The Bastard Just Had To Do It: Obama In Hiroshima Apologizes For America's Actions During WW2

Justification is in the mind of those acting. Many humans would say the atomic bombs on Japan were unjustified. Many here say they were. Saying the bombing of civilians was OK rather removes one from being 'holier-than-thou' merely because this time it happened the side one is on.
Nowhere in my previous post was anything stated other than objectively. Calling that 'treason' shows a lack of comprehension of the word, and rather ends the possibility of logical, adult discussion.
Obviously you didnt understand for several posts. You kept saying they were not justified as if you were the source of all justification. I am glad i was able to educate you and raise your world view.

Bullshit, your silly game was obvious from the onset. I really thought you were more mature than that, but I was wrong.
Dont blame me for your lack of education and terrible reading comprehension. Here is the question I asked you moron.

"How do you know what actions the US took that would constitute justification in the minds of the islamic terrorists?"

what may or may not have been in their sick minds is of no consequence. I don't give a fuck what they were thinking or what sick ideas had been indoctrinated into them.

Your question was, and is, stupid and nugatory.
Again you are giving me your opinion instead of answering the question. If you are not intelligent enough to answer it then i understand.

are you a broken record. I fully understand you stupid question and have responded to it.

once more: I don't give a shit how the muslim terrorist bastards justified killing 3000 innocent people on 9/11. No matter what they may THINK, it was not justified.
Responding is not the same as answering. Again I dont care what you give a shit about. I asked you a question you seem to be having all sorts of trouble answering.
yes, asshole, the murdering Islamic bastards thought they were justified. I asked if you thought they were.
Dont deflect. What I think has nothing to do with the point.

It has everything to do with it. you are defending the attacks on 9/11 because in the minds of the attackers it was justified.

I want to know how you feel about that.
Nope it has nothing to do with it and I could give a flying fuck what you want. I will force you to stick to the point. Again dont blame me for your poor reading skills.

funny, I am quite sure that my reading skills, and every other human skill, exceeds yours by a wide margin. You are a one trick pony who thinks he/she/it has found a clever word game, but all you have accomplished to make a fool of yourself. You are a joke.
There was nothing clever about the question. Your inability to read and understand it is not due to any tricks or slights of hand on my part. it does speak volumes about how illiterate you are that its such a difficult question to you.

your question was neither difficult, clever or pertinent. It was juvenile and foolish. My mistake was assuming that you had the intelligence of a garden slug, but I was wrong.
Dont deflect. What I think has nothing to do with the point.

It has everything to do with it. you are defending the attacks on 9/11 because in the minds of the attackers it was justified.

I want to know how you feel about that.
Nope it has nothing to do with it and I could give a flying fuck what you want. I will force you to stick to the point. Again dont blame me for your poor reading skills.

funny, I am quite sure that my reading skills, and every other human skill, exceeds yours by a wide margin. You are a one trick pony who thinks he/she/it has found a clever word game, but all you have accomplished to make a fool of yourself. You are a joke.
There was nothing clever about the question. Your inability to read and understand it is not due to any tricks or slights of hand on my part. it does speak volumes about how illiterate you are that its such a difficult question to you.

your question was neither difficult, clever or pertinent. It was juvenile and foolish. My mistake was assuming that you had the intelligence of a garden slug, but I was wrong.
Says the guy that called my question a clever word game and has yet to answer it :laugh:
Bullshit, your silly game was obvious from the onset. I really thought you were more mature than that, but I was wrong.
Dont blame me for your lack of education and terrible reading comprehension. Here is the question I asked you moron.

"How do you know what actions the US took that would constitute justification in the minds of the islamic terrorists?"

what may or may not have been in their sick minds is of no consequence. I don't give a fuck what they were thinking or what sick ideas had been indoctrinated into them.

Your question was, and is, stupid and nugatory.
Again you are giving me your opinion instead of answering the question. If you are not intelligent enough to answer it then i understand.

are you a broken record. I fully understand you stupid question and have responded to it.

once more: I don't give a shit how the muslim terrorist bastards justified killing 3000 innocent people on 9/11. No matter what they may THINK, it was not justified.
Responding is not the same as answering. Again I dont care what you give a shit about. I asked you a question you seem to be having all sorts of trouble answering.

answered it several times. Nothing that could be in the minds of the 9/11 murderers could provide justification for killing 3000 innocents. I UNDERSTAND that you and they believe they were justified because of your perverted view of islam.

