That fact that you COBBLE up tidbits related to theoretical word origins is
MEANINGLESS------the fact is that in the HEBREW language for at least MORE
than 1500 years -----ASHKENAZI meant northern european ------if the word derives from
something else up north-----I AM NOT IMPRESSED-----want to discuss the origin of the word
AMERICA? Your theory that the LANGUAGE of the Jews is YIDDISH is really stupid. It is
the language of jews LIVING IN EUROPE or recently emigrated from there. Lots of jews do
not know a single word of Yiddish but just about all jews know many basic words in Hebrew
not matter where they live or where they have lived
You sure are a hater.
Nope... I don't hate anyone... but I believe that the idiot Palestinians need to be forcibly relocated to the East Bank of the Jordan forevermore.
Personally, I believe the disgusting idiot Palestinians need to be exterminated from the face of the Earth. But that's just me :dunno:

So then to you might makes right, regardless of concepts like justice, ancestral ownership, etc.?
How have the Palestinians ever harmed anyone?
They were on the side of the Allies in WWI, under the promise of independence if they helped and won.
They kept their side of the bargain, but we did not keep our side.
We never allowed them to be free as we were supposed to.

Don't you Mulims pretending you aren't Muslim ever tire of your taqiyya?

The "Palestinian" people had not been invented yet, and the Mufti of Jerusalem was a Nazi collaborator.

Its become fashionable lately to blame the Mufti and the Palestinians for the Holocaust in Europe. Do you think it justifies what the European refugees have done?

Dogma did YOU blame the Holocaust in Europe on the "palestinians"? Please note---
surada means ---the jewish migrants to palestine when he/she writes "EUROPEAN
REFUGEES" It is an islamo nazi meme invented by the escapees from the NUREMBURG
trials that did the islamo nazi propaganda in the late 1940s and the 1950s hailed as HEROES
in Egypt and Syria. By "palestinians" ----she seems to refer to arab muslims who, of course,
were not "PALESTINIANS" until the early 1960s. Islamo-nazi propaganda has it that
arab muslims were called "palestnians" since the creation of the universe---ie FASHIONABLE
in his/her circle

Totally wrong.
Palestine existed as a region for over 3000 years, but was formally recognized as a country in 1920 by the Treaty of San Remo and Treaty of Sevres.
And yes I do blame Zionists like Chaim Weizmann and David ben Gurion for the Holocaust.

wrong again The word PALESTINA was invented by the GREEK HISTORIAN HERODOTUS
approximately 2500 years ago. Romans began using the word to describe what they had
previously called JUDEA during the first century AD. Palestine in 1920 and "palestinian"
referred ONLY TO JEWS No arab or muslim or christian or even zoroastrian or Bahai was
called a "PALESTINIAN" in 1920 The person to blame for the Holocaust is
CONSTANTINE and his grandson JUSTIN. (Jesus had nothing to do with it either)

The word Philistia referred originally to the coastal groups in the Levant, like the Philistines and Phoenicians.
And goes back over 3200 years ago, before the Hebrew invasion around 1000 BC.

The word Palestine derives from the Greek word, Philistia, which dates to Ancient Greek writers' descriptions of the region in the 12th century B.C. Since the fall of the Ottoman Empire in World War I to 1948, Palestine typically referred to the geographic region located between the Mediterranean Sea and the Jordan River.
That fact that you COBBLE up tidbits related to theoretical word origins is
MEANINGLESS------the fact is that in the HEBREW language for at least MORE
than 1500 years -----ASHKENAZI meant northern european ------if the word derives from
something else up north-----I AM NOT IMPRESSED-----want to discuss the origin of the word
AMERICA? Your theory that the LANGUAGE of the Jews is YIDDISH is really stupid. It is
the language of jews LIVING IN EUROPE or recently emigrated from there. Lots of jews do
not know a single word of Yiddish but just about all jews know many basic words in Hebrew
not matter where they live or where they have lived

