Zone1 The Annunaki

You believe they were real aliens?
The story of the annunaki is that they were aliens. In fact, the only reason they came here was for gold so they could fix their atmosphere.
There is no denying this.
Im not saying I believe in this shit at all. Like I have said a thousand times in this thread, I am just speaking of the detaisl of the sumerian tablets that tells their story.
I have been reading about them from the ancient Sumerian tablets, and find it fascinating.
I find it fascinating how they knew about DNA and gene splicing. How they based their calendars off of their planets rotation around the sun.
How the theory of evolution coincides with their story of our creation. As in, mixing their DNA with hominids... Also, they started humanity in Africa, which coincides with the out of africa theory.
How the first human was named adam and lived in Eden. He even wore leaves to cover himself! lol
His son Cain, kills abel.
When they originally came to Earth, the "team leader" declared the seventh day, be a day of rest.
After the big flood, (and yes, there was a big boat that landed on a mountain) they needed another spaceport because everything they built was destroyed now. They need two mountains, and couldnt find anything suitable, so they started building pyramids in egypt, to mimic mountains.
The tower of babel seems to be based off these tablets as well. The King splits up the Kingdom, and new languages are born etc.
They also speak of the "lifted eye that scans the land" Its all seeing.. It reminded me of the dollar bill. Was Horus an annunaki?

All very interesting. I suggest looking into it.
Oh nooss! TN's getting Annunaki Squatchy!

They were the Nephilim. Angels kicked out of Heaven by God. :terror:
The story of the annunaki is that they were aliens. In fact, the only reason they came here was for gold so they could fix their atmosphere.
There is no denying this.
Im not saying I believe in this shit at all. Like I have said a thousand times in this thread, I am just speaking of the detaisl of the sumerian tablets that tells their story.

The Bible calls them the watchers.

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The story of the annunaki is that they were aliens. In fact, the only reason they came here was for gold so they could fix their atmosphere.
There is no denying this.
Im not saying I believe in this shit at all. Like I have said a thousand times in this thread, I am just speaking of the detaisl of the sumerian tablets that tells their story.

Personally it doesn't matter to me even if that is what is says, but here's the thing... what you're claiming as an undeniable fact is something that actual scholars who actually know those languages say is simply false. It's an idea that was put forth by people like Sitchens who have already been proven to be frauds. According to actual scholars like Dr. Michael Heiser, the gold thing is false, the "alien" thing is also an interpretation that doesn't go along with what is actually stated in the writings. So unless you understand those ancient languages and have read and studied those writings yourself, you're going by a pop culture interpretation pushed by people who want to sell an idea, like Sitchens, as opposed to what real scholars have to say. Again (for the 3rd of 4th time) the video posted goes over this stuff, if you had taken a few minutes to watch even part of that video, you would see that you're going by a view that is debatable at best, and a flat out lie at worst.
Personally it doesn't matter to me even if that is what is says, but here's the thing... what you're claiming as an undeniable fact is something that actual scholars who actually know those languages say is simply false. It's an idea that was put forth by people like Sitchens who have already been proven to be frauds. According to actual scholars like Dr. Michael Heiser, the gold thing is false, the "alien" thing is also an interpretation that doesn't go along with what is actually stated in the writings. So unless you understand those ancient languages and have read and studied those writings yourself, you're going by a pop culture interpretation pushed by people who want to sell an idea, like Sitchens, as opposed to what real scholars have to say. Again (for the 3rd of 4th time) the video posted goes over this stuff, if you had taken a few minutes to watch even part of that video, you would see that you're going by a view that is debatable at best, and a flat out lie at worst.

Because your only argument was ridiculously small details. When you stick to small things like that, it shows you are grasping at whatever you can.
Nevermind how most of the flood story was the same. Nevermind how the annunaki had a tree of knowledge that adam was forbidden to eat from. Lets ignore everything that was virtually the same and focus on things like the style of the writing and the shape of the boat :lol:

You completely ignored the fact that pretty much every single ancient civilization in the world tells a similar story about a global flood, with a number of uncanny overlapping details, so did they all "plagiarize" from the Sumerian writings, or did it ever occur to you that it was an actual event that took place, and there are separate accounts of the same historical event, told from different perspectives?

You can believe what you want, but your view is not held by actual scholars, and again, if you had watched that video, you would know that, as they cite the words of actual scholars on this topic.

As for the other stuff you brought up in your reply above, like Adam and Eve, I haven't even begun to get into that yet, as I said, I was taking the flood first, so I'm doing this one step at a time. But don't worry, I'll get into that other stuff later (the creation account), as time permits.
Personally it doesn't matter to me even if that is what is says, but here's the thing... what you're claiming as an undeniable fact is something that actual scholars who actually know those languages say is simply false. It's an idea that was put forth by people like Sitchens who have already been proven to be frauds. According to actual scholars like Dr. Michael Heiser, the gold thing is false, the "alien" thing is also an interpretation that doesn't go along with what is actually stated in the writings. So unless you understand those ancient languages and have read and studied those writings yourself, you're going by a pop culture interpretation pushed by people who want to sell an idea, like Sitchens, as opposed to what real scholars have to say. Again (for the 3rd of 4th time) the video posted goes over this stuff, if you had taken a few minutes to watch even part of that video, you would see that you're going by a view that is debatable at best, and a flat out lie at worst.
So i should listen to a youtube video and not translations from people that study their language? And things like cylinder seals on the annunaki floating in space in disks? lol ok
The same thing could be said about your book. Books rejected. Mis translations. Council of Nicea etc.
BTW, sitchin spent his entire life studying sumerian, akkadian and hebrew.
Just because you dont want to believe it, doesnt mean he was wrong. LOL I remember one complaint on him was that he took the tablets too literally. Like he should use his imagination or something :lol:
You completely ignored the fact that pretty much every single ancient civilization in the world tells a similar story about a global flood, with a number of uncanny overlapping details, so did they all "plagiarize" from the Sumerian writings, or did it ever occur to you that it was an actual event that took place, and there are separate accounts of the same historical event, told from different perspectives?

