The Attempt to Distort the "Back to Work" Movement

We are now witnessing the latest manifestation of Media taking the most extreme proponents of "Conservative" positions as the Norm, thus writing off the entire movement as coming from Looney-Ville.

"We" conservatives are very keen to shift from the neurotic phase of fighting the plague to a "rational and cautious" approach. That is, Fuck your stay-at-home guidance, let's move to looking at every activity and every business rationally, to see how and if it can be re-opened without undue risk.

Golf courses, retail stores, home-improvement businesses, bowling alleys - even movie theaters, could all easily be opened with rational constraints and minimal danger to customers, staff, and others. But our cowardly Governors, Mayors and such are fearful of the political fallout when a few more people get sick, dreading the awful accusations that their easing of restrictions resulted in "needless deaths."

But this is not what is being reported and highlighted in the news. We see pictures of demonstrators in the same proximity as a mosh pit, few wearing any sort of mask, and they are portrayed as the face of the back-to-work movement.

Lying bastards.

They shut down and crushed the U.S. economy based on fake numbers....1-2.4 million Americans would die if we didn't shut down the country...

We shut down the country...

9 days later....oops.....we actually meant 1-200 thousand........

5 days later...ooops......looks like about 80,000

Ooooops......more like 60,000 you know, the same as a bad flu season...

But, you know....flattening the curve.....which didn't happen by shutting down the economy since social distancing didn't have enough time to effect the numbers...

But now the curve is much so we didn't use even close to the number of ventilators we were told we would need...dittos the ICU capacity.....that might have something to do with the only 60,000 predicted dead....after crushing the economy.......and now hospitals have actually laid off staff...........that means they didn't need them............

So now the curve is flattened, we have excess ventilators and ICU beds so any new cases can be treated....

For a Chinese Virus with a survival chance of 98%.......

So now...the democrat governors......they don't want to reopen the economy because they don't want to give Trump time to get the economy now they change from flattening the curve, to saving lives........when we now have the capacity in ventilators and ICU beds for any number of sick people..

This isn't about saving lives...this is about keeping Trump from getting the economy going before the election....
do you think the curve would have had a similar flattening without the social distancing and business shut downs???
sure, we had five months where no one mentioned shit about it. so social distancing was far more lethal.
You need to show your support of trump by getting out there and gathering in groups....go to his rallies, to protests, to any other kind of gathering. Don't be a your loyalty to trump and own the libs.

View attachment 325947

Most of those who have passed in this pandemic have been from Liberal Locations like New York and New Jersey.

The reason?

Those are the folks not following their President's suggestion.

Back when this pandemic started, President Trump suggested that the people wash their hands after using the can as a way to stop the Coronavirus from being passed along. Libs said "fuck trump, I do what I please, and preceded to make sure they didn't follow the official Presidential hygiene recommendations. Is it any wonder why lib hotspots like New York City is where most of the deaths have occurred and not in rural New York state even?
Didn’t his CDC also say to socially distance from one another? Sure. It was about the same time the blob packed thousands of unchecked passengers into not one but two NY area airports.

Of course it didn’t help that the morons in the NY area packed hundreds of those passengers into subways.

Originally the experts said that CV was passed off of surfaces and hands. At some point in time, they switched and said the virus was flying through the air. The CDC, WHO, etc., have been all over the board on this. Although the request for the People to wash their hands after using the toilet has never changed.

virus or not, motherfuckers who don’t wash their hands after using the bathroom should be flogged.
State Departments of Health mandating employees wash their hands is government over-reach, right?

Of course it isn’t. The argument that it and other policies are is what we constantly hear from the right though

no I’m talking about dumb asses who don’t wash their hands after going to the bathroom. You’re just talking out of your ass.

I remember President Trump advising the people to wash their hands after using the can. And I heard the libs say "not for his benefit, Trump is not my President, I will do as I please"
The voices in your head were telling you that?
We are now witnessing the latest manifestation of Media taking the most extreme proponents of "Conservative" positions as the Norm, thus writing off the entire movement as coming from Looney-Ville.

"We" conservatives are very keen to shift from the neurotic phase of fighting the plague to a "rational and cautious" approach. That is, Fuck your stay-at-home guidance, let's move to looking at every activity and every business rationally, to see how and if it can be re-opened without undue risk.

