The Attempt to Distort the "Back to Work" Movement

We are now witnessing the latest manifestation of Media taking the most extreme proponents of "Conservative" positions as the Norm, thus writing off the entire movement as coming from Looney-Ville.

This is what the media has done for decades. We don't have journalism anymore. We have propagandists who hide behind the protections of the Constitution.
We are now witnessing the latest manifestation of Media taking the most extreme proponents of "Conservative" positions as the Norm, thus writing off the entire movement as coming from Looney-Ville.

"We" conservatives are very keen to shift from the neurotic phase of fighting the plague to a "rational and cautious" approach. That is, Fuck your stay-at-home guidance, let's move to looking at every activity and every business rationally, to see how and if it can be re-opened without undue risk.

Golf courses, retail stores, home-improvement businesses, bowling alleys - even movie theaters, could all easily be opened with rational constraints and minimal danger to customers, staff, and others. But our cowardly Governors, Mayors and such are fearful of the political fallout when a few more people get sick, dreading the awful accusations that their easing of restrictions resulted in "needless deaths."

But this is not what is being reported and highlighted in the news. We see pictures of demonstrators in the same proximity as a mosh pit, few wearing any sort of mask, and they are portrayed as the face of the back-to-work movement.

Lying bastards.

They shut down and crushed the U.S. economy based on fake numbers....1-2.4 million Americans would die if we didn't shut down the country...

We shut down the country...

9 days later....oops.....we actually meant 1-200 thousand........

5 days later...ooops......looks like about 80,000

Ooooops......more like 60,000 you know, the same as a bad flu season...

But, you know....flattening the curve.....which didn't happen by shutting down the economy since social distancing didn't have enough time to effect the numbers...

But now the curve is much so we didn't use even close to the number of ventilators we were told we would need...dittos the ICU capacity.....that might have something to do with the only 60,000 predicted dead....after crushing the economy.......and now hospitals have actually laid off staff...........that means they didn't need them............

So now the curve is flattened, we have excess ventilators and ICU beds so any new cases can be treated....

For a Chinese Virus with a survival chance of 98%.......

So now...the democrat governors......they don't want to reopen the economy because they don't want to give Trump time to get the economy now they change from flattening the curve, to saving lives........when we now have the capacity in ventilators and ICU beds for any number of sick people..

This isn't about saving lives...this is about keeping Trump from getting the economy going before the election....
do you think the curve would have had a similar flattening without the social distancing and business shut downs???

The original stories in the middle of March said that 2 weeks of shutdown would have bent the curve down enough that the health system would not be overstressed. That was the goal, not to end all deaths from CV but just to stretch out the hospitalizations and dying.
not governors.... my state was told mid March thru mid April, one month, but shortly after it began, she changed it to the end of April, then changed it again just recently to something like May 8th, and I expect that to change, untill we can get the reagent chemicals needed to run the tests, and get a handle on what is going on in our state with the virus.
run the tests why? you still haven't answered. why? stay at home wasn't about quantity of tests it was to faltten the curve. done. time to move on. And, Dr. Oz said if there were no symptoms no need to run a test. why do you go against a doctor who's been told how to implement them? you're just confused and you did a nice job, btw, explaining the goalposts move. nice work.
How can you not know this.... it's been explained on the news and here, a gazillion times?

In order for the virus not to peak more than the first peak and cripple all hospitals and doctors/nurses again in the hot spots, when we ease off social distancing and open up parts of the economy, we do not want to have to shut down again....

The way this is done, is by ''containing it''..... It's what we were suppose to do the minute we knew the virus could spread human to human.... which the CDC failed to do and failed to warn states to do....

containment involves testing those with symptoms, those that are positive are sent in to isolation, and contact tracing of all those that came in contact with the infected person, testing them, and those positive on the test, are sent in to isolation, and tracing their contacts, test, send those positive, in to isolation.... rinse and repeat....

Doing it this way, allows the rest of us able to work and free, other than washing and sanitizing hands every half hour....

Containment and contact trace Testing, contains the virus, to low enough numbers that it will not criple our hospitals, and other unhealthy patients can be mended there again, not just covid patients...

If we had done this early February, there never would have been a market crash, nor a shut down....

but we did not have testing kits and the media and reagents to run the tests.... so we have 40,000 plus dead in 6 weeks, which could have only been 10,000 or so.

