No, you are misunderstanding the historical reference to the Mufti fleeing to Berlin, it was he who learned hate propaganda from the Nazis and brought that hate propaganda to the Palestinian narrative and probably infected all of Islam with that approach that can be construed as their decline and fall/making them unstable/raticalized. The radical progressive left here in the states are using that same hate propaganda to destabilize in order to control, without learning that method of power play always turns on itself in the end. Look at what happened to Arafat, he eventually was held up for weeks in his office hiding under his desk as his radicalized people he created through this structure of hate and violence turned on him, the creator of their rage.

The Grand Mufti of Jerusalem went to Germany to see if he could get any support from them, and he failed totally.
The Germans had nothing to do with anything in Palestine, and the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem fled after Jordan took over administering Jerusalem.

While Palestine was under British Mandate, the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem was a position created by the British Mandate authorities.[2] The creation of the new title was intended by the British to "enhance the status of the office".[4]

When Kamil al-Husayni died in 1921, the British High Commissioner Herbert Samuel appointed Mohammad Amin al-Husayni to the position. Amin al-Husayni, a member of the al-Husayni clan of Jerusalem, was an Arab nationalist and Muslim leader in the British Mandate of Palestine. As Grand Mufti and leader in the Arab Higher Committee, especially during the war period 1938-45, al-Husayni played a key role in violent opposition to Zionism and closely allied himself with the Nazi regime in Germany.[5][6] In 1948, after Jordan occupied Jerusalem, Abdullah I of Jordan officially removed al-Husayni from the post, banned him from entering Jerusalem, and appointed Hussam Al-din Jarallah as Grand Mufti.

And Arafat never perpetrated hate or violence, and was never turned on by the Palestinians.
You sure are a hater.
Nope... I don't hate anyone... but I believe that the idiot Palestinians need to be forcibly relocated to the East Bank of the Jordan forevermore.
Personally, I believe the disgusting idiot Palestinians need to be exterminated from the face of the Earth. But that's just me :dunno:

So then to you might makes right, regardless of concepts like justice, ancestral ownership, etc.?
How have the Palestinians ever harmed anyone?
They were on the side of the Allies in WWI, under the promise of independence if they helped and won.
They kept their side of the bargain, but we did not keep our side.
We never allowed them to be free as we were supposed to.

Don't you Mulims pretending you aren't Muslim ever tire of your taqiyya?

The "Palestinian" people had not been invented yet, and the Mufti of Jerusalem was a Nazi collaborator.

Its become fashionable lately to blame the Mufti and the Palestinians for the Holocaust in Europe. Do you think it justifies what the European refugees have done?

Dogma did YOU blame the Holocaust in Europe on the "palestinians"? Please note---
surada means ---the jewish migrants to palestine when he/she writes "EUROPEAN
REFUGEES" It is an islamo nazi meme invented by the escapees from the NUREMBURG
trials that did the islamo nazi propaganda in the late 1940s and the 1950s hailed as HEROES
in Egypt and Syria. By "palestinians" ----she seems to refer to arab muslims who, of course,
were not "PALESTINIANS" until the early 1960s. Islamo-nazi propaganda has it that
arab muslims were called "palestnians" since the creation of the universe---ie FASHIONABLE
in his/her circle

Totally wrong.
Palestine existed as a region for over 3000 years, but was formally recognized as a country in 1920 by the Treaty of San Remo and Treaty of Sevres.
And yes I do blame Zionists like Chaim Weizmann and David ben Gurion for the Holocaust.