Golf courses, retail stores, home-improvement businesses, bowling alleys - even movie theaters, could all easily be opened with rational constraints and minimal danger to customers, staff, and others. But our cowardly Governors, Mayors and such are fearful of the political fallout when a few more people get sick, dreading the awful accusations that their easing of restrictions resulted in "needless deaths."

But this is not what is being reported and highlighted in the news. We see pictures of demonstrators in the same proximity as a mosh pit, few wearing any sort of mask, and they are portrayed as the face of the back-to-work movement.

Lying bastards.

They shut down and crushed the U.S. economy based on fake numbers....1-2.4 million Americans would die if we didn't shut down the country...

We shut down the country...

9 days later....oops.....we actually meant 1-200 thousand........

5 days later...ooops......looks like about 80,000

Ooooops......more like 60,000 you know, the same as a bad flu season...

But, you know....flattening the curve.....which didn't happen by shutting down the economy since social distancing didn't have enough time to effect the numbers...

But now the curve is much so we didn't use even close to the number of ventilators we were told we would need...dittos the ICU capacity.....that might have something to do with the only 60,000 predicted dead....after crushing the economy.......and now hospitals have actually laid off staff...........that means they didn't need them............

So now the curve is flattened, we have excess ventilators and ICU beds so any new cases can be treated....

For a Chinese Virus with a survival chance of 98%.......

So now...the democrat governors......they don't want to reopen the economy because they don't want to give Trump time to get the economy now they change from flattening the curve, to saving lives........when we now have the capacity in ventilators and ICU beds for any number of sick people..

This isn't about saving lives...this is about keeping Trump from getting the economy going before the election....
do you think the curve would have had a similar flattening without the social distancing and business shut downs???
sure, we had five months where no one mentioned shit about it. so social distancing was far more lethal.
You need to show your support of trump by getting out there and gathering in groups....go to his rallies, to protests, to any other kind of gathering. Don't be a your loyalty to trump and own the libs.

View attachment 325947

Most of those who have passed in this pandemic have been from Liberal Locations like New York and New Jersey.

The reason?

Those are the folks not following their President's suggestion.

Back when this pandemic started, President Trump suggested that the people wash their hands after using the can as a way to stop the Coronavirus from being passed along. Libs said "fuck trump, I do what I please, and preceded to make sure they didn't follow the official Presidential hygiene recommendations. Is it any wonder why lib hotspots like New York City is where most of the deaths have occurred and not in rural New York state even?
Didn’t his CDC also say to socially distance from one another? Sure. It was about the same time the blob packed thousands of unchecked passengers into not one but two NY area airports.

Of course it didn’t help that the morons in the NY area packed hundreds of those passengers into subways.

Originally the experts said that CV was passed off of surfaces and hands. At some point in time, they switched and said the virus was flying through the air. The CDC, WHO, etc., have been all over the board on this. Although the request for the People to wash their hands after using the toilet has never changed.

virus or not, motherfuckers who don’t wash their hands after using the bathroom should be flogged.
State Departments of Health mandating employees wash their hands is government over-reach, right?

Of course it isn’t. The argument that it and other policies are is what we constantly hear from the right though

no I’m talking about dumb asses who don’t wash their hands after going to the bathroom. You’re just talking out of your ass.

No sir.

What it recovers is the right wing moronic and reflexive need to get rid of "regulations" at all cost. These are the stakes...
We are now witnessing the latest manifestation of Media taking the most extreme proponents of "Conservative" positions as the Norm, thus writing off the entire movement as coming from Looney-Ville.

"We" conservatives are very keen to shift from the neurotic phase of fighting the plague to a "rational and cautious" approach. That is, Fuck your stay-at-home guidance, let's move to looking at every activity and every business rationally, to see how and if it can be re-opened without undue risk.

Golf courses, retail stores, home-improvement businesses, bowling alleys - even movie theaters, could all easily be opened with rational constraints and minimal danger to customers, staff, and others. But our cowardly Governors, Mayors and such are fearful of the political fallout when a few more people get sick, dreading the awful accusations that their easing of restrictions resulted in "needless deaths."

But this is not what is being reported and highlighted in the news. We see pictures of demonstrators in the same proximity as a mosh pit, few wearing any sort of mask, and they are portrayed as the face of the back-to-work movement.

Lying bastards.

So then who is the face of your so called movement?

If you want to go put your life at risk go for it. However you don't have the right to put anyone else's life at risk.