And when the vaccination is available, the containment testing can wind down....poof, gone.....
We are now witnessing the latest manifestation of Media taking the most extreme proponents of "Conservative" positions as the Norm, thus writing off the entire movement as coming from Looney-Ville.

"We" conservatives are very keen to shift from the neurotic phase of fighting the plague to a "rational and cautious" approach. That is, Fuck your stay-at-home guidance, let's move to looking at every activity and every business rationally, to see how and if it can be re-opened without undue risk.

Golf courses, retail stores, home-improvement businesses, bowling alleys - even movie theaters, could all easily be opened with rational constraints and minimal danger to customers, staff, and others. But our cowardly Governors, Mayors and such are fearful of the political fallout when a few more people get sick, dreading the awful accusations that their easing of restrictions resulted in "needless deaths."

But this is not what is being reported and highlighted in the news. We see pictures of demonstrators in the same proximity as a mosh pit, few wearing any sort of mask, and they are portrayed as the face of the back-to-work movement.

Lying bastards.

They shut down and crushed the U.S. economy based on fake numbers....1-2.4 million Americans would die if we didn't shut down the country...

We shut down the country...

9 days later....oops.....we actually meant 1-200 thousand........

5 days later...ooops......looks like about 80,000

Ooooops......more like 60,000 you know, the same as a bad flu season...

But, you know....flattening the curve.....which didn't happen by shutting down the economy since social distancing didn't have enough time to effect the numbers...

But now the curve is much so we didn't use even close to the number of ventilators we were told we would need...dittos the ICU capacity.....that might have something to do with the only 60,000 predicted dead....after crushing the economy.......and now hospitals have actually laid off staff...........that means they didn't need them............

So now the curve is flattened, we have excess ventilators and ICU beds so any new cases can be treated....

For a Chinese Virus with a survival chance of 98%.......

So now...the democrat governors......they don't want to reopen the economy because they don't want to give Trump time to get the economy now they change from flattening the curve, to saving lives........when we now have the capacity in ventilators and ICU beds for any number of sick people..

This isn't about saving lives...this is about keeping Trump from getting the economy going before the election....
do you think the curve would have had a similar flattening without the social distancing and business shut downs???
sure, we had five months where no one mentioned shit about it. so social distancing was far more lethal.
Which was the CDC or admin's mistake, that shut the economy down in the first place.... Wall Street/Corporatists saw that the admin and president, did not know what they were doing, so they bailed....




Centers for Disease Control.....

They didn't control shit or shinola!
so how many deaths from September to March 6?
that all depends on us, and what we do...
We are now witnessing the latest manifestation of Media taking the most extreme proponents of "Conservative" positions as the Norm, thus writing off the entire movement as coming from Looney-Ville.

"We" conservatives are very keen to shift from the neurotic phase of fighting the plague to a "rational and cautious" approach. That is, Fuck your stay-at-home guidance, let's move to looking at every activity and every business rationally, to see how and if it can be re-opened without undue risk.

Golf courses, retail stores, home-improvement businesses, bowling alleys - even movie theaters, could all easily be opened with rational constraints and minimal danger to customers, staff, and others. But our cowardly Governors, Mayors and such are fearful of the political fallout when a few more people get sick, dreading the awful accusations that their easing of restrictions resulted in "needless deaths."

But this is not what is being reported and highlighted in the news. We see pictures of demonstrators in the same proximity as a mosh pit, few wearing any sort of mask, and they are portrayed as the face of the back-to-work movement.

Lying bastards.
When you guys don't trust government and scientists, of course you don't believe that you need to stay in your home. This is why we need a president that people believe. You can't believe Trump he is lying when his mouth is open.

People believe in politicians? I don’t care who they are, they are born with the gift of lying.
That's a bad attitude to have. Not all of them are liars. But you believe your liars when they tell you Pelosi is the liar. That we get. You don't trust any politicians, unless it's Trump or Bush.

Well I believe Cuomo. I believe Biden. I believed Obama. I didn't believe Bush or Trump because I knew they were lying. You defended them. And you said Hillary lied. About what? BenGhazi? Being under sniper fire once? In this crisis I would believe her.

Well, Trump followers are all going out and mingling. They don't believe the virus is real or a threat. They want to go back to work. I hope they all get it and we have less cons running around next year. Idiots. They're ruining America.

