The application of the liberal ideology in the 21st century

rottweiler you are a chihuahua. Alot of yeep yeep yeep but no teeth. You compare guns to cars, why not compare guns to cribs? Children die in cribs. Surely you have a fallacious argument that would connect the two and show how guns are no more dangerous than cribs!
I never compared anything to anything, stupid. You claim that you care about human life. If that's the case - why aren't you calling to ban cars since they cause more deaths per year than automobiles?

You're pissed off because that simple question proves that you don't give a shit about human life jack-ass. You care about forcing your will on others and your irrational fear of inanimate objects.

You certainly swim in your own delusions.
rottweiler you are a chihuahua. Alot of yeep yeep yeep but no teeth. You compare guns to cars, why not compare guns to cribs? Children die in cribs. Surely you have a fallacious argument that would connect the two and show how guns are no more dangerous than cribs!
I never compared anything to anything, stupid. You claim that you care about human life. If that's the case - why aren't you calling to ban cars since they cause more deaths per year than automobiles?

You're pissed off because that simple question proves that you don't give a shit about human life jack-ass. You care about forcing your will on others and your irrational fear of inanimate objects.

You certainly swim in your own delusions.
In other words you have no argument when faced with the irrational absurdity of the liberal ideology to call for the banning of guns citing the cost to human life while automobiles cost more human lives per year and have for many decades.
rottweiler you are a chihuahua. Alot of yeep yeep yeep but no teeth. You compare guns to cars, why not compare guns to cribs? Children die in cribs. Surely you have a fallacious argument that would connect the two and show how guns are no more dangerous than cribs!
I never compared anything to anything, stupid. You claim that you care about human life. If that's the case - why aren't you calling to ban cars since they cause more deaths per year than automobiles?

You're pissed off because that simple question proves that you don't give a shit about human life jack-ass. You care about forcing your will on others and your irrational fear of inanimate objects.

You certainly swim in your own delusions.
In other words you have no argument when faced with the irrational absurdity of the liberal ideology to call for the banning of guns citing the cost to human life while automobiles cost more human lives per year and have for many decades.

You don't understand what a fallacy is. Fair enough.
rottweiler you are a chihuahua. Alot of yeep yeep yeep but no teeth. You compare guns to cars, why not compare guns to cribs? Children die in cribs. Surely you have a fallacious argument that would connect the two and show how guns are no more dangerous than cribs!
I never compared anything to anything, stupid. You claim that you care about human life. If that's the case - why aren't you calling to ban cars since they cause more deaths per year than automobiles?

You're pissed off because that simple question proves that you don't give a shit about human life jack-ass. You care about forcing your will on others and your irrational fear of inanimate objects.

You certainly swim in your own delusions.
In other words you have no argument when faced with the irrational absurdity of the liberal ideology to call for the banning of guns citing the cost to human life while automobiles cost more human lives per year and have for many decades.

You don't understand what a fallacy is. Fair enough.
A little humiliated that you can't defend your irrational position? I would be too if I were you. Especially since it's so disgusting - pretending to care about human life but really not giving a damn about them beyond their purpose for your agenda.
rottweiler you are a chihuahua. Alot of yeep yeep yeep but no teeth. You compare guns to cars, why not compare guns to cribs? Children die in cribs. Surely you have a fallacious argument that would connect the two and show how guns are no more dangerous than cribs!
I never compared anything to anything, stupid. You claim that you care about human life. If that's the case - why aren't you calling to ban cars since they cause more deaths per year than automobiles?

You're pissed off because that simple question proves that you don't give a shit about human life jack-ass. You care about forcing your will on others and your irrational fear of inanimate objects.

You certainly swim in your own delusions.
In other words you have no argument when faced with the irrational absurdity of the liberal ideology to call for the banning of guns citing the cost to human life while automobiles cost more human lives per year and have for many decades.

You don't understand what a fallacy is. Fair enough.
A little humiliated that you can't defend your irrational position? I would be too if I were you. Especially since it's so disgusting - pretending to care about human life but really not giving a damn about them beyond their purpose for your agenda.

You really are one that projects you angst onto others aren't you.
I never compared anything to anything, stupid. You claim that you care about human life. If that's the case - why aren't you calling to ban cars since they cause more deaths per year than automobiles?

