The AR-15, a great tool to stop a violent mob from burning and looting your home or business...or murdering you and your family. Democrats hate this.

I refer to mine as a "crowd pleaser". Let a mob roll up to my door uninvited and we'll see how that works out for them. I don't bother people. I don't get in their business nor in their face. All I ask is to be left alone. When things reach a point where they are unwilling to oblige me on that request, they will quickly learn the error of their ways.
A Shotgun is the trick too
The democrats disagree with these things......since they believe in racism, misogyny, and fought a Civil War to keep slavery.........they sent out their brown shirts, blm and antifa, to loot, burn and murder in black neighborhoods for 7 months, murdering about 40 Americans....

So according to the democrats, the Republican/conservative/libertarian beliefs that murder, slavery and mistreating women is wrong..........
Bigot boo says what?
No......the blm/antifa brown shirts unleashed by the democrats were not peaceful...they looted, burned and least 40 Americans, injured hundreds of police, burned court houses and police stations, caused 2 billion dollars in damage to black neighborhoods and businesses...........all with the support and coordination of the democrat party...

Loon. People like you who are severely mentally disabled shouldn't have guns.
It really depends on the customer. AR 15 can be indeed needed, depending on what threats the individual faces. Those who live in areas with street gangs and terror cells all over the place should be armed to the teeth. Over in Chicago, for example, there have been reports of MAGA Country gangs roaming the streets looking to lynch black Homos.
Possessing an AR 15 is a want, not a ‘need.’

There’s nothing wrong with wanting an AR 15; it is wrong to lie about ‘needing’ one.

Indeed, there are ample other firearms better suited for self-defense.

And the lie that one ‘needs’ an AR 15 to defend against ‘government tyranny’ is ignorant nonsense.
I am against people shooting up elementary schools and shopping centers and always have been.

Good for you!

Time for REAL gun control, where those kinds of actions are explicitly prohibited. If someone goes into a school and starts shooting up the place, that should be an arrestable offense. In fact, around here, its already outlawed.

Where's that facepalm gif?

OTOH, there is no problem with law abiders being armed.

Yeah there is. It's a complex topic and you likely don't have the capability to understand it, but I'll explain it to you so you might (at least have a friend explain it to you).

In America we have a higher per capita gun ownership rate than just about anywhere else, certainly in the developed world. That increases the number of guns in circulation and with higher numbers in circulation more and more get "diverted" to bad uses. They are stolen, or used by bad people to do bad things because they are so easily available,etc.

As such your hobby, your true love, guns, are a problem for everyone.

Go to a drug store and see how many boxes of Sudafed you can buy. You are a law-abiding good person, but no matter how good you are you can only buy a few boxes at a time (two in most states I think). That's because Sudafed can be "diverted" to making Meth. So they have LIMITS on how much Sudafed you can buy.

Now I know Sudafed isn't a "right", but the same reasoning applies. I wish you lot could understand topics like that but you stopped listening in school when you discovered guns and guns is all you think about now. You can't seem to think more deeply or strategically. I wish you all were a bit smarter.
Easy......murdering people is wrong.....enslaving others is wrong......treating women as second class citizens is wrong.....cultures that do these things are backward.......that is the objective truth.

Learn to use commas you fuckin' dumbass. You write like a braindead toddler on speed.
Possessing an AR 15 is a want, not a ‘need.’

There’s nothing wrong with wanting an AR 15; it is wrong to lie about ‘needing’ one.

Indeed, there are ample other firearms better suited for self-defense.

And the lie that one ‘needs’ an AR 15 to defend against ‘government tyranny’ is ignorant nonsense.

How do you know what someone needs? If I were a shop owner in a democrat party controlled city, and it was approaching an election and the democrats were looking to lose that election, the odds are they would be sending out their brown shirts....blm and antifa, to loot, burn and kill in black neighborhoods to hurt the if I were a black business owner, in a democrat party controlled city, I would 'need" an AR-15 to keep the democrat party brown shirts, blm and antifa, from looting, and burning down my business, or home, and to keep the blm/antifa mob from murdering me or my family....
Good for you!

Where's that facepalm gif?

Yeah there is. It's a complex topic and you likely don't have the capability to understand it, but I'll explain it to you so you might (at least have a friend explain it to you).

In America we have a higher per capita gun ownership rate than just about anywhere else, certainly in the developed world. That increases the number of guns in circulation and with higher numbers in circulation more and more get "diverted" to bad uses. They are stolen, or used by bad people to do bad things because they are so easily available,etc.

As such your hobby, your true love, guns, are a problem for everyone.

Go to a drug store and see how many boxes of Sudafed you can buy. You are a law-abiding good person, but no matter how good you are you can only buy a few boxes at a time (two in most states I think). That's because Sudafed can be "diverted" to making Meth. So they have LIMITS on how much Sudafed you can buy.

Now I know Sudafed isn't a "right", but the same reasoning applies. I wish you lot could understand topics like that but you stopped listening in school when you discovered guns and guns is all you think about now. You can't seem to think more deeply or strategically. I wish you all were a bit smarter.

And the democrats used the same rationale to keep blacks from in the wrong way "diverts," the public when the democrats kept blacks from voting, it was only to protect the according to your logic, that made sense......
And the democrats used the same rationale to keep blacks from in the wrong way "diverts," the public when the democrats kept blacks from voting, it was only to protect the according to your logic, that made sense......

The ol "Democrats were..." argument. You guys are so good. Like Trump was some sort of Lincoln.

Pardon me while I laugh and laugh.

Definitely. Justifiable homicide is common in Action Movies and very rare in Real Life.
I believe that legalizing guns is equivalent to "putting a stumbling block before the blind". Guns are used in over 20,000 suicides per year in USA.
Yes, that is correct. Blacks are peaceful.

Yes the majority of black Americans are peaceful citizens…..the white guys who make up blm and antifa and who are the brown shirts of the democrat party are not
I believe that legalizing guns is equivalent to "putting a stumbling block before the blind". Guns are used in over 20,000 suicides per year in USA.

And guns are used 1.2 million times a year to stop rapes, robberies, murders, beatings and stabbings according to the Centers for Disease Control……

Meanwhile you have to explain to us how it is that Japan, South Korea and China commit suicide at higher rates than we do with less access to guns…
I believe that legalizing guns is equivalent to "putting a stumbling block before the blind". Guns are used in over 20,000 suicides per year in USA.

Then you have learned nothing from history….
Meanwhile you have to explain to us how it is that Japan, South Korea and China commit suicide at higher rates than we do with less access to guns…
Sadly they do not believe in Tanakh (Old Testament) and thus they do not view suicide as a sin.

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