Live updates: Trump defends U.S. protests against coronavirus restrictions as global lockdowns trigger unrest

I don't trust Trump, not at all, I didn't trust Bush either. Cuomo, Biden and Obama have been caught telling lies. Benghazi wasn't Obama or Hillary's fault, I never thought they were. I never claimed either of them lied. Not sure of your point because all you did was reassure me that they all lie. I don't trust them.
but obammy and hitlery did lie about benghazi, they said the raid was due to a video. We know that is false.
Yea they played politics with it in an election year. Same thing Trump did only trump's game cost thousands of lives. The 4 in Benghazi were already dead. Trump's lie is killing people daily.

You lie like a dog. Thanks, for the stupidity.
We are now witnessing the latest manifestation of Media taking the most extreme proponents of "Conservative" positions as the Norm, thus writing off the entire movement as coming from Looney-Ville.

"We" conservatives are very keen to shift from the neurotic phase of fighting the plague to a "rational and cautious" approach. That is, Fuck your stay-at-home guidance, let's move to looking at every activity and every business rationally, to see how and if it can be re-opened without undue risk.

Golf courses, retail stores, home-improvement businesses, bowling alleys - even movie theaters, could all easily be opened with rational constraints and minimal danger to customers, staff, and others. But our cowardly Governors, Mayors and such are fearful of the political fallout when a few more people get sick, dreading the awful accusations that their easing of restrictions resulted in "needless deaths."

But this is not what is being reported and highlighted in the news. We see pictures of demonstrators in the same proximity as a mosh pit, few wearing any sort of mask, and they are portrayed as the face of the back-to-work movement.

Lying bastards.
When you guys don't trust government and scientists, of course you don't believe that you need to stay in your home. This is why we need a president that people believe. You can't believe Trump he is lying when his mouth is open.
The Democrat fanatical hate doesn't impress swing voters.
The Democratic Party wants maximum economic damage from the shutdown so that they can blame Trump.
Didn't Republicans literally hyjack the recovery on Obama?

Democrats didn't hold up the checks so they could put Pelosi's name on the checks. That was Trump.
Pelosi held up the corona check to fill it with democrat pork.
Trump didn't delay the checks for his signature.

On Tuesday, senior Treasury Department officials told The Washington Post that President Donald Trump asked to have his signature formally included on the checks. The decision means that "President Donald J. Trump" will appear on the bottom left of the payment that 70 million Americans will receive in the coming weeks.

It will be the first time a president's name appears on an IRS disbursement, and getting that done is likely to delay the distribution of the money by "a few days,"

"business insider" is a left wing hate group
We are now witnessing the latest manifestation of Media taking the most extreme proponents of "Conservative" positions as the Norm, thus writing off the entire movement as coming from Looney-Ville.

"We" conservatives are very keen to shift from the neurotic phase of fighting the plague to a "rational and cautious" approach. That is, Fuck your stay-at-home guidance, let's move to looking at every activity and every business rationally, to see how and if it can be re-opened without undue risk.

Golf courses, retail stores, home-improvement businesses, bowling alleys - even movie theaters, could all easily be opened with rational constraints and minimal danger to customers, staff, and others. But our cowardly Governors, Mayors and such are fearful of the political fallout when a few more people get sick, dreading the awful accusations that their easing of restrictions resulted in "needless deaths."

But this is not what is being reported and highlighted in the news. We see pictures of demonstrators in the same proximity as a mosh pit, few wearing any sort of mask, and they are portrayed as the face of the back-to-work movement.

Lying bastards.
They are the ones making the noise.

They are also gonna set back the reopening by doing what they are doing.
They are also gonna set back the reopening by doing what they are doing.

There is where we disagree. The protests are lighting a fire underneath the worthless technocrats' rear ends and getting them motivated to move on this.

If there weren't people complaining and protesting, this would go on until 2022 or longer and businesses can't last that long being boarded up.
They are also gonna set back the reopening by doing what they are doing.

There is where we disagree. The protests are lighting a fire underneath the worthless technocrats' rear ends and getting them motivated to move on this.

If there weren't people complaining and protesting, this would go on until 2022 or longer and businesses can't last that long being boarded up.
They will single handedly cause the second wave of infections.
They are also gonna set back the reopening by doing what they are doing.

There is where we disagree. The protests are lighting a fire underneath the worthless technocrats' rear ends and getting them motivated to move on this.

If there weren't people complaining and protesting, this would go on until 2022 or longer and businesses can't last that long being boarded up.
They will single handedly cause the second wave of infections.

