The battle for Palmyra is not over

ISIS Gains in East Homs Threaten East Lebanon: NDF Reinforces Christian Towns

"The Islamic State of Iraq and Al-Sham’s (ISIS) recent gains on the eastern Homs front has created a great deal of apprehension for both the Syrian and Lebanese Armed Forces, as the terrorist group continues to stretch their positions further west of Palmyra.

For the Syrian Armed Forces, ISIS’ capture of Al-Qurayteen was a decisive blow to both their morale and their defense of Homs City, as the terrorist group advanced as far west as the predominately Christian city of Maheen.

Luckily for the Syrian Armed Forces, they were able to secure the city of Maheen after fierce firefights with ISIS on Sunday, leaving over 20 enemy combatants dead, while also destroying four of their armored vehicles that were mounted with 23mm anti-aircraft machine guns.

Following their success at Maheen, a large contingent of reinforcements from the National Defense Forces (NDF) and the Syrian Social Nationalist Party (SSNP) arrived at the city from nearby Sadad in order to provide a boost to their embattled comrades and to retake Al-Qurayteen.

If the Syrian Armed Forces are unable to retake Al-Qurayteen, ISIS will possess the ability to flank the city of Farqalas to the northwest, which will provide them access to the provincial capital and to the Tiyas Military Airport.

Assisting the Syrian Armed Forces from the air, the Syrian Arab Air Force (SAAF) has recently intensified their airstrikes over east Homs in order to alleviate the pressure on the ground.

Despite all of this assistance, the Syrian Armed Forces have no committed to a full-scale offensive to recapture Al-Qurayteen yet; if they do, this will require them to push southeast towards the Iraqi border."

ISIS Gains in East Homs Threaten East Lebanon NDF Reinforces Christian Towns
Syrian Army Announces the Continuation of the Palmyra Offensive

"The commander of the Syrian Arab Army’s 67th Brigade of the 18th Tank Division announced the continuation of their offensive to capture the ancient city of Palmyra (Tadmur) during his interview with Al-Mayadeen TV on Thursday.

Video footage from this desert front showed that the Syrian Armed Forces are about a few kilometers outside of Palmyra’s western gates, as a multitude of tanks and heavy armory make their way across the rough terrain of the Homs Governorate’s eastern countryside.

On Thursday morning, a contingent from the Syrian Arab Army’s “Tiger Forces” – alongside Liwaa Suqour Al-Sahra (Desert Hawks) and Hezbollah – repelled the Islamic State of Iraq and Al-Sham’s (ISIS) brief counter-offensive at the imperative town of Jazal, resulting in the aforementioned terrorist group’s withdrawal towards the Ancient Quarries of Palmyra.

If the Tiger Forces and their allies can recapture the Ancient Quarries of Palmyra, they will be less than a kilometer from the northern perimeter of this historical city in the heart of the Homs Governorate’s desert terrain.

Meanwhile, to the west of Palmyra, the SAA’s 67th Brigade – in coordination with the National Defense Forces (NDF) – continued their assault to the east of the Palmyra Driving School, where they pounded ISIS’ positions in the open, while the Syrian Arab Air Force (SAAF) bombarded the terrorist group from the air.

The Syrian Armed Forces are attempting to flank this ancient city from the northern and southern perimeters, which models ISIS’ successful offensive in May of 2015."

Syrian Army Announces the Continuation of the Palmyra Offensive
Syrian Army and ISIS Fight for the East Homs Triangle

"On Monday morning, the Islamic State of Iraq and Al-Sham (ISIS) resumed their large-scale assault on the east Homs triangle (Wadi Al-Zakarah, Al-Muthlath, and Wadi Al-Abyad), targeting the Syrian Armed Forces’ defensive positions around this vast desert area that encompasses the latter’s imperative Tiyas Military Airbase and Teefor Pumping Station.

The terrorist group began their assault on the Syrian Arab Army’s positions at Wadi Al-Abyad and Wadi Al-Zakarah, where they attempted to break-through the latter’s defenses after a series of intense firefights that stretched late into Monday afternoon.

Finally, after nearly seven hours of non-stop firefights with ISIS, the Syrian Armed Forces were able to repel the terrorist’s groups multiple infiltration attempts into Wadi Al-Abyad, Wadi Al-Zakarah, and the Qasr Al-Hayr Al-Gharbiyah area in the eastern Homs countryside.

