The Basic Case Against Judge Sullivan in Flynn case


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
This judge has made some bizar rulings.

1) He said that there is no lacking Brady evidence in this case that has not been produced by the government to the defense. But the initial 302 which had the original transcript of what was said is missing, and no one seems to know where it is. It is the prosecutions responsibility to produce this document but only edited docs have been given for it instead. This is crucial in a case where the accused is charged with perjury relating to his testimony vrs what he actually said. There is no reliable proof that Flynn lied about anything without that 302.
2) Sullivans appointment of a known biased/prejudiced judge to play an advisory role is just bullshit, and the SCOTUS ruled against such things in criminal cases. The court is to decide on evidence brought to it, not go on a fishing expedition.
3) Sullivan himself early on in the case smeared Flynn as a traitor and a liar. He is not an objective judge at all.
4) Sullivan continues to deny the obvious reality that the DOJ extorted the confession from Flynn by threatening to prosecute/investigate Flynns son. This is hideous Beria type evil shit, and Democrats are defending it like we lived in their Chicom Paradise.

I have been wondering what can be done and Mark Levin brought up this idea of submitting a 'Writ of Prohibition' to the 5th Circuit Court, IIRC.

When you have a judge that ignores the law and thinks he is a legal author of law, I guess that is what you have to do. Boot this jack ass yesterday, DOJ.

House Intelligence Committee ranking member Devin Nunes, R-Calif., told Fox Business' Maria Bartiromo last week on "Sunday Morning Futures" that the original 302 document — which typically summarizes witness interviews with agents — was “missing.”
“It’s gone. Poof. It’s out of — we can’t find it," he said....
Nunes claimed the original interview report was written and transcribed and recalled FBI sources telling him, “Look, there’s nothing to see here, Flynn wasn’t lying.”
“So we knew this at the beginning of 2017, so you can imagine my astonishment when it began to leak out in the press that General Flynn was being busted for lying to the FBI,” he said. “And that, that’s what the Mueller team — the dirty Mueller team — that’s what they were going to bust him on.
“And I told people at the highest levels of the FBI and the DOJ, I said, 'What are you doing here?' Like, we have, on the record, from the highest-level people that he didn't lie to the FBI,” he said.
Prior said Friday that he can’t imagine the original 302 document was mislaid as a “mistake.”
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Judge Sullivan, the dishonorable pile of shit, depends on the rule of law to keep decent folk from dragging his ass out into the street and flogging him.

Amazing that he is openly contemptuous of the ONLY thing that keeps him from being afforded the justice he so richly deserves. Oh, and Jerry Curls went out in the 70's, bro....


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Thhis judge has made some bizar rulings.

1) He said t hat there is no lacking Brady evidence in this case that has not been produced by the government to the defense. But the initial 302 which had the original transcript of what was said is missing, and no one seems to know where it is. It is the prosecutions responsibility to produce this document but only edited docs have been given for it instead. This is crucial in a case where the accused is charged with perjury relating to his testimony vrs what he actually said. There is no reliable proof that Flynn lied about anything without that 302.
2) Sullivans appointment of a known biased/prejudiced judge to play an advisory role is just bullshit, and the SCOTUS ruled against such things in criminal cases. The court is to decide on evidence brought to it, not go on a fishcing expedition.
3) Sullivan himself early on in the case smeared Flynn as a traitor and a liar. He is not an objective3 judge at all.
4) Sullivan continues to deny the obvious reality that the DOJ extorted the confession from Flynn by threatening to prosecute/investigate Flynns son. This is hideous Beria type evil shit, and Democrats are defending it like we lived in their Chicom Paradise.

I have been wondering what can be done and Mark Levin brought up this idea of submitting a 'Writ of Prohibition' to the 5th Circuit Court, IIRC.

When you have a judge that ignores the law and thinks he isa legal author of law, I guess that is what you have to do. Boot this jack ass yesterday, DOJ.

House Intelligence Committee ranking member Devin Nunes, R-Calif., told Fox Business' Maria Bartiromo last week on "Sunday Morning Futures" that the original 302 document — which typically summarizes witness interviews with agents — was “missing.”
“It’s gone. Poof. It’s out of — we can’t find it," he said....
Nunes claimed the original interview report was written and transcribed and recalled FBI sources telling him, “Look, there’s nothing to see here, Flynn wasn’t lying.”
“So we knew this at the beginning of 2017, so you can imagine my astonishment when it began to leak out in the press that General Flynn was being busted for lying to the FBI,” he said. “And that, that’s what the Mueller team — the dirty Mueller team — that’s what they were going to bust him on.
“And I told people at the highest levels of the FBI and the DOJ, I said, 'What are you doing here?' Like, we have, on the record, from the highest-level people that he didn't lie to the FBI,” he said.
Prior said Friday that he can’t imagine the original 302 document was mislaid as a “mistake.”
Sullivan works for Bush..
Nuff said....

Yup...right from the Trump playbook.

Thou shalt not in any way shape or form abridge Trump's almightiness - the means don't diss him or his friends, and corruption isn't corruption when applied to the Mighty T & Co.
And that is right out of the Ayles handbook; ignore the facts and resort to personalities.

IT is amazing that you libs have abandoned civil rights across the board, your main calling card in most people's minds.

