The Bastard Just Had To Do It: Obama In Hiroshima Apologizes For America's Actions During WW2

Who cares that Obama didn't apologize? The constantly butthurt thinks he did and that is all that matters. Anything to the keep the perpetual outrage going I suppose.
Haven't read the 11 pages here but I assume some lefty moron has claimed we forced Japan to attack us and it is all our fault. Cause after all we should have kept selling them scrap metal to build war ships to attack others with and fuel to drive the air craft and ships and tanks they were using to kill Chinese with.

Actually the thread started with a 'righty' moron lying about President Obama apologizing at Hiroshima.

And the thread has gone downhill from there.
As I predicted some lefty HAS claimed we forced Japan to attack us. If you read the thread you would know that. The claim is that we should have kept selling tools of war to japan so they could keep killing the Yellow man they hated the Chinese. The claim is by refusing to provide japan with OUR resources so they could wage war on China we FORCED Japan to attack us. that is a lie and stupid all in one.

Ah but the thread started out with a "Righty" lying about President Obama- and as I said- went down hill from there.

And I have dealt with the idiotic claims that somehow we are responsible for Japan's decision to attack the United States already.
More offensive to me was his declaration that all religions 'believe they have a license to kill'.

Ummm, NO! Today that would be Islam.
Again, this is what happens when you have a non-natural born Citizen as president born without sole allegiance to America.

Obama Ignores Japanese Atrocities in Hiroshima: US Decision to Drop Atom Bomb Arose from "Humanity's Worst Instincts"
Another post from the resident asshole racist who does nothing but lie, lie and lie some more. Eat shit and die you lying liar.

Obama says no apology for A-bomb on Hiroshima visit

Asked if an apology would be included in remarks he plans to make there, he said: "No, because I think that it's important to recognise that in the midst of war, leaders make all kinds of decisions.

"It's a job of historians to ask questions and examine them, but I know as somebody who has now sat in this position for the last seven and a half years, that every leader makes very difficult decisions, particularly during war time."

Can't you fucking retards understand what the word "NO" means?
Though we don't often see eye to eye and cursing aside, I agree with Vor. Unless this is something I have not seen, i read where Obama gave reassurance he would not apologize.

Even if he said he was sorry that so many innocents died there it would not be the same as apologizing for the decision to drop the bomb.

Yes, I too agree with that. But Obama's implication was that the US was guilty of unnecessary escalation. Remember, Obama hates this country, its history, and everything it stands for. Why else was he so determined to fundamentally transform it?

Nah, a subset of sore losers hates him, that's all, doesn't matter what the guy does.
Logic, reason, and common sense. What do you think we did to them to justify 9/11? Are you a radical muslim?
Who's logic, reason, and common sense? You do realize that you are not qualified to tell people if their justifications are valid and expect them to take you seriously right?

civilized human beings know what is justified and what is not. I don't give a flying shit what their religion tells them to do. Or what foolish justifications they can come up with.

What is their justification for beheading people just because they are Christian?

you are way out of you league here, kid
Again that depends on who is calling who civilized. If its you then your opinion is easily dismissed as I pointed out in the previous post. No one asked what you cared about. i asked you who told you that the attacks were not justified. So far the only person you have mentioned is yourself and you dont have any authority to define what people consider justification.

Wooooooooooooooooosh, way over his head.

look you flaming dipshits. I understand that in the demented minds of radical muslims the attacks on 9/11 were justified. I understand your foolish word games.

No civilized human being agrees with that perversion-----------except maybe you two assholes.

Oh calm down.
No religion other than Islam believes today that it has a license to kill. It is obvious Obama is a little bias and disagrees with that.
No religion other than Islam believes today that it has a license to kill. It is obvious Obama is a little bias and disagrees with that.

Deuteronomy 7:16 You must destroy all the peoples the LORD your God gives over to you. Do not look on them with pity and do not serve their gods, for that will be a snare to you.

"You must destroy all the peoples the LORD your God gives over to you. Do not look on them with pity and do not serve their gods, for that will be a snare to you."
OLD Testament, Ass...

Again, TODAY Islam is the only religion who believes they have such a license.
OLD Testament, Ass...

Again, TODAY Islam is the only religion who believes they have such a license.

The “But That’s Just the Old Testament!” Cop-Out

"There is no explicit or categorical textual proof from the New Testament that supports the idea that the Old Testament (or the Law) “doesn’t count”. For every verse cited to prove such a claim, there is another that can be cited for the opposite view. In fact, it seems that the textual proof for the opposite view is greater, even overwhelming. For example, Jesus says in the Gospels:

Matthew 5:17 Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them."
I used to think right wingers were crazy saying Obama hates this country. Now I believe them. This trip to Japan was basically apologizing for what America did in Hiroshima. Hillary will be the same or worse... Hey, for a guy who worries about global warming, obama sure burns up a lot of jet fuel. He could just as easily stoop and bow and apologize for all America has done in the past by skyping these foreign leaders.

Eat your heart out. Start working on Madam President.
you are only talking about American soldiers you forget soldiers are expendable .
the lives i'm talking about are not
your rationalization fails

No lives are expendable

But the United States and its allies had committed to removing the threat of Japan.

And guess what it worked.

Japan and the United States are friends and allies.

Well, apparently we got us some folks who don't understand that, cuz Obama just really pissed them off for knowing it without their consent.
like the poster who claims the war with japan ended before it actually did?
Einstein doesn't know that official hostilities between Japan and America ended on August 15, 1945.
you are only talking about American soldiers you forget soldiers are expendable .
the lives i'm talking about are not
your rationalization fails

No lives are expendable

But the United States and its allies had committed to removing the threat of Japan.

And guess what it worked.

Japan and the United States are friends and allies.

Well, apparently we got us some folks who don't understand that, cuz Obama just really pissed them off for knowing it without their consent.
like the poster who claims the war with japan ended before it actually did?
Einstein doesn't know that official hostilities between Japan and America ended on August 15, 1945.
The surrender of the Empire of Japan on September 2, 1945, brought the hostilities of World War II to a close.

the Soviet entry into the Pacific conflict, not Hiroshima and Nagasaki, that forced Japan’s surrender
Yeah, MacArthur sailed our ships into Tokyo Bay because we were still shooting at each other. You're stuck on stupid.
OLD Testament, Ass...

Again, TODAY Islam is the only religion who believes they have such a license.

Nah, we leveraged christianity in our little genocide and enslavement campaigns here in the good old USA USA USA USA!
No religion other than Islam believes today that it has a license to kill. It is obvious Obama is a little bias and disagrees with that.

Obvious to the right wing nut jobs like you and Stevie the Racist who make crap up.
No religion other than Islam believes today that it has a license to kill. It is obvious Obama is a little bias and disagrees with that.

Deuteronomy 7:16 You must destroy all the peoples the LORD your God gives over to you. Do not look on them with pity and do not serve their gods, for that will be a snare to you.

"You must destroy all the peoples the LORD your God gives over to you. Do not look on them with pity and do not serve their gods, for that will be a snare to you."
Let us know who is killing Caananites.

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