No, the fact Ashkenazi speak a native Germanic language means they did not come from the Mideast and then are converts and not ethnic Jews.
Point being that Ashkenazi do not belong in the Mideast at all.
The fact I also think Jews have no rights to any land they did not purchase is another matter.
That fact that you COBBLE up tidbits related to theoretical word origins is
MEANINGLESS------the fact is that in the HEBREW language for at least MORE
than 1500 years -----ASHKENAZI meant northern european ------if the word derives from
something else up north-----I AM NOT IMPRESSED-----want to discuss the origin of the word
AMERICA? Your theory that the LANGUAGE of the Jews is YIDDISH is really stupid. It is
the language of jews LIVING IN EUROPE or recently emigrated from there. Lots of jews do
not know a single word of Yiddish but just about all jews know many basic words in Hebrew
not matter where they live or where they have lived

No, the fact Ashkenazi speak a native Germanic language means they did not come from the Mideast and then are converts and not ethnic Jews.
Point being that Ashkenazi do not belong in the Mideast at all.
The fact I also think Jews have no rights to any land they did not purchase is another matter.
rigie----you are getting sicker and sicker------the fact that most Irish people I know do not
speak CELTIC "PROVES" that they are not of Irish background. Most INDIAN (of india)
people I know speak ENGLISH ----so they are not INDIAN------you got some more BULLSHIT
TO FLING? BTW there are not many jews around who speak YIDDISH-----I don't and even
my parents did not----BUT EVERYONE knows at least a bit of hebrew
Most of these wealthy people did not earn their money...For example, Bill Gates got wealthy by paying a fireman in Seattle almost nothing for a version of CP/M that he then leased to IBM as MS-DOS.
Ignoring your idiotic and ridiculous conspiracy theory for a moment ( :rolleyes: ), how the fuck is that “not” earning their money?

Bill Gates didn’t steal anything in your make believe conspiracy theory. If the fake fireman was too fuck’n stupid too understand what he had, and Bill Gates had the foresight to see the potential, then he is the true genius of your fake story, earned every penny, and deserves every penny.
Most of these wealthy…invest it overseas these days, where is actually harms the US.
No, you ignorant dolt, they don’t. Most of it is invested right here in the NYSE. Damn you are dumb.

Nobody is “investing” in Vietnam, or Cambodia, or Guatemala. It’s 90% here in the NYSE and 10% in certain overseas opportunities.
So then to you might makes right,
Uh…no. I believe killing filthy animals who engage in terrorism, “makes right”.
regardless of concepts like justice,
Executing terrorists is the ultimate in “justice”
ancestral ownership, etc.?
The fuck that got to do with anything?
How have the Palestinians ever harmed anyone?
Endless acts of terrorism. Literally on a daily basis. But even your dumb ass knows that much.
I wasn’t aware that being highly educated meant that you had more than a batchelor degree.
Well it does. “Highly” educated would be at least a Masters Degree, and realistically, more like a PhD.

Having a bachelors is simply being educated. Not “highly” educated.
No one in the Trump administration had an advanced degree either but that didn’t stop Trump from calling them “Only the best people”.
Bingo. He didn’t call them “highly educated”. A person can be “the best person” without having any education at all.
That fact that you COBBLE up tidbits related to theoretical word origins is
MEANINGLESS------the fact is that in the HEBREW language for at least MORE
than 1500 years -----ASHKENAZI meant northern european ------if the word derives from
something else up north-----I AM NOT IMPRESSED-----want to discuss the origin of the word
AMERICA? Your theory that the LANGUAGE of the Jews is YIDDISH is really stupid. It is
the language of jews LIVING IN EUROPE or recently emigrated from there. Lots of jews do
not know a single word of Yiddish but just about all jews know many basic words in Hebrew
not matter where they live or where they have lived

No, the fact Ashkenazi speak a native Germanic language means they did not come from the Mideast and then are converts and not ethnic Jews.
Point being that Ashkenazi do not belong in the Mideast at all.
The fact I also think Jews have no rights to any land they did not purchase is another matter.
rigie----you are getting sicker and sicker------the fact that most Irish people I know do not
speak CELTIC "PROVES" that they are not of Irish background. Most INDIAN (of india)
people I know speak ENGLISH ----so they are not INDIAN------you got some more BULLSHIT
TO FLING? BTW there are not many jews around who speak YIDDISH-----I don't and even
my parents did not----BUT EVERYONE knows at least a bit of hebrew

We are not talking about what language people used to speak, but don't any more.
We are talking about the fact ALL Ashkenazi come from Yiddish speaking roots.
What they speak today is not relevant, when it comes to tracing their lineage and heritage.
Most of these wealthy people did not earn their money...For example, Bill Gates got wealthy by paying a fireman in Seattle almost nothing for a version of CP/M that he then leased to IBM as MS-DOS.
Ignoring your idiotic and ridiculous conspiracy theory for a moment ( :rolleyes: ), how the fuck is that “not” earning their money?

