Zone1 The anti-Christ will have a "church" and we can recognize it ("Seek and you will find")

He will come? I hate to break the news to you but you have been living under the terrifying reign of the antichrist for your entire life, as has everyone who has lived for the past 1,695 years, a false substitute edible Jesus, a triune mangod, unleashed on the world in 325.CE.

the Jesus that you worship, a perfect human sacrifice that was tortured, crucified, and died for your sins, abolished Mosaic law, and claimed to be God, with all the miracles of the lie (that scripture is to be taken literally) fits the detailed description of the antichrist perfectly.

Catholicism and every branch of Christianity that worships Jesus as if he was God effectively practices Mithraism, the secret 'mystery religion' of the Roman government and military. An anti female religion with seven sacraments including sharing in the divine presence of Mithras by eating bread and drinking the blood of a bull. It was an austere and ascetic Pagan religion that originated in Babylon that was and still is perpetuated by an all male celibate priesthood.
Even by your own standards, if Jesus Christ or the Bible brings "light" to folks, is it not correct?
No, the antichrist, a false counterfeit sugar coated Jesus, was conjured from the depths of hell by a few 4th century romans perverse imaginations, completely ignorant of Jewish thought, belief, and expressions which buried the teachings of Jesus under a mountain of mithraic blasphemy, the secret 'mystery religion' of the roman government and military.

God had nothing to do with it.
Does the "Anti" in Christ mean the the one who does not save?

Or the one who does not restore?

You, already know the answer to this question.
Yes. The Jesus that you worship and the things that you profess to believe about him do not correspond to any real living being ever in existence. There is no such thing as a trinity, an unequalled co-equal mangod who diddled a virgin to father himself so that he could party with sinners, "keep company" with prostitutes, and hang around with all sorts of bad characters, sticking it to the man daily, performing supernatural demonstrations of divine power over reality, and abolishing Mosaic law by being a perfect human sacrifice to himself, (because he loved the Roman world so much), derp, so that believers who celebrate his torture crucifixion and death and then worship him and eat him in the form of a lifeless matzo MADE BY HUMAN HANDS can sin with impunity and be sanctimonious asses, by pretending to be morally superior to unbelievers, for the rest of their delusional and dysfunctional lives.

No one has to know what the truth is to be absolutely certain that thats a crock of pure shit.

The real Jesus was an uncultured Jewish working man who received a revelation from God like bread from heaven who died trying to teach his people that the words used in the law are figurative, not necessarily directly connected to the literal meaning of the words used, and the subjects are hidden, but when found reveal the wisdom of God, and all who comply with the law in the way that Jesus taught to understand and do it receive the promise of abundant blessings and eternal life in the sanctuary of God here and now while still living in this world.

This is what Jesus did. This is what the Jewish messiah was expected to do. "I shall put my words into his mouth and he shall convey (reveal) all of my commands" Deuteronomy 18:18

How? There has never been and will never be a human being that was God or became God either before, during, or after their human existence. God has no equal, and there is no other God in existence either above or below him which precludes the possibility of a triune god..

Secondly in the Gospel of John there are seven miracles, originally called 'signs', that prove that Jesus was the messiah. In the revelation of John there are exactly seven seals placed on a scroll which prevent everyone from seeing what was written inside (hidden in the Gospels).

Every miracle that contradicts what everyone has known to be absolutely true about reality since they were children is like giant X on a treasure map marking the exact place where something of great value was buried and hidden. "the kingdom of heaven is like hidden treasure lying buried in a field. The man who found it (Jesus) buried it again" Matt:13:44

Without adding, subtracting, or changing a single word, find the only way to interpret those miracles, the one and only way that conforms to and is confirmed by reality and the real Jesus will emerge from the clouds that have obscured him from sight for thousands of years.

If you put on your thinking cap and look and look and look and keep on looking you will find it.

If you can't decipher what actually took place when Christ first came, all you have to do is ask.
So you must believe it's a huge conspiracy, right?
Sorry dude. No religion is necessary. If you want to be worthy of the life you have been given, temporarily, and worthy of the opportunity to live forever, just speak the truth and be real, walk upright like a creature that reflects the image and likeness of a Holy (separate) God.

Let me dumb it down for you. Just stop being a jackass, however hard that may be.
So no religion is true? Should all religion be abolished and banned?
USMB, where you can find out very few people get religion right.

dingus, you Catholic you! You're alright I reckon. I might have issues with other things about ya, but you do OK

in the religion category.

I will disavow any references to this post and post a fannypack meme if pushed.
I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.
Nonsense. God wasn't required to create the big bad wolf. Just an active imagination.

