OH really? I know lots of jews who come from a family background of having NEVER
spoken Yiddish. Gee----where did you get that ALL YIDDISH idea from? a mosque or
Hitler's youth? My hubby comes from a family background of NO YIDDISH SPEAKERS
at all------ever.
That fact that you COBBLE up tidbits related to theoretical word origins is
MEANINGLESS------the fact is that in the HEBREW language for at least MORE
than 1500 years -----ASHKENAZI meant northern european ------if the word derives from
something else up north-----I AM NOT IMPRESSED-----want to discuss the origin of the word
AMERICA? Your theory that the LANGUAGE of the Jews is YIDDISH is really stupid. It is
the language of jews LIVING IN EUROPE or recently emigrated from there. Lots of jews do
not know a single word of Yiddish but just about all jews know many basic words in Hebrew
not matter where they live or where they have lived

No, the fact Ashkenazi speak a native Germanic language means they did not come from the Mideast and then are converts and not ethnic Jews.
Point being that Ashkenazi do not belong in the Mideast at all.
The fact I also think Jews have no rights to any land they did not purchase is another matter.
rigie----you are getting sicker and sicker------the fact that most Irish people I know do not
speak CELTIC "PROVES" that they are not of Irish background. Most INDIAN (of india)
people I know speak ENGLISH ----so they are not INDIAN------you got some more BULLSHIT
TO FLING? BTW there are not many jews around who speak YIDDISH-----I don't and even
my parents did not----BUT EVERYONE knows at least a bit of hebrew

We are not talking about what language people used to speak, but don't any more.
We are talking about the fact ALL Ashkenazi come from Yiddish speaking roots.
What they speak today is not relevant, when it comes to tracing their lineage and heritage.
Oh now I understand----you come from ILLITERACY remotely and imagine everyone---like you,
has no idea what his lineage is. The people of APPALACHIA who speak English, must,
therefore BE BRITISH. I have a sister-in-law whose family lived in Appalachia but are
literate-----they KNOW that their lineage is actually German----remotely----Ie when they
came to america. They do not speak German at all anymore----they speak english
making them BRITISH !!!! btw ASHKENAZI is a hebrew word. You can actually write and
spell it in Hebrew and it does not look FOREIGN. Yiddish did not exist when Jews from the
Levant first ventured to the Rhine Valley during the ROMAN CONQUESTS at which time they
spoke aramaic and hebrew and some knew Greek and some knew latin. Conversation
with you is like being in an old fashioned FUN HOUSE
Wrong. Gates conned IBM and sold them something of almost no value, that he had claimed to have made himself.
Again…even in your bat-shit crazy conspiracy theory, if IBM so fuck’n stupid that they pay for something of “no value”, what is the problem?

Bill Gates did not steal anything. He didn’t put a gun to someone’s head and mug them of their software code.

Everything you’ve said so far was 100% incorrect, and yet even when you lie, you’re incapable for making a case that there was a problem.
Rigby5 is an idiot but Gates stole 98% of the code MS started with.
When GW opened the Business Visa flood gates, BG fired all of the non-Indian programmers who developed the Office, Visual Basic, SQL Server, etc...
Gates basically destroyed the lives of millions of software developers starting from 2000.
Gates is a complete scumbag who never did anything original in his life.
Wrong. Gates conned IBM and sold them something of almost no value, that he had claimed to have made himself.
Again…even in your bat-shit crazy conspiracy theory, if IBM so fuck’n stupid that they pay for something of “no value”, what is the problem?

Bill Gates did not steal anything. He didn’t put a gun to someone’s head and mug them of their software code.

Everything you’ve said so far was 100% incorrect, and yet even when you lie, you’re incapable for making a case that there was a problem.

IBM was stupid, but did not bother checking it out very well because they also were so stupid they thought desk top computers were a foolish fad.
The point is Gates lied and claimed to be a programmer who created MS-DOS.
And the problem with that is not just how bad MD-DOS was, but that it meant he could not fix or change it.
When people like Gates market something bad as something good, that is fraud.
Gates set programming and computers back decades.
There were some really good operating systems out there that Gates caused to go under, like GEM, DR-DOS, OpenLook, QuarterDeck, TripOS, etc.
Marketing often essentially is just fraud.
But Gates went way beyond the law when he did things like buy up shelf space.
Wrong. When you buy Apple stock on the NYSE, you are investing in Chinese companies. They money goes entirely into building more factories in China.
Wrong. Apple Park cost $5 billion and was built in Cupertino, CA (not China). It houses 12,000 employees which results in unimaginable tax revenue.
The report showed that total assessed value of property in the city increased more than $1.7 billion for 2015-16, of which $820 million was attributed to the new Apple campus. That means Apple was also responsible for about half of the $2.4 million increase in property taxes the city collected that year.
Everyone is sick of your bullshit lies. It’s time for you to go now.

