Zone1 The anti-Christ will have a "church" and we can recognize it ("Seek and you will find")

Surely it is no exaggeration to say that this New Church has ushered in the Great Apostasy foretold by St. Paul in 2 Thessalonians 2
At last there is some good entertainment news if you search among the not so important issues .The Great Apostasy Conspiracy Theory .
Seems the Cult Christian Organisation is losing believers fast and has come up with a wonderful explanation -- an anti cult figure is trying to steal some of the human action !
Apparently God is on the defensive as the Prince of Light launches yet another ground offensive .
The plot is the same as usual and along with the End of the World conspiracy is peddled to the Gullibles on a regular basis .
avoid all churches, trust in God instead
that does not work. If it worked, we wouldn't have needed Christ at all. Do you think people before Jesus's time didn't say this/do this: try to lean on God alone. The whole Jewish nation did. And yet jesus still had to come to Earth, didn't He?

And He said that He would "build [His] Church and the gates of Hell would not prevail against it"... Mt 16:18
That which Man creates is full of folly and error ... only what God creates is sound and unblemished ... I'll give you that the Catholic Church is the best effort towards His One True Church ... but it's still of Man, and full of folly and error ... for example, all nine Crusades ...

Catholics don't tolerate dissent very well ...
Jesus did not tolerate dissent

so why should His followers who are in HIS Church?

makes no sense

not surprisingly
nomadics going to hell because he/she thinks he/she can save him/herself.
My, aren't you talented? You can read people's minds! And without even being in that person's presence! Over the internet even!

How about this:

"Judge not, lest you be judged for by what measure you mete, so shall it be meted unto you."
The following was written by Mario Derksen who has studied this issue in depth (baptized Catholic, spent a certain amount of time in the Protestant community, then returned to his Catholic faith...) . I believe he has some kind of degree related to theology, but I am not sure what the exact title of his degree is. He runs Novus Ordo Watch website

The idea that God wills there to be a diversity of religions [which has been taught by the Vatican since the 2nd Vatican Council, 1960s] destroys the very foundations of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. It does away with all of Catholicism; even more so, it does away with the very notion of revealed religion in general. It wipes out any religion’s claim to being the objective truth revealed by God, as it grounds all religious belief in the sphere of the subjective and relative. It is a bold declaration of Modernism, which Pope St. Pius X rightly called “the synthesis of all heresies.”5 It is also the fertile ground upon which the one-world religion of the Antichrist can be built, because if God ["]wills all religions ["], then none of them are actually true.. Christ tolerates no indifference (see Mt 12:30; Apoc 3:15-16), and He will not... put His Truth on a par with the fables of diabolical or man-made religions (see 2 Cor 6:14-16; cf. Rom 3:4). He is the Sign of Contradiction (see Lk 2:34) that sets men at variance with one another (see Mt 10:35) [and] that “came not to send peace, but the sword” (Mt 10:34). He is the corner stone rejected by the builders (see Mt 21:42; Acts 4:11), and “on whomsoever it shall fall, it shall grind him to powder” (Mt 21:44). “Neither is there salvation in any other. For there is no other name under Heaven given to men, whereby we must be saved” (Acts 4:12). So Francis makes Christ into a liar! He destroys the Gospel at its very root and effectively declares every heathen religion under the sun not only to be willed by God but to be the expression of His wisdom!

Surely it is no exaggeration to say that this New Church has ushered in the Great Apostasy foretold by St. Paul in 2 Thessalonians 2 “The apostasy must come first; the champion of wickedness must appear first, destined to inherit perdition” (Mgr. Ronald Knox translation; cf. Lk 18:8; Mt 24:11).

In fact, if this isn’t the Great Apostasy, it is hard to fathom what would remain for the real Great Apostasy to accomplish. What will be left for the world to apostatize from?

Fake Catholics are the worst.
Jesus did not tolerate dissent

so why should His followers who are in HIS Church?

makes no sense

not surprisingly

Jesus lived among Romans ... and preached the gospel of peace ... Paul would ask us to believe "both Jew and gentile ... all are one with Christ" ...

Taking up the sword is strictly an Old Testament judgement ...
that does not work. If it worked, we wouldn't have needed Christ at all. Do you think people before Jesus's time didn't say this/do this: try to lean on God alone. The whole Jewish nation did. And yet jesus still had to come to Earth, didn't He?

And He said that He would "build [His] Church and the gates of Hell would not prevail against it"... Mt 16:18
what about the chuch of Satan....has hell pervailed there
That's not true at all. It isn't easy to get excommunicated and people don't get burned at the stake anymore.
Don't be silly. The means of modern subjugation by the Roman Catholic Church have become far more nefariously sophisticated while maintaining the exact same false claim to moral authority.
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what about the chuch of Satan....has hell pervailed there
All I can tell you is if you find any church where Jesus is being worshipped as a triune mangod that diddled a virgin to father himself only to be crucified as a perfect human sacrifice so that believers who celebrate his death and eat him can sin with impunity for life is a church of satan.

Anyone who proudly claims that Jesus is God bears the mark of the antichrist on their forehead.

Rome has used the power of death consequent to setting aside Divine Law to subjugate the nations ever since 325CE, when the Church unleashed this false substitute Jesus on the world.

Jesus compared himself to the bronze statue of a serpent on a pole, the Nehushtan, lifted up by Moses for the people to turn to for healing during the time of testing in the wilderness. John 3:14

Not to worry if you have ben fooled! All you have to do is ask yourself "What would Hezekiah do?"
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Your notion of their control is exaggerated.
Maybe so, but if so how do explain billions of conned people praying to the figment of a few perverse 4th century romans imaginations in this day and age and paying for the privilege of it by being brainwashed and fleeced of their hard earned money for life not to mention giving up their own children to have their rational minds and lives ruthlessly aborted under the guise of a holy obligation, a cruel procedure performed by trained personnel, from which many never recover?
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Maybe so, but if so how do explain billions of conned people praying to the figment of a few perverse 4th century romans in this day and age?
That’s not just the Catholics though. Wouldn’t it include all the Abrahsmic religions, at least?
That’s not just the Catholics though. Wouldn’t it include all the Abrahsmic religions, at least?
Of course!

Not to mention political ideologies which amount to many many more billions. So maybe you have underestimated the historical and continued contemporary influence of the practitioners of the magical arts, sorcery, what is now known as mind control? How else can anyone explain the support of trump, the most despicable and brazen con artist ever to desecrate the White House, by convincing somewhat intelligent God fearing Americans that fascism will save democracy?

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Funny how the only catholics that I like are the fake ones. True believers are by far the worst.
Is it funny? I think it's kind of sad. Are the true believers the ones that believe they are devouring the Word of God?
All I can tell you is if you find any church where Jesus is being worshipped as a triune mangod that diddled a virgin to father himself only to be crucified as a perfect human sacrifice so that believers who celebrate his death and eat him can sin with impunity for life is a church of satan.
I don't know anyone who does that. But your post is a textbook example of the dunning effect.

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