The awful truth: education won't stop the west getting poorer

Check out the article cited: Neoliberals?

There is a concerted attack on this country from right wing conservatives. The end goal is unclear. The evidence is clear. Attacks on:

Middle Class
The right for collective bargaining

Attacks on regulations that:

Keep air clean
Keep water clean
protect the economy from Wall Street
protect the middle class from banks, credit card companies

So what is the real message here? Don't fight? Don't compete?

The truth is, it's the people with education who have the greatest chance to "make money".

I don't understand the right wing agenda of "be stupid".
Check out the article cited: Neoliberals?

There is a concerted attack on this country from right wing conservatives. The end goal is unclear. The evidence is clear. Attacks on:

Middle Class
The right for collective bargaining

Attacks on regulations that:

Keep air clean
Keep water clean
protect the economy from Wall Street
protect the middle class from banks, credit card companies

So what is the real message here? Don't fight? Don't compete?

The truth is, it's the people with education who have the greatest chance to "make money".

I don't understand the right wing agenda of "be stupid".

Attempts to fix things that are unhealthy for Americans are not attacks
Check out the article cited: Neoliberals?

There is a concerted attack on this country from right wing conservatives. The end goal is unclear. The evidence is clear. Attacks on:

Middle Class
The right for collective bargaining

Attacks on regulations that:

Keep air clean
Keep water clean
protect the economy from Wall Street
protect the middle class from banks, credit card companies

So what is the real message here? Don't fight? Don't compete?

The truth is, it's the people with education who have the greatest chance to "make money".

I don't understand the right wing agenda of "be stupid".

Attempts to fix things that are unhealthy for Americans are not attacks

Such as?

Notice, no one could deny anything I listed. What good would it do? We all know it's the truth.
Check out the article cited: Neoliberals?

There is a concerted attack on this country from right wing conservatives. The end goal is unclear. The evidence is clear. Attacks on:

Middle Class
The right for collective bargaining

Attacks on regulations that:

Keep air clean
Keep water clean
protect the economy from Wall Street
protect the middle class from banks, credit card companies

So what is the real message here? Don't fight? Don't compete?

The truth is, it's the people with education who have the greatest chance to "make money".

I don't understand the right wing agenda of "be stupid".

Attempts to fix things that are unhealthy for Americans are not attacks

Such as?

Notice, no one could deny anything I listed. What good would it do? We all know it's the truth.

Not commenting on a post does not infer agreement not disagreement by default.
Attempts to fix things that are unhealthy for Americans are not attacks

Such as?

Notice, no one could deny anything I listed. What good would it do? We all know it's the truth.

Not commenting on a post does not infer agreement not disagreement by default.

Granted, but still, no one will disagree with:

Right wing Attacks on:

Middle Class
The right for collective bargaining

Attacks on regulations that:

Keep air clean
Keep water clean
protect the economy from Wall Street
protect the middle class from banks, credit card companies

The right has been very vocal about these things. They can't really be denied. Not with a straight face.

And what exactly was the message of that dumb article? Give up? We can only fail? People overseas are better than us? Screw that. I don't believe it.

Compared to other countries overseas, this country is nearly pristine. You can thank liberals for that. We have resources, the top institutions in the world and left wingers who are willing to compete. The "right"? Not so much.
Why is there no discussion in the west of reversing the trend toward globalization?

We can have globalization and still compete. However, we can't compete against workers who live in dorms, eat at cafeterias and make a measly 51 cents an hour working 50 to 60 hours a week.

Unlike right wingers, I don't believe we need to reduce our standard of living, merely bring everyone else's up to our level. And that's one of the reasons we have government. Not just to protect us with the military, but to protect the best interests of the country. The right thinks corporations and rich people ARE the country. They're wrong. Again.
Why is there no discussion in the west of reversing the trend toward globalization?

We can have globalization and still compete. However, we can't compete against workers who live in dorms, eat at cafeterias and make a measly 51 cents an hour working 50 to 60 hours a week.

Unlike right wingers, I don't believe we need to reduce our standard of living, merely bring everyone else's up to our level.

So you think that there are enough resources in the world so everybody can live like and waste like Americans do? We consume 25% of the world's resources as only 5% of it's population. If our living standards held and the rest of the world joined us at the top that would require 428% more resources than we currently consume.

You think we can rally 5 times as many resources? For how many months or years?

And even if we could why would we want to consume resources that quickly just to provide the most wasteful lifestyle in the history of the world to everybody. Don't you think those resources have more value serving essential needs for a longer period?
Why is there no discussion in the west of reversing the trend toward globalization?

We can have globalization and still compete. However, we can't compete against workers who live in dorms, eat at cafeterias and make a measly 51 cents an hour working 50 to 60 hours a week.

Unlike right wingers, I don't believe we need to reduce our standard of living, merely bring everyone else's up to our level.

So you think that there are enough resources in the world so everybody can live like and waste like Americans do? We consume 25% of the world's resources as only 5% of it's population. If our living standards held and the rest of the world joined us at the top that would require 428% more resources than we currently consume.

You think we can rally 5 times as many resources? For how many months or years?

