dumb about that?

It's like saying because scripture says his head was like pure gold = yellow = Asian.

His logic is impeccable.
That shows a lack of understanding on your part regarding context.. His head is being compared to something valuable. If you look at the song of Solomon that type of language is used extensively.
""His head is like gold, pure gold; His locks are like clusters of dates And black as a raven."
-Song of Solomon 5:11

If you are using this verse to prove Jews were Black you're retarded.
Black hair = Black person.
A simply retarded assertion.

Black Locks like clusters of dates = Black person



dreadlocks do not automatically = black person

View attachment 83776 View attachment 83777

Over half of surviving Ancient Greek kouros sculptures (from c. 615 – 485 BC) are found wearing dreadlocks.
Thats because they copied the hair styles of the Egyptians which really has nothing to do with the point in time that we are discussing but thanks.

It has everything to do with refuting your assertion that dreadlocks "black as a raven" is specifically referring to black people, by showing Greeks with hair "black as a raven" wearing dreadlocks in the ancient world.
Cham (Black), Cush (Black) and Nimrod (Black?) did not walk in God's ways.
Doesnt make any difference. They were still Black.

They were Idol Worshippers.
And rejected by God.
They were NEVER Jews.
they were Hammites. Of course they werent Jews. When did I say the Hammites were Jews?

Are you playing dumb?
The whole point of this thread is you insisting the original Jews were Black.
They weren't.

He's not playing, he's seriously, willfully, stupid, to the point of psychosis. He sees everything in black and white. Every black man is descendant from the ancient Hebrews. While no Jews are. While Jews have been persecuted, exiled and slaughtered because we've kept the law. these crazy black guys who decided they were Hebrews 100 years ago are the real Jews. There are some dark skinned Jews,but this nutjob believes there is no such thing as light- skinned Jews. :cuckoo:
Where did i say every Black man is a descendant of the ancient Hebrews? Every Black person is not a Hebrew. I think you got confused when I said the original Hebrews were Black.
""His head is like gold, pure gold; His locks are like clusters of dates And black as a raven."
-Song of Solomon 5:11

If you are using this verse to prove Jews were Black you're retarded.
Black hair = Black person.
A simply retarded assertion.

Black Locks like clusters of dates = Black person



dreadlocks do not automatically = black person

View attachment 83776 View attachment 83777

Over half of surviving Ancient Greek kouros sculptures (from c. 615 – 485 BC) are found wearing dreadlocks.
Thats because they copied the hair styles of the Egyptians which really has nothing to do with the point in time that we are discussing but thanks.

It has everything to do with refuting your point that dreadlocks "black as a raven" is specifically referring to black people, by showing Greeks with hair black as a raven wearing dreadlocks in the ancient world.
It has nothing to do with it at all. So your refutation has failed. The time period is not even the same. The Greeks didnt do that until they learned from the Egyptians. How can you tell those statues have Black hair? Actually these guys look Black to be honest.

Thanks for proving my point that scripture was intentionally written in figurative language that would go over the heads of those who do not think very deeply.

If his head "like pure gold" is not about skin color then black dreadlocks are not about skin color either.

Congratulations! You have missed the point completely.

Skin color is irrelevant.
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Thats because they copied the hair styles of the Egyptians which really has nothing to do with the point in time that we are discussing but thanks.

It has everything to do with refuting your point that dreadlocks "black as a raven" is specifically referring to black people, by showing Greeks with hair black as a raven wearing dreadlocks in the ancient world.
Thanks for proving my point that scripture was intentionally written in figurative language that would go over the heads of those who do not think very deeply.

If his head "like pure gold" is not about skin color then black dreadlocks are not about skin color either.

Congratulations! You have missed the point completely.

Skin color is irrelevant.
You didnt prove anything. No person is gold so people with intellect understand that is alluding to value. On the other hand claiming that saying someones hair is Black is the same thing is foolish and frankly puerile. Its a descriptive sentence pointing out the color. If skin color was irrelevant why did god turn Miriam white? Why did god turn mosses hand white? Why did the Hebrews say their skin was Black due to famine? Try harder and be more relevant next time. You have failed in your quest to prove your point. You never explained what made you think the guys in the picture had Black hair. Care to tell me?
. If skin color was irrelevant why did god turn Miriam white? Why did god turn mosses hand white? Why did the Hebrews say their skin was Black due to famine?

Excellent questions... Still, being turned white has nothing to do with skin color.

