The Anti-Trump Curriculum

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Flaming Libs/Koranimals
May 1, 2012
Gulf of Mex 26.609, -82.220
The Anti-Trump Curriculum
Fanning the flames of intolerance, educators have done a disservice to their students and the country.
December 22, 2016
Larry Sand

Reprinted from

While hysteria and fearmongering over the governance of a Republican president have become standard—George W. Bush was frequently referred to as “Bushitler”—present-day anti-Trumpers have taken the acrimony to another level. Sadly, public schools are on the frontlines.

Just six days after the election, the teachers union in Los Angeles supported students who skipped school to protest the “politics of fear, racism and misogyny.” “As educators, as people spending every day with students and caring about each student’s future, we believe we have a sacred role in times like these,” the union said in a statement. Sacred? Too bad the union didn’t use its newly discovered religious faith to preach to the students that if they are indeed so upset with the president-elect, they should vent their dissatisfaction after the school day or on a weekend.

San Francisco social-studies teacher Fakhra Shah claims she knows “first-hand what it’s like to be on the receiving end of anti-Muslim slurs and stereotyping. The United Educators of San Francisco posted her “Lesson Plan on the 2016 Election” on its website. “DO NOT: Tell [students] that we have LOST and that we have to accept this,” it emphatically advises teachers. “We do not have to accept ANYTHING except that we must and will fight for justice against an unjust system and against unjust people.” The anger and denial here is just the tip of the iceberg:


An eighth-grade student in Alabama was paddled by the assistant principal for writing “Trump” on the blackboard, allegedly because the time for discussing the election had passed. (Alabama is one of 15 states with laws allowing corporal punishment in schools.) Does anyone doubt that if the student had written “IHillary” on the board, he would have received a pat on the back instead of a beating? In Montgomery County, Maryland, anti-Trump students severely beat up a classmate for wearing a “Make America Great Again” cap. Ditching school, the irony-challenged perpetrators brandished signs reading, “Love Trumps Hate.”

To state the obvious, bullying is wrong, but it’s especially galling when bullying is condoned and encouraged by teachers. Educators owe it to their students to tell them that the election is over, and that Trump won fair and square. Marching and screaming won’t change anything. Fanning flames and ratcheting up the indoctrination of our kids is unacceptable. If they must develop post-election lesson plans, why not focus on how the Electoral College works? Or on the great tradition our country has for a peaceful transfer of power? Teachers might suggest to their students that they follow the advice of President Obama, who said that we should give Trump a chance.

The Anti-Trump Curriculum
Idiots. How can you have a marxist, one world agenda, if you don't have a country to live in from which to promote it?

idiots. There are more countries now than there was 100 years ago. Nationalism is on the rise. These people are c*nty.
Idiots. How can you have a marxist, one world agenda, if you don't have a country to live in from which to promote it?

idiots. There are more countries now than there was 100 years ago. Nationalism is on the rise. These people are c*nty.
Well lets see now, to the first part yes you can move to Venezuela/all south america, Russia, China, etc, etc...

Now the second part, There are more centrist now than there was 100 years ago, What college did you go to...
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