Over 90% of Apple work is done overseas.
If you think 12,000 employees is a lot, you don't know much about business.
When a Palestinian holds someone hostage, like at the Olympics, that is not terrorism but a desperate attempt to get his rights back.
You have to be JoeB131’s burner account. Nobody else makes such bat-shit crazy lies. You gave the textbook definition of terrorism (holding someone hostage) and then in the exact same sentence, you claim it’s “not” terrorism. :laugh:

When police arrest a bank robber, you could call that was terrorism as will by your definition, (holding someone hostage).
That is not a valid definition of terrorism.
Terrorism is where you try to illegally force others to surrender their rights through threats of extortion or intimidation.
The Palestinians never did that because they were always in the right.
It was their homes that were illegally taken from them.
So it is impossible for them to be terrorists by any reasonable definition.
The Palestinians never tried to take anything from anyone else, but only wanted their own home returned to them.
Anyone preventing that is automatically a terrorist.
"But understand does it exist in the detriment of inequality for the Palestinian people? The detriment of not moving forward in a peaceful resolution," she continued. "We're never going to have peace, I truly believe, if separate but equal is the way they want to go.

I quite agree. She comes from a Palestinian family what the hell do you expect her to say, the Jews have a right to kill as many as the Palestinians as want and to steal all the land.

Is that it??

a practicing Jew and a Palestinian talking. He has the nerve to ask her those questions.
We expect her to represent the perspective of her constituency, not her own personal prejudices.

Of course, if the majority of her constituents are also anti-Semiters or anti-Israel scum, then they may be safely ridiculed and firmly refuted.

Lib-Prog-Dems can be every bit as obtuse and disingenuous in defense of their own as Rumpian scum - in ways both different AND similar.
Democrats have a lot of Jewish in Congress, more than republicans who have 1 or 2.

Some understand the existential fight for Eretz Yisrael and support it and denounce filth like Omar.

Others, content to live in the Diaspora and shielded from EuroTrash and MuzzieScum by the Atlantic Ocean, betray and abandon their co-religionists.

Lib-Prog-Dems, foolishly trying to be All Things To All People and lacking the ball$ to take a stand, throw Israel under the bus, every chance they get.

Not all... mind you... but enough to create and sustain the stereotype.

You sure are a hater.
Nope... I don't hate anyone... but I believe that the idiot Palestinians need to be forcibly relocated to the East Bank of the Jordan forevermore.

Hitler inspired?
yes-----it seems ALL muslims are adolf lovers, even the non-arabs and
EVEN including the Iranians who actually despise the arabs

She was calling for removal of all Palestiinians. So much for Judeo/Christian morals.
To hell with the so-called Palestinians... fools, idiots, whiners and losers... time to shove 'em across the Jordan... for keeps...

Have you ever been to Jordan or East Jerusalem or the West Bank? Christian and Muslim Palestinians are quite friendly and hospitable.
Doesn't make any difference... they cannot co-exist with the new Masters of that land... vae victus... time for the Palestinians to face reality and relocate.

The world is tired of listening to Palestinian bull$hit and excuses... and the Israelis aren't going anywhere... one of 'em has to go... it will be the Palestinians.

Might as well get it over with sooner rather than later and spare the world their whining and more pointless bloodshed... leave... and live.

The European Zionists were refugees. Now they have been on the dole for 70 years.
Rubbish. They came. They saw. They conquered. The Jews are now the Masters of the old Romano-Turkic province of 'Palestine', not your Muzzie pals.

Yes, but you seem to forget that is illegal to "Come, Saw, and Conqueror", a crime, immoral and unethical.
The Muslim Arabs are the indigenous natives and had the right to live there in peace.
The illegal European Jewish immigrants are in violation of the law originally, and have only compounded it with much greater violations of law, such as murder and home confiscations.
What you seem to forget is that the Romans and Turks were also criminals for their illegal invasion and conquest.
The Palestinians had earned independence through their assistance to the Allies in WWI, and are now required to have that independence upheld.
The Allies signed the treaties ensuring Palestinian independence.
They can't legally renege now.
The Holy Land has changed hands so many times that "indigenous" has very little meaning.

Rather like having your living room in the middle of a four-lane high-speed highway...

To the Devil with the idiot Palestinians...

Not at all true.

The Canaanites were the first to prosper in the Levant we now call Palestine, and it still is largely inhabited by Canaanite Palestinians.
The Egyptians invaded a few times, but they did nothing to change the population or have much effect.
Same with the Hittites, Mitanni, Assyrians, Babylonians, Hebrew, Greeks, Romans, Parthians, etc.
The invaders did not stay or change the demographics significantly.

The people who are indigenous natives and did stay, are the Palestinians.
They are the Canaanites, Chaldeans. Akkadians, Phoenicians, Philistines, Amorites, Urites, Nabatians, etc.

The Hebrew were not native, and did not stay.
The Israelis are attempting to implement a myth that was never true.
There likely was no King David, there is no Chosen People or Promised Land.

Rigby you weren’t there, you don’t know. Yes or no?

