The AR-15, a great tool to stop a violent mob from burning and looting your home or business...or murdering you and your family. Democrats hate this.

It's all a matter of perspective, to the Nazis, the French resistance were considered terrorists, what would you have called them?

Do you realize America had to arm the French Resistance.....? The French government disarmed the citizens

A lesson in why you don't register guns......

Political protest in France prompted Prime Minister Pierre Laval in 1935 to decree firearm registration and repression of the right to assemble. What could possibly go wrong?

The registration records were critical to the Nazis who overran France in 1940, imposed the death penalty for not turning in guns, and conscripted the French police to ferret out violators. Despite the chance of being executed, numerous French citizens did not surrender their firearms.

The very same Pierre Laval became the chief collaborator of the Nazis during the occupation. The newspapers regularly reported the names of gun owners shot by firing squads.

The brave French who had never registered their guns and retained them formed the basis for the Resistance. To be sure, they never had sufficient arms, and prewar restrictions on “military style” firearms hampered their efforts, leaving them to resist with inferior weapons. Yet they were able to commit acts of sabotage, gain intelligence, and sustain an underground movement to assist the Allies. After D-Day, they engaged in open armed resistance.


France, the Nazis, and Gun Control

In 1935, French prime minister Pierre Laval, who later served in the Vichy government during the Nazis' four-year occupation of France, commanded French citizens to surrender their firearms. Laval and France's ruling parties feared social revolution and banned "war" weapons, instituting strict gun registration policies. They believed that repressive limits on civilian gun ownership were necessary at a time of Depression-sparked unrest and ongoing conflicts among various political factions. Strict time limits for firearms registration and harsh penalties for noncompliance, including forfeiture, fines, and imprisonment, were put in place. Laval's government did not foresee the impact these restrictive measures would have on a Nazi-conquered France just five years later, when firearms surrender would be required under threat of death.

In Gun Control in Nazi-Occupied France: Tyranny and Resistance, attorney Stephen P. Halbrook explores the impact and efficacy of gun control measures on Wehrmacht-controlled France and how these measures hindered the French Resistance's fight against Nazi tyranny. The author asserts that Laval's 1935 gun control efforts left the French people vulnerable to the Nazi invaders and ill equipped to deal with the Nazi invasion of 1940, plus simplified the Nazi efforts to confiscate firearms and impede a French resistance.
Do you realize America had to arm the French Resistance.....? The French government disarmed the citizens
Well, when you look at actual facts, rather than trying to twist facts to promote your gun culture, you find that Britain and the US airdropped weapons to help the French resistance in exchange for intelligence on German positions and deployments. The French resistance used mainly either captured German weapons (easier to get ammunition), weapons from French army stockpiles that were hidden away in 1940, as well as stealing confiscated weapons from warehouses. As for "registration" of the, it has to be said, "estimated" 3 million weapons in civilian hands, only around 800,000 were ever "registered" and confiscated, the majority of these being non hunting rifles in any event.

For any system of gun control to work at all, you need the co-operation of the civillian population. During a war when your country is occupied by an enemy, that co-operation is highly unlikely. During peacetime, however, an atrocity such as a massacre of school children, the level of co-operation is likely to be much higher, as it was after Dunblane. I never wanted to surrender my guns, but felt morally obliged to do so and the government paid market price for them, so I couldn't really refuse. couldn't keep military weapons off of the island, you can't keep guns off of your island.....
Point out to me please where I ever claimed we could. Our gun control laws are designed to minimise any possibility of an atrocity like Dunblane or Uvalde (in your case) ever happening again. Tell me again, how many school massacres have you had since 1997?