We already see more cases of the virus from the republicans forcing people to vote in person a couple weeks ago. We have seen people who are saying the same things you posted who have already died from the virus. We already see outbreaks from people who have gone to church including a reverend who died.

If you're too selfish to put the good of our nation before money I feel sorry for the people who have to endure you on a daily basis.

People are more important than money.
We are now witnessing the latest manifestation of Media taking the most extreme proponents of "Conservative" positions as the Norm, thus writing off the entire movement as coming from Looney-Ville.

"We" conservatives are very keen to shift from the neurotic phase of fighting the plague to a "rational and cautious" approach. That is, Fuck your stay-at-home guidance, let's move to looking at every activity and every business rationally, to see how and if it can be re-opened without undue risk.

Golf courses, retail stores, home-improvement businesses, bowling alleys - even movie theaters, could all easily be opened with rational constraints and minimal danger to customers, staff, and others. But our cowardly Governors, Mayors and such are fearful of the political fallout when a few more people get sick, dreading the awful accusations that their easing of restrictions resulted in "needless deaths."

But this is not what is being reported and highlighted in the news. We see pictures of demonstrators in the same proximity as a mosh pit, few wearing any sort of mask, and they are portrayed as the face of the back-to-work movement.

Lying bastards.
But the con-federate and NAZI flags were a nice touch, don't you think?

This is one I saw from one of their protests the other day.

Screen Shot 2020-04-19 at 5.44.15 PM.png
We are now witnessing the latest manifestation of Media taking the most extreme proponents of "Conservative" positions as the Norm, thus writing off the entire movement as coming from Looney-Ville.

"We" conservatives are very keen to shift from the neurotic phase of fighting the plague to a "rational and cautious" approach. That is, Fuck your stay-at-home guidance, let's move to looking at every activity and every business rationally, to see how and if it can be re-opened without undue risk.

Golf courses, retail stores, home-improvement businesses, bowling alleys - even movie theaters, could all easily be opened with rational constraints and minimal danger to customers, staff, and others. But our cowardly Governors, Mayors and such are fearful of the political fallout when a few more people get sick, dreading the awful accusations that their easing of restrictions resulted in "needless deaths."

But this is not what is being reported and highlighted in the news. We see pictures of demonstrators in the same proximity as a mosh pit, few wearing any sort of mask, and they are portrayed as the face of the back-to-work movement.

Lying bastards.

They're bringing their very worst at the very beginning:

People who want their freedom from draconian overreach are not "terrorists and Nazis"

We shall see how this plays out when Americans discover that the virus is much more widespread than previously known, and as the economy further craters.

The Leftists play stupid games, and win stupid prizes. Always.
We are now witnessing the latest manifestation of Media taking the most extreme proponents of "Conservative" positions as the Norm, thus writing off the entire movement as coming from Looney-Ville.

"We" conservatives are very keen to shift from the neurotic phase of fighting the plague to a "rational and cautious" approach. That is, Fuck your stay-at-home guidance, let's move to looking at every activity and every business rationally, to see how and if it can be re-opened without undue risk.

Golf courses, retail stores, home-improvement businesses, bowling alleys - even movie theaters, could all easily be opened with rational constraints and minimal danger to customers, staff, and others. But our cowardly Governors, Mayors and such are fearful of the political fallout when a few more people get sick, dreading the awful accusations that their easing of restrictions resulted in "needless deaths."

But this is not what is being reported and highlighted in the news. We see pictures of demonstrators in the same proximity as a mosh pit, few wearing any sort of mask, and they are portrayed as the face of the back-to-work movement.

Lying bastards.

So then who is the face of your so called movement?

If you want to go put your life at risk go for it. However you don't have the right to put anyone else's life at risk.

We already see more cases of the virus from the republicans forcing people to vote in person a couple weeks ago. We have seen people who are saying the same things you posted who have already died from the virus. We already see outbreaks from people who have gone to church including a reverend who died.

If you're too selfish to put the good of our nation before money I feel sorry for the people who have to endure you on a daily basis.

People are more important than money.

"You don't have the right to put anyone else's life at risk" is probably the stupidest thing liberals type here.

And that, believe me, is saying a LOT.
We are now witnessing the latest manifestation of Media taking the most extreme proponents of "Conservative" positions as the Norm, thus writing off the entire movement as coming from Looney-Ville.