Now, go away. You bore me.
[/QUOTE]your question was neither difficult, clever or pertinent. It was juvenile and foolish. My mistake was assuming that you had the intelligence of a garden slug, but I was wrong.[/QUOTE]
You are correct here; his intelligence is infinitely higher than the animal mentioned.
Again, this is what happens when you have a non-natural born Citizen as president born without sole allegiance to America.

Obama Ignores Japanese Atrocities in Hiroshima: US Decision to Drop Atom Bomb Arose from "Humanity's Worst Instincts"

I watched the entire thing. He DID NOT apologize for a damn thing!!
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you are only talking about American soldiers you forget soldiers are expendable .
the lives i'm talking about are not
your rationalization fails

No lives are expendable

But the United States and its allies had committed to removing the threat of Japan.

And guess what it worked.

Japan and the United States are friends and allies.

Well, apparently we got us some folks who don't understand that, cuz Obama just really pissed them off for knowing it without their consent.
like the poster who claims the war with japan ended before it actually did?
Einstein doesn't know that official hostilities between Japan and America ended on August 15, 1945.
you are only talking about American soldiers you forget soldiers are expendable .
the lives i'm talking about are not
your rationalization fails

No lives are expendable

But the United States and its allies had committed to removing the threat of Japan.

And guess what it worked.

Japan and the United States are friends and allies.

Well, apparently we got us some folks who don't understand that, cuz Obama just really pissed them off for knowing it without their consent.
like the poster who claims the war with japan ended before it actually did?
Einstein doesn't know that official hostilities between Japan and America ended on August 15, 1945.
The surrender of the Empire of Japan on September 2, 1945, brought the hostilities of World War II to a close.

the Soviet entry into the Pacific conflict, not Hiroshima and Nagasaki, that forced Japan’s surrender

Dont blame me for your lack of education and terrible reading comprehension. Here is the question I asked you moron.

"How do you know what actions the US took that would constitute justification in the minds of the islamic terrorists?"

what may or may not have been in their sick minds is of no consequence. I don't give a fuck what they were thinking or what sick ideas had been indoctrinated into them.

Your question was, and is, stupid and nugatory.
Again you are giving me your opinion instead of answering the question. If you are not intelligent enough to answer it then i understand.

are you a broken record. I fully understand you stupid question and have responded to it.

once more: I don't give a shit how the muslim terrorist bastards justified killing 3000 innocent people on 9/11. No matter what they may THINK, it was not justified.
Responding is not the same as answering. Again I dont care what you give a shit about. I asked you a question you seem to be having all sorts of trouble answering.

answered it several times. Nothing that could be in the minds of the 9/11 murderers could provide justification for killing 3000 innocents. I UNDERSTAND that you and they believe they were justified because of your perverted view of islam.

Now, go away. You bore me.
You've never answered it and no I wont go away. I understand the pressure is making you sleepy but I'm here for the long haul.
no. and that is why you're incapable of making rational assessments about anything.

seek help

^^^ Says the crack whore who can't even use correct punctuation or capital letters.

Stuff it fake lawyer.

How is your crack addiction coming anyway?

no. and that is why you're incapable of making rational assessments about anything.

seek help

^^^ Says the crack whore who can't even use correct punctuation or capital letters.

Stuff it fake lawyer.

How is your crack addiction coming anyway?

^^Look at captain save a ho go...

Hoping she will share her crack pipe and vagina with you?

Is that your crack talking- or your heroin addiction?
Puts a lot of effort into his dreams of a quickie with an angry ,crack addled lesbian.

I don't want a quickie or any kind of sex with you.

I used to think right wingers were crazy saying Obama hates this country. Now I believe them. This trip to Japan was basically apologizing for what America did in Hiroshima. Hillary will be the same or worse... Hey, for a guy who worries about global warming, obama sure burns up a lot of jet fuel. He could just as easily stoop and bow and apologize for all America has done in the past by skyping these foreign leaders.
Once again just for asslips, crazy people feel justified killing and maiming, doesn't mean they REALLY were justified, just like what ever perverted reason Islamist felt justified trying to murder `10's of thousand by bringing buildings down in a city was not really a justification either.
Haven't read the 11 pages here but I assume some lefty moron has claimed we forced Japan to attack us and it is all our fault. Cause after all we should have kept selling them scrap metal to build war ships to attack others with and fuel to drive the air craft and ships and tanks they were using to kill Chinese with.

Actually the thread started with a 'righty' moron lying about President Obama apologizing at Hiroshima.

And the thread has gone downhill from there.
I used to think right wingers were crazy saying Obama hates this country. Now I believe them. This trip to Japan was basically apologizing for what America did in Hiroshima..

I posted his entire speech.

