The Attempt to Distort the "Back to Work" Movement

We are now witnessing the latest manifestation of Media taking the most extreme proponents of "Conservative" positions as the Norm, thus writing off the entire movement as coming from Looney-Ville.

"We" conservatives are very keen to shift from the neurotic phase of fighting the plague to a "rational and cautious" approach. That is, Fuck your stay-at-home guidance, let's move to looking at every activity and every business rationally, to see how and if it can be re-opened without undue risk.

Golf courses, retail stores, home-improvement businesses, bowling alleys - even movie theaters, could all easily be opened with rational constraints and minimal danger to customers, staff, and others. But our cowardly Governors, Mayors and such are fearful of the political fallout when a few more people get sick, dreading the awful accusations that their easing of restrictions resulted in "needless deaths."

But this is not what is being reported and highlighted in the news. We see pictures of demonstrators in the same proximity as a mosh pit, few wearing any sort of mask, and they are portrayed as the face of the back-to-work movement.

Lying bastards.
Even going back slowly is wrong
Open everything back up now
Exactly, All the experts claim we need more testing....Trump claims 4 million tests have been done and if those were performed on individuals with no retesting that is less than 2% of the popultion of the US and that is after 3 months of testing. There are 330,000,000 people living in the US. Now do the math if these medical experts get what they want the US will not be open for business for at least a year. The US can not survive that.
IT'S THE CHEMICALS to run the tests we do not have enough of..... and swabs...which I believe trump's team is acquiring the swabs. And shortage of PPE.... masks!

If we need 30,000,000 tests and the reagent chemicals to run them, then we should get them! The hell with their being a shortage world wide! We are the USA for Chris's sake!!! USE your federal power, and emergency powers to get 'er done! Damnit! It's like we are a third world country! The INCOMPETENCE of our gvt is incomprehensible, for goodness sake....!!!!!

the 3 million tests won't even cover our healthcare doctors, nurses, med techs, resp. therapists and nursing home workers, let alone all first response and essential workers even once!

the admin is TOO SLOW on all of this.... TOO DAMN SLOW!

we need to open the economy and the Admin's lack of urgency and leadership in using their federal powers to do this is negligent!
why not 330 million. why is it only 30 mil? see the loony you injected there? see you said 30 mil, then tomorrow you'll say 60 mil, then 80, up until you get everyone right? that's your real target. you couldn't give a rats ass about anything except interfering in our country's business. I know. I'm smart and logical. See, the start of the stay at home was to flatten the curve, then it was this and then it was that and then it was goldilock's and the three bears, and then Cinderalla, then Snow White, Sleeping Beauty. And then it will be lord of the rings, then pirates of the carribean and on and on and on. See I'm pretty smart. Got cha figured out. Now you'll insult me.

Let me know when you hop in that boxcar there bob.
30 million was just an example, it could be 100 million needed over time, to test more than once and those infected more than once, until they no longer show having the infection on two consecutive tests, as per the cdc protocol.... That's up to what the science says is needed to contain the virus with testing and contact testing.
No one is distorting tea bagger trumpoholic American betrayal. They are weirdo lemmings who will take everyone over the cliff if they get there way.
right, people who don't think like you are dangerous, right?
We are now witnessing the latest manifestation of Media taking the most extreme proponents of "Conservative" positions as the Norm, thus writing off the entire movement as coming from Looney-Ville.

"We" conservatives are very keen to shift from the neurotic phase of fighting the plague to a "rational and cautious" approach. That is, Fuck your stay-at-home guidance, let's move to looking at every activity and every business rationally, to see how and if it can be re-opened without undue risk.

Golf courses, retail stores, home-improvement businesses, bowling alleys - even movie theaters, could all easily be opened with rational constraints and minimal danger to customers, staff, and others. But our cowardly Governors, Mayors and such are fearful of the political fallout when a few more people get sick, dreading the awful accusations that their easing of restrictions resulted in "needless deaths."