I do not have to have been there in order to know.
This is not prehistoric, and there are plenty of accounts written at the time that we now can read.
Just ask yourself if when Rome invaded Greece, if the demographics of Athens and Sparta suddenly became all Roman the Greeks are were killed or driven off?
Of course not.
The whole point of invasion is almost always just to add the economic strength and productivity to the empire.
That is always how imperialism works.
And historians can also tell by tracing culture, such as written language.
We know the Amorites were not killed off by the Hebrew invasion because we know the Hebrew did not have a written script and instead use Aramaic.
We know the Hebrew did not rule long because they were beaten by the Babylonians, then the Assyrians, and later by the Romans.

I also know the Hebrew were not the Chosen People and the Land of Canaan was not the Promised Land because that would be immoral.
To place one people over others would be immoral, and to take occupied land and give it to others would be immoral.
And if God is that immoral, I would prefer to believe God then did not exist.

Morality is subjective. I consider Your posts to be immoral. Why would that make me wrong? It would not. God is also based on faith not fact. Pretty convenient.
You sure are a hater.
Nope... I don't hate anyone... but I believe that the idiot Palestinians need to be forcibly relocated to the East Bank of the Jordan forevermore.
Personally, I believe the disgusting idiot Palestinians need to be exterminated from the face of the Earth. But that's just me :dunno:

So then to you might makes right, regardless of concepts like justice, ancestral ownership, etc.?
How have the Palestinians ever harmed anyone?
They were on the side of the Allies in WWI, under the promise of independence if they helped and won.
They kept their side of the bargain, but we did not keep our side.
We never allowed them to be free as we were supposed to.

Don't you Mulims pretending you aren't Muslim ever tire of your taqiyya?

The "Palestinian" people had not been invented yet, and the Mufti of Jerusalem was a Nazi collaborator.

Its become fashionable lately to blame the Mufti and the Palestinians for the Holocaust in Europe. Do you think it justifies what the European refugees have done?
Fashionable or factual? LOL

Again, every mostly Muslim country in the world is a humanitarian nightmare for gays and women. You cannot dispute that so you constantly dodge this inconvenient fact. We don’t want nor need another Islamist country.
You would do the same thing if people had stolen your home and murdered your relatives.
Uh, no I wouldn’t. Every time we think you’ve reached the pinnacle of stupidity, you take it to a whole new level.
The Palestinians are not going to other places and murdering or stealing, then are just trying to get their homes back and for people to stop abusing them.
There isn’t an 18 - 45 year old terrorist (average age) who had their home stolen because the UN granted that land in 1948 (which is 73 years ago for those of you who can’t do math.

None of these filthy animals were even alive when Israel was founded. Therefore, they couldn’t have had anything “stolen” from them.

The UN did not grant any land to anyone.
What the UN did was to decide what political body had jurisdiction only.
What Israel then did was to use that political body that was wrongly given jurisdiction, to murder land owners and steal their land.

And clearly you have not been following the news at all, because Israel has been constantly doing this.
It did not stop in 1948, but there are half a dozens traditional Arab homes that Israel is attempting to confiscate right now.
That is what all the fighting on the Temple Mount and all the rockets was about.
So then clearly you have not been paying any attention at all and know nothing about the conflict between Israel and Palestine.
When a Palestinian holds someone hostage, like at the Olympics, that is not terrorism but a desperate attempt to get his rights back.
You have to be JoeB131’s burner account. Nobody else makes such bat-shit crazy lies. You gave the textbook definition of terrorism (holding someone hostage) and then in the exact same sentence, you claim it’s “not” terrorism. :laugh:

When police arrest a bank robber, you could call that was terrorism as will by your definition, (holding someone hostage).
That is not a valid definition of terrorism.
Terrorism is where you try to illegally force others to surrender their rights through threats of extortion or intimidation.
The Palestinians never did that because they were always in the right.
It was their homes that were illegally taken from them.
So it is impossible for them to be terrorists by any reasonable definition.
The Palestinians never tried to take anything from anyone else, but only wanted their own home returned to them.
Anyone preventing that is automatically a terrorist.
They are always in the right? There was no such thing as a Palestinian until 1967. Their homes were taken because they started the wars and lost them. They are terrorists because the International community identified them as terrorists. Hamas and Hezbollah are terror groups. You don’t know what the word impossible means. I am tired of your fucking bullshit polluting this board. I am going to call your ass out.
You would do the same thing if people had stolen your home and murdered your relatives.
Uh, no I wouldn’t. Every time we think you’ve reached the pinnacle of stupidity, you take it to a whole new level.
The Palestinians are not going to other places and murdering or stealing, then are just trying to get their homes back and for people to stop abusing them.
There isn’t an 18 - 45 year old terrorist (average age) who had their home stolen because the UN granted that land in 1948 (which is 73 years ago for those of you who can’t do math.

None of these filthy animals were even alive when Israel was founded. Therefore, they couldn’t have had anything “stolen” from them.

The UN did not grant any land to anyone.
What the UN did was to decide what political body had jurisdiction only.
What Israel then did was to use that political body that was wrongly given jurisdiction, to murder land owners and steal their land.

