Zone1 The anti-Christ will have a "church" and we can recognize it ("Seek and you will find")


Platinum Member
Nov 28, 2022
The following was written by Mario Derksen who has studied this issue in depth (baptized Catholic, spent a certain amount of time in the Protestant community, then returned to his Catholic faith...) . I believe he has some kind of degree related to theology, but I am not sure what the exact title of his degree is. He runs Novus Ordo Watch website

The idea that God wills there to be a diversity of religions [which has been taught by the Vatican since the 2nd Vatican Council, 1960s] destroys the very foundations of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. It does away with all of Catholicism; even more so, it does away with the very notion of revealed religion in general. It wipes out any religion’s claim to being the objective truth revealed by God, as it grounds all religious belief in the sphere of the subjective and relative. It is a bold declaration of Modernism, which Pope St. Pius X rightly called “the synthesis of all heresies.”5 It is also the fertile ground upon which the one-world religion of the Antichrist can be built, because if God ["]wills all religions ["], then none of them are actually true.. Christ tolerates no indifference (see Mt 12:30; Apoc 3:15-16), and He will not... put His Truth on a par with the fables of diabolical or man-made religions (see 2 Cor 6:14-16; cf. Rom 3:4). He is the Sign of Contradiction (see Lk 2:34) that sets men at variance with one another (see Mt 10:35) [and] that “came not to send peace, but the sword” (Mt 10:34). He is the corner stone rejected by the builders (see Mt 21:42; Acts 4:11), and “on whomsoever it shall fall, it shall grind him to powder” (Mt 21:44). “Neither is there salvation in any other. For there is no other name under Heaven given to men, whereby we must be saved” (Acts 4:12). So Francis makes Christ into a liar! He destroys the Gospel at its very root and effectively declares every heathen religion under the sun not only to be willed by God but to be the expression of His wisdom!

Surely it is no exaggeration to say that this New Church has ushered in the Great Apostasy foretold by St. Paul in 2 Thessalonians 2 “The apostasy must come first; the champion of wickedness must appear first, destined to inherit perdition” (Mgr. Ronald Knox translation; cf. Lk 18:8; Mt 24:11).

In fact, if this isn’t the Great Apostasy, it is hard to fathom what would remain for the real Great Apostasy to accomplish. What will be left for the world to apostatize from?

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That which Man creates is full of folly and error ... only what God creates is sound and unblemished ... I'll give you that the Catholic Church is the best effort towards His One True Church ... but it's still of Man, and full of folly and error ... for example, all nine Crusades ...

Catholics don't tolerate dissent very well ... something Jesus all but invited in His preaching ... "suffer not the little children to come unto me" ...
The following was written by Mario Derksen who has studied this issue in depth (baptized Catholic, spent a certain amount of time in the Protestant community, then returned to his Catholic faith...) . I believe he has some kind of degree related to theology, but I am not sure what the exact title of his degree is. He runs Novus Ordo Watch website

The idea that God wills there to be a diversity of religions [which has been taught by the Vatican since the 2nd Vatican Council, 1960s] destroys the very foundations of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. It does away with all of Catholicism; even more so, it does away with the very notion of revealed religion in general. It wipes out any religion’s claim to being the objective truth revealed by God, as it grounds all religious belief in the sphere of the subjective and relative. It is a bold declaration of Modernism, which Pope St. Pius X rightly called “the synthesis of all heresies.”5 It is also the fertile ground upon which the one-world religion of the Antichrist can be built, because if God ["]wills all religions ["], then none of them are actually true.. Christ tolerates no indifference (see Mt 12:30; Apoc 3:15-16), and He will not... put His Truth on a par with the fables of diabolical or man-made religions (see 2 Cor 6:14-16; cf. Rom 3:4). He is the Sign of Contradiction (see Lk 2:34) that sets men at variance with one another (see Mt 10:35) [and] that “came not to send peace, but the sword” (Mt 10:34). He is the corner stone rejected by the builders (see Mt 21:42; Acts 4:11), and “on whomsoever it shall fall, it shall grind him to powder” (Mt 21:44). “Neither is there salvation in any other. For there is no other name under Heaven given to men, whereby we must be saved” (Acts 4:12). So Francis makes Christ into a liar! He destroys the Gospel at its very root and effectively declares every heathen religion under the sun not only to be willed by God but to be the expression of His wisdom!

Surely it is no exaggeration to say that this New Church has ushered in the Great Apostasy foretold by St. Paul in 2 Thessalonians 2 “The apostasy must come first; the champion of wickedness must appear first, destined to inherit perdition” (Mgr. Ronald Knox translation; cf. Lk 18:8; Mt 24:11).

In fact, if this isn’t the Great Apostasy, it is hard to fathom what would remain for the real Great Apostasy to accomplish. What will be left for the world to apostatize from?
Went to RC schools 5th-12th. Was never told that God wills other religions to exist, rather He ALLOWS others to exist.
Why wouldn't God just tell everybody what is the real true church?

He already knows what everybody will do with our free will anyway, right?
Catholics don't tolerate dissent very well ... something Jesus all but invited in His preaching ... "suffer not the little children to come unto me" ...
That's not true at all. It isn't easy to get excommunicated and people don't get burned at the stake anymore.
That which Man creates is full of folly and error ... only what God creates is sound and unblemished ... I'll give you that the Catholic Church is the best effort towards His One True Church ... but it's still of Man, and full of folly and error ... for example, all nine Crusades ...

