The Battle Against the A.P.A. Resolution

musicman said:
No - not really. It is the left in general, and homosexual apologists in particular, who seek so vigorously to politicize every aspect of life - including science. Witness the APA's current troubles; it's "screw the patient - the agenda comes first". Loaded, preposterous "scientific" studies - designed to arrive at the predetermined conclusion that homosexuality should be legitimized - continue apace, only to be knocked down when the convenient little lie is exposed (ever hear of the LeVar study? A case in point). Never forget that it is the LEFT who run things at the MSM; the only scientific findings you'll hear about from that gang of maggots will be "left-friendly" ones.
That doesn't change the fact that a recent study would still find it's way to your eyes. Certainly to places like the AFA.
The ClayTaurus said:
That doesn't change the fact that a recent study would still find it's way to your eyes. Certainly to places like the AFA.

Yes, but I consider myself reasonably curious and acceptably well-informed. In other words, I don't rely on the alphabet networks and the NYT to tell me what's what. My point is that those entities would - if they had the ammo - blast AFA findings, loudly and incessantly. They don't, so they don't.
musicman said:
Yes, but I consider myself reasonably curious and acceptably well-informed. In other words, I don't rely on the alphabet networks and the NYT to tell me what's what. My point is that those entities would - if they had the ammo - blast AFA findings, loudly and incessantly. They don't, so they don't.
Ok fine. What does that have to do with a lack of recent studies?
The ClayTaurus said:
Ok fine. What does that have to do with a lack of recent studies?

Do you think there have been major recent changes in homo/pedo correlations?
The ClayTaurus said:
Ok fine. What does that have to do with a lack of recent studies?

From the standpoint of AFA - in the absence of credible refutation, no need for them, perhaps? From the apologist point of view, I have every confidence that studies are ongoing - in an atmosphere of increasing desperation, no doubt. These numbers are bad news for the liberal agenda.
musicman said:
Acceptance and inclusion of homosexuality resulting in an increasingly "normalized" sample pool. I know I know, homosexuals can't be normal like you and me. What I mean is homosexuality is less and less stigmatized as time goes on. Or at least, it certainly is less stigmatized than it was 20 years ago.
rtwngAvngr said:
Because homosexuality is more acceptable now, and they don't have to turn to children?

Save the Children! Normalize Gayness!
Yes because it's normalizing, no to the not having to turn to children part. I am in no way advocating homosexuality as a solution for pedophilia. Get a grip.
The ClayTaurus said:
Acceptance and inclusion of homosexuality resulting in an increasingly "normalized" sample pool. I know I know, homosexuals can't be normal like you and me. What I mean is homosexuality is less and less stigmatized as time goes on. Or at least, it certainly is less stigmatized than it was 20 years ago.

So, ultimately, it's society's fault that homosexual child molestation is so prolific; we shouldn't have stigmatized homosexuality to begin with? We brought this on ourselves?
The ClayTaurus said:
Yes because it's normalizing, no to the not having to turn to children part. I am in no way advocating homosexuality as a solution for pedophilia. Get a grip.

Why the decline then, if normalization doesn't stop them from seeking out minors?
musicman said:
So, ultimately, it's society's fault that homosexual child molestation is so prolific; we shouldn't have stigmatized homosexuality to begin with? We brought this on ourselves?
I'm not placing blame anywhere. No one is to blame for pedophilia other than the pedophiles themselves, and perhaps the abusive/pedophillic parents they had growing up.
The ClayTaurus said:
I'm not placing blame anywhere. No one is to blame for pedophilia other than the pedophiles themselves, and perhaps the abusive/pedophillic parents they had growing up.

Ah, but - in the statement, "Acceptance and inclusion of homosexuality resulting in an increasingly "normalized" sample pool." - you ARE fixing blame. Homosexuals only behaved badly because society stigmatized them. Everything's better now. Ergo, society brought this on itself.
musicman said:
Ah, but - in the statement, "Acceptance and inclusion of homosexuality resulting in an increasingly "normalized" sample pool." - you ARE fixing blame. Homosexuals only behaved badly because society stigmatized them. Everything's better now. Ergo, society brought this on itself.

"he didn't say that" -- :rolleyes:
rtwngAvngr said:
Why the decline then, if normalization doesn't stop them from seeking out minors?
It's not that the normalization stops them from seeking minors so much as it is the normalization improves the quality of the sample pool.
musicman said:
Ah, but - in the statement, "Acceptance and inclusion of homosexuality resulting in an increasingly "normalized" sample pool." - you ARE fixing blame. Homosexuals only behaved badly because society stigmatized them. Everything's better now. Ergo, society brought this on itself.
No, I'm not blaming society. Jesus. I wasn't stating acceptance and inclusion as a personal opinion, but as a fact. Homosexuality is more accepted today than it was 20 years ago, whether you like it or not. That doesn't make it any more right or wrong - just accepted.
The ClayTaurus said:
It's not that the normalization stops them from seeking minors so much as it is the normalization improves the quality of the sample pool.


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