And clearly you have not been following the news at all, because Israel has been constantly doing this.
It did not stop in 1948, but there are half a dozens traditional Arab homes that Israel is attempting to confiscate right now.
That is what all the fighting on the Temple Mount and all the rockets was about.
So then clearly you have not been paying any attention at all and know nothing about the conflict between Israel and Palestine.
No one is confiscating anything. Another lie by Rigby5. All disputes go to land court for the justice system to opine on. Funny how the Arabs hate Israel but desperately want to live there. Why not go to Syria, Lebanon, Egypt or Jordan? Of yes because those countries treat “Palestinians” worse than dogs and we all know Islamists hate dogs. Any religion that hates dogs is by definition immoral. God loves dogs. He told me. Prove me wrong you fucking crazy asshole.
Wrong. Gates conned IBM and sold them something of almost no value, that he had claimed to have made himself.
Again…even in your bat-shit crazy conspiracy theory, if IBM so fuck’n stupid that they pay for something of “no value”, what is the problem?

Bill Gates did not steal anything. He didn’t put a gun to someone’s head and mug them of their software code.

Everything you’ve said so far was 100% incorrect, and yet even when you lie, you’re incapable for making a case that there was a problem.
Rigby5 is an idiot but Gates stole 98% of the code MS started with.
When GW opened the Business Visa flood gates, BG fired all of the non-Indian programmers who developed the Office, Visual Basic, SQL Server, etc...
Gates basically destroyed the lives of millions of software developers starting from 2000.
Gates is a complete scumbag who never did anything original in his life.

It would have been ok if only he had acknowledged the actual developers.
But Gates lied and claimed to know programming himself.
Not knowing how to program, Gates does not value programming or programmers, and constantly throws them away when they cost too much.
"But understand does it exist in the detriment of inequality for the Palestinian people? The detriment of not moving forward in a peaceful resolution," she continued. "We're never going to have peace, I truly believe, if separate but equal is the way they want to go.

I quite agree. She comes from a Palestinian family what the hell do you expect her to say, the Jews have a right to kill as many as the Palestinians as want and to steal all the land.

Is that it??

a practicing Jew and a Palestinian talking. He has the nerve to ask her those questions.
We expect her to represent the perspective of her constituency, not her own personal prejudices.

Of course, if the majority of her constituents are also anti-Semiters or anti-Israel scum, then they may be safely ridiculed and firmly refuted.

Lib-Prog-Dems can be every bit as obtuse and disingenuous in defense of their own as Rumpian scum - in ways both different AND similar.
Democrats have a lot of Jewish in Congress, more than republicans who have 1 or 2.

Some understand the existential fight for Eretz Yisrael and support it and denounce filth like Omar.

Others, content to live in the Diaspora and shielded from EuroTrash and MuzzieScum by the Atlantic Ocean, betray and abandon their co-religionists.

Lib-Prog-Dems, foolishly trying to be All Things To All People and lacking the ball$ to take a stand, throw Israel under the bus, every chance they get.

Not all... mind you... but enough to create and sustain the stereotype.

You sure are a hater.
Nope... I don't hate anyone... but I believe that the idiot Palestinians need to be forcibly relocated to the East Bank of the Jordan forevermore.

Hitler inspired?
yes-----it seems ALL muslims are adolf lovers, even the non-arabs and
EVEN including the Iranians who actually despise the arabs

She was calling for removal of all Palestiinians. So much for Judeo/Christian morals.
To hell with the so-called Palestinians... fools, idiots, whiners and losers... time to shove 'em across the Jordan... for keeps...

Have you ever been to Jordan or East Jerusalem or the West Bank? Christian and Muslim Palestinians are quite friendly and hospitable.
Doesn't make any difference... they cannot co-exist with the new Masters of that land... vae victus... time for the Palestinians to face reality and relocate.

The world is tired of listening to Palestinian bull$hit and excuses... and the Israelis aren't going anywhere... one of 'em has to go... it will be the Palestinians.

Might as well get it over with sooner rather than later and spare the world their whining and more pointless bloodshed... leave... and live.

The European Zionists were refugees. Now they have been on the dole for 70 years.
Rubbish. They came. They saw. They conquered. The Jews are now the Masters of the old Romano-Turkic province of 'Palestine', not your Muzzie pals.

Yes, but you seem to forget that is illegal to "Come, Saw, and Conqueror", a crime, immoral and unethical.
The Muslim Arabs are the indigenous natives and had the right to live there in peace.
The illegal European Jewish immigrants are in violation of the law originally, and have only compounded it with much greater violations of law, such as murder and home confiscations.
What you seem to forget is that the Romans and Turks were also criminals for their illegal invasion and conquest.
The Palestinians had earned independence through their assistance to the Allies in WWI, and are now required to have that independence upheld.
The Allies signed the treaties ensuring Palestinian independence.
They can't legally renege now.
The Holy Land has changed hands so many times that "indigenous" has very little meaning.

Rather like having your living room in the middle of a four-lane high-speed highway...