But this is not what is being reported and highlighted in the news. We see pictures of demonstrators in the same proximity as a mosh pit, few wearing any sort of mask, and they are portrayed as the face of the back-to-work movement.

Lying bastards.
Even going back slowly is wrong
Open everything back up now
Exactly, All the experts claim we need more testing....Trump claims 4 million tests have been done and if those were performed on individuals with no retesting that is less than 2% of the popultion of the US and that is after 3 months of testing. There are 330,000,000 people living in the US. Now do the math if these medical experts get what they want the US will not be open for business for at least a year. The US can not survive that.
IT'S THE CHEMICALS to run the tests we do not have enough of..... and swabs...which I believe trump's team is acquiring the swabs. And shortage of PPE.... masks!

If we need 30,000,000 tests and the reagent chemicals to run them, then we should get them! The hell with their being a shortage world wide! We are the USA for Chris's sake!!! USE your federal power, and emergency powers to get 'er done! Damnit! It's like we are a third world country! The INCOMPETENCE of our gvt is incomprehensible, for goodness sake....!!!!!

the 3 million tests won't even cover our healthcare doctors, nurses, med techs, resp. therapists and nursing home workers, let alone all first response and essential workers even once!

the admin is TOO SLOW on all of this.... TOO DAMN SLOW!

we need to open the economy and the Admin's lack of urgency and leadership in using their federal powers to do this is negligent!
why not 330 million. why is it only 30 mil? see the loony you injected there? see you said 30 mil, then tomorrow you'll say 60 mil, then 80, up until you get everyone right? that's your real target. you couldn't give a rats ass about anything except interfering in our country's business. I know. I'm smart and logical. See, the start of the stay at home was to flatten the curve, then it was this and then it was that and then it was goldilock's and the three bears, and then Cinderalla, then Snow White, Sleeping Beauty. And then it will be lord of the rings, then pirates of the carribean and on and on and on. See I'm pretty smart. Got cha figured out. Now you'll insult me.

Let me know when you hop in that boxcar there bob.
30 million was just an example, it could be 100 million needed over time, to test more than once and those infected more than once, until they no longer show having the infection on two consecutive tests, as per the cdc protocol.... That's up to what the science says is needed to contain the virus with testing and contact testing.
you know that isn't achievable, and by the time they're done, you'd want them to start over again. come on dude, your ploy is exposed.
We are now witnessing the latest manifestation of Media taking the most extreme proponents of "Conservative" positions as the Norm, thus writing off the entire movement as coming from Looney-Ville.

"We" conservatives are very keen to shift from the neurotic phase of fighting the plague to a "rational and cautious" approach. That is, Fuck your stay-at-home guidance, let's move to looking at every activity and every business rationally, to see how and if it can be re-opened without undue risk.

Golf courses, retail stores, home-improvement businesses, bowling alleys - even movie theaters, could all easily be opened with rational constraints and minimal danger to customers, staff, and others. But our cowardly Governors, Mayors and such are fearful of the political fallout when a few more people get sick, dreading the awful accusations that their easing of restrictions resulted in "needless deaths."

But this is not what is being reported and highlighted in the news. We see pictures of demonstrators in the same proximity as a mosh pit, few wearing any sort of mask, and they are portrayed as the face of the back-to-work movement.

Lying bastards.
When you guys don't trust government and scientists, of course you don't believe that you need to stay in your home. This is why we need a president that people believe. You can't believe Trump he is lying when his mouth is open.

People believe in politicians? I don’t care who they are, they are born with the gift of lying.
That's a bad attitude to have. Not all of them are liars. But you believe your liars when they tell you Pelosi is the liar. That we get. You don't trust any politicians, unless it's Trump or Bush.

Well I believe Cuomo. I believe Biden. I believed Obama. I didn't believe Bush or Trump because I knew they were lying. You defended them. And you said Hillary lied. About what? BenGhazi? Being under sniper fire once? In this crisis I would believe her.