Satan, the talking serpent of old, is just a metaphor for a human archetype. Satan just like any of the wild beats of the field choose to become what they are. Some evolve into more highly advanced creatures, some degenerate into lower and lower forms of life, by choice.

God just provided the inhabitants of this world with instruction about how to remain sane.

Some act on that information, some never will. Either way the law is not about crime and punishment. It has always been about cause and effect. Do this, don't do that, if you set aside that instruction and do what was said to not do you will surely die, go insane, which is literally hell on earth. Some creatures thrive in the confusion of hell and the suffering of others just like any narcissist sadist tyrant dictator or despot which you can't claim is a creation of God.

Satan is a creation of faithless people. If people smartened up there would be no such thing, just like when any con is exposed and people wake up to the deception, the game is over.
The god of the bible created Satan
God is the Father of all Creation, from all things in the physical realm to all things in the spiritual realm (John 1:3; Colossians 1:15-17). This includes Satan, also known as Lucifer, who was created to serve God as an angel in heaven.
I am not God. Why can't a being who created an entire universe give a baby the capability to understand if He wants to?
Apparently he doesn't want to. Obviously he has appointed times and seasons for all life.

When a baby cries, you give it milk. You don't give it barbecued ribs, or chicken kung pow.. When a child wants to learn about life outside the home they are given fairy tales, you don't read them an encyclopedia, show them porn, or bring them to watch an autopsy.

If people, as bad as they are, wouldn't give a child a snake when they ask for an egg, how much more perfect would God be in caring for his creations?

Did you want the keys to a car before you learned how to drive? Did you suffer while waiting?

Whats the mystery?
The god of the bible created Satan

If a person takes the Bible literally God seems to be a capricious and puerile petty tyrant. I get that. I wouldn't and never have believed in or worshiped a god with the emotional growth of a juvenile delinquent either.

I get that.

But if a person thinks more deeply and rationally about the words used which are obviously figurative, then God becomes more like a benevolent dedicated and loving father.

When I first read about the talking serpent I knew immediately that the story was exactly like a fairy tale with a message or teaching not directly connected to the literal meaning of the words used just like any fairy tale read and explained to me when I was 3 and 4 years old.

And get this. Even when I was 4 years old I never spent even one millisecond wondering why a good God would allow the big bad wolf to eat grandma.

Imagine that!
So no religion is true?
Not exactly. Jewish people who wrote the Gospels witnessed the destruction of Judea, the temple, their way of life, and the enslavement, exile, and slaughter of hundreds of thousands of Jewish men women and children. With these stories impossible to be understood by superstitious pagans they uploaded malware right into the belly of the beast which was Rome. It was their version of the nuclear option. Your mind is a mess because of it. See?

Still works like a charm.

If you want I can provide chapter and verse that proves that Jesus cursed 'the nations"

Should all religion be abolished and banned?

No, as I have already explained to you, what I have revealed that was hidden in the Bible vindicates the faith in Jesus that all Christians have had. It also vindicates the entire Jewish nation who have, from the beginning, rejected the fake Jesus created by Rome, and also vindicates every unbeliever who ever lived. I have created new firmament, a new basis and common ground where people of all faiths or no faith at all can come together and live in peace for at least 1000 years by putting the collective insanity of the shameful past away.

Unfortunately many will die clinging to their beloved delusions and religious flotsam. Oh well.


One will be taken, the other will be left behind.
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If a person takes the Bible literally God seems to be a capricious and puerile petty tyrant. I get that. I wouldn't and never have believed in or worshiped a god with the emotional growth of a juvenile delinquent either.

I get that.

But if a person thinks more deeply and rationally about the words used which are obviously figurative, then God becomes more like a benevolent dedicated and loving father.

When I first read about the talking serpent I knew immediately that the story was exactly like a fairy tale with a message or teaching not directly connected to the literal meaning of the words used just like any fairy tale read and explained to me when I was 3 and 4 years old.

And get this. Even when I was 4 years old I never spent even one millisecond wondering why a good God would allow the big bad wolf to eat grandma.

Imagine that!

I would think God could be more clear than offer a book that requires us to pick and choose the parts to believe. Especially since he already knows the trouble the murkiness will cause.
I would think God could be more clear than offer a book that requires us to pick and choose the parts to believe. Especially since he already knows the trouble the murkiness will cause.

When the waters of contention are stirred by the high priest, the truth is brought out.
If a person takes the Bible literally God seems to be a capricious and puerile petty tyrant. I get that. I wouldn't and never have believed in or worshiped a god with the emotional growth of a juvenile delinquent either.

