The Banking Collapse of 2023 is now bigger than the 2008 “banking crisis”

Yet everyone is just acting as though nothing is wrong.

$532 billion in assets for the three banks failed so far, which is more than the $526 billion combined from the 25+ banks that failed in 2008.

It is no banking crises to me. Heck, J.P. Morgan, Chase sent me a check, today. I shall smile as I deposit it tomorrow, knowing they are a better managed financial institution than the one they took control of.
Yet everyone is just acting as though nothing is wrong.
Oh--- there is a lot WRONG. More so, that the democrats and media are pretending everything is good while far too many in the GOP aren't concerned neither, but they will be soon. Just wait until the dollar begins to noticeably erode.

$532 billion in assets for the three banks failed so far, which is more than the $526 billion combined from the 25+ banks that failed in 2008.
Borrow and spend. Good for them, now the dollar is worth even less yet still and America is nearly sold out to foreigners in a debt our children will never be able to repay.
It is no banking crises to me. Heck, J.P. Morgan, Chase sent me a check, today.
How sad. Yep, JP bought the bank, so all is good right? One mega-party government, one story media (from the government), one mega-place soon to shop (Amazon, where all your money is returned to the democrats), one mega-place to buy food (Walmart, where all your money is returned to the democrats), and soon, one mega-bank where all your money is held and controlled by the government (JP, BOA, et al)., and all is good, right? Just when I thought you had half a brain.

And here you guys try to claim that the GOP is the party of big government even as you create it! Meanwhile, where will the 340 million people in the USA get a job or work with small businesses closing by the hundreds every day, every industry shrinking to less and less choice while controlled by just a few mega-rich giants, do you even know that hundreds of hospitals have closed in the past couple of years with hundreds more teetering on the edge? There are many places now where people have to travel more than 100 miles to get to a hospital which means a lot of people will die and many won't get the care they need! But you think all is good because YOU are fat, dumb and happy.
There's plenty wrong. It's just not a partisan issue because the roots of this run through many years, both parties and the Fed.

But those who lack the capacity to understand this will just be more noise on the deck of a sinking Titanic. As usual.
There's plenty wrong. It's just not a partisan issue because the roots of this run through many years, both parties and the Fed.

But those who lack the capacity to understand this will just be more noise on the deck of a sinking Titanic. As usual.
Yup, it’s decades of idiotic fiscal policy - print and borrow.

But it certainly doesn’t help when the current regime wants to destroy the economy.
How sad. Yep, JP bought the bank, so all is good right? One mega-party government, one story media (from the government), one mega-place soon to shop (Amazon, where all your money is returned to the democrats), one mega-place to buy food (Walmart, where all your money is returned to the democrats), and soon, one mega-bank where all your money is held and controlled by the government (JP, BOA, et al)., and all is good, right? Just when I thought you had half a brain.

And here you guys try to claim that the GOP is the party of big government even as you create it! Meanwhile, where will the 340 million people in the USA get a job or work with small businesses closing by the hundreds every day, every industry shrinking to less and less choice while controlled by just a few mega-rich giants, do you even know that hundreds of hospitals have closed in the past couple of years with hundreds more teetering on the edge? There are many places now where people have to travel more than 100 miles to get to a hospital which means a lot of people will die and many won't get the care they need! But you think all is good because YOU are fat, dumb and happy.
Would you have just let that bank fail?
There are small businesses starting here. If they are poorly managed or poorly planned, they will fail. If they have a product, a sustainable business plan and capitalization they may be around or choose to sell to a larger company, pocketing their profits.
I am well aware of the problems with small hospitals. In most cases, they cannot offer the same services, and the demography area they support is too small to generate the capital to keep operating at the higher level. Some do close. My wife worked for a regional one large enough to thrive and in fact has bought a few of the smaller ones, to keep them in business providing some services, needed in the communities, but if you need open heart surgery, brain or other neurosurgery, transplants, graphs, etc, those communities send their patients here, where the doctors live and have their practices and the advanced facilities are located serving a demographic large enough to pay for the huge costs of a the facility, staff and equipment necessary to offer the services. That is just the way it is. For you, there may be a benefit to living 100 miles away for a more metropolitan area with the full service hospital. It is your choice, where you live, depending on what is best for you.
This will continue as long as we allow banking institutions to take unnecessary risks with depositor money.