wrong again The word PALESTINA was invented by the GREEK HISTORIAN HERODOTUS
approximately 2500 years ago. Romans began using the word to describe what they had
previously called JUDEA during the first century AD. Palestine in 1920 and "palestinian"
referred ONLY TO JEWS No arab or muslim or christian or even zoroastrian or Bahai was
called a "PALESTINIAN" in 1920 The person to blame for the Holocaust is
CONSTANTINE and his grandson JUSTIN. (Jesus had nothing to do with it either)
Please tell us how they were to blame, Hitler started writing his book “ The Final Solution” as a young man . The Concentration Camps started to be built in the early 1930’s
Give us the “ rational reason” why it was his long term goal to kill every Jewish individual on earth
No, you are misunderstanding the historical reference to the Mufti fleeing to Berlin, it was he who learned hate propaganda from the Nazis and brought that hate propaganda to the Palestinian narrative and probably infected all of Islam with that approach that can be construed as their decline and fall/making them unstable/raticalized. The radical progressive left here in the states are using that same hate propaganda to destabilize in order to control, without learning that method of power play always turns on itself in the end. Look at what happened to Arafat, he eventually was held up for weeks in his office hiding under his desk as his radicalized people he created through this structure of hate and violence turned on him, the creator of their rage.
not exactly----but very close. Hate propaganda was not "UNKNOWN" in the arab muslim
ethos. Adolf Hitler did not invent it. The muslims of Pakistan, certainly, did not need lessons
to murder hindus and the IRANIANS did not need lessons to GENOCIDE THE Zoroastrians

The Pakistanis are Moghul invaders and are not really Moslem.
And the Persians of Iran did not try to commit genocide against the Zoroastrians, although they were abusive to the Zoroastrians.
Putting terrorist sympathizer Ilhan Omar on the foreign affairs committee, so she can give critical info to our enemy combatants is as pathetically stupid as allowing Swalwell remain on his committee and house seat.

There is no such thing as an "enemy combatant".
No one attacked the US, so then we have no legal enemies.
When we attacked Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Syria, etc. we were committing war crimes, and the only enemy is in the Pentagon.
The countries of the Mideast have the right to be left alone and we are violating their rights.
All those countries you mention were NOT leaving other countries alone=busted by your own argument.
Iraq was justified both times because they never abided by the agreement of the end of the first war, and it's more complex a situation then media or the avg Joe will ever comprehend or figure out. (Some reasons just can't be discussed).

When the US created and joined the US in 1945, then the UN charter became US law.
So then the use of force as we did against Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Syria, etc, was totally illegal under international as well as US law.
The US of force is only legal in immediate defense or under UN authorization.
You sure are a hater.
Nope... I don't hate anyone... but I believe that the idiot Palestinians need to be forcibly relocated to the East Bank of the Jordan forevermore.
Personally, I believe the disgusting idiot Palestinians need to be exterminated from the face of the Earth. But that's just me :dunno:

So then to you might makes right, regardless of concepts like justice, ancestral ownership, etc.?
How have the Palestinians ever harmed anyone?
They were on the side of the Allies in WWI, under the promise of independence if they helped and won.
They kept their side of the bargain, but we did not keep our side.
We never allowed them to be free as we were supposed to.

Don't you Mulims pretending you aren't Muslim ever tire of your taqiyya?

The "Palestinian" people had not been invented yet, and the Mufti of Jerusalem was a Nazi collaborator.

Its become fashionable lately to blame the Mufti and the Palestinians for the Holocaust in Europe. Do you think it justifies what the European refugees have done?

Dogma did YOU blame the Holocaust in Europe on the "palestinians"? Please note---
surada means ---the jewish migrants to palestine when he/she writes "EUROPEAN
REFUGEES" It is an islamo nazi meme invented by the escapees from the NUREMBURG
trials that did the islamo nazi propaganda in the late 1940s and the 1950s hailed as HEROES
in Egypt and Syria. By "palestinians" ----she seems to refer to arab muslims who, of course,
were not "PALESTINIANS" until the early 1960s. Islamo-nazi propaganda has it that
arab muslims were called "palestnians" since the creation of the universe---ie FASHIONABLE
in his/her circle