Feel free to provide the quote where President Obama apologizes for anything.

You are as delusional as the OP.
Haven't read the 11 pages here but I assume some lefty moron has claimed we forced Japan to attack us and it is all our fault. Cause after all we should have kept selling them scrap metal to build war ships to attack others with and fuel to drive the air craft and ships and tanks they were using to kill Chinese with.

Actually the thread started with a 'righty' moron lying about President Obama apologizing at Hiroshima.

And the thread has gone downhill from there.
As I predicted some lefty HAS claimed we forced Japan to attack us. If you read the thread you would know that. The claim is that we should have kept selling tools of war to japan so they could keep killing the Yellow man they hated the Chinese. The claim is by refusing to provide japan with OUR resources so they could wage war on China we FORCED Japan to attack us. that is a lie and stupid all in one.
I used to think right wingers were crazy saying Obama hates this country. Now I believe them. This trip to Japan was basically apologizing for what America did in Hiroshima. Hillary will be the same or worse... Hey, for a guy who worries about global warming, obama sure burns up a lot of jet fuel. He could just as easily stoop and bow and apologize for all America has done in the past by skyping these foreign leaders.
A large majority of them are crazy. Congratulations on joining their ranks.
Once again just for asslips, crazy people feel justified killing and maiming, doesn't mean they REALLY were justified, just like what ever perverted reason Islamist felt justified trying to murder `10's of thousand by bringing buildings down in a city was not really a justification either.
Who told you they didnt feel justified?

Bin Laden claims responsibility for 9/11
Once again for the slow and stupid they feeling justified does not mean they ACTUALLY were justified. I never claimed they did not claim it I said they did not actually have justification. Unless as you keep arguing that any person or group claims a justification they are right.
Once again just for asslips, crazy people feel justified killing and maiming, doesn't mean they REALLY were justified, just like what ever perverted reason Islamist felt justified trying to murder `10's of thousand by bringing buildings down in a city was not really a justification either.
Who told you they didnt feel justified?

Bin Laden claims responsibility for 9/11
Once again for the slow and stupid they feeling justified does not mean they ACTUALLY were justified. I never claimed they did not claim it I said they did not actually have justification. Unless as you keep arguing that any person or group claims a justification they are right.
Like i asked red minnow who told you they werent actually justified?
Again, this is what happens when you have a non-natural born Citizen as president born without sole allegiance to America.

Obama Ignores Japanese Atrocities in Hiroshima: US Decision to Drop Atom Bomb Arose from "Humanity's Worst Instincts"
Another post from the resident asshole racist who does nothing but lie, lie and lie some more. Eat shit and die you lying liar.

Obama says no apology for A-bomb on Hiroshima visit

Asked if an apology would be included in remarks he plans to make there, he said: "No, because I think that it's important to recognise that in the midst of war, leaders make all kinds of decisions.

"It's a job of historians to ask questions and examine them, but I know as somebody who has now sat in this position for the last seven and a half years, that every leader makes very difficult decisions, particularly during war time."

Can't you fucking retards understand what the word "NO" means?
Though we don't often see eye to eye and cursing aside, I agree with Vor. Unless this is something I have not seen, i read where Obama gave reassurance he would not apologize.

Even if he said he was sorry that so many innocents died there it would not be the same as apologizing for the decision to drop the bomb.

Again, this is what happens when you have a non-natural born Citizen as president born without sole allegiance to America.

Obama Ignores Japanese Atrocities in Hiroshima: US Decision to Drop Atom Bomb Arose from "Humanity's Worst Instincts"
Another post from the resident asshole racist who does nothing but lie, lie and lie some more. Eat shit and die you lying liar.

Obama says no apology for A-bomb on Hiroshima visit

Asked if an apology would be included in remarks he plans to make there, he said: "No, because I think that it's important to recognise that in the midst of war, leaders make all kinds of decisions.

"It's a job of historians to ask questions and examine them, but I know as somebody who has now sat in this position for the last seven and a half years, that every leader makes very difficult decisions, particularly during war time."

Can't you fucking retards understand what the word "NO" means?
Though we don't often see eye to eye and cursing aside, I agree with Vor. Unless this is something I have not seen, i read where Obama gave reassurance he would not apologize.

Even if he said he was sorry that so many innocents died there it would not be the same as apologizing for the decision to drop the bomb.

Yes, I too agree with that. But Obama's implication was that the US was guilty of unnecessary escalation. Remember,

Remember Redfish lies.

President Obama didn't apologize, didn't imply anything.

Redfish is as much a liar as Stevie the racist.

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