We have an election in November. If the people want the country shut down with Sleepy Joe, they'll have the opportunity to signify that when they are sealed into the voting cubicles.
We are now witnessing the latest manifestation of Media taking the most extreme proponents of "Conservative" positions as the Norm, thus writing off the entire movement as coming from Looney-Ville.

"We" conservatives are very keen to shift from the neurotic phase of fighting the plague to a "rational and cautious" approach. That is, Fuck your stay-at-home guidance, let's move to looking at every activity and every business rationally, to see how and if it can be re-opened without undue risk.

Golf courses, retail stores, home-improvement businesses, bowling alleys - even movie theaters, could all easily be opened with rational constraints and minimal danger to customers, staff, and others. But our cowardly Governors, Mayors and such are fearful of the political fallout when a few more people get sick, dreading the awful accusations that their easing of restrictions resulted in "needless deaths."

But this is not what is being reported and highlighted in the news. We see pictures of demonstrators in the same proximity as a mosh pit, few wearing any sort of mask, and they are portrayed as the face of the back-to-work movement.

Lying bastards.
When you guys don't trust government and scientists, of course you don't believe that you need to stay in your home. This is why we need a president that people believe. You can't believe Trump he is lying when his mouth is open.
The Democrat fanatical hate doesn't impress swing voters.
The Democratic Party wants maximum economic damage from the shutdown so that they can blame Trump.
Didn't Republicans literally hyjack the recovery on Obama?

Democrats didn't hold up the checks so they could put Pelosi's name on the checks. That was Trump.
Pelosi held up the corona check to fill it with democrat pork.
Trump didn't delay the checks for his signature.

On Tuesday, senior Treasury Department officials told The Washington Post that President Donald Trump asked to have his signature formally included on the checks. The decision means that "President Donald J. Trump" will appear on the bottom left of the payment that 70 million Americans will receive in the coming weeks.

It will be the first time a president's name appears on an IRS disbursement, and getting that done is likely to delay the distribution of the money by "a few days,"

"business insider" is a left wing hate group
Well I’m watching John Oliver and he’s showing how the right wing media has been lying about Covid 19. Rush being the leader of your party, he’s been lying to you. Did you know?
We are now witnessing the latest manifestation of Media taking the most extreme proponents of "Conservative" positions as the Norm, thus writing off the entire movement as coming from Looney-Ville.

"We" conservatives are very keen to shift from the neurotic phase of fighting the plague to a "rational and cautious" approach. That is, Fuck your stay-at-home guidance, let's move to looking at every activity and every business rationally, to see how and if it can be re-opened without undue risk.

Golf courses, retail stores, home-improvement businesses, bowling alleys - even movie theaters, could all easily be opened with rational constraints and minimal danger to customers, staff, and others. But our cowardly Governors, Mayors and such are fearful of the political fallout when a few more people get sick, dreading the awful accusations that their easing of restrictions resulted in "needless deaths."

But this is not what is being reported and highlighted in the news. We see pictures of demonstrators in the same proximity as a mosh pit, few wearing any sort of mask, and they are portrayed as the face of the back-to-work movement.

Lying bastards.
When you guys don't trust government and scientists, of course you don't believe that you need to stay in your home. This is why we need a president that people believe. You can't believe Trump he is lying when his mouth is open.
The Democrat fanatical hate doesn't impress swing voters.
The Democratic Party wants maximum economic damage from the shutdown so that they can blame Trump.
Didn't Republicans literally hyjack the recovery on Obama?

Democrats didn't hold up the checks so they could put Pelosi's name on the checks. That was Trump.
Pelosi held up the corona check to fill it with democrat pork.
Trump didn't delay the checks for his signature.

On Tuesday, senior Treasury Department officials told The Washington Post that President Donald Trump asked to have his signature formally included on the checks. The decision means that "President Donald J. Trump" will appear on the bottom left of the payment that 70 million Americans will receive in the coming weeks.

It will be the first time a president's name appears on an IRS disbursement, and getting that done is likely to delay the distribution of the money by "a few days,"

"business insider" is a left wing hate group
Well I’m watching John Oliver and he’s showing how the right wing media has been lying about Covid 19. Rush being the leader of your party, he’s been lying to you. Did you know?

John Oliver is what is known as a "Comedian". The material he does on his TV program are what is known as "jokes". His intent is to try and make his viewers laugh.
We are now witnessing the latest manifestation of Media taking the most extreme proponents of "Conservative" positions as the Norm, thus writing off the entire movement as coming from Looney-Ville.