You never explained what made you think the guys in the picture had Black hair. Care to tell me?

Sure, just as soon as you care to tell me how you have concluded that the people in this picture have black hair and represent black Hebrews..

Now to address the so called leprosy laws. We know leprosy is a greek word so I researched and found out that the Hebrew word used was Tzara'at or Tzaraat. Leprosy as we know it has nothing to do with what god struck Miriam with and use to turn Moses hand spotted white.

Bible Gateway passage: Leviticus 13 - New International Version

In the laws of Leviticus white spots are seen as sin or a sign of the plague. These spots are contrasted with dark skin not white skin. Curiously it says that if your entire body is white then you are considered clean. This points to the recognition that some Blacks were albinos.
. If skin color was irrelevant why did god turn Miriam white? Why did god turn mosses hand white? Why did the Hebrews say their skin was Black due to famine?

Excellent questions... Still, being turned white has nothing to do with skin color.

You never explained what made you think the guys in the picture had Black hair. Care to tell me?

Sure, just as soon as you care to tell me how you have concluded that the people in this picture have black hair and represent black Hebrews..

When would having white skin not be having white skin?

Numbers 12:10 When the cloud lifted from above the tent, Miriam's skin was leprous --it became as white as snow. Aaron turned toward her and saw that she had a defiling skin disease,

"When the cloud lifted from above the tent, Miriam's skin was leprous --it became as white as snow. Aaron turned toward her and saw that she had a defiling skin disease,"

Well I asked you first. Please dont deflect. BTW thank you for tackling the skin color issue. Everyone else avoided it like the plague.
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. If skin color was irrelevant why did god turn Miriam white? Why did god turn mosses hand white? Why did the Hebrews say their skin was Black due to famine?

Excellent questions... Still, being turned white has nothing to do with skin color.

You never explained what made you think the guys in the picture had Black hair. Care to tell me?

Sure, just as soon as you care to tell me how you have concluded that the people in this picture have black hair and represent black Hebrews..

When would having white skin not be having white skin?

Numbers 12:10 When the cloud lifted from above the tent, Miriam's skin was leprous --it became as white as snow. Aaron turned toward her and saw that she had a defiling skin disease,

"When the cloud lifted from above the tent, Miriam's skin was leprous --it became as white as snow. Aaron turned toward her and saw that she had a defiling skin disease,"

Well I asked you first. Please dont deflect. BTW thank you for tackling the skin color issue. Everyone else avoided it like the plague.

White people often have white spots on their flesh toned skin which are not leprous or an indication of a defiling skin disease or an implication that they were first black.

What does that have to do with anything? In scripture by and large white is associated with purity not skin color.

Do you think the cloud that lifted from above the tent was a freakish weather phenomenon too?

Thanks for proving my point that scripture was intentionally written in figurative language that would go over the heads of those who do not think very deeply.

If his head "like pure gold" is not about skin color then black dreadlocks are not about skin color either.

Congratulations! You have missed the point completely.

Skin color is irrelevant.

Pure Gold is an alliteration to being pure of mind and heart.
Black locks are an indication of youthful energy.
Deuteronomy Chapter 11:18 Therefore shall ye lay up these My words in your heart and in your soul; and ye shall bind them for a sign upon your hand, and they shall be for frontlets between your eyes.

So ase, tell me how, if the Torah is to be taken literally, we get from this verse to Tefillin without an oral tradition.
An oral tradition of which you have zero knowledge.
Deuteronomy Chapter 11:18 Therefore shall ye lay up these My words in your heart and in your soul; and ye shall bind them for a sign upon your hand, and they shall be for frontlets between your eyes.

So ase, tell me how, if the Torah is to be taken literally, we get from this verse to Tefillin without an oral tradition.
An oral tradition of which you have zero knowledge.
You do know you're arguing with someone with the IQ and knowledge of a houseplant, right?

I'll prove it. Ask him to talk about black civilizations.
Deuteronomy Chapter 11:18 Therefore shall ye lay up these My words in your heart and in your soul; and ye shall bind them for a sign upon your hand, and they shall be for frontlets between your eyes.

So ase, tell me how, if the Torah is to be taken literally, we get from this verse to Tefillin without an oral tradition.
An oral tradition of which you have zero knowledge.
You do know you're arguing with someone with the IQ and knowledge of a houseplant, right?