They were called Palestinians in 1950 in Arabia where many of them worked. They were also called Palestinians in all the refugee camps.
oh----then you have a reference dating back to 1950-----RIGHT? That is interesting.
They were certainly NOT called "palestinians" in 1948----however my hubby got to
"PALESTINE" as an infant in 1941 His government papers call him a PALESTINIAN which
means that he is a jew------not a christian, muslim, arab, etc etc JUST A JEW. Are you having
a problem with this simple fact? It's not that horrifying. In 1930 there were no PAKISTANIS.
Way back in 1880----if a person in Palestine was called a PALESTINIAN----he was a jew---or
if any person was called a PALESTINIAN it meant that he was a jew living in Palestine.
Somehow there are people who NOW want to be called "palestinians"------and there is
even supposed to be a "palestinian" culture that includes a "palestinian cuisine"
In the 1960s-----British teens liked to call themselves either MODS or ROCKERS
No, you are misunderstanding the historical reference to the Mufti fleeing to Berlin, it was he who learned hate propaganda from the Nazis and brought that hate propaganda to the Palestinian narrative and probably infected all of Islam with that approach that can be construed as their decline and fall/making them unstable/raticalized. The radical progressive left here in the states are using that same hate propaganda to destabilize in order to control, without learning that method of power play always turns on itself in the end. Look at what happened to Arafat, he eventually was held up for weeks in his office hiding under his desk as his radicalized people he created through this structure of hate and violence turned on him, the creator of their rage.
not exactly----but very close. Hate propaganda was not "UNKNOWN" in the arab muslim
ethos. Adolf Hitler did not invent it. The muslims of Pakistan, certainly, did not need lessons
to murder hindus and the IRANIANS did not need lessons to GENOCIDE THE Zoroastrians

The Pakistanis are Moghul invaders and are not really Moslem.
And the Persians of Iran did not try to commit genocide against the Zoroastrians, although they were abusive to the Zoroastrians.
oh good Pakistan is not a country-----nor is Afghanistan. The Persians of Iran did not TRY
to commit genocide against the zoroastrians-----THEY DID. The survivors fled to Bombay
India. and lived amongst the Jews who fled the filth of islamic oppression in Iraq----that
was also GENOCIDE. Koranic scholars do not consider the Pakistanis to be muslims?
News to me-----do they know?
No, otherwise you'd have U.N. filings and complaints and a better more sourceful argument.
AND ONCE AGAIN: you are not privledged to classified info to make assumptions like you know all the details.
Yes we butt in sometimes where we have no right, but that always bites us back in the end, making us pay for our mistakes.
He was taught and brought back the hate propaganda, explain the Palestinian school books, the blood candy propaganda, etc etc.
And it's historical fact about Arafat being held up in his offices, I saw it first hand on the news cycles when it was happening.
Rashida is rooted in antisemitism...

Why are you obsessed with the idea that everyone in American government must be a fan of the Israeli government. Is Talib not entitled to her own opinion based on her own experiences with the Israelis?

Many Israeli’s find the behaviour of the Netanyahu government towards the Palestinians to be offensive and racist.

You seem to have no problem hating on anyone who doesn’t think like you do or look like you do and we are all supposed to except these ideas is being your constitutional right to freedom of speech and freedom of association.

There are lots of minority male in the Progressive Caucus, who do not support Israel as well.

Why is it that the Trump Cult consistently and falsely attack and slander House Members who are both female and are women of color?

The women are crazy. The women are stupid. Crazy Nancy. Crazy Maxine. What is it about strong smart women that frightens you so?

I don't know any Israelis who find the Netanyahu government "RACIST" toward the
"palestinians" (of course you might find one or two to prove your "rule") "arab"
is not a race. As to people in the USA government. lots of them are racist.
Maxine Waters-----not my cup of tea-----you may find her charming, I am a registered
democrat and consider her to be a NUT.
The term WOMEN OF COLOR is even more idiotic than the use of the term "palestinian"
for arab muslims. Does TRUMP seem to you to be the first POLITICIAN to disparage
political opponents. You should read some of the Editorials from the LINCOLN ERA

That is silly because Netanyahu is Ashkenazi, so then would be racist against native Arabs, but since most Israelis are also Ashkenazi, they would not think what Netanyahu does is wrong. They would be equally racist.
And the victim of racism does not have to be a different race.
Hitler was the same race as the Jews he killed.
The axis of evil (Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Ilhan Omar, and Rashida Tlaib) have such contempt for Jews and Israel, they can’t even pretend to hide it.
"Why not boycott Egypt?" Tapper asked. "They have human rights— "

"Oh, I would boycott Egypt of course!" Tlaib claimed.

"But you keep saying you 'would,' you 'would,' you 'would' boycott Egypt — but you're not," Tapper shot back.
Jake Tapper would have to ask twice if Israel had even a right just to exist.

Jake Tapper grills Rashida Tlaib on BDS, whether Israel has 'right to exist.' Here's what she said.
The Squad!!!!.lolol..............Squad of one wants what they want and they'll be out
Rashida is rooted in antisemitism...