To the Devil with the idiot Palestinians...

Not at all true.

The Canaanites were the first to prosper in the Levant we now call Palestine, and it still is largely inhabited by Canaanite Palestinians.
The Egyptians invaded a few times, but they did nothing to change the population or have much effect.
Same with the Hittites, Mitanni, Assyrians, Babylonians, Hebrew, Greeks, Romans, Parthians, etc.
The invaders did not stay or change the demographics significantly.

The people who are indigenous natives and did stay, are the Palestinians.
They are the Canaanites, Chaldeans. Akkadians, Phoenicians, Philistines, Amorites, Urites, Nabatians, etc.

The Hebrew were not native, and did not stay.
The Israelis are attempting to implement a myth that was never true.
There likely was no King David, there is no Chosen People or Promised Land.

Rigby you weren’t there, you don’t know. Yes or no?

I do not have to have been there in order to know.
This is not prehistoric, and there are plenty of accounts written at the time that we now can read.
Just ask yourself if when Rome invaded Greece, if the demographics of Athens and Sparta suddenly became all Roman the Greeks are were killed or driven off?
Of course not.
The whole point of invasion is almost always just to add the economic strength and productivity to the empire.
That is always how imperialism works.
And historians can also tell by tracing culture, such as written language.
We know the Amorites were not killed off by the Hebrew invasion because we know the Hebrew did not have a written script and instead use Aramaic.
We know the Hebrew did not rule long because they were beaten by the Babylonians, then the Assyrians, and later by the Romans.

I also know the Hebrew were not the Chosen People and the Land of Canaan was not the Promised Land because that would be immoral.
To place one people over others would be immoral, and to take occupied land and give it to others would be immoral.
And if God is that immoral, I would prefer to believe God then did not exist.

Morality is subjective. I consider Your posts to be immoral. Why would that make me wrong? It would not. God is also based on faith not fact. Pretty convenient.

Human morality is not totally subjective.
Humans are not just social animals by conditioning after birth, but have inherent instincts that make them social.
Its like any primate, such as Meerkats, that survive through collective social instincts, like empathy.
That is why all but a few psychotic feel it is wrong to steal, murder, rape, etc., and that is why most people do not fool a lie detector test.

God is faith based, but the values we have built in would have to reflect the values of God, if we were created by God.
So an anti social God creating humans to be social, would be a contradiction.
"But understand does it exist in the detriment of inequality for the Palestinian people? The detriment of not moving forward in a peaceful resolution," she continued. "We're never going to have peace, I truly believe, if separate but equal is the way they want to go.

I quite agree. She comes from a Palestinian family what the hell do you expect her to say, the Jews have a right to kill as many as the Palestinians as want and to steal all the land.

Is that it??

a practicing Jew and a Palestinian talking. He has the nerve to ask her those questions.
We expect her to represent the perspective of her constituency, not her own personal prejudices.

Of course, if the majority of her constituents are also anti-Semiters or anti-Israel scum, then they may be safely ridiculed and firmly refuted.

Lib-Prog-Dems can be every bit as obtuse and disingenuous in defense of their own as Rumpian scum - in ways both different AND similar.
Democrats have a lot of Jewish in Congress, more than republicans who have 1 or 2.

Some understand the existential fight for Eretz Yisrael and support it and denounce filth like Omar.

Others, content to live in the Diaspora and shielded from EuroTrash and MuzzieScum by the Atlantic Ocean, betray and abandon their co-religionists.

Lib-Prog-Dems, foolishly trying to be All Things To All People and lacking the ball$ to take a stand, throw Israel under the bus, every chance they get.

Not all... mind you... but enough to create and sustain the stereotype.

You sure are a hater.
Nope... I don't hate anyone... but I believe that the idiot Palestinians need to be forcibly relocated to the East Bank of the Jordan forevermore.

Hitler inspired?
yes-----it seems ALL muslims are adolf lovers, even the non-arabs and
EVEN including the Iranians who actually despise the arabs

She was calling for removal of all Palestiinians. So much for Judeo/Christian morals.
To hell with the so-called Palestinians... fools, idiots, whiners and losers... time to shove 'em across the Jordan... for keeps...

Have you ever been to Jordan or East Jerusalem or the West Bank? Christian and Muslim Palestinians are quite friendly and hospitable.
Doesn't make any difference... they cannot co-exist with the new Masters of that land... vae victus... time for the Palestinians to face reality and relocate.

The world is tired of listening to Palestinian bull$hit and excuses... and the Israelis aren't going anywhere... one of 'em has to go... it will be the Palestinians.

Might as well get it over with sooner rather than later and spare the world their whining and more pointless bloodshed... leave... and live.

The European Zionists were refugees. Now they have been on the dole for 70 years.
Rubbish. They came. They saw. They conquered. The Jews are now the Masters of the old Romano-Turkic province of 'Palestine', not your Muzzie pals.