According to a military source, 3 armored vehicles that were mounted with 23 mm anti-aircraft machine guns were destroyed, along 21 ISIS fighters who were reportedly killed during these firefights; this included Bassem ‘Umar Khaldoun, Nouress Walid Thayyem, ‘Ali Ghassan Al-Bustani, Mohammad Ziad Yousif, Rayyan Mahmad ‘Abdel-Nour, and Mohammad ‘Abdullah Al-‘Alamat.

To the east of the Wadi Al-Abyad area, the Syrian Arab Army’s 67th Brigade of the 18th Tank Division – in coordination with the National Defense Forces (NDF) – continued their assault on ISIS’ positions at the small village of Al-Dalat, destroying two armored vehicles and killing 13 enemy combatants.

The Syrian Armed Forces are currently pushing for the village of Al-Dalat in order to reposition themselves within 2 km of the ancient city of Palmyra (Tadmur).

North of Palmyra, the Syrian Armed Forces carried out a powerful assault on ISIS’ positions to the east of the Ancient Palmyra Quarries, capturing over one and a half square kilometers of territory from the terrorist group."

Syrian Army and ISIS Fight for the East Homs Triangle
ISIS Blitzes the Tiyas Airbase Amid the Syrian Army’s Renewed Offensive in Palmyra

"On Tuesday morning, the Islamic State of Iraq and Al-Sham (ISIS) conducted another powerful assault on the Tiyas Military Airport and the Teefor Pumping Station in the Homs Governorate’s eastern countryside, targeting a number of Syrian Arab Army (SAA) military installations around the base’s southeastern entrance.

Per usual, the ISIS assault began during the wee hours of Tuesday morning, when a suicide bomber attempted to detonate his vehicle borne improvised explosive device (VBIED) at the southeastern entrance of the Tiyas Military Airport; however, the suicide bomber’s vehicle was destroyed by the Syrian Arab Army soldiers at the guard post.

Following the unsuccessful suicide bombing, a large contingent of ISIS fighters stormed the Syrian Arab Army’s military installations to the southeast of the Tiyas Military Airport, where they were engaged in a long engagement with the Syrian Armed Forces before they withdrew their assault due to the approaching nightfall over the vast desert of the Homs Governorate.

According to a military source, the Syrian Armed Forces killed 21 enemy combatants from the terrorist group, including Jamal Sa’eed Hamid, Khaled Mohammad Al-Masri, Mohsen Yousif Khadeer, Mohammad Mustafa Hashem, Bashir Fouad Al-Halaqi, and ‘Abdel-Rahman Hussein Ghannem.

Meanwhile, to the east of the Tiyas Military Airport, the Syrian Arab Army’s 67th Brigade of the 18th Tank Division – in coordination with the National Defense Forces (NDF) – pounded ISIS’ positions in east Al-Dawat, killing 9 enemy combatants and destroying 2 armored vehicles mounted with 23mm anti-aircraft machine guns.

North of Palmyra City, a contingent from the SAA’s “Tiger Forces” and Hezbollah continued their assault on ISIS’ defensive positions at the eastern perimeter of the Ancient Quarries, where they pushed further south along the road leading to this historical city."

ISIS Blitzes the Tiyas Airbase Amid the Syrian Army s Renewed Offensive in Palmyra
Syrian Army Attempts to Forestall the ISIS Advance in East Homs

"The Islamic State of Iraq and Al-Sham (ISIS) has been relentless in the eastern countryside of the Homs Governorate, as they have waged offensive after offensive to capture this vast desert terrain located in the heart of central Syria.

On Saturday morning, the Syrian Arab Army – backed by the National Defense Forces (NDF), and the Syrian Social Nationalist Party (SSNP) – launched an assault on ISIS’ positions at the western outskirts of the ancient Syriac Christian city of Al-Qurayteen; this city was captured by the terrorist group in early August.

According to field reports, the Syrian Armed Forces are attempting to reestablish control over the western checkpoint that sits on the outskirts of Al-Qurayteen in order to prevent an ISIS advance to the imperative Christian city of Sadad.

This area in east Homs is crucial for the Syrian Armed Forces control; if they are unable to maintain their group, ISIS will have access to both the provincial capital of Homs and the Qalamoun Mountains that border east Lebanon.

In addition to the assault near Al-Qurayteen, the Syrian Armed Forces continue to apply pressure on the terrorist group at the ancient city of Palmyra, as they have recently advanced at the eastern perimeter of the Ancient Palmyra Quarries that sit north of the Al-‘Amariyah Village.