"We" conservatives are very keen to shift from the neurotic phase of fighting the plague to a "rational and cautious" approach. That is, Fuck your stay-at-home guidance, let's move to looking at every activity and every business rationally, to see how and if it can be re-opened without undue risk.

Golf courses, retail stores, home-improvement businesses, bowling alleys - even movie theaters, could all easily be opened with rational constraints and minimal danger to customers, staff, and others. But our cowardly Governors, Mayors and such are fearful of the political fallout when a few more people get sick, dreading the awful accusations that their easing of restrictions resulted in "needless deaths."

But this is not what is being reported and highlighted in the news. We see pictures of demonstrators in the same proximity as a mosh pit, few wearing any sort of mask, and they are portrayed as the face of the back-to-work movement.

Lying bastards.

They shut down and crushed the U.S. economy based on fake numbers....1-2.4 million Americans would die if we didn't shut down the country...

We shut down the country...

9 days later....oops.....we actually meant 1-200 thousand........

5 days later...ooops......looks like about 80,000

Ooooops......more like 60,000 you know, the same as a bad flu season...

But, you know....flattening the curve.....which didn't happen by shutting down the economy since social distancing didn't have enough time to effect the numbers...

But now the curve is much so we didn't use even close to the number of ventilators we were told we would need...dittos the ICU capacity.....that might have something to do with the only 60,000 predicted dead....after crushing the economy.......and now hospitals have actually laid off staff...........that means they didn't need them............

So now the curve is flattened, we have excess ventilators and ICU beds so any new cases can be treated....

For a Chinese Virus with a survival chance of 98%.......

So now...the democrat governors......they don't want to reopen the economy because they don't want to give Trump time to get the economy now they change from flattening the curve, to saving lives........when we now have the capacity in ventilators and ICU beds for any number of sick people..

This isn't about saving lives...this is about keeping Trump from getting the economy going before the election....
You are rewriting History....

No one said there were going to be 1 to 2 million deaths in the least not to the Public..... the first time I heard of 1 to 2 million deaths was when Pres Trump said it in one of his Corona Virus pressers.... He was saying that we could end up with 100,000 deaths and then said, "they were saying there was going to be a million to 2 million deaths, so if we have 100k deaths, then we did a pretty good job".....

but us in the public were not told this, not by the media, before President Trump mentioned it, which was Late March/April....

the Sports leagues cancelled all of their venues, ALL ON THEIR OWN..

Wall Street crashed the Market, ALL ON THEIR OWN..... and....(out of fear that Trump and his admin was not taking the virus threat seriously, or knew what they were doing)

BEFORE most States even began to shutter their States down.....

Only later did we find out the alleged 1 to 2 million figure when reporters found out that Trump's Administration was warning him in JANUARY that this could be over a million or two deaths.... but we did not find out until late March, early April.
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We are now witnessing the latest manifestation of Media taking the most extreme proponents of "Conservative" positions as the Norm, thus writing off the entire movement as coming from Looney-Ville.

"We" conservatives are very keen to shift from the neurotic phase of fighting the plague to a "rational and cautious" approach. That is, Fuck your stay-at-home guidance, let's move to looking at every activity and every business rationally, to see how and if it can be re-opened without undue risk.

Golf courses, retail stores, home-improvement businesses, bowling alleys - even movie theaters, could all easily be opened with rational constraints and minimal danger to customers, staff, and others. But our cowardly Governors, Mayors and such are fearful of the political fallout when a few more people get sick, dreading the awful accusations that their easing of restrictions resulted in "needless deaths."

But this is not what is being reported and highlighted in the news. We see pictures of demonstrators in the same proximity as a mosh pit, few wearing any sort of mask, and they are portrayed as the face of the back-to-work movement.

Lying bastards.

They shut down and crushed the U.S. economy based on fake numbers....1-2.4 million Americans would die if we didn't shut down the country...

We shut down the country...

9 days later....oops.....we actually meant 1-200 thousand........

5 days later...ooops......looks like about 80,000

Ooooops......more like 60,000 you know, the same as a bad flu season...

But, you know....flattening the curve.....which didn't happen by shutting down the economy since social distancing didn't have enough time to effect the numbers...

But now the curve is much so we didn't use even close to the number of ventilators we were told we would need...dittos the ICU capacity.....that might have something to do with the only 60,000 predicted dead....after crushing the economy.......and now hospitals have actually laid off staff...........that means they didn't need them............