But here you have abandoned:
1) The right of the accused to a lawyer.
2) The right of the accused to know that they are being interviewed in a criminal investigation, instead of just a 'friendly conversation'.
3) The right to relvant Brady material, like the ORIGINAL 302 that stated what Flynn said and the authors of which cleared Flynn of any wrong doing. Where is it?
4) The rejection of coerced pleas. For Christ's Sake, Coyote, these fascist thugs THREATENED TO INVESTIGATE FLYNNS CHILDREN! But thats all OK in love and war, huh? No due process rights for Republicans or is it only Trump supporters?
5) The entire prosecution was merely a device to get Flynn to flip and make up shit on Trump. Flynn was not dishonest enough to allow his conscience to go along, so the jack boot Andrew Weisman destroyed Flynn personally, financially and his reputation nuked.
6) The right to a fair judge who has not already condemned the accused to being a traitor in public statements.

My Gawd, how do you liberals live with yourselves any more?
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Yup...right from the Trump playbook.

Thou shalt not in any way shape or form abridge Trump's almightiness - the means don't diss him or his friends, and corruption isn't corruption when applied to the Mighty T & Co.
And that is right out of the Ayles handbook; ignore the facts and resort to personalities.

IT is amazing that you libs have abandoned civil rights across the board, your main calling card in most people's minds.

But here you have abandoned:
1) The right of the accused to a lawyer.
2) The right of the accused to know that they are being interviewed in a criminal investigation, instead of just a 'friendly conversation'.
3) The right to relvant Brady material, like the ORIGINAL 302 that stated what Flynn said and the authors of which cleared Flynn of any wrong doing. Where is it?
4) The rejection of coerced pleas. For Christ's Sake, Coyote, these fascist thugs THREATENED TO INVESTIGATE FLYNNS CHILDREN! But thats all OK in love and war, huh?
5) The entire prosecution was merely a device to get Flynn to flip and make up shit on Trump. Flynn was not dishonest enough to allow his conscience to go along, so the jack boot Andrew Weisman destroyed Flynn personally, financially and his reputation nuked.
6) The right to a fair judge who has not already condemned the accused to being a traitor in public statements.

My Gawd, how do you liberals live with yourselves any more?

Was he denied the right to a lawyer?
Oh look.................the libs here denying they are lying Sacks............and that this wasn't a Frame job to the incoming administration................

Like the years of unmasking any American they pleased............IRS..........go get them conservatives...........and on and on.

These dirty traitors in the FBI and intel should be lined up .........and know...but of course the libs never see their abuse.........or don't even care.

Like Biden asking for UNMASKING right before the new administration comes into power.........oh yeah........Joe is the man........doing COUNTER INTEL WORK FOR OUR COUNTRY by unmasking Flynn.
Oh look.................the libs here denying they are lying Sacks............and that this wasn't a Frame job to the incoming administration................

Like the years of unmasking any American they pleased............IRS..........go get them conservatives...........and on and on.

These dirty traitors in the FBI and intel should be lined up .........and know...but of course the libs never see their abuse.........or don't even care.

Like Biden asking for UNMASKING right before the new administration comes into power.........oh yeah........Joe is the man........doing COUNTER INTEL WORK FOR OUR COUNTRY by unmasking Flynn.

You are telling me that Biden asked for Flynn to be unmasked?

Here is a question for you to ponder.

Did Biden know that it was Flynn who was talking to Kisliak when he requested that unmasking?
Oh look.................the libs here denying they are lying Sacks............and that this wasn't a Frame job to the incoming administration................

Like the years of unmasking any American they pleased............IRS..........go get them conservatives...........and on and on.

These dirty traitors in the FBI and intel should be lined up .........and know...but of course the libs never see their abuse.........or don't even care.

Like Biden asking for UNMASKING right before the new administration comes into power.........oh yeah........Joe is the man........doing COUNTER INTEL WORK FOR OUR COUNTRY by unmasking Flynn.

You are telling me that Biden asked for Flynn to be unmasked?

Here is a question for you to ponder.

Did Biden know that it was Flynn who was talking to Kisliak when he requested that unmasking?
Admiral called their sorry asses out a long time ago............For years they unmasked many people.......this is verified by the FISA courts themselves............pissed off Clap Trap and Brennan so much they asked Obama to fire him.

Don't worry the establishment protects their treason so they aren't thrown in to rot in jail where they belong............

Guess you don't care that they used FISA to spy on Americans anytime they pleased......our used counter terrorism BS FISA warrants to spy on political opponents.
Did Biden know that it was Flynn who was talking to Kisliak when he requested that unmasking? will try to sell that he didn't....

Please explain his need to know in a counter intel op right before leaving office........and tell me how he didn't know this was from the incoming admin..........

You know the you ignore the years of Abuse by the Obama Administration which is WELL DOCUMENTED.
Did Biden know that it was Flynn who was talking to Kisliak when he requested that unmasking? will try to sell that he didn't....

Please explain his need to know in a counter intel op right before leaving office........and tell me how he didn't know this was from the incoming admin..........

You know the you ignore the years of Abuse by the Obama Administration which is WELL DOCUMENTED.

Why would Biden go through the process of making an official unmasking request if he knew the name of the person who was communicating with Kisliak?

To what end?

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