While the capture of Palmyra would definitely be a morale boost for the embattled Syrian Armed Force, the city of Al-Qurayteen is far more strategic due to its proximity to the provincial capital and the major highways that lead to a number of imperative sites."

Syrian Army Attempts to Forestall the ISIS Advance in East Homs
East Homs: ISIS Carries Out a Large-Scale Assault in Al-Hawa

"The Islamic State of Iraq and Al-Sham (ISIS) launched a powerful assault on the Syrian Armed Forces’ defensive positions at the village of Al-Hawa, where they attempted to repeatedly break-through the latter’s frontlines and capture this area in the Homs Governorate’s eastern countryside.

However, the terrorist group ran into the Syrian Armed Forces’ well-fortified barriers that encompass the village of Al-Hawa, leaving the ISIS combatants stuck in the open while they would try to evade the rapid gunfire and mortar shells that were fired by the soldiers guarding the contested area.

According to a military source in the Homs Governorate, the ISIS combatants also attempted to sneak past the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) and National Defense Forces’ (NDF) frontline fortifications at the nearby villages of Rahoum and Umm Sahreej; however, they were once again unsuccessful, as the Syrian Armed Forces were able to repel all of the terrorist group’s infiltration attempts.

The source further added that the terrorist group suffered two dozen casualties during their large-scale assault on the village of Al-Hawa; this includes a number of foreign nationals from the countries of Saudi Arabia, Tunisia, Libya, and Iraq.

ISIS is targeting this area of the Homs Governorate in order to expand their territorial influence, while also capturing the key highways that lead to the provincial capital of Homs."

East Homs: ISIS Carries Out a Large-Scale Assault in Al-Hawa
Brief ISIS Offensive in Northeast Homs Falls Apart

"On Saturday morning, the Islamic State of Iraq and Al-Sham (ISIS) launched a large-scale offensive near the imperative town of Jubb Al-Jarrah in the Homs Governorate’s eastern countryside, targeting the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) controlled villages of ‘Umm Sahayreej, Maskar Al-Hasaan, and Al-Hawa.

The terrorist group began their assault at Al-Hawa around 9:30 A.M. (Damascus Time) on Saturday, when they attempted to infiltrate past the Syrian Armed Forces’ defensive positions at the eastern perimeter of this town, only to be repelled after a brief two hour battle that resulted in their withdrawal to the east.

To the northwest of Al-Hawa, ISIS launched another assault some forty minutes later at Maskar Al-Hasaan after their failed infiltration attempt; however, this attack ended before it could really begin, as the fighters from the terrorist group unknowingly entered a minefield that killed over 15 of their armed combatants.

ISIS’ final assault at the Jubb Al-Jarrah front was conducted at ‘Umm Sahayreej, where they confronted a large contingent from the National Defense Forces (NDF) at this town’s eastern perimeter.

Unfortunately for the embattled ISIS combatants, their final assault at ‘Umm Sahayreej was cut short after the National Defense Forces proved unwilling to concede any ground to the terrorist group, killing a dozen of the latter’s militants.

All-in-all, the ISIS assault at the Jubb Al-Jarrah front ended up in disaster, as the Syrian Armed Forces repelled all of the terrorist group’s infiltration attempts at this area in northeast Homs."

Brief ISIS Offensive in Northeast Homs Falls Apart
Syrian Army Advances South of the Jazal Mountains to the Outskirts of Palmyra

"On Sunday night, the Syrian Arab Army’s 67th Brigade of the 18th Tank Division – in coordination with the National Defense Forces (NDF), Liwaa Suqour Al-Sahra (Desert Hawks Brigade), and a contingent from the Tiger Forces – launched a counter-assault at the Jazal Mountains inside the Homs Governorate’s northeastern countryside after the Islamic State of Iraq and Al-Sham (ISIS) went on the offensive at this front two weeks prior.

The Syrian Armed Forces’ counter-assault proved successful on Sunday night, as they reportedly advanced over 500 meters south of the Jazal Mountain chain towards the ancient city of Palmyra (Tadmur) after a series of intense firefights with ISIS, leaving the aforementioned terrorist group with a fracture in their frontline defenses.

Following a night of fierce firefights, the Syrian Armed Forces continued their push towards the city of Palmyra from their positions in the Jazal Mountains, destroying four armored vehicles that were mounted with 23mm anti-aircraft machine guns, while also killing over 20 enemy combatants from the terrorist group on Monday morning.

The Jazal front is imperative to the Syrian Armed Forces’ Palmyra offensive due to its proximity to the ancient city; it sits 10km northwest of Al-‘Amariyah – a village located at the northern axis of Palmyra.