Well, Trump followers are all going out and mingling. They don't believe the virus is real or a threat. They want to go back to work. I hope they all get it and we have less cons running around next year. Idiots. They're ruining America.

Live updates: Trump defends U.S. protests against coronavirus restrictions as global lockdowns trigger unrest
We are now witnessing the latest manifestation of Media taking the most extreme proponents of "Conservative" positions as the Norm, thus writing off the entire movement as coming from Looney-Ville.

"We" conservatives are very keen to shift from the neurotic phase of fighting the plague to a "rational and cautious" approach. That is, Fuck your stay-at-home guidance, let's move to looking at every activity and every business rationally, to see how and if it can be re-opened without undue risk.

Golf courses, retail stores, home-improvement businesses, bowling alleys - even movie theaters, could all easily be opened with rational constraints and minimal danger to customers, staff, and others. But our cowardly Governors, Mayors and such are fearful of the political fallout when a few more people get sick, dreading the awful accusations that their easing of restrictions resulted in "needless deaths."

But this is not what is being reported and highlighted in the news. We see pictures of demonstrators in the same proximity as a mosh pit, few wearing any sort of mask, and they are portrayed as the face of the back-to-work movement.

Lying bastards.
When you guys don't trust government and scientists, of course you don't believe that you need to stay in your home. This is why we need a president that people believe. You can't believe Trump he is lying when his mouth is open.
The Democrat fanatical hate doesn't impress swing voters.
The Democratic Party wants maximum economic damage from the shutdown so that they can blame Trump.
Didn't Republicans literally hyjack the recovery on Obama?

Democrats didn't hold up the checks so they could put Pelosi's name on the checks. That was Trump.
Pelosi held up the corona check to fill it with democrat pork.
Trump didn't delay the checks for his signature.

On Tuesday, senior Treasury Department officials told The Washington Post that President Donald Trump asked to have his signature formally included on the checks. The decision means that "President Donald J. Trump" will appear on the bottom left of the payment that 70 million Americans will receive in the coming weeks.

It will be the first time a president's name appears on an IRS disbursement, and getting that done is likely to delay the distribution of the money by "a few days,"

Trump is acting like the Mayor in Jaws
Why can’t we keep the beaches open?

View attachment 325696

If the electorate disagrees with President Trump's Lockdown and Reopen policy, Sleepy Joe should be openly advocating and shilling for the idea of a longterm lockdown if he is elected. Let the people hear both sides, and if the people want to be in lockdown they can endorse Bite Me, vote for him, send him contributions.
Biden is advocating a sensible strategy to reopen and acknowledges the need for more testing to assess our readiness.

I looked in the water......looks like he shark is gone.
OK, everyone in the water

Biden has offered nothing of substance. He talks about ventilators. Yep, turns out we had enough of those. Interesting how we hear nothing about ventilators these days. Also, you just can't suddenly turn things on a dime with the DPA. It doesn't work that way. If you tell Ford & GM to produce a highly specialized piece of equipment with the right tooling that they don't generally produce, that doesn't happen overnight. And let's ask this hard question, why didn't he & Obama use the DPA to rebuild stockpiles up during the swine flu fiasco? You really think Biden is the one to lead the country, the guy can't even construct a coherent sentence.
Well I believe Cuomo. I believe Biden. I believed Obama. I didn't believe Bush or Trump because I knew they were lying. You defended them. And you said Hillary lied. About what? BenGhazi? Being under sniper fire once? In this crisis I would believe her.
Then you are a bigger fool than we thought....

Well, Trump followers are all going out and mingling. They don't believe the virus is real or a threat. They want to go back to work. I hope they all get it and we have less cons running around next year. Idiots. They're ruining America.

