Zone1 The anti-Christ will have a "church" and we can recognize it ("Seek and you will find")

According to god. Omniscient? Omnipotent? Do you know what those words mean?
You say according to God so I have to ask when did God tell you that?

Yes, I know what those words mean. Still not getting your point.
Why would he need to?
It would end the whole”he doesn’t exist” thing. The question is, does God really want us to succeed or does he just enjoy playing the game?
If a giant being who is powerful enough to create the whole Universe showed up and laid down the law, I think everybody would believe that.

Such a thing did happen thousands of years ago. In fact the cause of the rebellion against Moses was that many people perceived that they were obviously described in great detail as foul and loathsome creatures whose flesh (beliefs) and blood, (practices) were denounced and forbidden as vile degrading and contaminating (of the mind) on the divine menu. The problem wasn't that they didn't believe the law, the problem was that is was and is painfully true.

Apparently the judgment of this superior intelligence was to compare many people and many human archetypes to lions, wolves, sheep, vermin, vultures, bottom feeders, maggots, cattle, serpents, dogs, swine, angels, demons, etc., and every lower beast and bird in nature, based on their defining attributes. Its actually quite insulting to many, however accurate, especially when a worm or a jackass or a creepy thing that creeps thinks that they should be treated like royalty.

Many will not 'believe' the law is not about food, however obvious the truth is, for the same reason descendants of that ever elusive talking serpent of old claim that the law is obsolete.

The light came into the world but many prefer darkness to light because their deeds are evil.
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Such a thing did happen thousands of years ago. In fact the cause of the rebellion against Moses was because many people perceived that they were described in great detail as foul and loathsome creatures whose flesh (beliefs) were denounced and forbidden as vile and contaminating on the divine menu.

Apparently the judgment of this superior intelligence was to compare many people and many human archetypes, from lions to worms, from angels to demons, and every lower beast and bird in nature, based on their defining attributes. Its actually quite insulting to many, however accurate, especially when a worm or a jackass thinks they should be treated like royalty.

Many will not 'believe' the law is not about food, however obvious that truth is, for the same reason descendants of that ever elusive talking serpent of old claim that the law is obsolete.

The light has come into the world but many prefer darkness to light because their deeds are evil.

Unfortunately, the same book claiming His appearance also has stories with talking serpents and a 600 year old man saving all of the planet's land animals in one wooden boat.

A new appearance would be recorded and stop the guesswork and fighting forever. I would think a God who cares about His children would be able to take such a simple step.
Unfortunately, the same book claiming His appearance also has stories with talking serpents and a 600 year old man saving all of the planet's land animals in one wooden boat.

Every fairy tale or myth is loosely based on actual events and hyperbole, figurative language, is often used to emphasize a point. You should have known this since kindergarten. A talking snake should have been a dead giveaway. I can't understand why otherwise intelligent adults don't get it unless the warning of a curse, and the danger of going insane is real. Which it obviously is.

A new appearance would be recorded and stop the guesswork and fighting forever. I would think a God who cares about His children would be able to take such a simple step.

What do you think is actually taking place right now?
Every fairy tale or myth is loosely based on actual events and hyperbole, figurative language, is often used to emphasize a point. You should have known this since kindergarten. A talking snake should have been a dead giveaway. I can't understand why otherwise intelligent adults don't get it unless the warning of a curse, and the danger of going insane is real. Which it obviously is.

Why would God include fairy tales in the bible and not tell us which ones are real or not? Again, a personal appearance could clear this all up.

What do you think is actually taking place right now?

A debate on the existence of God.
Why would God include fairy tales in the bible and not tell us which ones are real or not?
Do you really need a revelation from God for you to know that any story that starts with "in the beginning" just like 'once upon a time' and then introduces a talking serpent is a fairy tale?


Again, a personal appearance could clear this all up.

I do not have those questions swimming around in my mind. "Can God make a rock too big that he cannot lift?". Wasn't that a part of a George Carlin routine? Why doesn't God just do this or that without noticing that what is is what he chose to do. You should rather ask yourself what God requires of you, what would make you worthy of the life you've been given. And then do it.

Then God will come to you and make himself known to you and clear up your confusion.

Damn. Stop acting like the numbskull that George Carlin was mocking and Just do it.
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It would end the whole”he doesn’t exist” thing.
Let me see if I can explain by asking you two questions.

Is one virtuous if he is forced to be virtuous?

Is it a test if one is given the answers to the test before taking the test?
The question is, does God really want us to succeed or does he just enjoy playing the game?
Interesting question. I have kids. I want them to succeed but I also want them to experience the full spectrum of all that life has to offer; the thrill of victory and the agony of defeat.

I don't believe some people make a proper accounting of life. They want to blame God for everything they perceive as bad but don't want to credit God for anything that is good. It's weird. Especially since the good vastly outweighs the bad. It's not even close.
I'm not struggling.
I think you are struggling with it. Why else would you be here discussing something you don't believe exists? I don't believe in the Flying Spaghetti Monster, so you don't see me on online forums arguing against the FSM. The same applies to atheism. I'm not bothered by the non-belief of atheists, so I don't frequent atheist sites to argue with them about their beliefs. So yeah, struggling is a good word for it.
Let me see if I can explain by asking you two questions.

Is one virtuous if he is forced to be virtuous?

Is it a test if one is given the answers to the test before taking the test?
Is one virtuous because one is being watched or because there an innate sense of goodness in most of us? The notion that we need to be constantly watched snd judged seems to be the creation of a controlling human, rather than a loving God.
I think you are struggling with it. Why else would you be here discussing something you don't believe exists? I don't believe in the Flying Spaghetti Monster, so you don't see me on online forums arguing against the FSM. The same applies to atheism. I'm not bothered by the non-belief of atheists, so I don't frequent atheist sites to argue with them about their beliefs. So yeah, struggling is a good word for it.

This is a public board about religion. I'm discussing religion. You don't agree with my stance. That doesn't mean I will go away just because you don't like it.
Is one virtuous because one is being watched or because there an innate sense of goodness in most of us?
That's my point. No one acts like they are being watched. Which then eliminates the risk of one feeling forced to act virtuously. Hence my original response to the question of why doesn't God reveal himself. That and life is a test.

As for the innate goodness in us. Have you ever thought about which attribute (good or evil) is the extant attribute of reality and which attribute is the negation of the extant attribute of reality? Because it seems that you are saying that man is innately good, right? If so, you are correct. So yes, man does do good because of his innate sense of goodness which seems to be universal. But more importantly when he violates it rather than abandoning it he rationalizes he didn't. That's how attached to good man is.

If there were never a universal goodness that existed man would never have an expectation of fairness to begin with because fairness would have no meaning. The fact that each of us has an expectation of fairness and that we expect everyone else to follow ought to raise our suspicion on the origin of that expectation.

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