Meanwhile, to the west of Palmyra, the Syrian Armed Forces continued their assault on ISIS’ defenses at the Palmyra Driving School and Al-Qadri Farms – clashes are still ongoing this morning."

Syrian Army Advances South of the Jazal Mountains to the Outskirts of Palmyra
Captain blei-----how many Israeli planes did al dog assad
see involvedin the fray? less than a billion?
I could reply but this would require you to watch your language.

there is something wrong with my English-----
how about ass'ad al khalb------better? It is a simple
issue. You are so sure that ISIS has the support of the Israeli
airforce that you have made a statement to that effect issued
by your hero ASS'AD AL KHALB as your signature statement.
No doubt you have real evidence to support your assertion. I am
fascinated by the POWER play going on between erdogan al kanzeer
and Ass'ad al khalb----------they are vying with each other ----attemping
each to exceed the other in moronic libels against DA JOOOOS-----a
sure way to win the hearts of the islamo Nazi public and not new
to either country. Just off the top of my head sans google-----I do know that Matzah blood libels go back centuries in Syria
I could reply but this would require you to watch your language.

there is something wrong with my English-----
how about ass'ad al khalb------better? It is a simple
issue. You are so sure that ISIS has the support of the Israeli
airforce that you have made a statement to that effect issued
by your hero ASS'AD AL KHALB as your signature statement.
No doubt you have real evidence to support your assertion. I am
fascinated by the POWER play going on between erdogan al kanzeer
and Ass'ad al khalb----------they are vying with each other ----attemping
each to exceed the other in moronic libels against DA JOOOOS-----a
sure way to win the hearts of the islamo Nazi public and not new
to either country. Just off the top of my head sans google-----I do know that Matzah blood libels go back centuries in Syria
This is another stupid case of irosie intentionally misunderstanding what people say. Everybody knows that "watch your language" means. Except for irosie, who knows everything and everyone except her own language.
I never said that ISIS has the support of the Israeli airforce by the way, but it is commonly known that Israel has launched airstrikes at the same time with ISIS major offensives. However, Al-Qaeda has the support of the Israeli airforce.
Strikes on Syrian army in recent years: Several
Strikes on Al-Qaeda and their allies: Zero

In addition, Israeli drones do reconnaissance missions for the Islamist terrorists.
so sorry captain Blei------I noticed the error after I did "send"-----yes AL QAEIDA -----the new representative of SAUDI ARABIA and therefore----
Israeli and Zionist controlled and THE ENEMEEEE OF ISLAAAAAM and
every Baathist pig in the world and even of ERDOGAN. Thanks for noting my error. I neglected to keep prominent in my mind that SAUDI ARABIA has joined the ALLIES-----leaving it a legal target of the AXIS POWERS--------Iran, Turkey, Syria ----the noble ones of Egypt called MB and in time -------with the lure of caliphate and jinnis in bottles and
flying carpets-------MOST OF THE EXCITABLE UMMAH. So when will the noble Baathist/iran branch ----march on Mecca???
This should provide the proper infarction for Nusra-Sally and her Al-Qaeda pals here and elsewhere.

U.S. Air Force Strikes ISIS in East Homs

"For the last 24 hours, the United States (U.S.) Air Force has pounded the Islamic State of Iraq and Al-Sham (ISIS) with multiple airstrikes at the ancient Syrian city of Al-Quraytayn in the Homs Govnernorate’s southeastern countryside, marking the first time any participant in the Anti-ISIS Coalition has targeted this vast desert area in Syria.

According to local sources, the U.S. Air Force conducted as many as six airstrikes over the city of Al-Quraytayn, targeting the terrorist group’s movements at this desert front that is mostly under their control.

In addition to the U.S. airstrikes, the Syrian Arab Air Force (SAAF) launched their own series of aerial bombardments over Al-Quraytayn; however, the source confirmed that the SAAF and the U.S. Air Force conducted their airstrikes at different times in the day.

The Syrian Air Force concentrated on the ISIS agglomerations pushing towards the National Defense Forces (NDF) controlled city of Maheen, reportedly destroying two armored vehicles, while the units from the Syrian Armed Forces continued their assault on Al-Quraytayn’s western flank.

ISIS took control of Al-Quraytayn in early August 2015 after they launched a large-scale assault on this city; this led to the terrorist group abducting over 230 civilians without providing any details regarding their captivity."

