The Bastard Just Had To Do It: Obama In Hiroshima Apologizes For America's Actions During WW2

Again, this is what happens when you have a non-natural born Citizen as president born without sole allegiance to America.

Obama Ignores Japanese Atrocities in Hiroshima: US Decision to Drop Atom Bomb Arose from "Humanity's Worst Instincts"

So you think if Obama were born in America then he wouldn't have hated America anyway, monkey man? That's ridiculous
civilized human beings know what is justified and what is not. I don't give a flying shit what their religion tells them to do. Or what foolish justifications they can come up with.

What is their justification for beheading people just because they are Christian?

you are way out of you league here, kid
Again that depends on who is calling who civilized. If its you then your opinion is easily dismissed as I pointed out in the previous post. No one asked what you cared about. i asked you who told you that the attacks were not justified. So far the only person you have mentioned is yourself and you dont have any authority to define what people consider justification.

Are you trying to say that the attacks of 9/11 were justified? If so, explain.
No need to explain. The fact that the attacks happened should alert anyone with an ounce of intelligence that the people that did it felt it was justified.

yes, asshole, the murdering Islamic bastards thought they were justified. I asked if you thought they were.
Dont deflect. What I think has nothing to do with the point.

It has everything to do with it. you are defending the attacks on 9/11 because in the minds of the attackers it was justified.

I want to know how you feel about that.
Logic, reason, and common sense. What do you think we did to them to justify 9/11? Are you a radical muslim?
Who's logic, reason, and common sense? You do realize that you are not qualified to tell people if their justifications are valid and expect them to take you seriously right?

civilized human beings know what is justified and what is not. I don't give a flying shit what their religion tells them to do. Or what foolish justifications they can come up with.

What is their justification for beheading people just because they are Christian?

you are way out of you league here, kid
Again that depends on who is calling who civilized. If its you then your opinion is easily dismissed as I pointed out in the previous post. No one asked what you cared about. i asked you who told you that the attacks were not justified. So far the only person you have mentioned is yourself and you dont have any authority to define what people consider justification.

Are you trying to say that the attacks of 9/11 were justified? If so, explain.
No need to explain. The fact that the attacks happened should alert anyone with an ounce of intelligence that the people that did it felt it was justified.
Crazy people that murder because they are bat shit crazy believe they were justified, doesn't mean they were. using the argument that it was ok cause the attackers felt justified is ignorant as hell.
civilized human beings know what is justified and what is not. I don't give a flying shit what their religion tells them to do. Or what foolish justifications they can come up with.

What is their justification for beheading people just because they are Christian?

you are way out of you league here, kid
Again that depends on who is calling who civilized. If its you then your opinion is easily dismissed as I pointed out in the previous post. No one asked what you cared about. i asked you who told you that the attacks were not justified. So far the only person you have mentioned is yourself and you dont have any authority to define what people consider justification.

Wooooooooooooooooosh, way over his head.

look you flaming dipshits. I understand that in the demented minds of radical muslims the attacks on 9/11 were justified. I understand your foolish word games.

No civilized human being agrees with that perversion-----------except maybe you two assholes.
Obviously you didnt understand for several posts. You kept saying they were not justified as if you were the source of all justification. I am glad i was able to educate you and raise your world view.

Bullshit, your silly game was obvious from the onset. I really thought you were more mature than that, but I was wrong.
Dont blame me for your lack of education and terrible reading comprehension. Here is the question I asked you moron.

"How do you know what actions the US took that would constitute justification in the minds of the islamic terrorists?"
"How easily we seek to justify violence in the name of some higher cause."

Yeah, like it saved an estimated 1.5 million lives.

The guys an ass, but that wasn't an apology. I was expecting he would, and I'm glad he didn't.

We have nothing to apologize for. They attacked us
Again that depends on who is calling who civilized. If its you then your opinion is easily dismissed as I pointed out in the previous post. No one asked what you cared about. i asked you who told you that the attacks were not justified. So far the only person you have mentioned is yourself and you dont have any authority to define what people consider justification.

Are you trying to say that the attacks of 9/11 were justified? If so, explain.
No need to explain. The fact that the attacks happened should alert anyone with an ounce of intelligence that the people that did it felt it was justified.

yes, asshole, the murdering Islamic bastards thought they were justified. I asked if you thought they were.
Dont deflect. What I think has nothing to do with the point.

It has everything to do with it. you are defending the attacks on 9/11 because in the minds of the attackers it was justified.

I want to know how you feel about that.
Nope it has nothing to do with it and I could give a flying fuck what you want. I will force you to stick to the point. Again dont blame me for your poor reading skills.
The US started the god damn war by declaring economic war on Japan.....christ you idiots are just like Israel and the Jews. Punch someone in the face and when they defend themselves cry foul. Under Trump I expect him to finish the job instead of pussyfooting around and then get the hell out of issues overseas and fix things here.

So Japan had the right to demand we trade with them or they had the right to declare war? That's stupid, even for you. And again, you support the brown people you want "erased" attacking whites. You're a classic liberal elitist. Pretending to be a Nazi is not that hard. How stupid are you that you can't even fake that?
Again that depends on who is calling who civilized. If its you then your opinion is easily dismissed as I pointed out in the previous post. No one asked what you cared about. i asked you who told you that the attacks were not justified. So far the only person you have mentioned is yourself and you dont have any authority to define what people consider justification.