So now the curve is flattened, we have excess ventilators and ICU beds so any new cases can be treated....

For a Chinese Virus with a survival chance of 98%.......

So now...the democrat governors......they don't want to reopen the economy because they don't want to give Trump time to get the economy now they change from flattening the curve, to saving lives........when we now have the capacity in ventilators and ICU beds for any number of sick people..

This isn't about saving lives...this is about keeping Trump from getting the economy going before the election....
do you think the curve would have had a similar flattening without the social distancing and business shut downs???
sure, we had five months where no one mentioned shit about it. so social distancing was far more lethal.
You need to show your support of trump by getting out there and gathering in groups....go to his rallies, to protests, to any other kind of gathering. Don't be a your loyalty to trump and own the libs.

View attachment 325947

Most of those who have passed in this pandemic have been from Liberal Locations like New York and New Jersey.

The reason?

Those are the folks not following their President's suggestion.

Back when this pandemic started, President Trump suggested that the people wash their hands after using the can as a way to stop the Coronavirus from being passed along. Libs said "fuck trump, I do what I please, and preceded to make sure they didn't follow the official Presidential hygiene recommendations. Is it any wonder why lib hotspots like New York City is where most of the deaths have occurred and not in rural New York state even?
Didn’t his CDC also say to socially distance from one another? Sure. It was about the same time the blob packed thousands of unchecked passengers into not one but two NY area airports.

Of course it didn’t help that the morons in the NY area packed hundreds of those passengers into subways.

Originally the experts said that CV was passed off of surfaces and hands. At some point in time, they switched and said the virus was flying through the air. The CDC, WHO, etc., have been all over the board on this. Although the request for the People to wash their hands after using the toilet has never changed.

virus or not, motherfuckers who don’t wash their hands after using the bathroom should be flogged.
State Departments of Health mandating employees wash their hands is government over-reach, right?

Of course it isn’t. The argument that it and other policies are is what we constantly hear from the right though

no I’m talking about dumb asses who don’t wash their hands after going to the bathroom. You’re just talking out of your ass.

No sir.

What it recovers is the right wing moronic and reflexive need to get rid of "regulations" at all cost. These are the stakes...
you still need new talking points. it's 2020 now. you should update your files.
We are now witnessing the latest manifestation of Media taking the most extreme proponents of "Conservative" positions as the Norm, thus writing off the entire movement as coming from Looney-Ville.

"We" conservatives are very keen to shift from the neurotic phase of fighting the plague to a "rational and cautious" approach. That is, Fuck your stay-at-home guidance, let's move to looking at every activity and every business rationally, to see how and if it can be re-opened without undue risk.

Golf courses, retail stores, home-improvement businesses, bowling alleys - even movie theaters, could all easily be opened with rational constraints and minimal danger to customers, staff, and others. But our cowardly Governors, Mayors and such are fearful of the political fallout when a few more people get sick, dreading the awful accusations that their easing of restrictions resulted in "needless deaths."

But this is not what is being reported and highlighted in the news. We see pictures of demonstrators in the same proximity as a mosh pit, few wearing any sort of mask, and they are portrayed as the face of the back-to-work movement.

Lying bastards.

So then who is the face of your so called movement?

If you want to go put your life at risk go for it. However you don't have the right to put anyone else's life at risk.

We already see more cases of the virus from the republicans forcing people to vote in person a couple weeks ago. We have seen people who are saying the same things you posted who have already died from the virus. We already see outbreaks from people who have gone to church including a reverend who died.

If you're too selfish to put the good of our nation before money I feel sorry for the people who have to endure you on a daily basis.

People are more important than money.
However you don't have the right to put anyone else's life at risk.

you're here and you put me at risk everyday. i can choose to make anything a risk. so no, you don't get to supersede the constitution.

you want the government tag you, go get branded. me, I'm an individual, I have but one creator and it isn't any government.
We are now witnessing the latest manifestation of Media taking the most extreme proponents of "Conservative" positions as the Norm, thus writing off the entire movement as coming from Looney-Ville.

"We" conservatives are very keen to shift from the neurotic phase of fighting the plague to a "rational and cautious" approach. That is, Fuck your stay-at-home guidance, let's move to looking at every activity and every business rationally, to see how and if it can be re-opened without undue risk.