The point is smuggling will always go on whenever there is a market for a commodity. Hard drugs are illegal, but hey, they seem to be readily available to whoever wants them.
Point out to me please where I ever claimed we could. Our gun control laws are designed to minimise any possibility of an atrocity like Dunblane or Uvalde (in your case) ever happening again.
And yet, your people are more than able to acquire firearms that are capable of being used for just such a purpose.
So, why don't you have as many shootings?
And yet, your people are more than able to acquire firearms that are capable of being used for just such a purpose.
So, why don't you have as many shootings?
Yes I know.
Thus, your people are more than able to acquire firearms that are capable of being used for just such a purpose.
So, why don't you have as many shootings?
Well, when you look at actual facts, rather than trying to twist facts to promote your gun culture, you find that Britain and the US airdropped weapons to help the French resistance in exchange for intelligence on German positions and deployments. The French resistance used mainly either captured German weapons (easier to get ammunition), weapons from French army stockpiles that were hidden away in 1940, as well as stealing confiscated weapons from warehouses. As for "registration" of the, it has to be said, "estimated" 3 million weapons in civilian hands, only around 800,000 were ever "registered" and confiscated, the majority of these being non hunting rifles in any event.

For any system of gun control to work at all, you need the co-operation of the civillian population. During a war when your country is occupied by an enemy, that co-operation is highly unlikely. During peacetime, however, an atrocity such as a massacre of school children, the level of co-operation is likely to be much higher, as it was after Dunblane. I never wanted to surrender my guns, but felt morally obliged to do so and the government paid market price for them, so I couldn't really refuse.
GERMANY had full control
Of France from 1940 til summer of 44
Any hidden stockpiles were scooped up ( like the Abandoned Military equipment the Brits & fleeing French left at Dunkirk .
Whose "morals" are you talking about? A German had "morals" in WW2, so dis a Jewish person. The Muslims that attacked on 9/11 has a moral code too. Whose "morals" are more valid?

So you think the Germans had morals as they fed the Jews into gas chambers and ovens?
Well, when you look at actual facts, rather than trying to twist facts to promote your gun culture, you find that Britain and the US airdropped weapons to help the French resistance in exchange for intelligence on German positions and deployments. The French resistance used mainly either captured German weapons (easier to get ammunition), weapons from French army stockpiles that were hidden away in 1940, as well as stealing confiscated weapons from warehouses. As for "registration" of the, it has to be said, "estimated" 3 million weapons in civilian hands, only around 800,000 were ever "registered" and confiscated, the majority of these being non hunting rifles in any event.

For any system of gun control to work at all, you need the co-operation of the civillian population. During a war when your country is occupied by an enemy, that co-operation is highly unlikely. During peacetime, however, an atrocity such as a massacre of school children, the level of co-operation is likely to be much higher, as it was after Dunblane. I never wanted to surrender my guns, but felt morally obliged to do so and the government paid market price for them, so I couldn't really refuse.

Yes….you dont given up your Right to keep and bear arms for the rarest of rare events……Europe should have learned that lesson…….15 million dead innocent people should have taught them that lesson…..

They obviously didn’t learn it..:.

More children were murdered in that 6 years for 1939-1945 than all of the children in all of the gun crime in the US…….ever….
Point out to me please where I ever claimed we could. Our gun control laws are designed to minimise any possibility of an atrocity like Dunblane or Uvalde (in your case) ever happening again. Tell me again, how many school massacres have you had since 1997?

The point is smuggling will always go on whenever there is a market for a commodity. Hard drugs are illegal, but hey, they seem to be readily available to whoever wants them.

And then Cumbria happened and Plymouth….. Mass public shootings in Britain after the Dumblane ban and confiscation….and the only difference was the killers just didn’t choose schools for their attacks…..your gun control laws didn’t stop them.
Where does it say in your constitution that a criminal no longer has the right to bear arms?

The same place it says we can deny a criminal freedom of violation of his Constitutional Rights.......
GERMANY had full control
Of France from 1940 til summer of 44
Any hidden stockpiles were scooped up ( like the Abandoned Military equipment the Brits & fleeing French left at Dunkirk .
No it didn't. It delegated control of part of France to a collaborationist government based at Vichy which lasted as a qusi independent state until 1942. Weapon stashes were hidden, not abandoned, by French soldiers in 1940. Some of these were found and used by resistance groups after the fall of France.

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