Why are you obsessed with the idea that everyone in American government must be a fan of the Israeli government. Is Talib not entitled to her own opinion based on her own experiences with the Israelis?

Many Israeli’s find the behaviour of the Netanyahu government towards the Palestinians to be offensive and racist.

You seem to have no problem hating on anyone who doesn’t think like you do or look like you do and we are all supposed to except these ideas is being your constitutional right to freedom of speech and freedom of association.

There are lots of minority male in the Progressive Caucus, who do not support Israel as well.

Why is it that the Trump Cult consistently and falsely attack and slander House Members who are both female and are women of color?

The women are crazy. The women are stupid. Crazy Nancy. Crazy Maxine. What is it about strong smart women that frightens you so?

I don't know any Israelis who find the Netanyahu government "RACIST" toward the
"palestinians" (of course you might find one or two to prove your "rule") "arab"
is not a race. As to people in the USA government. lots of them are racist.
Maxine Waters-----not my cup of tea-----you may find her charming, I am a registered
democrat and consider her to be a NUT.
The term WOMEN OF COLOR is even more idiotic than the use of the term "palestinian"
for arab muslims. Does TRUMP seem to you to be the first POLITICIAN to disparage
political opponents. You should read some of the Editorials from the LINCOLN ERA

Trump is the first politician to consistently and falsely defame and attack women. Especially those who aren’t white. Like Yamish Alcindor from NPR or the Squad.

In 2016, he went after Meagan Kelly, with his “blood coming out of her wherever comment”. Did he go after Chris Wallace like that?

Trump says it’s just politics and that’s the way politics are done and he treats men and women the same but he doesn’t. He goes after women who criticize him for more often than men, and he is very specific in attacking them personally on their looks, their weight, frequently saying they’re “crazy” or “dumb”.

I’ve never heard him referred to a male politician as “Crazy Chuck”, nor refer to them as “ugly” or “stupid”.
She’s just a Jew Hater . What can be worse then her insisting Israel was behind 9-11, denied the 19 Arab HiJackers and the fact that Bin Laden was the Mastermind?

We do not know who was behind 9/11.
It is very suspicious that the FBI was writing reports about the Saudis involved taking flying lessons and yet nothing was done about it.
It seems very similar to the 1993 WTC bombing, where the FBI supplied the explosives, van, and suggested the target.
The 1993 WTC "bombing" ----actually a car filled with nitrogen explosive in the basement
garage, was orchestrated by an islamic SCHOLAR in Jersey City, NJ Sheikh RAHMAN.
It was poorly conceived and did not require sophisticated "EXPLOSIVES" ----it required
nitrogen based FERTILIZER. You know nothing about it. I dealt with some of the victims.
Did your handlers tell you to OBFUSCATE? I don't find it odd that the FBI did nothing about
some saudis taking flying lessons------they are playboys in the USA. Ever meet a Saudi?

It was actually a yellow Ryder truck rental, not a car.
And it was the FBI who supplied the explosives and truck.

FBI involvement​

In the course of the trial it was revealed that the FBI had an informant, a former Egyptian army officer named Emad Salem. Salem claims to have informed the FBI of the plot to build a bomb that would eventually be used in the World Trade Center towers as early as February 6, 1992. Salem's role as informant allowed the FBI to quickly pinpoint the conspirators out of hundreds of possible suspects. The transcripts do not make clear the extent to which Federal Authorities knew that there was a plan to bomb the World Trade Center, merely that a bombing of some sort was being discussed.

Salem claimed that the FBI's plan was for Salem to supply the conspirators with a harmless powder instead of actual explosive to build their bomb, but that the FBI chose to use him for other purposes instead. He secretly recorded hundreds of hours of telephone conversations with his FBI handlers.[41]
led them to a Ryder truck rented from DIB Leasing in Jersey City. Investigators determined that the vehicle had been rented by Mohammed A. Salameh

And no, it is not normal for Saudis to take flying lessons as the hijackers did.
These were lessons in how to fly commercial airliners, not little private planes.
And yet they showed no interest in getting a commercial license.
The FBI knew these Saudis were members of al Qaeda and were intent on terrorism in the US.
Bush was briefed all about it from the Clinton transition team.


