Zone1 The anti-Christ will have a "church" and we can recognize it ("Seek and you will find")

Because other things matter more and that's not how it works.

Depends on one's perception of God. My perception of God is God is transcendent; incorporeal. God is every extant attribute of reality. God gives reality to the universe, and makes it not merely a hypothetical or possible universe, but an actually existing universe. He does not supply energy, as a match does to an explosive, he supplies reality. God supplies this reality equally to every part of the universe — all events at all times and places. So yeah, God experiences all things at once.

That's your perception. Why can't God do something like show in person and tell us? I mean now, when have the technology to record it.
The Antichrist has a prophet. He is the pope (papa). "Call no man father for you have one Father who is in heaven.

He has. The true church are those in whom dwells the Spirit of Christ

Why wouldn't He just show up in person and tell us? I don't mean in old days, either. It seems odd that He quit doing that when we have the technology to record Him. It would clear up all mystery, and make all of his children happy.
If there is an antichrist then it was made by the same god that made everything else.
Why can't God just make the baby understand?

Why can't you? Maybe because a baby can't speak or understand anything yet?

Babies with no teeth are given milk and dairy products not meat. Grown adults with teeth eat real meat. Thats why its not kosher to mix meat with dairy, fairy tales with the literal truth.

You have seen what happens to people who mistake scripture, baby food, fairy tales, with a historical document, the literal truth. They have exchanged their birthright as thinking rational creatures that reflect the image and likeness of God for a bowl of fairy tale porridge.

And then they go completely insane. If you don't believe me go to church.

This is my flesh. Eat it and you will stop crying about why this or why that. You will just know.
If there is an antichrist then it was made by the same god that made everything else.
No, the antichrist, a false counterfeit sugar coated Jesus, was conjured from the depths of hell by a few 4th century romans perverse imaginations, completely ignorant of Jewish thought, belief, and expressions which buried the teachings of Jesus under a mountain of mithraic blasphemy, the secret 'mystery religion' of the roman government and military.

God had nothing to do with it.
Why wouldn't He just show up in person and tell us? I don't mean in old days, either. It seems odd that He quit doing that when we have the technology to record Him. It would clear up all mystery, and make all of his children happy.
He will come as an angel of LIGHT. He's not going to identify himself as the Lord of the Dark Side
He will come as an angel of LIGHT. He's not going to identify himself as the Lord of the Dark Side

He will come? I hate to break the news to you but you have been living under the terrifying reign of the antichrist for your entire life, as has everyone who has lived for the past 1,695 years, a false substitute edible Jesus, a triune mangod, unleashed on the world in 325.CE.

the Jesus that you worship, a perfect human sacrifice that was tortured, crucified, and died for your sins, abolished Mosaic law, and claimed to be God, with all the miracles of the lie (that scripture is to be taken literally) fits the detailed description of the antichrist perfectly.

Catholicism and every branch of Christianity that worships Jesus as if he was God effectively practices Mithraism, the secret 'mystery religion' of the Roman government and military. An anti female religion with seven sacraments including sharing in the divine presence of Mithras by eating bread and drinking the blood of a bull. It was an austere and ascetic Pagan religion that originated in Babylon that was and still is perpetuated by an all male celibate priesthood.
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No, the antichrist, a false counterfeit sugar coated Jesus, was conjured from the depths of hell by a few 4th century romans perverse imaginations, completely ignorant of Jewish thought, belief, and expressions which buried the teachings of Jesus under a mountain of mithraic blasphemy, the secret 'mystery religion' of the roman government and military.

God had nothing to do with it.
Only the god of the bible has the power to create like he created what you call Satan

if you think your god created you and everyone that ever lived then you have to think he created Satan and the so called anti christ ( which doesn't really exist btw)
Only the god of the bible has the power to create like he created what you call Satan
Nonsense. God wasn't required to create the big bad wolf. Just an active imagination.

Satan, the talking serpent of old, is just a metaphor for a human archetype. Satan just like any of the wild beats of the field choose to become what they are. Some evolve into more highly advanced creatures, some degenerate into lower and lower forms of life, by choice.

God just provided the inhabitants of this world with instruction about how to remain sane.

Some act on that information, some never will. Either way the law is not about crime and punishment. It has always been about cause and effect. Do this, don't do that, if you set aside that instruction and do what was said to not do you will surely die, go insane, which is literally hell on earth. Some creatures thrive in the confusion of hell and the suffering of others just like any narcissist sadist tyrant dictator or despot which you can't claim is a creation of God.

Satan is a creation of faithless people. If people smartened up there would be no such thing, just like when any con is exposed and people wake up to the deception, the game is over.
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Why can't you? Maybe because a baby can't speak or understand anything yet?

Babies with no teeth are given milk and dairy products not meat. Grown adults with teeth eat real meat. Thats why its not kosher to mix meat with dairy, fairy tales with the literal truth.

You have seen what happens to people who mistake scripture, baby food, fairy tales, with a historical document, the literal truth. They have exchanged their birthright as thinking rational creatures that reflect the image and likeness of God for a bowl of fairy tale porridge.

And then they go completely insane. If you don't believe me go to church.

This is my flesh. Eat it and you will stop crying about why this or why that. You will just know.

I am not God. Why can't a being who created an entire universe give a baby the capability to understand if He wants to?
Why can't you? Maybe because a baby can't speak or understand anything yet?

Babies with no teeth are given milk and dairy products not meat. Grown adults with teeth eat real meat. Thats why its not kosher to mix meat with dairy, fairy tales with the literal truth.

You have seen what happens to people who mistake scripture, baby food, fairy tales, with a historical document, the literal truth. They have exchanged their birthright as thinking rational creatures that reflect the image and likeness of God for a bowl of fairy tale porridge.

And then they go completely insane. If you don't believe me go to church.

This is my flesh. Eat it and you will stop crying about why this or why that. You will just know.
Did you find a new friend that you could pontificate your hate with?
No, the antichrist, a false counterfeit sugar coated Jesus, was conjured from the depths of hell by a few 4th century romans perverse imaginations, completely ignorant of Jewish thought, belief, and expressions which buried the teachings of Jesus under a mountain of mithraic blasphemy, the secret 'mystery religion' of the roman government and military.

God had nothing to do with it.
It's like every new post is a new post to bash Christianity with. Good for you.
He will come? I hate to break the news to you but you have been living under the terrifying reign of the antichrist for your entire life, as has everyone who has lived for the past 1,695 years, a false substitute edible Jesus, a triune mangod, unleashed on the world in 325.CE.

the Jesus that you worship, a perfect human sacrifice that was tortured, crucified, and died for your sins, abolished Mosaic law, and claimed to be God, with all the miracles of the lie (that scripture is to be taken literally) fits the detailed description of the antichrist perfectly.

Catholicism and every branch of Christianity that worships Jesus as if he was God effectively practices Mithraism, the secret 'mystery religion' of the Roman government and military. An anti female religion with seven sacraments including sharing in the divine presence of Mithras by eating bread and drinking the blood of a bull. It was an austere and ascetic Pagan religion that originated in Babylon that was and still is perpetuated by an all male celibate priesthood.
Preach on!!!
USMB, where you can find out very few people get religion right.

dingus, you Catholic you! You're alright I reckon. I might have issues with other things about ya, but you do OK

in the religion category.

I will disavow any references to this post and post a fannypack meme if pushed.
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