The argument regarding whether a president is ABOVE the law

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Since the Mueller report was handed over to the Trump stooge Barr, it has become obvious that the existing DOJ policy places a sitting president ABOVE the law since it clearly states that such a sitting president cannot be indicted......essentially, a sitting president is ABOVE the scrutiny and repercussions for acts committed by ANY other COMMON citizen.....

However, when it comes to handing over Trump's tax returns, his acolytes DO revert to making Trump just another COMMON citizen who must be "protected" from the meanies who are investigating his probable misdeeds.

I don't expect for Trump followers to take this obvious hypocrisy too seriously....after all, there are strict rules within the Trump cult and any attack on his orange s cannot be tolerate.....

We can then simply conclude that someone like Trump while president (as ALL other presidents can now claim) can do ANYTHING they want.....since they are exempt from following our laws.
Are you crying?
Are you crying?

WHY would I be crying???.......As the walls close in on this moron-in-chief, these are times of GREAT rejoicing........Sanity is returning....the rules of law are being applied.

If the other half of your brain was functioning, YOU'D be crying........LOL
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The Trump cult kool aid is very strong.......The two above dimwits certainly prove it.

No addressing a thread......just the same moronic "TDS" bullshit as requested by Hannity and Hickabee Sanders.
The kool aid for prog communists is most of TV. You drive people to kill others like the tragedy the other day and you wash your hands of it.
Thread was closed because the sum total of the OPost was a comment (opinion) that SHOULD have been in any of a dozen OTHER open threads about the Mueller report aftermath and the continuing political skirmishes..

Need more to discuss that's UNIQUE to start a different topic and sustain any kind of intelligent discussion..
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