Yes, but you seem to forget that is illegal to "Come, Saw, and Conqueror", a crime, immoral and unethical.
The Muslim Arabs are the indigenous natives and had the right to live there in peace.
The illegal European Jewish immigrants are in violation of the law originally, and have only compounded it with much greater violations of law, such as murder and home confiscations.
What you seem to forget is that the Romans and Turks were also criminals for their illegal invasion and conquest.
The Palestinians had earned independence through their assistance to the Allies in WWI, and are now required to have that independence upheld.
The Allies signed the treaties ensuring Palestinian independence.
They can't legally renege now.
The Holy Land has changed hands so many times that "indigenous" has very little meaning.

Rather like having your living room in the middle of a four-lane high-speed highway...

To the Devil with the idiot Palestinians...

Not at all true.

The Canaanites were the first to prosper in the Levant we now call Palestine, and it still is largely inhabited by Canaanite Palestinians.
The Egyptians invaded a few times, but they did nothing to change the population or have much effect.
Same with the Hittites, Mitanni, Assyrians, Babylonians, Hebrew, Greeks, Romans, Parthians, etc.
The invaders did not stay or change the demographics significantly.

The people who are indigenous natives and did stay, are the Palestinians.
They are the Canaanites, Chaldeans. Akkadians, Phoenicians, Philistines, Amorites, Urites, Nabatians, etc.

The Hebrew were not native, and did not stay.
The Israelis are attempting to implement a myth that was never true.
There likely was no King David, there is no Chosen People or Promised Land.

Rigby you weren’t there, you don’t know. Yes or no?

I do not have to have been there in order to know.
This is not prehistoric, and there are plenty of accounts written at the time that we now can read.
Just ask yourself if when Rome invaded Greece, if the demographics of Athens and Sparta suddenly became all Roman the Greeks are were killed or driven off?
Of course not.
The whole point of invasion is almost always just to add the economic strength and productivity to the empire.
That is always how imperialism works.
And historians can also tell by tracing culture, such as written language.
We know the Amorites were not killed off by the Hebrew invasion because we know the Hebrew did not have a written script and instead use Aramaic.
We know the Hebrew did not rule long because they were beaten by the Babylonians, then the Assyrians, and later by the Romans.

I also know the Hebrew were not the Chosen People and the Land of Canaan was not the Promised Land because that would be immoral.
To place one people over others would be immoral, and to take occupied land and give it to others would be immoral.
And if God is that immoral, I would prefer to believe God then did not exist.

Morality is subjective. I consider Your posts to be immoral. Why would that make me wrong? It would not. God is also based on faith not fact. Pretty convenient.

Human morality is not totally subjective.
Humans are not just social animals by conditioning after birth, but have inherent instincts that make them social.
Its like any primate, such as Meerkats, that survive through collective social instincts, like empathy.
That is why all but a few psychotic feel it is wrong to steal, murder, rape, etc., and that is why most people do not fool a lie detector test.

God is faith based, but the values we have built in would have to reflect the values of God, if we were created by God.
So an anti social God creating humans to be social, would be a contradiction.

So which religion is “moral”? Islam and Christianity blast gays and sex before marriage. So both are immoral then. Are Protestants or Catholics moral? Are Shia or Sunni moral? Morality is 100% subjective. Are you pro life or pro choice? Which is more moral. Humans are social but not all humans hence we have introverts and extroverts. Hyenas travel in packs too and steal food and hunt cute little animals. Are they moral?

Is boxing moral? Is football moral? People die participating in those events. Is allowing transgender women to compete vs biological women in the Olympics moral? Pretty sure ancient Greeks would disagree. Yet me questioning this is immortal to many.

Morality is subjective. Next…
You sure are a hater.
Nope... I don't hate anyone... but I believe that the idiot Palestinians need to be forcibly relocated to the East Bank of the Jordan forevermore.
Personally, I believe the disgusting idiot Palestinians need to be exterminated from the face of the Earth. But that's just me :dunno:

So then to you might makes right, regardless of concepts like justice, ancestral ownership, etc.?
How have the Palestinians ever harmed anyone?
They were on the side of the Allies in WWI, under the promise of independence if they helped and won.
They kept their side of the bargain, but we did not keep our side.
We never allowed them to be free as we were supposed to.

Don't you Mulims pretending you aren't Muslim ever tire of your taqiyya?

The "Palestinian" people had not been invented yet, and the Mufti of Jerusalem was a Nazi collaborator.

Its become fashionable lately to blame the Mufti and the Palestinians for the Holocaust in Europe. Do you think it justifies what the European refugees have done?
Fashionable or factual? LOL

Again, every mostly Muslim country in the world is a humanitarian nightmare for gays and women. You cannot dispute that so you constantly dodge this inconvenient fact. We don’t want nor need another Islamist country.

The whole point of Islam was to give women more rights than they had under the previous Judaism.
Under Judaism, women were considered to not have a soul, could not vote, divorce, inherit, own property, testify, etc.
Mohammad married a wealthy widow, and to show his gratitude, he tried to modify Judaism to be better for women.
Islam is nearly identical to Judaism except that women are considered to have a soul, could vote, divorce, inherit, own property, testify, etc.