And even if we could why would we want to consume resources that quickly just to provide the most wasteful lifestyle in the history of the world to everybody. Don't you think those resources have more value serving essential needs for a longer period?

Depends on how you define "standard of living". To the right wing, it means lots of plastic toys and 65 inch plasma TVs and at least one pickup truck with over-sized wheels.
Depends on how you define "standard of living". To the right wing, it means lots of plastic toys and 65 inch plasma TVs and at least one pickup truck with over-sized wheels.

To the left wing in means a Hubble satellite, a particle accelerator and federally subsidized high speed rail in every town. Plus a continuous moon mission and free health care for everybody.

Don't pretend that the left is somehow less wasteful and more likely to own a 72" wide screen.

What does "standard of living" mean?
Depends on how you define "standard of living". To the right wing, it means lots of plastic toys and 65 inch plasma TVs and at least one pickup truck with over-sized wheels.

To the left wing in means a Hubble satellite, a particle accelerator and federally subsidized high speed rail in every town. Plus a continuous moon mission and free health care for everybody.

Don't pretend that the left is somehow less wasteful and more likely to own a 72" wide screen.

What does "standard of living" mean?

Hubble satellite? Good, we can learn how the world came to exist.

Particle accelerator? Good, we can learn about the building blocks of the universe.

High speed rail? 30% less costly than existing rail. Can compete with airplanes and promotes the expansion of business.

Moon mission? No, that was Republicans. Democrats want to create investment opportunities by inventing new methods of space flight so we can expand out into the solar system.

"Free" health care? No, "affordable" health care for all Americans.

You were almost right. If you actually knew what you were talking about, you could have been 100% right. People who make fun of science should know some science.
Depends on how you define "standard of living". To the right wing, it means lots of plastic toys and 65 inch plasma TVs and at least one pickup truck with over-sized wheels.

To the left wing in means a Hubble satellite, a particle accelerator and federally subsidized high speed rail in every town. Plus a continuous moon mission and free health care for everybody.

Don't pretend that the left is somehow less wasteful and more likely to own a 72" wide screen.

What does "standard of living" mean?

Hubble satellite? Good, we can learn how the world came to exist.

Particle accelerator? Good, we can learn about the building blocks of the universe.

High speed rail? 30% less costly than existing rail. Can compete with airplanes and promotes the expansion of business.

Moon mission? No, that was Republicans. Democrats want to create investment opportunities by inventing new methods of space flight so we can expand out into the solar system.

"Free" health care? No, "affordable" health care for all Americans.

You were almost right. If you actually knew what you were talking about, you could have been 100% right. People who make fun of science should know some science.

You are an idiot. And you can't be trusted with money because you don't know how to stop wasting resources at breakneck speed just to flatter your ego.

But please, expand out into the universe. That sounds like a cost effective way to produce the 428% increase in available resources your pipe dreams require.
To the left wing in means a Hubble satellite, a particle accelerator and federally subsidized high speed rail in every town. Plus a continuous moon mission and free health care for everybody.

Don't pretend that the left is somehow less wasteful and more likely to own a 72" wide screen.

What does "standard of living" mean?

Hubble satellite? Good, we can learn how the world came to exist.

Particle accelerator? Good, we can learn about the building blocks of the universe.

High speed rail? 30% less costly than existing rail. Can compete with airplanes and promotes the expansion of business.

Moon mission? No, that was Republicans. Democrats want to create investment opportunities by inventing new methods of space flight so we can expand out into the solar system.

"Free" health care? No, "affordable" health care for all Americans.

You were almost right. If you actually knew what you were talking about, you could have been 100% right. People who make fun of science should know some science.

You are an idiot. And you can't be trusted with money because you don't know how to stop wasting resources at breakneck speed just to flatter your ego.

But please, expand out into the universe. That sounds like a cost effective way to produce the 428% increase in available resources your pipe dreams require.

And what are your plans? That we become Afghanistan? Live in terror in caves? Scared of shadows? That's you, not me.
Here are a few simple truths:

1) Education does not necessarily cause wealth. I could have a Masters degree in Folklore Mythology but it wouldnt do much to help me make money.

2) The educational system in this nation is severely screwed up. What we consider "education" isn't really education. It's putting your time in a diploma mill. The fact is too many people don't seek to learn for educations sake. They don't better themselves for the sake of becoming better. They don't care that they are ignorant. Heck, many boast about being educated and smart while being dumb as a rock merely because they have a piece of paper. Look at the evidence in this thread.

Arrogance does not equal education. In fact, the truly educated person would be humble because they have come to the understanding that they know nothing. Only a fool thinks he has learned it all.
Heck, many boast about being educated and smart while being dumb as a rock merely because they have a piece of paper. Look at the evidence in this thread.

I don't understand what you're trying to say.

Could you slow down?:confused:
Heck, many boast about being educated and smart while being dumb as a rock merely because they have a piece of paper. Look at the evidence in this thread.

I don't understand what you're trying to say.

Could you slow down?:confused:

Shhh, don't interrupt. It's on a "quest" a "mission". It has a ring to protect. A "precious" ring.

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