Bill Gates didn’t steal anything in your make believe conspiracy theory. If the fake fireman was too fuck’n stupid too understand what he had, and Bill Gates had the foresight to see the potential, then he is the true genius of your fake story, earned every penny, and deserves every penny.

Gates conned IBM and sold them something of almost no value, that he had claimed to have made himself.
Most of these wealthy…invest it overseas these days, where is actually harms the US.
No, you ignorant dolt, they don’t. Most of it is invested right here in the NYSE. Damn you are dumb.

Nobody is “investing” in Vietnam, or Cambodia, or Guatemala. It’s 90% here in the NYSE and 10% in certain overseas opportunities.

When you buy Apple stock on the NYSE, you are investing in Chinese companies.
They money goes entirely into building more factories in China.
So then to you might makes right,
Uh…no. I believe killing filthy animals who engage in terrorism, “makes right”.
regardless of concepts like justice,
Executing terrorists is the ultimate in “justice”
ancestral ownership, etc.?
The fuck that got to do with anything?
How have the Palestinians ever harmed anyone?
Endless acts of terrorism. Literally on a daily basis. But even your dumb ass knows that much.

The greatest terrorists in the world are the US, especially the Pentagon.
All the Arabs in the Mideast want is to be left alone.

When a Palestinian holds someone hostage, like at the Olympics, that is not terrorism but a desperate attempt to get his rights back.
You would do the same thing if people had stolen your home and murdered your relatives.
The Palestinians are not going to other places and murdering or stealing, then are just trying to get their homes back and for people to stop abusing them.
Their request are more than reasonable, and our actions by giving Israel all these free weapons, is horrific.
We are the criminals, not them.
Wrong. Gates conned IBM and sold them something of almost no value, that he had claimed to have made himself.
Again…even in your bat-shit crazy conspiracy theory, if IBM so fuck’n stupid that they pay for something of “no value”, what is the problem?

Bill Gates did not steal anything. He didn’t put a gun to someone’s head and mug them of their software code.

Everything you’ve said so far was 100% incorrect, and yet even when you lie, you’re incapable for making a case that there was a problem.
Wrong. When you buy Apple stock on the NYSE, you are investing in Chinese companies. They money goes entirely into building more factories in China.
Wrong. Apple Park cost $5 billion and was built in Cupertino, CA (not China). It houses 12,000 employees which results in unimaginable tax revenue.
The report showed that total assessed value of property in the city increased more than $1.7 billion for 2015-16, of which $820 million was attributed to the new Apple campus. That means Apple was also responsible for about half of the $2.4 million increase in property taxes the city collected that year.
Everyone is sick of your bullshit lies. It’s time for you to go now.
When a Palestinian holds someone hostage, like at the Olympics, that is not terrorism but a desperate attempt to get his rights back.
You have to be JoeB131’s burner account. Nobody else makes such bat-shit crazy lies. You gave the textbook definition of terrorism (holding someone hostage) and then in the exact same sentence, you claim it’s “not” terrorism. :laugh:
You would do the same thing if people had stolen your home and murdered your relatives.
Uh, no I wouldn’t. Every time we think you’ve reached the pinnacle of stupidity, you take it to a whole new level.
The Palestinians are not going to other places and murdering or stealing, then are just trying to get their homes back and for people to stop abusing them.
There isn’t an 18 - 45 year old terrorist (average age) who had their home stolen because the UN granted that land in 1948 (which is 73 years ago for those of you who can’t do math.

None of these filthy animals were even alive when Israel was founded. Therefore, they couldn’t have had anything “stolen” from them.

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