The only problem with Islamic countries is that they have such a long history of Judaism that they are still practicing Judaism instead of Islam.
For example stoning adulterers and killing gays.
That is Judaism, not Islam.
The Quran does not allow for either of these capital punishments.
You sure are a hater.
Nope... I don't hate anyone... but I believe that the idiot Palestinians need to be forcibly relocated to the East Bank of the Jordan forevermore.
Personally, I believe the disgusting idiot Palestinians need to be exterminated from the face of the Earth. But that's just me :dunno:

So then to you might makes right, regardless of concepts like justice, ancestral ownership, etc.?
How have the Palestinians ever harmed anyone?
They were on the side of the Allies in WWI, under the promise of independence if they helped and won.
They kept their side of the bargain, but we did not keep our side.
We never allowed them to be free as we were supposed to.

Don't you Mulims pretending you aren't Muslim ever tire of your taqiyya?

The "Palestinian" people had not been invented yet, and the Mufti of Jerusalem was a Nazi collaborator.

Its become fashionable lately to blame the Mufti and the Palestinians for the Holocaust in Europe. Do you think it justifies what the European refugees have done?
Fashionable or factual? LOL

Again, every mostly Muslim country in the world is a humanitarian nightmare for gays and women. You cannot dispute that so you constantly dodge this inconvenient fact. We don’t want nor need another Islamist country.

The whole point of Islam was to give women more rights than they had under the previous Judaism.
Under Judaism, women were considered to not have a soul, could not vote, divorce, inherit, own property, testify, etc.
Mohammad married a wealthy widow, and to show his gratitude, he tried to modify Judaism to be better for women.
Islam is nearly identical to Judaism except that women are considered to have a soul, could vote, divorce, inherit, own property, testify, etc.

The only problem with Islamic countries is that they have such a long history of Judaism that they are still practicing Judaism instead of Islam.
For example stoning adulterers and killing gays.
That is Judaism, not Islam.
The Quran does not allow for either of these capital punishments.
So the problem with Islam is Judaism. Do you realize how fucking stupid you sound. So ISIS is based on Judaism? Quran certainly does as it all depends on how you interpret it. Why don’t you go to the KSA and tell the people that their beliefs are based on Judaism and see how quickly they chop your stupid head off. You’re one deranged mother fucker.
When a Palestinian holds someone hostage, like at the Olympics, that is not terrorism but a desperate attempt to get his rights back.
You have to be JoeB131’s burner account. Nobody else makes such bat-shit crazy lies. You gave the textbook definition of terrorism (holding someone hostage) and then in the exact same sentence, you claim it’s “not” terrorism. :laugh:

When police arrest a bank robber, you could call that was terrorism as will by your definition, (holding someone hostage).
That is not a valid definition of terrorism.
Terrorism is where you try to illegally force others to surrender their rights through threats of extortion or intimidation.
The Palestinians never did that because they were always in the right.
It was their homes that were illegally taken from them.
So it is impossible for them to be terrorists by any reasonable definition.
The Palestinians never tried to take anything from anyone else, but only wanted their own home returned to them.
Anyone preventing that is automatically a terrorist.
They are always in the right? There was no such thing as a Palestinian until 1967. Their homes were taken because they started the wars and lost them. They are terrorists because the International community identified them as terrorists. Hamas and Hezbollah are terror groups. You don’t know what the word impossible means. I am tired of your fucking bullshit polluting this board. I am going to call your ass out.

That is just totally wrong.
Palestine was created in 1920 and everyone in Palestine knew they were from then on Palestinians.

Name a war started by Palestinians? You can't because there aren't any.
But if you look at the history of what happened in 1946 and later, the constant massacre of Arab villages by Zionists is well documented.
And that is what started the 1948 war.
Look up "masssacre, Dier Yassin", for example.
Zionists are not just crazy, but evil.

Obviously it is the imperialists like the US who are the actual terrorists, and they claim anyone fighting back is a terrorist instead because it is better PR.
But everyone has to know the US is murdering innocents, like in Iraq, Libya, Afghanistan, Panama, Grenada, Vietnam, etc.
You would do the same thing if people had stolen your home and murdered your relatives.
Uh, no I wouldn’t. Every time we think you’ve reached the pinnacle of stupidity, you take it to a whole new level.
The Palestinians are not going to other places and murdering or stealing, then are just trying to get their homes back and for people to stop abusing them.
There isn’t an 18 - 45 year old terrorist (average age) who had their home stolen because the UN granted that land in 1948 (which is 73 years ago for those of you who can’t do math.

None of these filthy animals were even alive when Israel was founded. Therefore, they couldn’t have had anything “stolen” from them.

The UN did not grant any land to anyone.
What the UN did was to decide what political body had jurisdiction only.
What Israel then did was to use that political body that was wrongly given jurisdiction, to murder land owners and steal their land.