Live updates: Trump defends U.S. protests against coronavirus restrictions as global lockdowns trigger unrest

No we damn well believe the virus is real. We are washing our hands & sheltering just as much as everyone else. A lot of us are teleworking or just plain lost our jobs. What we don't agree with is this blatant power grab by politicians & the trampling of rights. There are no provisions in the Constitution that allow for suspension of civil liberties by the government due to a pandemic. Not a one.
We are now witnessing the latest manifestation of Media taking the most extreme proponents of "Conservative" positions as the Norm, thus writing off the entire movement as coming from Looney-Ville.

"We" conservatives are very keen to shift from the neurotic phase of fighting the plague to a "rational and cautious" approach. That is, Fuck your stay-at-home guidance, let's move to looking at every activity and every business rationally, to see how and if it can be re-opened without undue risk.

Golf courses, retail stores, home-improvement businesses, bowling alleys - even movie theaters, could all easily be opened with rational constraints and minimal danger to customers, staff, and others. But our cowardly Governors, Mayors and such are fearful of the political fallout when a few more people get sick, dreading the awful accusations that their easing of restrictions resulted in "needless deaths."

But this is not what is being reported and highlighted in the news. We see pictures of demonstrators in the same proximity as a mosh pit, few wearing any sort of mask, and they are portrayed as the face of the back-to-work movement.

Lying bastards.
Even going back slowly is wrong
Open everything back up now
Exactly, All the experts claim we need more testing....Trump claims 4 million tests have been done and if those were performed on individuals with no retesting that is less than 2% of the popultion of the US and that is after 3 months of testing. There are 330,000,000 people living in the US. Now do the math if these medical experts get what they want the US will not be open for business for at least a year. The US can not survive that.
IT'S THE CHEMICALS to run the tests we do not have enough of..... and swabs...which I believe trump's team is acquiring the swabs. And shortage of PPE.... masks!

If we need 30,000,000 tests and the reagent chemicals to run them, then we should get them! The hell with their being a shortage world wide! We are the USA for Chris's sake!!! USE your federal power, and emergency powers to get 'er done! Damnit! It's like we are a third world country! The INCOMPETENCE of our gvt is incomprehensible, for goodness sake....!!!!!

the 3 million tests won't even cover our healthcare doctors, nurses, med techs, resp. therapists and nursing home workers, let alone all first response and essential workers even once!

the admin is TOO SLOW on all of this.... TOO DAMN SLOW!

we need to open the economy and the Admin's lack of urgency and leadership in using their federal powers to do this is negligent!
why not 330 million. why is it only 30 mil? see the loony you injected there? see you said 30 mil, then tomorrow you'll say 60 mil, then 80, up until you get everyone right? that's your real target. you couldn't give a rats ass about anything except interfering in our country's business. I know. I'm smart and logical. See, the start of the stay at home was to flatten the curve, then it was this and then it was that and then it was goldilock's and the three bears, and then Cinderalla, then Snow White, Sleeping Beauty. And then it will be lord of the rings, then pirates of the carribean and on and on and on. See I'm pretty smart. Got cha figured out. Now you'll insult me.

Let me know when you hop in that boxcar there bob.
30 million was just an example, it could be 100 million needed over time, to test more than once and those infected more than once, until they no longer show having the infection on two consecutive tests, as per the cdc protocol.... That's up to what the science says is needed to contain the virus with testing and contact testing.
you know that isn't achievable, and by the time they're done, you'd want them to start over again. come on dude, your ploy is exposed.
Until there is herd immunity with a vaccine given, there is no other choice but to widespread test community hot spots, isolate those positive, and tracing their contacts, and isolating them.... rince and repeat..... come on Dudette! We are the USA, WE MAKE NUCLEAR BOMBS for goodness sake, we can get some factories up and running to make our own tests and reagent chemicals to run the tests, and protection for our gosh darn citizens in the Hospitals on the front line of this war against this virus!

