The Anti-War Party???


Gold Member
Jun 5, 2016
We have been told over and over here that the Democrats are anti-War, nevermind all the Dem votes for the recent wars....

What happens to a Dem when she dares question using the US military to hit an enemy of Israel?

Prominent Democrats Call For Anti-War Congresswoman To Be Ousted From Office

"The Hawaii congresswoman said in a statement that the airstrikes on Syria were “short-sighted and will lead to more dead civilians, more refugees, the strengthening of al-Qaida and other terrorists, and a possible nuclear war between the United States and Russia.”

She also said she has not seen enough evidence that Assad was behind the chemical attack that led to the death of dozens of civilians. Gabbard said an investigation was necessary before responding, and that “if President Assad is found to be responsible after an independent investigation for these horrific chemical weapons attacks, I’ll be the first one to call for his prosecution and execution by the International Criminal Court.”"

Fair enough, she wants proof, right???


"“This is a disgrace. Gabbard should not be in Congress,” (DNC big Howard) Dean tweeted Saturday."

another DNC big wants her out too....

"Tanden said, “People of Hawaii’s 2nd district – was it not enough for you that your rep met with a murderous dictator? Will this move you?”"

The "anti-war" Party really isn't....
We have been told over and over here that the Democrats are anti-War, nevermind all the Dem votes for the recent wars....

What happens to a Dem when she dares question using the US military to hit an enemy of Israel?

Prominent Democrats Call For Anti-War Congresswoman To Be Ousted From Office

"The Hawaii congresswoman said in a statement that the airstrikes on Syria were “short-sighted and will lead to more dead civilians, more refugees, the strengthening of al-Qaida and other terrorists, and a possible nuclear war between the United States and Russia.”

She also said she has not seen enough evidence that Assad was behind the chemical attack that led to the death of dozens of civilians. Gabbard said an investigation was necessary before responding, and that “if President Assad is found to be responsible after an independent investigation for these horrific chemical weapons attacks, I’ll be the first one to call for his prosecution and execution by the International Criminal Court.”"

Fair enough, she wants proof, right???


"“This is a disgrace. Gabbard should not be in Congress,” (DNC big Howard) Dean tweeted Saturday."

another DNC big wants her out too....

"Tanden said, “People of Hawaii’s 2nd district – was it not enough for you that your rep met with a murderous dictator? Will this move you?”"

The "anti-war" Party really isn't....
Both major parties love war. Why? Because it grows the power of the state.

Many Americans think the two parties are opposed to each other. This is clearly a fallacy designed to deceive, and it works.
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True, but you miss the OBJECTIVE of those in control of both parties...

Joshua 1 - NIV - Bible Study Tools

"4 Your territory will extend from the desert to Lebanon, and from the great river, the Euphrates—all the Hittite country—to the Mediterranean Sea in the west."

re-conquering the Biblical "Promised Land" for Israel, the NE border being the Euphrates.... in Iraq.... meaning the Promised Land is 100 fold larger than Israel is now.... explaining why Israel is expanding and won't give an inch on that issue.

The absolute ruler of both "US" political parties is the man most responsible for 911

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Also hilarious is the 'tude.

The Dems are supposed to be anti-war liberals, open minded....


In reality, they are a top down "do what you are told" dictatorship hell bent on stealing as much as possible from the taxpayer and selling out America every chance they get.
The Foreign Policy Initiative was founded in 2009 by Weekly Standard editor Bill Kristol, Dan Senor, and Robert Kagan. Same players, use to be PNAC and American Century. Zionist.

AIPAC is alive and well. We work for Israel and SA. They can both use chemical weapons and get away with it.
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In other words, our Congress and Party leaders are so stacked with Zionist Traitors that they can get away with anything, including 911 and starting wars over obvious lies.

Time for a revolution...
Every military adventure in the 20th century happened during a democrat administration. It might be said that WW2 was inevitable but Wilson said he would never send America's boys to fight in a foreign war and then he (or his wife) sent the Doughboys to save France and then we had to do it again about 25 years later. The great orator FDR managed to dodge responsibility for the 3,000 Americans lost at Pear harbor by blaming subordinates. Harry Truman sent Troops to Korea on a freaking executive order while he was trying to downsize the Military after WW2. Korea was so grossly mismanaged that the Truman administration managed to grasp an embarrassing truce from the jaws of victory after a three year quagmire and the loss of 50,000. LBJ thought he had a better idea. He created a fake crisis and then set the rules so that the U.S. could win every battle in Vietnam and still lose the war and 48,000. Americans are better informed than they have ever been and yet the democrat party (with their minions in the liberal media) still play by the old 60's political playbook pretending that republicans are warmongers and they wonder why they lost over 2,000 elections in the last eight years.

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