Bush Warned of Hijackings Before 9-11​

ABC News
January 7, 2006, 8:34 AM
• 5 min read
May 15, 2002 -- U.S. intelligence officials warned President Bush weeks before the Sept. 11 attacks that Osama bin Laden's terrorist network might hijack American planes, but White House officials stressed the threat was not specific.

A White House official acknowledged to ABCNEWS that the information prompted administration officials to issue a private warning to transportation department and national security agencies weeks before the attacks. But, the official said the threat of a hijacking by bin Laden's al Qaeda organization was general in nature, did not mention a specific time or place and was similar to the variety of different terrorist threats U.S. intelligence monitors frequently.
Rashida is rooted in antisemitism...

Why are you obsessed with the idea that everyone in American government must be a fan of the Israeli government. Is Talib not entitled to her own opinion based on her own experiences with the Israelis?

Many Israeli’s find the behaviour of the Netanyahu government towards the Palestinians to be offensive and racist.

You seem to have no problem hating on anyone who doesn’t think like you do or look like you do and we are all supposed to except these ideas is being your constitutional right to freedom of speech and freedom of association.

There are lots of minority male in the Progressive Caucus, who do not support Israel as well.

Why is it that the Trump Cult consistently and falsely attack and slander House Members who are both female and are women of color?

The women are crazy. The women are stupid. Crazy Nancy. Crazy Maxine. What is it about strong smart women that frightens you so?

I don't know any Israelis who find the Netanyahu government "RACIST" toward the
"palestinians" (of course you might find one or two to prove your "rule") "arab"
is not a race. As to people in the USA government. lots of them are racist.
Maxine Waters-----not my cup of tea-----you may find her charming, I am a registered
democrat and consider her to be a NUT.
The term WOMEN OF COLOR is even more idiotic than the use of the term "palestinian"
for arab muslims. Does TRUMP seem to you to be the first POLITICIAN to disparage
political opponents. You should read some of the Editorials from the LINCOLN ERA

That is silly because Netanyahu is Ashkenazi, so then would be racist against native Arabs, but since most Israelis are also Ashkenazi, they would not think what Netanyahu does is wrong. They would be equally racist.
And the victim of racism does not have to be a different race.
Hitler was the same race as the Jews he killed.
Rigie, dear, you are playing with words. Race, itself, is a very imprecise and A SILLY
concept. It is INVENTED and USED by its inventers to justify themselves. Humans are
all the same species -----HOMO is the genus and SAPIEN is the species the "race" part
just what this or that person wants it to be. Hitler considered his "RACE" to be aryan---
and jews ----not aryan. Today the term "RACIST" has no meaning at all. Ashkenazi is
a hebrew person who has lived or has background in the area of the Rhine valley. Arab has
very little meaning at all----much like aryan
She’s just a Jew Hater . What can be worse then her insisting Israel was behind 9-11, denied the 19 Arab HiJackers and the fact that Bin Laden was the Mastermind?

We do not know who was behind 9/11.
It is very suspicious that the FBI was writing reports about the Saudis involved taking flying lessons and yet nothing was done about it.
It seems very similar to the 1993 WTC bombing, where the FBI supplied the explosives, van, and suggested the target.
The 1993 WTC "bombing" ----actually a car filled with nitrogen explosive in the basement
garage, was orchestrated by an islamic SCHOLAR in Jersey City, NJ Sheikh RAHMAN.
It was poorly conceived and did not require sophisticated "EXPLOSIVES" ----it required
nitrogen based FERTILIZER. You know nothing about it. I dealt with some of the victims.
Did your handlers tell you to OBFUSCATE? I don't find it odd that the FBI did nothing about
some saudis taking flying lessons------they are playboys in the USA. Ever meet a Saudi?

It was actually a yellow Ryder truck rental, not a car.
And it was the FBI who supplied the explosives and truck.

FBI involvement​

In the course of the trial it was revealed that the FBI had an informant, a former Egyptian army officer named Emad Salem. Salem claims to have informed the FBI of the plot to build a bomb that would eventually be used in the World Trade Center towers as early as February 6, 1992. Salem's role as informant allowed the FBI to quickly pinpoint the conspirators out of hundreds of possible suspects. The transcripts do not make clear the extent to which Federal Authorities knew that there was a plan to bomb the World Trade Center, merely that a bombing of some sort was being discussed.