Golf courses, retail stores, home-improvement businesses, bowling alleys - even movie theaters, could all easily be opened with rational constraints and minimal danger to customers, staff, and others. But our cowardly Governors, Mayors and such are fearful of the political fallout when a few more people get sick, dreading the awful accusations that their easing of restrictions resulted in "needless deaths."

But this is not what is being reported and highlighted in the news. We see pictures of demonstrators in the same proximity as a mosh pit, few wearing any sort of mask, and they are portrayed as the face of the back-to-work movement.

Lying bastards.

They shut down and crushed the U.S. economy based on fake numbers....1-2.4 million Americans would die if we didn't shut down the country...

We shut down the country...

9 days later....oops.....we actually meant 1-200 thousand........

5 days later...ooops......looks like about 80,000

Ooooops......more like 60,000 you know, the same as a bad flu season...

But, you know....flattening the curve.....which didn't happen by shutting down the economy since social distancing didn't have enough time to effect the numbers...

But now the curve is much so we didn't use even close to the number of ventilators we were told we would need...dittos the ICU capacity.....that might have something to do with the only 60,000 predicted dead....after crushing the economy.......and now hospitals have actually laid off staff...........that means they didn't need them............

So now the curve is flattened, we have excess ventilators and ICU beds so any new cases can be treated....

For a Chinese Virus with a survival chance of 98%.......

So now...the democrat governors......they don't want to reopen the economy because they don't want to give Trump time to get the economy now they change from flattening the curve, to saving lives........when we now have the capacity in ventilators and ICU beds for any number of sick people..

This isn't about saving lives...this is about keeping Trump from getting the economy going before the election....
You are rewriting History....

No one said there were going to be 1 to 2 million deaths in the least not to the Public..... the first time I heard of 1 to 2 million deaths was when Pres Trump said it in one of his Corona Virus pressers.... He was saying that we could end up with 100,000 deaths and then said, "they were saying there was going to be a million to 2 million deaths, so if we have 100k deaths, then we did a pretty good job".....

but us in the public were not told this, not by the media, before President Trump mentioned it, which was Late March/April....

the Sports leagues cancelled all of their venues, ALL ON THEIR OWN..

Wall Street crashed the Market, ALL ON THEIR OWN..... and....

BEFORE most States even began to shutter their States down.....

Only later did we find out the alleged 1 to 2 million figure when reporters found out that Trump's Administration was warning him in JANUARY that this could be over a million or two deaths.... but we did not find out until late March, early April.
First Amendment
The First Amendment guarantees freedoms concerning religion, expression, assembly, and the right to petition. It forbids Congress from both promoting one religion over others and also restricting an individual’s religious practices. It guarantees freedom of expression by prohibiting Congress from restricting the press or the rights of individuals to speak freely. It also guarantees the right of citizens to assemble peaceably and to petition their government.

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Tell me where it says Dana gets to decide or define my rights in this. Also show me where it says putting people at risk. highlight that one for me.
We are now witnessing the latest manifestation of Media taking the most extreme proponents of "Conservative" positions as the Norm, thus writing off the entire movement as coming from Looney-Ville.

"We" conservatives are very keen to shift from the neurotic phase of fighting the plague to a "rational and cautious" approach. That is, Fuck your stay-at-home guidance, let's move to looking at every activity and every business rationally, to see how and if it can be re-opened without undue risk.

Golf courses, retail stores, home-improvement businesses, bowling alleys - even movie theaters, could all easily be opened with rational constraints and minimal danger to customers, staff, and others. But our cowardly Governors, Mayors and such are fearful of the political fallout when a few more people get sick, dreading the awful accusations that their easing of restrictions resulted in "needless deaths."

But this is not what is being reported and highlighted in the news. We see pictures of demonstrators in the same proximity as a mosh pit, few wearing any sort of mask, and they are portrayed as the face of the back-to-work movement.

Lying bastards.

They shut down and crushed the U.S. economy based on fake numbers....1-2.4 million Americans would die if we didn't shut down the country...

We shut down the country...

9 days later....oops.....we actually meant 1-200 thousand........

5 days later...ooops......looks like about 80,000

Ooooops......more like 60,000 you know, the same as a bad flu season...

But, you know....flattening the curve.....which didn't happen by shutting down the economy since social distancing didn't have enough time to effect the numbers...