You can believe what you want, but your view is not held by actual scholars, and again, if you had watched that video, you would know that, as they cite the words of actual scholars on this topic.

As for the other stuff you brought up in your reply above, like Adam and Eve, I haven't even begun to get into that yet, as I said, I was taking the flood first, so I'm doing this one step at a time. But don't worry, I'll get into that other stuff later (the creation account), as time autopsies.
Even local flooding are devastating for the people who live there. There is no geological footprint for a global flood.

Lots of places were never flooded.
You completely ignored the fact that pretty much every single ancient civilization in the world tells a similar story about a global flood, with a number of uncanny overlapping details, so did they all "plagiarize" from the Sumerian writings, or did it ever occur to you that it was an actual event that took place, and there are separate accounts of the same historical event, told from different perspectives?

You can believe what you want, but your view is not held by actual scholars, and again, if you had watched that video, you would know that, as they cite the words of actual scholars on this topic.

As for the other stuff you brought up in your reply above, like Adam and Eve, I haven't even begun to get into that yet, as I said, I was taking the flood first, so I'm doing this one step at a time. But don't worry, I'll get into that other stuff later (the creation account), as time permits.
Did they speak of a guy being told to build a big boat before the flood, and he ended up on a mountain? Did they speak of that? lol
So i should listen to a youtube video and not translations from people that study their language? And things like cylinder seals on the annunaki floating in space in disks? lol ok
The same thing could be said about your book. Books rejected. Mis translations. Council of Nicea etc.
BTW, sitchin spent his entire life studying sumerian, akkadian and hebrew.
Just because you dont want to believe it, doesnt mean he was wrong. LOL I remember one complaint on him was that he took the tablets too literally. Like he should use his imagination or something :lol:
The book of Enoch wasn't written until 200 BC.
So i should listen to a youtube video and not translations from people that study their language? And things like cylinder seals on the annunaki floating in space in disks? lol ok
The same thing could be said about your book. Books rejected. Mis translations. Council of Nicea etc.
BTW, sitchin spent his entire life studying sumerian, akkadian and hebrew.
Just because you dont want to believe it, doesnt mean he was wrong. LOL I remember one complaint on him was that he took the tablets too literally. Like he should use his imagination or something :lol:

You're really strawmanning now, come on, you're better than that. My point was that actual scholars who actually know those languages have shown Sitchens' view to be false, and if your mind is even remotely open, you should listen to those scholars, for example Dr. Michael Heiser, for one.

It's not about what I want to believe. I was already on the other side for many years, but now I have no doubt in my mind that the whole idea that "aliens" from other planets came down here and 'seeded' mankind, yada yada yada, is a deception. But the best and most effective lies contain some truth. And that's what is the case here. The Sumerian tablets DO reference something that actually happened, but from the wrong perspective, and mixed with lies. There actually were some "otherworldly" beings that came down and mixed with humans, nearly every ancient civilization tells that story. But they weren't extraterrestrials, they were Angels that eventually became known as Fallen Angels, who had mixed with human women and created the Nephilim. The bible briefly mentions it, but the book of Enoch and a few other ancient books (that the bible itself mentions) goes into it in much more detail.
You're really strawmanning now, come on, you're better than that. My point was that actual scholars who actually know those languages have shown Sitchens' view to be false, and if your mind is even remotely open, you should listen to those scholars, for example Dr. Michael Heiser, for one.

It's not about what I want to believe. I was already on the other side for many years, but now I have no doubt in my mind that the whole idea that "aliens" from other planets came down here and 'seeded' mankind, yada yada yada, is a deception. But the best and most effective lies contain some truth. And that's what is the case here. The Sumerian tablets DO reference something that actually happened, but from the wrong perspective, and mixed with lies. There actually were some "otherworldly" beings that came down and mixed with humans, nearly every ancient civilization tells that story. But they weren't extraterrestrials, they were Angels that eventually became known as Fallen Angels, who had mixed with human women and created the Nephilim. The bible briefly mentions it, but the book of Enoch and a few other ancient books (that the bible itself mentions) goes into it in much more detail.
Sitchens spent his entire life studying sumerian cuneiform.

Dr. Michael Heiser
Oh you mean a devoted Christian whos expertise was jewish history would say that about him? Well isnt that convenient lol
Sitchens spent his entire life studying sumerian cuneiform.

Oh you mean a devoted Christian whos expertise was jewish history would say that about him? Well isnt that convenient lol

Nope. That was Noah Samuel Kramer. He translated for 50 years. See History Begins at Sumer.

the fact that some people DIED based on the religion to which they adhered
PROVES the veracity of their religion? Gee----I lost lots of cousins PROVING
the VERACITY of JUDAISM----and my husband EVEN MORE. All those people
WITNESSED the crucifixion and the "rising on the third day"??? well----no --but
lets not get technical

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