The average American has 4 pill prescriptions.

The NHS is a garbage system. That isn't a defense of the American system, but they are hardly who we want to model.

What do you mean by "garbage"? For the money being spent, it's a good system, and it serves everyone at the point of delivery.

The worst part about it is that the Tories spend decades trying to destroy it, so they can get a leeching system like the US has.
If you had an NHS that spent 16% of GDP on healthcare, it's probably be a good system.
When I got certified as a Pharmacy Tech way back in the early 2000's, we had to memorize the top 200 drugs prescribed in the US. We also had to know what the top 10 drugs were of some selective classes. SSRIs (Selective Satonin Reuptake Inhibitors)--anti depressants--were on the list...every single one of them.

They're called Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors.
Intense exercise is better than any pill.

I don't take pills, but exercise has been difficult for me as I pulled my hamstring.... I went running for the first time this Sunday in two and a half years, I'm suffering and I was running very slowly
I don't take pills, but exercise has been difficult for me as I pulled my hamstring.... I went running for the first time this Sunday in two and a half years, I'm suffering and I was running very slowly
Look up some tumeric rubs and brew something up...maybe a dmso cream-gel
I don't deny that. As a Pharmacy Technician, there was seldom a week where I didn't see a sales person from a medical supply/drug manufacturer stop by to see if we had their stuff or another MFG's stuff on our shelves.
And every other ad on TV is for a pharmaceutical.
And every other ad on TV is for a pharmaceutical.

I've never even heard of half the diseases those pharmaceutical ads are for.

Do they invent new diseases first, then come up with the cures later?
I also have none....Makes you wonder how many pills those picking up the slack are popping, dunnit?
I suspect a "double hump" distribution with people like us who take zero drugs and folks who take 6 or more. My mom was up to 8 and she seemed to get worse with each new prescription. Xanax was the final straw.
And every other ad on TV is for a pharmaceutical.
And it seems there is a new drug being advertised every couple weeks. It's always reassuring when over half of the commercial is the narrator going over the side effects which sound way worse than the condition the drug is supposed to cure.
And it seems there is a new drug being advertised every couple weeks. It's always reassuring when over half of the commercial is the narrator going over the side effects which sound way worse than the condition the drug is supposed to cure.
I know what you mean. When I visit my mother is the only time I watch TV and I have to laugh when they do that!

Another part of the problem is that there are certain diseases that are financially lucrative because they are so common such as heart disease, BP, diabetes so there always trying to come up with something new, that is not always better than the old stand byes and a,ways costs a hell of a lot more.
I know what you mean. When I visit my mother is the only time I watch TV and I have to laugh when they do that!

Another part of the problem is that there are certain diseases that are financially lucrative because they are so common such as heart disease, BP, diabetes so there always trying to come up with something new, that is not always better than the old stand byes and a,ways costs a hell of a lot more.
True, how many drugs on TV "improve" skin conditions?
And let’s not even talk about plumpness 😄
The best one was Ozempic, a diabetes medication that had a side effect of possible weight loss. People started taking it and dropping 20 to 25 pounds. Voila! Screw diabetes, Ozempic is a weight loss drug.
The best one was Ozempic, a diabetes medication that had a side effect of possible weight loss. People started taking it and dropping 20 to 25 pounds. Voila! Screw diabetes, Ozempic is a weight loss drug.
It's a new designer drug. I expect a version of this will be released for weight loss, there is simply too much money to be made.
And it seems there is a new drug being advertised every couple weeks.
The funny thing is most of them aren’t even “new”. They’re drugs that have existed for decades, just given a shiny new brand name and slick commercials.
I take 1 BP pill.
Same here.
High BP is the silent killer.
Had no clue until a dentist took my BP.
When I was diagnosed I was running 190/100, had frequent headaches.
Now at normal, and haven't had a headache in the several years I have been taking the medication.
Way too much above average. Story of my life. 😞
And every other ad on TV is for a pharmaceutical.
It's so annoying.
It also makes one wonder how much cheaper medications would be if they didn't spend millions on ads for commercials for such specific ailments.
The list of side effects last half the ad and usually sound worse than what the person is suffering from.

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