But now the curve is much so we didn't use even close to the number of ventilators we were told we would need...dittos the ICU capacity.....that might have something to do with the only 60,000 predicted dead....after crushing the economy.......and now hospitals have actually laid off staff...........that means they didn't need them............

So now the curve is flattened, we have excess ventilators and ICU beds so any new cases can be treated....

For a Chinese Virus with a survival chance of 98%.......

So now...the democrat governors......they don't want to reopen the economy because they don't want to give Trump time to get the economy now they change from flattening the curve, to saving lives........when we now have the capacity in ventilators and ICU beds for any number of sick people..

This isn't about saving lives...this is about keeping Trump from getting the economy going before the election....
do you think the curve would have had a similar flattening without the social distancing and business shut downs???
sure, we had five months where no one mentioned shit about it. so social distancing was far more lethal.
You need to show your support of trump by getting out there and gathering in groups....go to his rallies, to protests, to any other kind of gathering. Don't be a your loyalty to trump and own the libs.

View attachment 325947

Most of those who have passed in this pandemic have been from Liberal Locations like New York and New Jersey.

The reason?

Those are the folks not following their President's suggestion.

Back when this pandemic started, President Trump suggested that the people wash their hands after using the can as a way to stop the Coronavirus from being passed along. Libs said "fuck trump, I do what I please, and preceded to make sure they didn't follow the official Presidential hygiene recommendations. Is it any wonder why lib hotspots like New York City is where most of the deaths have occurred and not in rural New York state even?
Didn’t his CDC also say to socially distance from one another? Sure. It was about the same time the blob packed thousands of unchecked passengers into not one but two NY area airports.

Of course it didn’t help that the morons in the NY area packed hundreds of those passengers into subways.

Originally the experts said that CV was passed off of surfaces and hands. At some point in time, they switched and said the virus was flying through the air. The CDC, WHO, etc., have been all over the board on this. Although the request for the People to wash their hands after using the toilet has never changed.

virus or not, motherfuckers who don’t wash their hands after using the bathroom should be flogged.
State Departments of Health mandating employees wash their hands is government over-reach, right?

Of course it isn’t. The argument that it and other policies are is what we constantly hear from the right though

no I’m talking about dumb asses who don’t wash their hands after going to the bathroom. You’re just talking out of your ass.

I remember President Trump advising the people to wash their hands after using the can. And I heard the libs say "not for his benefit, Trump is not my President, I will do as I please"

wouldn't surprise me in the least.
We are now witnessing the latest manifestation of Media taking the most extreme proponents of "Conservative" positions as the Norm, thus writing off the entire movement as coming from Looney-Ville.

"We" conservatives are very keen to shift from the neurotic phase of fighting the plague to a "rational and cautious" approach. That is, Fuck your stay-at-home guidance, let's move to looking at every activity and every business rationally, to see how and if it can be re-opened without undue risk.

Golf courses, retail stores, home-improvement businesses, bowling alleys - even movie theaters, could all easily be opened with rational constraints and minimal danger to customers, staff, and others. But our cowardly Governors, Mayors and such are fearful of the political fallout when a few more people get sick, dreading the awful accusations that their easing of restrictions resulted in "needless deaths."

But this is not what is being reported and highlighted in the news. We see pictures of demonstrators in the same proximity as a mosh pit, few wearing any sort of mask, and they are portrayed as the face of the back-to-work movement.

Lying bastards.

They're bringing their very worst at the very beginning:

People who want their freedom from draconian overreach are not "terrorists and Nazis"

We shall see how this plays out when Americans discover that the virus is much more widespread than previously known, and as the economy further craters.

The Leftists play stupid games, and win stupid prizes. Always.
We will see what happens if the virus re-emerges after these states are running their victory lap
We are now witnessing the latest manifestation of Media taking the most extreme proponents of "Conservative" positions as the Norm, thus writing off the entire movement as coming from Looney-Ville.

"We" conservatives are very keen to shift from the neurotic phase of fighting the plague to a "rational and cautious" approach. That is, Fuck your stay-at-home guidance, let's move to looking at every activity and every business rationally, to see how and if it can be re-opened without undue risk.

Golf courses, retail stores, home-improvement businesses, bowling alleys - even movie theaters, could all easily be opened with rational constraints and minimal danger to customers, staff, and others. But our cowardly Governors, Mayors and such are fearful of the political fallout when a few more people get sick, dreading the awful accusations that their easing of restrictions resulted in "needless deaths."