Jebus, y'all are useless and pathetic, if you think we could not do this and do this quickly.


you are wasting precious time by making excuses for three months now.... jimminy Cricket!!!!

Contact tracing/issolation, is a Scientific, proven method, to contain a virus, with no vaccine....

The sooner we get this going, the sooner we can open up the safely as we can.
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No one is distorting tea bagger trumpoholic American betrayal. They are weirdo lemmings who will take everyone over the cliff if they get there way.
right, people who don't think like you are dangerous, right?
No, but tea bagger trumpoholics are dangerous for America for sure. How stupid do you have to be to brand yourselves after a porno phrase meaning testicle licker and sucker unless you wanted to be known as such?
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Trump is acting like the Mayor in Jaws
Why can’t we keep the beaches open?

View attachment 325696

If the electorate disagrees with President Trump's Lockdown and Reopen policy, Sleepy Joe should be openly advocating and shilling for the idea of a longterm lockdown if he is elected. Let the people hear both sides, and if the people want to be in lockdown they can endorse Bite Me, vote for him, send him contributions.
Biden is advocating a sensible strategy to reopen and acknowledges the need for more testing to assess our readiness.

I looked in the water......looks like he shark is gone.
OK, everyone in the water

Biden has offered nothing of substance. He talks about ventilators. Yep, turns out we had enough of those. Interesting how we hear nothing about ventilators these days. Also, you just can't suddenly turn things on a dime with the DPA. It doesn't work that way. If you tell Ford & GM to produce a highly specialized piece of equipment with the right tooling that they don't generally produce, that doesn't happen overnight. And let's ask this hard question, why didn't he & Obama use the DPA to rebuild stockpiles up during the swine flu fiasco? You really think Biden is the one to lead the country, the guy can't even construct a coherent sentence.
To be honest, I think anyone would have been better suited to get us through this crisis. Trump is in over his head.

Dems: Hillary, Biden, Schumer, Cuomo
Republicans: Pence, Cruz, Kasich, Hogan
Trump is acting like the Mayor in Jaws
Why can’t we keep the beaches open?

View attachment 325696

If the electorate disagrees with President Trump's Lockdown and Reopen policy, Sleepy Joe should be openly advocating and shilling for the idea of a longterm lockdown if he is elected. Let the people hear both sides, and if the people want to be in lockdown they can endorse Bite Me, vote for him, send him contributions.
Biden is advocating a sensible strategy to reopen and acknowledges the need for more testing to assess our readiness.

I looked in the water......looks like he shark is gone.
OK, everyone in the water

Biden has offered nothing of substance. He talks about ventilators. Yep, turns out we had enough of those. Interesting how we hear nothing about ventilators these days. Also, you just can't suddenly turn things on a dime with the DPA. It doesn't work that way. If you tell Ford & GM to produce a highly specialized piece of equipment with the right tooling that they don't generally produce, that doesn't happen overnight. And let's ask this hard question, why didn't he & Obama use the DPA to rebuild stockpiles up during the swine flu fiasco? You really think Biden is the one to lead the country, the guy can't even construct a coherent sentence.
To be honest, I think anyone would have been better suited to get us through this crisis. Trump is in over his head.

Dems: Hillary, Biden, Schumer, Cuomo
Republicans: Pence, Cruz, Kasich, Hogan

Cuomo, Schumer and Hillary are from New York, which had been a total failure in controlling their virus. Biden , OTOH, doesn't know what state he is in.
Trump is acting like the Mayor in Jaws
Why can’t we keep the beaches open?

View attachment 325696

If the electorate disagrees with President Trump's Lockdown and Reopen policy, Sleepy Joe should be openly advocating and shilling for the idea of a longterm lockdown if he is elected. Let the people hear both sides, and if the people want to be in lockdown they can endorse Bite Me, vote for him, send him contributions.
Biden is advocating a sensible strategy to reopen and acknowledges the need for more testing to assess our readiness.