Salem claimed that the FBI's plan was for Salem to supply the conspirators with a harmless powder instead of actual explosive to build their bomb, but that the FBI chose to use him for other purposes instead. He secretly recorded hundreds of hours of telephone conversations with his FBI handlers.[41]
led them to a Ryder truck rented from DIB Leasing in Jersey City. Investigators determined that the vehicle had been rented by Mohammed A. Salameh

And no, it is not normal for Saudis to take flying lessons as the hijackers did.
These were lessons in how to fly commercial airliners, not little private planes.
And yet they showed no interest in getting a commercial license.
The FBI knew these Saudis were members of al Qaeda and were intent on terrorism in the US.
Bush was briefed all about it from the Clinton transition team.


Bush Warned of Hijackings Before 9-11​

ABC News
January 7, 2006, 8:34 AM
• 5 min read
May 15, 2002 -- U.S. intelligence officials warned President Bush weeks before the Sept. 11 attacks that Osama bin Laden's terrorist network might hijack American planes, but White House officials stressed the threat was not specific.

A White House official acknowledged to ABCNEWS that the information prompted administration officials to issue a private warning to transportation department and national security agencies weeks before the attacks. But, the official said the threat of a hijacking by bin Laden's al Qaeda organization was general in nature, did not mention a specific time or place and was similar to the variety of different terrorist threats U.S. intelligence monitors frequently.
you made no point------there was FAR TOO MUCH information about this and that and this and that cross talk-------as to the MYSTERIOUS powder to which you refer----NOPE they used
nitrogen based explosive material----FERTILIZER. A ryder truck is a small vehicle like a car.
There were several injuries-----and something like four or six deaths. Of course AFTER the fact you can pull out from THOUSANDS OF TONS of material and assert -----OH THAT ONE---WE
SHOULD HAVE KNOWN. It is clear that the INTENTION of the Rahman was to topple
the WTC by IMPLOSION-----he was just not good at it
wrong rigby----SEMITIC LANGUAGE GROUP-----not "arab language group" There
were SEMITIC languages long before allah invented arabic and LONG LONG before
He decided to grant them an alphabet

It is VERY ignorant to think that Arabic is the original Semitic Arab language.
Aramaic and Hebrew are Arab Semitic languages that existed long before Arabic.
The Phoenicians and their phonetic alphabet is also a Semitic Arab language.
The word "Semitic" means "of an Arab language group".



Refers to the peoples, languages, and cultures of the descendants of Noah’s son Shem, who are known as Semites.—Ge 10:21-31.
The early Semites included various Arabian tribes, as well as the Aramaeans (or, Syrians), the Assyrians, the early Chaldeans, the Elamites, the Hebrews, and others. They inhabited much of the southwestern corner of the Asiatic continent, including most of the Fertile Crescent and a large portion of the Arabian Peninsula.
In Bible times, Semitic languages included Akkadian (spoken in Assyria and Babylon), Arabic, Aramaic, Hebrew, and the languages of the neighboring nations of Israel, such as the Ammonites and the Moabites. (Ge 11:27; 19:30, 37, 38) No other language family has a longer recorded history.
When a word, name, or idiom is termed “Semitic,” it means that its origin is from a Semitic language or that it has characteristics that can be found in a Semitic language.

So while Semitic includes those who speak Hebrew, it does not refer only to Jews, but to all who speak a native Arab language.
But it does not refer to Ashkenazi Jews because their native language, Yiddish, is of Germanic origins and is not of Arab origins.
wrong again RIGBY dear, Ashkenazi is a HEBREW WORD -----it means a PERSON WHO LIVES OR HAS LIVED in the area of the world called ASHKENAZ (hebrew) which is--approximately
the RHINE VALLEY and its precincts. ----later called EUROPE. Yiddish is, very simple a form
of German mixed with Hebrew. I speak English but I am not AN ENGLISHWOMAN. Yiddish is
written using the HEBREW ALPHABET. Interestingly---there is a HEBREW FORM OF
ARABIC too------and a HEBREW FORM OF SPANISH --------and even a HEBREW FORM OF
FARSI. The common language for jews is and has been HEBREW for more than 4000 years

No, Ashkenazi is Assyrian.
And refers to Scythian descendants who speak a Germanic language.