I'll prove it. Ask him to talk about black civilizations.
I was hoping...
Jeremiah 13 / Hebrew - English Bible / Mechon-Mamre
Jeremiah 13:23 Can the Ethiopian change his skin, or the leopard his spots? Then may ye also do good, that are accustomed to do evil.

Amos 9 / Hebrew - English Bible / Mechon-Mamre
Amos 9:7 Are ye not as the children of the Ethiopians unto Me, O children of Israel? saith the LORD. Have not I brought up Israel out of the land of Egypt, and the Philistines from Caphtor, and Aram from Kir?

Yikes! God must have been REALLY pissed off at the Jews here comparing them to the inveterate Ethiopian sinners.

God is telling the Jews that even though He promised to never wipe them out that they DESERVE to be wiped out.

Yep! God must REALLY love those Ethiopian!
. If skin color was irrelevant why did god turn Miriam white? Why did god turn mosses hand white? Why did the Hebrews say their skin was Black due to famine?

Excellent questions... Still, being turned white has nothing to do with skin color.

You never explained what made you think the guys in the picture had Black hair. Care to tell me?

Sure, just as soon as you care to tell me how you have concluded that the people in this picture have black hair and represent black Hebrews..

When would having white skin not be having white skin?

Numbers 12:10 When the cloud lifted from above the tent, Miriam's skin was leprous --it became as white as snow. Aaron turned toward her and saw that she had a defiling skin disease,

"When the cloud lifted from above the tent, Miriam's skin was leprous --it became as white as snow. Aaron turned toward her and saw that she had a defiling skin disease,"

Well I asked you first. Please dont deflect. BTW thank you for tackling the skin color issue. Everyone else avoided it like the plague.

White people often have white spots on their flesh toned skin which are not leprous or an indication of a defiling skin disease or an implication that they were first black.

What does that have to do with anything? In scripture by and large white is associated with purity not skin color.

Do you think the cloud that lifted from above the tent was a freakish weather phenomenon too?

That may be true but you miss the point. Obviously turning Miriam white was not seen as a sign of purity. It was a punishment. Did you forget about that? Also as I asked before. Why would turning Moses hand spotted white be seen as a more impressive miracle than turning a stick into a snake? If Moses was already white as you are claiming without a shred of proof then you wouldnt be able to see the spots from more than 10 ft away. In an area where he is trying to convince about 6k people that God has spoke to him that leaves a lot of people wondering what the second miracle was doesnt it?

Now I have noticed you have deflected on answering 2 questions already. You are disappointing me. You havent answered why you thought the statues had Black hair and you havent explained why you thought being stricken with white skin did not mean that the skin was turned white? Do you want to address those 2 questions instead of deflecting again. If you dont I will be forced to conclude you are not serious at all.
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. If skin color was irrelevant why did god turn Miriam white? Why did god turn mosses hand white? Why did the Hebrews say their skin was Black due to famine?

Excellent questions... Still, being turned white has nothing to do with skin color.

You never explained what made you think the guys in the picture had Black hair. Care to tell me?

Sure, just as soon as you care to tell me how you have concluded that the people in this picture have black hair and represent black Hebrews..

When would having white skin not be having white skin?

Numbers 12:10 When the cloud lifted from above the tent, Miriam's skin was leprous --it became as white as snow. Aaron turned toward her and saw that she had a defiling skin disease,

"When the cloud lifted from above the tent, Miriam's skin was leprous --it became as white as snow. Aaron turned toward her and saw that she had a defiling skin disease,"

Well I asked you first. Please dont deflect. BTW thank you for tackling the skin color issue. Everyone else avoided it like the plague.

White people often have white spots on their flesh toned skin which are not leprous or an indication of a defiling skin disease or an implication that they were first black.

What does that have to do with anything? In scripture by and large white is associated with purity not skin color.

Do you think the cloud that lifted from above the tent was a freakish weather phenomenon too?

That may be true but you miss the point. Obviously turning Miriam white was not seen as a sign of purity. It was a punishment. Did you forget about that? Also as I asked before. Why would turning Moses hand spotted white be seen as a more impressive miracle than turning a stick into a snake? If Moses was already white as you are claiming without a shred of proof then you wouldnt be able to see the spots from more than 10 ft away.

If you ever bothered to read the CAUSE of tzaris, you would know it's caused by Lashon Harah (speaking evil of people).
Hashem was illustrating to Moshe not to say that the Children of Israel would not believe was going to save them from Egypt.

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