And clearly you have not been following the news at all, because Israel has been constantly doing this.
It did not stop in 1948, but there are half a dozens traditional Arab homes that Israel is attempting to confiscate right now.
That is what all the fighting on the Temple Mount and all the rockets was about.
So then clearly you have not been paying any attention at all and know nothing about the conflict between Israel and Palestine.
No one is confiscating anything. Another lie by Rigby5. All disputes go to land court for the justice system to opine on. Funny how the Arabs hate Israel but desperately want to live there. Why not go to Syria, Lebanon, Egypt or Jordan? Of yes because those countries treat “Palestinians” worse than dogs and we all know Islamists hate dogs. Any religion that hates dogs is by definition immoral. God loves dogs. He told me. Prove me wrong you fucking crazy asshole.

Palestinians don't want to move because they have beliefs about the value of land where the bones of the ancestors are buried.
Dogs have fleas that spread disease, so are a danger in a hot climate.
When a Palestinian holds someone hostage, like at the Olympics, that is not terrorism but a desperate attempt to get his rights back.
You have to be JoeB131’s burner account. Nobody else makes such bat-shit crazy lies. You gave the textbook definition of terrorism (holding someone hostage) and then in the exact same sentence, you claim it’s “not” terrorism. :laugh:

When police arrest a bank robber, you could call that was terrorism as will by your definition, (holding someone hostage).
That is not a valid definition of terrorism.
Terrorism is where you try to illegally force others to surrender their rights through threats of extortion or intimidation.
The Palestinians never did that because they were always in the right.
It was their homes that were illegally taken from them.
So it is impossible for them to be terrorists by any reasonable definition.
The Palestinians never tried to take anything from anyone else, but only wanted their own home returned to them.
Anyone preventing that is automatically a terrorist.
They are always in the right? There was no such thing as a Palestinian until 1967. Their homes were taken because they started the wars and lost them. They are terrorists because the International community identified them as terrorists. Hamas and Hezbollah are terror groups. You don’t know what the word impossible means. I am tired of your fucking bullshit polluting this board. I am going to call your ass out.

That is just totally wrong.
Palestine was created in 1920 and everyone in Palestine knew they were from then on Palestinians.

Name a war started by Palestinians? You can't because there aren't any.
But if you look at the history of what happened in 1946 and later, the constant massacre of Arab villages by Zionists is well documented.
And that is what started the 1948 war.
Look up "masssacre, Dier Yassin", for example.
Zionists are not just crazy, but evil.

Obviously it is the imperialists like the US who are the actual terrorists, and they claim anyone fighting back is a terrorist instead because it is better PR.
But everyone has to know the US is murdering innocents, like in Iraq, Libya, Afghanistan, Panama, Grenada, Vietnam, etc.
Bullshit you fat mother fucker. Find one just one written word that says those people were “Palestinians” before 1967. You cannot . What was the capital of these Palestinians? When did they compete in the Olympics? Who was their president? Everyone doesn’t know that. You believe that because you’re a deranged fat loser. Stop talking in absolutes you fat coward. When you “everyone” you mean you. I am sick and tried of you, why? You’re a fucking deranged monster. You are a murderer and everyone knows that.
Prove me wrong.
You sure are a hater.
Nope... I don't hate anyone... but I believe that the idiot Palestinians need to be forcibly relocated to the East Bank of the Jordan forevermore.
Personally, I believe the disgusting idiot Palestinians need to be exterminated from the face of the Earth. But that's just me :dunno:

So then to you might makes right, regardless of concepts like justice, ancestral ownership, etc.?
How have the Palestinians ever harmed anyone?
They were on the side of the Allies in WWI, under the promise of independence if they helped and won.
They kept their side of the bargain, but we did not keep our side.
We never allowed them to be free as we were supposed to.

Don't you Mulims pretending you aren't Muslim ever tire of your taqiyya?

The "Palestinian" people had not been invented yet, and the Mufti of Jerusalem was a Nazi collaborator.

Its become fashionable lately to blame the Mufti and the Palestinians for the Holocaust in Europe. Do you think it justifies what the European refugees have done?
Fashionable or factual? LOL

Again, every mostly Muslim country in the world is a humanitarian nightmare for gays and women. You cannot dispute that so you constantly dodge this inconvenient fact. We don’t want nor need another Islamist country.

The whole point of Islam was to give women more rights than they had under the previous Judaism.
Under Judaism, women were considered to not have a soul, could not vote, divorce, inherit, own property, testify, etc.
Mohammad married a wealthy widow, and to show his gratitude, he tried to modify Judaism to be better for women.
Islam is nearly identical to Judaism except that women are considered to have a soul, could vote, divorce, inherit, own property, testify, etc.

The only problem with Islamic countries is that they have such a long history of Judaism that they are still practicing Judaism instead of Islam.
For example stoning adulterers and killing gays.
That is Judaism, not Islam.
The Quran does not allow for either of these capital punishments.
^^^^^ rigie has out rigied himself...... BUT it is so good to know that
MECCA was once a jewish town (like Medina) The arabs never PAID US
for it. We have a RIGHT ----under international law to GET IT BACK .....along
with Baghdad and Alexandria

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