Biblical Ashkenaz is usually derived from Assyrian Aškūza (cuneiform Aškuzai/Iškuzai), a people who expelled the Cimmerians from the Armenian area of the Upper Euphrates,;[41] the name Aškūza is usually associated with the name of the Scythians.[42][43] The intrusive n in the Biblical name is likely due to a scribal error confusing a vav ו‎ with a nun נ‎.[43][44][45]

In Jeremiah 51:27, Ashkenaz figures as one of three kingdoms in the far north, the others being Minni and Ararat, perhaps corresponding to Urartu, called on by God to resist Babylon.[45][46] In the Yoma tractate of the Babylonian Talmud the name Gomer is rendered as Germania, which elsewhere in rabbinical literature was identified with Germanikia in northwestern Syria, but later became associated with Germania. Ashkenaz is linked to Scandza/Scanzia, viewed as the cradle of Germanic tribes, as early as a 6th-century gloss to the Historia Ecclesiastica of Eusebius.[47]

In the 10th-century History of Armenia of Yovhannes Drasxanakertc'i (1.15) Ashkenaz was associated with Armenia,[48] as it was occasionally in Jewish usage, where its denotation extended at times to Adiabene, Khazaria, Crimea and areas to the east.[49] His contemporary Saadia Gaon identified Ashkenaz with the Saquliba or Slavic territories,[50] and such usage covered also the lands of tribes neighboring the Slavs, and Eastern and Central Europe.[49] In modern times, Samuel Krauss identified the Biblical "Ashkenaz" with Khazaria.[51]

And there is no historic Hebrew alphabet, since it did not exist until around 100 BC.
The most common language for Jews has been Aramaic and Yiddish, neither of which are similar to Hebrew.
The fact Yiddish uses a Hebrew alphabet only shows it is modern.
Rashida is rooted in antisemitism...

Why are you obsessed with the idea that everyone in American government must be a fan of the Israeli government. Is Talib not entitled to her own opinion based on her own experiences with the Israelis?

Many Israeli’s find the behaviour of the Netanyahu government towards the Palestinians to be offensive and racist.

You seem to have no problem hating on anyone who doesn’t think like you do or look like you do and we are all supposed to except these ideas is being your constitutional right to freedom of speech and freedom of association.

There are lots of minority male in the Progressive Caucus, who do not support Israel as well.

Why is it that the Trump Cult consistently and falsely attack and slander House Members who are both female and are women of color?

The women are crazy. The women are stupid. Crazy Nancy. Crazy Maxine. What is it about strong smart women that frightens you so?

I don't know any Israelis who find the Netanyahu government "RACIST" toward the
"palestinians" (of course you might find one or two to prove your "rule") "arab"
is not a race. As to people in the USA government. lots of them are racist.
Maxine Waters-----not my cup of tea-----you may find her charming, I am a registered
democrat and consider her to be a NUT.
The term WOMEN OF COLOR is even more idiotic than the use of the term "palestinian"
for arab muslims. Does TRUMP seem to you to be the first POLITICIAN to disparage
political opponents. You should read some of the Editorials from the LINCOLN ERA

That is silly because Netanyahu is Ashkenazi, so then would be racist against native Arabs, but since most Israelis are also Ashkenazi, they would not think what Netanyahu does is wrong. They would be equally racist.
And the victim of racism does not have to be a different race.
Hitler was the same race as the Jews he killed.
Rigie, dear, you are playing with words. Race, itself, is a very imprecise and A SILLY
concept. It is INVENTED and USED by its inventers to justify themselves. Humans are
all the same species -----HOMO is the genus and SAPIEN is the species the "race" part
just what this or that person wants it to be. Hitler considered his "RACE" to be aryan---
and jews ----not aryan. Today the term "RACIST" has no meaning at all. Ashkenazi is
a hebrew person who has lived or has background in the area of the Rhine valley. Arab has
very little meaning at all----much like aryan

Ashkenazi has nothing to do with the Rhine valley.
The Ashkenazi are of Scythian descent, and are eastern European, moving north and west, not moving east as you claim.
They started in the Balkans, and then moved up towards Russia and west into Poland.
They did not move east from Germany to Poland and Russia.
And the Ashkenazi have nothing to do with Hebrew.
"But understand does it exist in the detriment of inequality for the Palestinian people? The detriment of not moving forward in a peaceful resolution," she continued. "We're never going to have peace, I truly believe, if separate but equal is the way they want to go.