"We" conservatives are very keen to shift from the neurotic phase of fighting the plague to a "rational and cautious" approach. That is, Fuck your stay-at-home guidance, let's move to looking at every activity and every business rationally, to see how and if it can be re-opened without undue risk.

Golf courses, retail stores, home-improvement businesses, bowling alleys - even movie theaters, could all easily be opened with rational constraints and minimal danger to customers, staff, and others. But our cowardly Governors, Mayors and such are fearful of the political fallout when a few more people get sick, dreading the awful accusations that their easing of restrictions resulted in "needless deaths."

But this is not what is being reported and highlighted in the news. We see pictures of demonstrators in the same proximity as a mosh pit, few wearing any sort of mask, and they are portrayed as the face of the back-to-work movement.

Lying bastards.
But the con-federate and NAZI flags were a nice touch, don't you think?
A very nice touch to make the governors feel right at home
Suuuuure....*wink *wink Isn't it convenient how the protestors had those flags handy and ready to go......Almost as if they've had them for a while at home, ready to go......................since Charlottesville.
We are now witnessing the latest manifestation of Media taking the most extreme proponents of "Conservative" positions as the Norm, thus writing off the entire movement as coming from Looney-Ville.

"We" conservatives are very keen to shift from the neurotic phase of fighting the plague to a "rational and cautious" approach. That is, Fuck your stay-at-home guidance, let's move to looking at every activity and every business rationally, to see how and if it can be re-opened without undue risk.

Golf courses, retail stores, home-improvement businesses, bowling alleys - even movie theaters, could all easily be opened with rational constraints and minimal danger to customers, staff, and others. But our cowardly Governors, Mayors and such are fearful of the political fallout when a few more people get sick, dreading the awful accusations that their easing of restrictions resulted in "needless deaths."

But this is not what is being reported and highlighted in the news. We see pictures of demonstrators in the same proximity as a mosh pit, few wearing any sort of mask, and they are portrayed as the face of the back-to-work movement.

Lying bastards.
When you guys don't trust government and scientists, of course you don't believe that you need to stay in your home. This is why we need a president that people believe. You can't believe Trump he is lying when his mouth is open.

Or you believe that what is happening in big blue cities is true everywhere. There are a lot of places with none or nominal numbers of infections yet they are getting shut down because some blue petri dish on the other side of the state can't wash their hands.

Some of the hotspots have red hands.
We are now witnessing the latest manifestation of Media taking the most extreme proponents of "Conservative" positions as the Norm, thus writing off the entire movement as coming from Looney-Ville.

"We" conservatives are very keen to shift from the neurotic phase of fighting the plague to a "rational and cautious" approach. That is, Fuck your stay-at-home guidance, let's move to looking at every activity and every business rationally, to see how and if it can be re-opened without undue risk.

Golf courses, retail stores, home-improvement businesses, bowling alleys - even movie theaters, could all easily be opened with rational constraints and minimal danger to customers, staff, and others. But our cowardly Governors, Mayors and such are fearful of the political fallout when a few more people get sick, dreading the awful accusations that their easing of restrictions resulted in "needless deaths."

But this is not what is being reported and highlighted in the news. We see pictures of demonstrators in the same proximity as a mosh pit, few wearing any sort of mask, and they are portrayed as the face of the back-to-work movement.

Lying bastards.
But the con-federate and NAZI flags were a nice touch, don't you think?
A very nice touch to make the governors feel right at home
Suuuuure....*wink *wink Isn't it convenient how the protestors had those flags handy and ready to go......Almost as if they've had them for a while at home, ready to go......................since Charlottesville.
And look who is funding them....
Trump is acting like the Mayor in Jaws
Why can’t we keep the beaches open?

View attachment 325696
And as usual you're acting just like the dumbass you are.
You a dumbass.....

Nice retort
I'm a much smarter dumbass than you are and I don't have to work of pennies posting on a silly message board.
Right winger and I get paid very well for what we do
Admission of being a piad propogandist... Bravo.... SO is China paying you up front or on produced lies?
Are you that woman yelling at the health care worker in the cross walk?
We are now witnessing the latest manifestation of Media taking the most extreme proponents of "Conservative" positions as the Norm, thus writing off the entire movement as coming from Looney-Ville.

"We" conservatives are very keen to shift from the neurotic phase of fighting the plague to a "rational and cautious" approach. That is, Fuck your stay-at-home guidance, let's move to looking at every activity and every business rationally, to see how and if it can be re-opened without undue risk.