Catholics don't tolerate dissent very well ... something Jesus all but invited in His preaching ... "suffer not the little children to come unto me" ...
you are misguided (but at least you seem to see something worthwhile in the Catholic Church... which again is NOT the Vatican)

Catholics don't tolerate dissent? Well, that is saying nothing. Jesus didn't either. We are to be like Him.

The Vatican is far more "full of error" than the true Catholic Church -- which exists outside the Vatican. I myself didn't realize this until fairly recently, even though I always suspected things were seriously OFF in the CC. Now, thanks in large part to Mr Derksen, I know what I have long suspected, know it in detail.
Went to RC schools 5th-12th. Was never told that God wills other religions to exist, rather He ALLOWS others to exist.
not all Catholic Churches readily accepted the V2 changes

It would help to know, also, whether you were in Cahtolic school during the V2 years or earlier
not all Catholic Churches readily accepted the V2 changes

It would help to know, also, whether you were in Cahtolic school during the V2 years or earlier
Before, during and after. All Catholic Churches in communion with Rome accepted V2. Those that didn't can't be classified as RC. They deny the council's right to change things, in direct opposition to Matt. 18:18.
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Before, during and after. All Catholic Churches in communion with Rome accepted V2. Those that didn't can't be classified as RC. They deny the council's right to change things, in direct opposition to Matt. 18:18.
you are not well informed

When you become that, if you ever do, you will be shocked
you are not well informed

When you become that, if you ever do, you will be shocked
How am I not informed? I've given you a reason why I think what I think. You have given nothing.
How am I not informed? I've given you a reason why I think what I think. You have given nothing.
I have given an awful lot.

Read what I have written on the Vatican here. Read what other posters have said about Vatican II

Mostly, Go to Novus Ordo Watch website

I don't have time to repeat already-written posts and threads.
To me, an anti-christ is the same as anti-evil.
That could be an organized group whose mission is to help people escape from religion.

Critical education would consist of teaching couples Darwinian evolution before they have children so they would at least know that they are about to lie to their children on religious beliefs.

Among other information that people should at least have an opportunity to hear before committing themselves to religious superstitious beliefs.

Anymore helpful ideas?
To me, an anti-christ is the same as anti-evil.
That could be an organized group whose mission is to help people escape from religion.

Critical education would consist of teaching couples Darwinian evolution before they have children so they would at least know that they are about to lie to their children on religious beliefs.

Among other information that people should at least have an opportunity to hear before committing themselves to religious superstitious beliefs.

Anymore helpful ideas?

yeh, here's one:

You need Jesus worse than most people here
you are misguided (but at least you seem to see something worthwhile in the Catholic Church... which again is NOT the Vatican)

Catholics don't tolerate dissent? Well, that is saying nothing. Jesus didn't either. We are to be like Him.

The Vatican is far more "full of error" than the true Catholic Church -- which exists outside the Vatican. I myself didn't realize this until fairly recently, even though I always suspected things were seriously OFF in the CC. Now, thanks in large part to Mr Derksen, I know what I have long suspected, know it in detail.

Ah ... so you're not a practicing Catholic ... meaning you're not following your orders from a Catholic priest as part of being a member of the Catholic Communion? ...

The only violent act of Jesus was throwing the money-changers out of the Temple ... yeah, we should be like Him ...
In fact, if this isn’t the Great Apostasy, it is hard to fathom what would remain for the real Great Apostasy to accomplish. What will be left for the world to apostatize from?
Depending on your viewpoint, the current "social justice" movement is either an apostasy or a new religion. Or both?
Depending on your viewpoint, the current "social justice" movement is either an apostasy or a new religion. Or both?
Most people in the US apostatized a long time ago, which is why we have such a crappy country (morally and otherwise).

I say that man is far more fallen than he cares to admit, far more needy of the Church Christ founded than he will ever realize in this life (though God is more than willing to give us clues as to how fallen we really are, to be sure).

So everyone seems to think that God is so "forgiving" they can do whatever they want. After all, America is the land of freedom. Well, God does not approve of the freedom to sin to the point you end up in Hell and drag many others with you. That is a deadly "freedom" and as the Word says "They promised them liberty but they themselves were the slaves of sin" or something to that effect.

Liberty is not some God, and is not an absolute right. A woman has liberty over "her" body to some extent but she does not have the freedom to murder her unborn child.
Most people in the US apostatized a long time ago, which is why we have such a crappy country (morally and otherwise).

I say that man is far more fallen than he cares to admit, far more needy of the Church Christ founded than he will ever realize in this life (though God is more than willing to give us clues as to how fallen we really are, to be sure).

So everyone seems to think that God is so "forgiving" they can do whatever they want. After all, America is the land of freedom. Well, God does not approve of the freedom to sin to the point you end up in Hell and drag many others with you. That is a deadly "freedom" and as the Word says "They promised them liberty but they themselves were the slaves of sin" or something to that effect.

Liberty is not some God, and is not an absolute right. A woman has liberty over "her" body to some extent but she does not have the freedom to murder her unborn child.
ACCORDING TO CATHOLICS you can live like hell and still go to heaven, after purgatory- THAT is the dangerous teaching leading millions to hell. Except the truth is there are only 2 destinations after death- heaven or hell.

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