I get that.

But if a person thinks more deeply and rationally about the words used which are obviously figurative, then God becomes more like a benevolent dedicated and loving father.

When I first read about the talking serpent I knew immediately that the story was exactly like a fairy tale with a message or teaching not directly connected to the literal meaning of the words used just like any fairy tale read and explained to me when I was 3 and 4 years old.

And get this. Even when I was 4 years old I never spent even one millisecond wondering why a good God would allow the big bad wolf to eat grandma.

Imagine that!
I posted a link that gave you the bible verses

either you believe your bible or you don't
I posted a link that gave you the bible verses

either you believe your bible or you don't

There is another way.

Without adding or subtracting or changing a single word there is an entire story, hidden between the lines, which is what I believe because it conforms to reality.

For instance the story of the creation of heaven and earth is not about the creation of the universe, the solar system, the earth or the first plants, animals, and human beings.

What it is about is a story about the Law being given as a light to the nations, instruction which teaches people to distinguish between clean and unclean, good and evil, right and wrong, true or false, life and death which created division and an upper class among slaves living on a flat earth, meaning they were all just out of Egypt, all former slaves, all equal.

The law created judges of the law, the sinners, the righteous and every other sort of human archetype compared to lower beasts, wolves, sheep, cattle, dogs, bottom feeders, teeming vermin that go down on all fours, vultures, creepy things that creep, brown nosed dorks etc.,

These metaphor are still being in use and have been to either praise or insult other people by every people of every nation, kingdom, tribe, and language ever since people could talk.

Nothing mysterious. There is no greater joy than seeing what I believe confirmed by reality.
The following was written by Mario Derksen who has studied this issue in depth (baptized Catholic, spent a certain amount of time in the Protestant community, then returned to his Catholic faith...) . I believe he has some kind of degree related to theology, but I am not sure what the exact title of his degree is. He runs Novus Ordo Watch website

The idea that God wills there to be a diversity of religions [which has been taught by the Vatican since the 2nd Vatican Council, 1960s] destroys the very foundations of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. It does away with all of Catholicism; even more so, it does away with the very notion of revealed religion in general. It wipes out any religion’s claim to being the objective truth revealed by God, as it grounds all religious belief in the sphere of the subjective and relative. It is a bold declaration of Modernism, which Pope St. Pius X rightly called “the synthesis of all heresies.”5 It is also the fertile ground upon which the one-world religion of the Antichrist can be built, because if God ["]wills all religions ["], then none of them are actually true.. Christ tolerates no indifference (see Mt 12:30; Apoc 3:15-16), and He will not... put His Truth on a par with the fables of diabolical or man-made religions (see 2 Cor 6:14-16; cf. Rom 3:4). He is the Sign of Contradiction (see Lk 2:34) that sets men at variance with one another (see Mt 10:35) [and] that “came not to send peace, but the sword” (Mt 10:34). He is the corner stone rejected by the builders (see Mt 21:42; Acts 4:11), and “on whomsoever it shall fall, it shall grind him to powder” (Mt 21:44). “Neither is there salvation in any other. For there is no other name under Heaven given to men, whereby we must be saved” (Acts 4:12). So Francis makes Christ into a liar! He destroys the Gospel at its very root and effectively declares every heathen religion under the sun not only to be willed by God but to be the expression of His wisdom!

Surely it is no exaggeration to say that this New Church has ushered in the Great Apostasy foretold by St. Paul in 2 Thessalonians 2 “The apostasy must come first; the champion of wickedness must appear first, destined to inherit perdition” (Mgr. Ronald Knox translation; cf. Lk 18:8; Mt 24:11).

In fact, if this isn’t the Great Apostasy, it is hard to fathom what would remain for the real Great Apostasy to accomplish. What will be left for the world to apostatize from?

Your orange sexual abuser god and his cult.
Why would the God that created the truth need to do that? He could appear and clear up the whole thing.
The truth just is, people either accept or deny the truth. You might not have noticed but some people prefer darkness to light and will even attempt to put out the light by any means available so that darkness will continue to conceal their evil deeds. Does this shock you?

God doesn't need to do anything. God already spoke light, truth, into existence many thousands of years ago. Superior otherworldly intelligences found earth long before voyager was even conceived. People are responsible for themselves, for what they do or fail to do.

Some people wanted a perverted orange narcissistic megalomanic wannabe fascist dictator to lead, so thats what they got. If they realize they made a mistake that will not happen again.

What does God, real or imagined, have to do with any of that?
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