But this is not what is being reported and highlighted in the news. We see pictures of demonstrators in the same proximity as a mosh pit, few wearing any sort of mask, and they are portrayed as the face of the back-to-work movement.

Lying bastards.

They're bringing their very worst at the very beginning:

People who want their freedom from draconian overreach are not "terrorists and Nazis"

We shall see how this plays out when Americans discover that the virus is much more widespread than previously known, and as the economy further craters.

The Leftists play stupid games, and win stupid prizes. Always.
We will see what happens if the virus re-emerges after these states are running their victory lap

We'll also see how many people will definitely be wiped out in Locked Down States as poverty, alcoholism, drug abuse and overdoses rise exponentially regardless of whether the virus re-emerges.

The idea right now is to figure out what is worse, the number dying from Smack Overdoses in a crushed economy, or the number dying from COVID19 in a robust economy.
We are now witnessing the latest manifestation of Media taking the most extreme proponents of "Conservative" positions as the Norm, thus writing off the entire movement as coming from Looney-Ville.

"We" conservatives are very keen to shift from the neurotic phase of fighting the plague to a "rational and cautious" approach. That is, Fuck your stay-at-home guidance, let's move to looking at every activity and every business rationally, to see how and if it can be re-opened without undue risk.

Golf courses, retail stores, home-improvement businesses, bowling alleys - even movie theaters, could all easily be opened with rational constraints and minimal danger to customers, staff, and others. But our cowardly Governors, Mayors and such are fearful of the political fallout when a few more people get sick, dreading the awful accusations that their easing of restrictions resulted in "needless deaths."

But this is not what is being reported and highlighted in the news. We see pictures of demonstrators in the same proximity as a mosh pit, few wearing any sort of mask, and they are portrayed as the face of the back-to-work movement.

Lying bastards.

They're bringing their very worst at the very beginning:

People who want their freedom from draconian overreach are not "terrorists and Nazis"

We shall see how this plays out when Americans discover that the virus is much more widespread than previously known, and as the economy further craters.

The Leftists play stupid games, and win stupid prizes. Always.
We will see what happens if the virus re-emerges after these states are running their victory lap

We'll also see how many people will definitely be wiped out in Locked Down States as poverty, alcoholism, drug abuse and overdoses rise exponentially regardless of whether the virus re-emerges.

The idea right now is to figure out what is worse, the number dying from Smack Overdoses in a crushed economy, or the number dying from COVID19 in a robust economy.

Most of the public is more cautious than Conservatives who are willing to trade deaths for profits
We are now witnessing the latest manifestation of Media taking the most extreme proponents of "Conservative" positions as the Norm, thus writing off the entire movement as coming from Looney-Ville.

"We" conservatives are very keen to shift from the neurotic phase of fighting the plague to a "rational and cautious" approach. That is, Fuck your stay-at-home guidance, let's move to looking at every activity and every business rationally, to see how and if it can be re-opened without undue risk.

Golf courses, retail stores, home-improvement businesses, bowling alleys - even movie theaters, could all easily be opened with rational constraints and minimal danger to customers, staff, and others. But our cowardly Governors, Mayors and such are fearful of the political fallout when a few more people get sick, dreading the awful accusations that their easing of restrictions resulted in "needless deaths."

But this is not what is being reported and highlighted in the news. We see pictures of demonstrators in the same proximity as a mosh pit, few wearing any sort of mask, and they are portrayed as the face of the back-to-work movement.

Lying bastards.

They're bringing their very worst at the very beginning:

People who want their freedom from draconian overreach are not "terrorists and Nazis"

We shall see how this plays out when Americans discover that the virus is much more widespread than previously known, and as the economy further craters.

The Leftists play stupid games, and win stupid prizes. Always.
We will see what happens if the virus re-emerges after these states are running their victory lap

We'll also see how many people will definitely be wiped out in Locked Down States as poverty, alcoholism, drug abuse and overdoses rise exponentially regardless of whether the virus re-emerges.

The idea right now is to figure out what is worse, the number dying from Smack Overdoses in a crushed economy, or the number dying from COVID19 in a robust economy.

Most of the public is more cautious than Conservatives who are willing to trade deaths for profits

People will die regardless of whether the country remains on indefinite lockdown or not.

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