I looked in the water......looks like he shark is gone.
OK, everyone in the water

Biden has offered nothing of substance. He talks about ventilators. Yep, turns out we had enough of those. Interesting how we hear nothing about ventilators these days. Also, you just can't suddenly turn things on a dime with the DPA. It doesn't work that way. If you tell Ford & GM to produce a highly specialized piece of equipment with the right tooling that they don't generally produce, that doesn't happen overnight. And let's ask this hard question, why didn't he & Obama use the DPA to rebuild stockpiles up during the swine flu fiasco? You really think Biden is the one to lead the country, the guy can't even construct a coherent sentence.
To be honest, I think anyone would have been better suited to get us through this crisis. Trump is in over his head.

Dems: Hillary, Biden, Schumer, Cuomo
Republicans: Pence, Cruz, Kasich, Hogan

Trump is acting like the Mayor in Jaws
Why can’t we keep the beaches open?

View attachment 325696

If the electorate disagrees with President Trump's Lockdown and Reopen policy, Sleepy Joe should be openly advocating and shilling for the idea of a longterm lockdown if he is elected. Let the people hear both sides, and if the people want to be in lockdown they can endorse Bite Me, vote for him, send him contributions.
Biden is advocating a sensible strategy to reopen and acknowledges the need for more testing to assess our readiness.

I looked in the water......looks like he shark is gone.
OK, everyone in the water

Biden has offered nothing of substance. He talks about ventilators. Yep, turns out we had enough of those. Interesting how we hear nothing about ventilators these days. Also, you just can't suddenly turn things on a dime with the DPA. It doesn't work that way. If you tell Ford & GM to produce a highly specialized piece of equipment with the right tooling that they don't generally produce, that doesn't happen overnight. And let's ask this hard question, why didn't he & Obama use the DPA to rebuild stockpiles up during the swine flu fiasco? You really think Biden is the one to lead the country, the guy can't even construct a coherent sentence.
To be honest, I think anyone would have been better suited to get us through this crisis. Trump is in over his head.

Dems: Hillary, Biden, Schumer, Cuomo
Republicans: Pence, Cruz, Kasich, Hogan

Any of them would have been better suited to handle a disaster than Trump
From either party
Well I believe Cuomo. I believe Biden. I believed Obama. I didn't believe Bush or Trump because I knew they were lying. You defended them. And you said Hillary lied. About what? BenGhazi? Being under sniper fire once? In this crisis I would believe her.
Then you are a bigger fool than we thought....

Well, Trump followers are all going out and mingling. They don't believe the virus is real or a threat. They want to go back to work. I hope they all get it and we have less cons running around next year. Idiots. They're ruining America.

Live updates: Trump defends U.S. protests against coronavirus restrictions as global lockdowns trigger unrest

No we damn well believe the virus is real. We are washing our hands & sheltering just as much as everyone else. A lot of us are teleworking or just plain lost our jobs. What we don't agree with is this blatant power grab by politicians & the trampling of rights. There are no provisions in the Constitution that allow for suspension of civil liberties by the government due to a pandemic. Not a one.
Maybe they didn't foresee something like this. I certainly didn't. And those guys knew even less about science than I do.

I like the comedian who made fun of the bill of rights. Number 3 s no soldiers can sleep in your house. LOL. Different times back then.

No you are not sheltering like the rest of us. Have you seen your protests?

What do you want us to do?
Trump is acting like the Mayor in Jaws
Why can’t we keep the beaches open?

View attachment 325696

If the electorate disagrees with President Trump's Lockdown and Reopen policy, Sleepy Joe should be openly advocating and shilling for the idea of a longterm lockdown if he is elected. Let the people hear both sides, and if the people want to be in lockdown they can endorse Bite Me, vote for him, send him contributions.
Biden is advocating a sensible strategy to reopen and acknowledges the need for more testing to assess our readiness.