You're pissed off because that simple question proves that you don't give a shit about human life jack-ass. You care about forcing your will on others and your irrational fear of inanimate objects.

You certainly swim in your own delusions.
In other words you have no argument when faced with the irrational absurdity of the liberal ideology to call for the banning of guns citing the cost to human life while automobiles cost more human lives per year and have for many decades.

You don't understand what a fallacy is. Fair enough.
A little humiliated that you can't defend your irrational position? I would be too if I were you. Especially since it's so disgusting - pretending to care about human life but really not giving a damn about them beyond their purpose for your agenda.

You really are one that projects you angst onto others aren't you.
You're the irrational one who calls for the banning of firearms while not saying a single thing about automobiles (which cause more deaths every single year than firearms do for many decades) and when I point that out, you immediately go off topic, get defensive, and start slinging personal insults. No surprise though considering it could be really tough to explain why you ignore something that causes a greater loss of life while citing the need to ban something which causes less loss of life.
Yet another example of where the LIBTARD Act would be priceless in forcing liberals into the policies they claim they want. For instance, they all pretend to shed such big tears for the hungry. Well, rather than pissing away trillions of dollars in socialism (over $1 billion alone on processing paperwork to approve food stamps), lets force liberals to divide their entire budget and their entire contents of their food storage with one hungry person. We'll assign each person approved to each registered liberal or anyone who supports liberalism. You'd think that liberals would love this and be all for it, but they are shockingly quiet on the LIBTARD Act. Gee...I wonder why?

Approving Food Stamps Costs the Economy $1 Billion
And to think that this is how liberals want the entire nation to function. Under the control of an inefficient, irresponsible, incompetent government... :eusa_doh:

Another great place to apply the LIBTARD Act. All liberals must go through the TSA line and be felt up. The rest of society simply passed through a metal detector and goes on their way.

The unspoken reason the TSA is so terrible
Yet another priceless example where the LIBTARD Act would change the U.S. for the better. Here we see yet another example of a lefty abandoning their own ideology once they are forced to endure it themselves. There is nothing better than when liberals are forced to swallow a great big dose of their own ignorant policies.

But at least one liberal has seen the light. Life Site reported that Maya Dillard Smith, the interim director of the Georgia chapter of the American Civil Liberties Union, has abruptly resigned over the ACLU’s position on transgender bathrooms after her daughters had a bad experience seeing men in their bathroom.

ACLU Leader Gets BRUTAL Taste of Justice After Daughters Encounter Men in Women’s Restroom

Yet another priceless example of where the LIBTARD Act would be awesome. If Hitlery believes there is "income equality" the her wealth should be confiscated immediately and divided among all people in need...

"Socialism is for The People...Not the Socialist" - Andrew Wilkow

Hilldabeast spends six figures just on clothes. On you dumb liberal minions. Voting for the true evil 1% who preach to you about "income inequality" while hoarding their wealth and spending on frivolous items while children starve. Hitlery is always desperate to prove she is "one of the people" - why not campaign in Good Will clothes and donate that six figures to people in need? Walk the walk Hitlery.

Hillary Clinton delivered a speech on inequality in a $12,495 Giorgio Armani jacket, as former first lady spends six figures to dress for success in campaign

Hillary delivered speech on inequality in a $12,495 Armani jacket
Most definitely another great candidate for the LIBTARD Act. While calling for the ban firearms, here are liberal lesbians (and gays) rushing out to purchase firearms.
Bwahahahahaha!!!! Seems that libtards know what they won't admit: more guns = morse security. That being armed keeps people safe.


Gun sales surge among gays, lesbians after Orlando shooting
Your constant use of the term libtard makes you look like a child, you even went through the effort of making up an acronym.
Your constant use of the term libtard makes you look like a child, you even went through the effort of making up an acronym.
It's spot on though - you have to admit! Any group of people that contradicts their every position deserves it.
Yet another prefect candidate for the LIBTARD Act...

I have an idea. The federal government needs to compile a list of women who shouldn’t be allowed to get abortions. The criteria for getting on the list must be flexible. If an official at, say, the NIH or FBI think that a woman should be a mother for some reason or other, he or she can block an abortion. Maybe the woman has great genes or a high IQ or the sorts of financial resources we need in parents. Let’s leave that decision where it belongs: in the hands of the government.

No-Gun List? How About a No-Abort List?

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