I quite agree. She comes from a Palestinian family what the hell do you expect her to say, the Jews have a right to kill as many as the Palestinians as want and to steal all the land.

Is that it??

a practicing Jew and a Palestinian talking. He has the nerve to ask her those questions.
We expect her to represent the perspective of her constituency, not her own personal prejudices.

Of course, if the majority of her constituents are also anti-Semiters or anti-Israel scum, then they may be safely ridiculed and firmly refuted.

Lib-Prog-Dems can be every bit as obtuse and disingenuous in defense of their own as Rumpian scum - in ways both different AND similar.
Democrats have a lot of Jewish in Congress, more than republicans who have 1 or 2.

Some understand the existential fight for Eretz Yisrael and support it and denounce filth like Omar.

Others, content to live in the Diaspora and shielded from EuroTrash and MuzzieScum by the Atlantic Ocean, betray and abandon their co-religionists.

Lib-Prog-Dems, foolishly trying to be All Things To All People and lacking the ball$ to take a stand, throw Israel under the bus, every chance they get.

Not all... mind you... but enough to create and sustain the stereotype.

You sure are a hater.
Nope... I don't hate anyone... but I believe that the idiot Palestinians need to be forcibly relocated to the East Bank of the Jordan forevermore.

Hitler inspired?
yes-----it seems ALL muslims are adolf lovers, even the non-arabs and
EVEN including the Iranians who actually despise the arabs

She was calling for removal of all Palestiinians. So much for Judeo/Christian morals.
To hell with the so-called Palestinians... fools, idiots, whiners and losers... time to shove 'em across the Jordan... for keeps...

Have you ever been to Jordan or East Jerusalem or the West Bank? Christian and Muslim Palestinians are quite friendly and hospitable.
Doesn't make any difference... they cannot co-exist with the new Masters of that land... vae victus... time for the Palestinians to face reality and relocate.

The world is tired of listening to Palestinian bull$hit and excuses... and the Israelis aren't going anywhere... one of 'em has to go... it will be the Palestinians.

Might as well get it over with sooner rather than later and spare the world their whining and more pointless bloodshed... leave... and live.

The European Zionists were refugees. Now they have been on the dole for 70 years.
Rubbish. They came. They saw. They conquered. The Jews are now the Masters of the old Romano-Turkic province of 'Palestine', not your Muzzie pals.

Yes, but you seem to forget that is illegal to "Come, Saw, and Conqueror", a crime, immoral and unethical.
The Muslim Arabs are the indigenous natives and had the right to live there in peace.
The illegal European Jewish immigrants are in violation of the law originally, and have only compounded it with much greater violations of law, such as murder and home confiscations.
What you seem to forget is that the Romans and Turks were also criminals for their illegal invasion and conquest.
The Palestinians had earned independence through their assistance to the Allies in WWI, and are now required to have that independence upheld.
The Allies signed the treaties ensuring Palestinian independence.
They can't legally renege now.
The Holy Land has changed hands so many times that "indigenous" has very little meaning.

Rather like having your living room in the middle of a four-lane high-speed highway...

To the Devil with the idiot Palestinians...

Not at all true.

The Canaanites were the first to prosper in the Levant we now call Palestine, and it still is largely inhabited by Canaanite Palestinians.
The Egyptians invaded a few times, but they did nothing to change the population or have much effect.
Same with the Hittites, Mitanni, Assyrians, Babylonians, Hebrew, Greeks, Romans, Parthians, etc.
The invaders did not stay or change the demographics significantly.

The people who are indigenous natives and did stay, are the Palestinians.
They are the Canaanites, Chaldeans. Akkadians, Phoenicians, Philistines, Amorites, Urites, Nabatians, etc.

The Hebrew were not native, and did not stay.
The Israelis are attempting to implement a myth that was never true.
There likely was no King David, there is no Chosen People or Promised Land.

Doesn't matter... the Jews are the new Masters in that region... the idiot Palestinians... those stupid enough to still be there after 70 years... need to be relocated.
Don't look for anti-Semitism to go away until the Boss shows up to even out the problems.

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