Golf courses, retail stores, home-improvement businesses, bowling alleys - even movie theaters, could all easily be opened with rational constraints and minimal danger to customers, staff, and others. But our cowardly Governors, Mayors and such are fearful of the political fallout when a few more people get sick, dreading the awful accusations that their easing of restrictions resulted in "needless deaths."

But this is not what is being reported and highlighted in the news. We see pictures of demonstrators in the same proximity as a mosh pit, few wearing any sort of mask, and they are portrayed as the face of the back-to-work movement.

Lying bastards.
Even going back slowly is wrong
Open everything back up now
New York NEVER CLOSED and it is ground zero for the virus. Subways were running, people jamming elevators, essential workers working, airports running. President Trump was ready to do it until Andrew Cuomo squealed DICTATOR YOU CAN'T CLOSE NEW YORK! All of you Trump bashers are full of shit.
Democrats are insane and it's irritating people. A man playing ball with his daughter in an empty park gets arrested. Another guy paddleboarding in an empty ocean gets arrested. When you do stupid stuff like these arrests you tend to not be taken seriously.
Did it ever occur to you that maybe that park and that beach were CLOSED? Or that they were asked to go home and said no?
Acadia Park is closed. If a hiker is there, alone, it is still trespassing.
We are now witnessing the latest manifestation of Media taking the most extreme proponents of "Conservative" positions as the Norm, thus writing off the entire movement as coming from Looney-Ville.

"We" conservatives are very keen to shift from the neurotic phase of fighting the plague to a "rational and cautious" approach. That is, Fuck your stay-at-home guidance, let's move to looking at every activity and every business rationally, to see how and if it can be re-opened without undue risk.

Golf courses, retail stores, home-improvement businesses, bowling alleys - even movie theaters, could all easily be opened with rational constraints and minimal danger to customers, staff, and others. But our cowardly Governors, Mayors and such are fearful of the political fallout when a few more people get sick, dreading the awful accusations that their easing of restrictions resulted in "needless deaths."

But this is not what is being reported and highlighted in the news. We see pictures of demonstrators in the same proximity as a mosh pit, few wearing any sort of mask, and they are portrayed as the face of the back-to-work movement.

Lying bastards.

They shut down and crushed the U.S. economy based on fake numbers....1-2.4 million Americans would die if we didn't shut down the country...

We shut down the country...

9 days later....oops.....we actually meant 1-200 thousand........

5 days later...ooops......looks like about 80,000

Ooooops......more like 60,000 you know, the same as a bad flu season...

But, you know....flattening the curve.....which didn't happen by shutting down the economy since social distancing didn't have enough time to effect the numbers...

But now the curve is much so we didn't use even close to the number of ventilators we were told we would need...dittos the ICU capacity.....that might have something to do with the only 60,000 predicted dead....after crushing the economy.......and now hospitals have actually laid off staff...........that means they didn't need them............

So now the curve is flattened, we have excess ventilators and ICU beds so any new cases can be treated....

For a Chinese Virus with a survival chance of 98%.......

So now...the democrat governors......they don't want to reopen the economy because they don't want to give Trump time to get the economy now they change from flattening the curve, to saving lives........when we now have the capacity in ventilators and ICU beds for any number of sick people..

This isn't about saving lives...this is about keeping Trump from getting the economy going before the election....
do you think the curve would have had a similar flattening without the social distancing and business shut downs???
sure, we had five months where no one mentioned shit about it. so social distancing was far more lethal.
You need to show your support of trump by getting out there and gathering in groups....go to his rallies, to protests, to any other kind of gathering. Don't be a your loyalty to trump and own the libs.
Democrats are insane and it's irritating people. A man playing ball with his daughter in an empty park gets arrested. Another guy paddleboarding in an empty ocean gets arrested. When you do stupid stuff like these arrests you tend to not be taken seriously.
Did it ever occur to you that maybe that park and that beach were CLOSED? Or that they were asked to go home and said no?
Acadia Park is closed. If a hiker is there, alone, it is still trespassing.
This is what democrats do. Shitstain obama closed highway turnouts for the view. There were prohibitions against looking at Monuments on the Washington mall. LOOKING. It took a bunch of ancient veterans in wheelchairs to put a stop to that.

It's a public park. Put a fence around it. Fence off the ocean too. Better yet put the officials who dream up this nonsense in prison

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