I looked in the water......looks like he shark is gone.
OK, everyone in the water

Biden has offered nothing of substance. He talks about ventilators. Yep, turns out we had enough of those. Interesting how we hear nothing about ventilators these days. Also, you just can't suddenly turn things on a dime with the DPA. It doesn't work that way. If you tell Ford & GM to produce a highly specialized piece of equipment with the right tooling that they don't generally produce, that doesn't happen overnight. And let's ask this hard question, why didn't he & Obama use the DPA to rebuild stockpiles up during the swine flu fiasco? You really think Biden is the one to lead the country, the guy can't even construct a coherent sentence.
To be honest, I think anyone would have been better suited to get us through this crisis. Trump is in over his head.

Dems: Hillary, Biden, Schumer, Cuomo
Republicans: Pence, Cruz, Kasich, Hogan

Any of them would have been better suited to handle a disaster than Trump
From either party

Again ridiculous....
Well I believe Cuomo. I believe Biden. I believed Obama. I didn't believe Bush or Trump because I knew they were lying. You defended them. And you said Hillary lied. About what? BenGhazi? Being under sniper fire once? In this crisis I would believe her.
Then you are a bigger fool than we thought....

Well, Trump followers are all going out and mingling. They don't believe the virus is real or a threat. They want to go back to work. I hope they all get it and we have less cons running around next year. Idiots. They're ruining America.

Live updates: Trump defends U.S. protests against coronavirus restrictions as global lockdowns trigger unrest

No we damn well believe the virus is real. We are washing our hands & sheltering just as much as everyone else. A lot of us are teleworking or just plain lost our jobs. What we don't agree with is this blatant power grab by politicians & the trampling of rights. There are no provisions in the Constitution that allow for suspension of civil liberties by the government due to a pandemic. Not a one.
Maybe they didn't foresee something like this. I certainly didn't. And those guys knew even less about science than I do.

I like the comedian who made fun of the bill of rights. Number 3 s no soldiers can sleep in your house. LOL. Different times back then.

No you are not sheltering like the rest of us. Have you seen your protests?

What do you want us to do?

Unless properly amended, the Constitution is set in stone. It isn't a basis of suggestions for the government to follow. It's a mandate. The protests are about reminding certain politicians of that responsibility. All their power is derived from the People. Not the other way around. And yes, I am sheltering just like everyone else. But I see overreach when I see it.
Well I believe Cuomo. I believe Biden. I believed Obama. I didn't believe Bush or Trump because I knew they were lying. You defended them. And you said Hillary lied. About what? BenGhazi? Being under sniper fire once? In this crisis I would believe her.
Then you are a bigger fool than we thought....

Well, Trump followers are all going out and mingling. They don't believe the virus is real or a threat. They want to go back to work. I hope they all get it and we have less cons running around next year. Idiots. They're ruining America.

Live updates: Trump defends U.S. protests against coronavirus restrictions as global lockdowns trigger unrest

No we damn well believe the virus is real. We are washing our hands & sheltering just as much as everyone else. A lot of us are teleworking or just plain lost our jobs. What we don't agree with is this blatant power grab by politicians & the trampling of rights. There are no provisions in the Constitution that allow for suspension of civil liberties by the government due to a pandemic. Not a one.
Maybe they didn't foresee something like this. I certainly didn't. And those guys knew even less about science than I do.

I like the comedian who made fun of the bill of rights. Number 3 s no soldiers can sleep in your house. LOL. Different times back then.

No you are not sheltering like the rest of us. Have you seen your protests?

What do you want us to do?

Unless properly amended, the Constitution is set in stone. It isn't a basis of suggestions for the government to follow. It's a mandate. The protests are about reminding certain politicians of that responsibility. All their power is derived from the People. Not the other way around. And yes, I am sheltering just like everyone else. But I see overreach when I see it.
That is why we have a court system

If you think government is overstepping....use them

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