These banks are not hedging their bond purchases, interest rates go up, their mark-to-market numbers shit the bed, depositors find out, freak out and run the bank, and the government has to fucking step in. Again. We REFUSE to LEARN.

This would not happen if the banks were required by regulation to include a certain degree of hedging when they buy intermediate to long term bonds. Instead, they're trying to avoid shaving off any of their profit margin, and this is what happens.

Proper, effective regulation is not the bane of capitalism. It's a CRITICAL COMPONENT of capitalism. And we wonder why so many now use this kind of self-inflicted shit as an excuse to attack capitalism and suggest shitty alternatives.
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Would you have just let that bank fail?

That is B&W reasoning. There is a whole spectrum of permutations between those two binary choices. After all, it isn't that the bank was bought or not bought that I'm complaining about, either way, it ultimately comes out of taxpayer's pockets anyway, it is the suggestion that all is good and that there is nothing to worry about. But interesting though isn't it that as more and more banks fail, the big banks buying them up all have ties to Biden, Washington, and the democrat party. Bet you didn't think that far on that neither.

And yet I'm told that it is the GOP that is the party of big government, and responsible for our debt.
It is no banking crises to me. Heck, J.P. Morgan, Chase sent me a check, today. I shall smile as I deposit it tomorrow, knowing they are a better managed financial institution than the one they took control of.

Right on cue.

Just wait for the fireworks .
As certain as tomorrrow will soon be Bonfire day.
Hundreds , if not thousands , of small local US banks ready to go under .
Then it is Domino time .

How long can the JPMs prop up the collapsing system and fool the Sheeple?

For the Nth time , get out of the market and cash and flee to Commodities .Then watch the system burn .
Just wait for the fireworks .
As certain as tomorrrow will soon be Bonfire day.
Hundreds , if not thousands , of small local US banks ready to go under .
Then it is Domino time .

How long can the JPMs prop up the collapsing system and fool the Sheeple?

For the Nth time , get out of the market and cash and flee to Commodities .Then watch the system burn .

Personally, I can't wait for the debit, EBT, SNAP, food stamp, and welfare system to crash and burn.

THat's when the shite will really hit the proverbial fan in the cities.
Borrow and spend. Good for them, now the dollar is worth even less yet still and America is nearly sold out to foreigners in a debt our children will never be able to repay.
I'm seeing more debt than can be sold....
But those who lack the capacity to understand this will just be more noise on the deck of a sinking Titanic. As usual.
The banksters are a global consortium , which is fiscal 101 ......
This will continue as long as we allow banking institutions to take unnecessary risks with depositor money.

Proper, effective regulation is not the bane of capitalism. It's a CRITICAL COMPONENT of capitalism. And we wonder why so many now use this kind of self-inflicted shit as an excuse to attack capitalism and suggest shitty alternatives.
which is exactly the bullet the banksters dodged in '08

For the Nth time , get out of the market and cash and flee to Commodities

Some how all of us survived 2008 and are still here.

I will assume most of us are far better off than we were prior to 2008.

I know that personally my family income is 6 times what it was in 2008.

But hey, you all keep on doing your best sponge bob routine...

It is no banking crises to me. Heck, J.P. Morgan, Chase sent me a check, today. I shall smile as I deposit it tomorrow, knowing they are a better managed financial institution than the one they took control of.
From what I understand the FDIC really had to press JCM-C to take on Republic and there is no appetite from them to take on any more.....That and there are a lot more banks with the same type of balance sheets out there.

Risky lending at 2.5% in a time of 0% (gotta make money somehow) is catching up with them but I don't think that the '08 alarm klaxons are going off quite yet. ;)

Some how all of us survived 2008 and are still here.

I will assume most of us are far better off than we were prior to 2008.

I know that personally my family income is 6 times what it was in 2008.

But hey, you all keep on doing your best sponge bob routine...

It is not that simple. Each time an event happens does the rebuild come back stronger? The fiat currency was disconnected many decades ago from some sort of control. Frankly, there is no reason that homes should be an investment. Eventually it prices more and more people out of the American tradition of owning a home. Games need to be played to put people into a home. Inflation is needed to make a home an investment.
Whatever. It's my day off tomorrow and I have a date. I'm too busy working and chasing tail to worry about the banking system I have no control over.
Men have lost untold amounts of money chasing women. Few men have lost women worth having by chasing money. Get your priorities right, and you won't have to chase women..

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