Wooooooooooooooooosh, way over his head.

look you flaming dipshits. I understand that in the demented minds of radical muslims the attacks on 9/11 were justified. I understand your foolish word games.

No civilized human being agrees with that perversion-----------except maybe you two assholes.
Obviously you didnt understand for several posts. You kept saying they were not justified as if you were the source of all justification. I am glad i was able to educate you and raise your world view.

Bullshit, your silly game was obvious from the onset. I really thought you were more mature than that, but I was wrong.
Dont blame me for your lack of education and terrible reading comprehension. Here is the question I asked you moron.

"How do you know what actions the US took that would constitute justification in the minds of the islamic terrorists?"

what may or may not have been in their sick minds is of no consequence. I don't give a fuck what they were thinking or what sick ideas had been indoctrinated into them.

Your question was, and is, stupid and nugatory.
Wooooooooooooooooosh, way over his head.

look you flaming dipshits. I understand that in the demented minds of radical muslims the attacks on 9/11 were justified. I understand your foolish word games.

No civilized human being agrees with that perversion-----------except maybe you two assholes.
Obviously you didnt understand for several posts. You kept saying they were not justified as if you were the source of all justification. I am glad i was able to educate you and raise your world view.

Bullshit, your silly game was obvious from the onset. I really thought you were more mature than that, but I was wrong.
Dont blame me for your lack of education and terrible reading comprehension. Here is the question I asked you moron.

"How do you know what actions the US took that would constitute justification in the minds of the islamic terrorists?"

what may or may not have been in their sick minds is of no consequence. I don't give a fuck what they were thinking or what sick ideas had been indoctrinated into them.

Your question was, and is, stupid and nugatory.
Again you are giving me your opinion instead of answering the question. If you are not intelligent enough to answer it then i understand.
Are you trying to say that the attacks of 9/11 were justified? If so, explain.
No need to explain. The fact that the attacks happened should alert anyone with an ounce of intelligence that the people that did it felt it was justified.

yes, asshole, the murdering Islamic bastards thought they were justified. I asked if you thought they were.
Dont deflect. What I think has nothing to do with the point.

It has everything to do with it. you are defending the attacks on 9/11 because in the minds of the attackers it was justified.

I want to know how you feel about that.
Nope it has nothing to do with it and I could give a flying fuck what you want. I will force you to stick to the point. Again dont blame me for your poor reading skills.

funny, I am quite sure that my reading skills, and every other human skill, exceeds yours by a wide margin. You are a one trick pony who thinks he/she/it has found a clever word game, but all you have accomplished to make a fool of yourself. You are a joke.
look you flaming dipshits. I understand that in the demented minds of radical muslims the attacks on 9/11 were justified. I understand your foolish word games.

No civilized human being agrees with that perversion-----------except maybe you two assholes.
Obviously you didnt understand for several posts. You kept saying they were not justified as if you were the source of all justification. I am glad i was able to educate you and raise your world view.

Bullshit, your silly game was obvious from the onset. I really thought you were more mature than that, but I was wrong.
Dont blame me for your lack of education and terrible reading comprehension. Here is the question I asked you moron.

"How do you know what actions the US took that would constitute justification in the minds of the islamic terrorists?"

what may or may not have been in their sick minds is of no consequence. I don't give a fuck what they were thinking or what sick ideas had been indoctrinated into them.

Your question was, and is, stupid and nugatory.
Again you are giving me your opinion instead of answering the question. If you are not intelligent enough to answer it then i understand.

are you a broken record. I fully understand you stupid question and have responded to it.

once more: I don't give a shit how the muslim terrorist bastards justified killing 3000 innocent people on 9/11. No matter what they may THINK, it was not justified.
No need to explain. The fact that the attacks happened should alert anyone with an ounce of intelligence that the people that did it felt it was justified.

yes, asshole, the murdering Islamic bastards thought they were justified. I asked if you thought they were.
Dont deflect. What I think has nothing to do with the point.

It has everything to do with it. you are defending the attacks on 9/11 because in the minds of the attackers it was justified.

I want to know how you feel about that.
Nope it has nothing to do with it and I could give a flying fuck what you want. I will force you to stick to the point. Again dont blame me for your poor reading skills.

funny, I am quite sure that my reading skills, and every other human skill, exceeds yours by a wide margin. You are a one trick pony who thinks he/she/it has found a clever word game, but all you have accomplished to make a fool of yourself. You are a joke.
There was nothing clever about the question. Your inability to read and understand it is not due to any tricks or slights of hand on my part. it does speak volumes about how illiterate you are that its such a difficult question to you.
No it didn't save lives. It destroyed lives. That's what war does. It destroys. That's its entire purpose.

Oh yeah, and enrich the 1%.

And, as usual, the inbred, cracker, trailer trash, ignorant pile of human garbage, feral albino chimp OP is lying.

But what else would we expect from brainless slime?
Another round of idiotic all war is bad.

Nah, war is good, it is a force that gives us meaning in america.
Here we go again. Mr morality thinks slavery in America was fine and stopping what Imperial Japan and NAZI Germany was evil.
The libs would have been happier if the Nazi's and Japan won WW2.
one of the dumbest partisan posts i read on this cesspool of partisan asshattery. congratulations.

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