U.S. Air Force Strikes ISIS in East Homs
This should provide the proper infarction for Nusra-Sally and her Al-Qaeda pals here and elsewhere.

U.S. Air Force Strikes ISIS in East Homs

"For the last 24 hours, the United States (U.S.) Air Force has pounded the Islamic State of Iraq and Al-Sham (ISIS) with multiple airstrikes at the ancient Syrian city of Al-Quraytayn in the Homs Govnernorate’s southeastern countryside, marking the first time any participant in the Anti-ISIS Coalition has targeted this vast desert area in Syria.

According to local sources, the U.S. Air Force conducted as many as six airstrikes over the city of Al-Quraytayn, targeting the terrorist group’s movements at this desert front that is mostly under their control.

In addition to the U.S. airstrikes, the Syrian Arab Air Force (SAAF) launched their own series of aerial bombardments over Al-Quraytayn; however, the source confirmed that the SAAF and the U.S. Air Force conducted their airstrikes at different times in the day.

The Syrian Air Force concentrated on the ISIS agglomerations pushing towards the National Defense Forces (NDF) controlled city of Maheen, reportedly destroying two armored vehicles, while the units from the Syrian Armed Forces continued their assault on Al-Quraytayn’s western flank.

ISIS took control of Al-Quraytayn in early August 2015 after they launched a large-scale assault on this city; this led to the terrorist group abducting over 230 civilians without providing any details regarding their captivity."

U.S. Air Force Strikes ISIS in East Homs

OH GEE-----the Zionist controlled CIA has finally decided to deal with the ENEMEEEEEEES OF ZIONISM
ISIS Launches an Offensive North of Palmyra: Jazal Captured

"On Sunday morning, the Islamic State of Iraq and Al-Sham (ISIS) launched another powerful assault on the town of Jazal after several failed attempts to recapture this area from the Syrian Arab Army’s 67th Brigade in the Homs Governorate’s eastern countryside.

ISIS began their assault around 8:30 A.M. (Damascus Time) on Sunday morning, when a large contingent from the aforementioned terrorist group stormed the Syrian Arab Army’s frontline defenses at southern Jazal, capturing the southern sector of this town after two hours of intense firefights.

Following the capture Jazal’s southern sector, the terrorist group rolled through the town, capturing the remaining territory under the Syrian Arab Army’s control before they set their sights on the Jazal Gas Fields, which are located directly west of the town.

The terrorist group was able to capture two of the gas wells at the Jazal Gas Fields before reinforcements from Liwaa Suqour Al-Sahra (Desert Hawks Brigade) arrived to help push ISIS back to the town; this proved successful, as the terrorist group withdrew their fighters from the Jazal Gas Fields by nightfall on Sunday.

Currently, ISIS is in full control of Jazal; however, the Syrian Arab Army’s 67th Brigade of the 18th Tank Division – in coordination with Liwaa Suqour Al-Sahra – are countering at the western axis of the town.

The town of Jazal holds a strategic advantage for the entity that controls its borders, as it sits approximately 10km north of the ancient city of Palmyra (Tadmur) and 2km south of the Al-Sha’ar Gas Fields that control the electrical distribution to the Homs Governorate."

ISIS Launches an Offensive North of Palmyra: Jazal Captured
How many Israeli jet bombers were involved in the battle of tadmur, captain blei-----ask Bashar
ISIS Takes Advantage of the Weather and Launches a Surprise Attack in Western Palmyra

"On Monday morning, the Islamic State of Iraq and Al-Sham (ISIS) launched a surprise assault at Wadi Al-Sahlah and the groves of Al-Bayarat, targeting the Syrian Arab Army’s defensive positions in Palmyra’s western countryside amid a powerful sandstorm that was sweeping through the Homs Governorate.

Unfortunately for the terrorist group, the harsh weather did not give them the boost they were looking for, as the Syrian Arab Army’s 67th Brigade of the 18th Tank Division – in coordination with the National Defense Forces (NDF) – repelled the ISIS assault at Wadi Al-Sahlah, killing over 30 combatants and destroying 6 armored vehicles that were mounted with 23mm anti-aircraft machine guns.

In addition to their assault at Wadi Al-Sahlah, ISIS conducted a powerful assault at the groves of Al-Bayarat in western Palmyra, where they ran into a well-prepared platoon from the Syrian Arab Army’s 67th Brigade.

Following a violent three hour engagement, the Syrian Armed Forces were finally able to ward off the encroaching terrorists after they killed 13 enemy combatants from ISIS, while also recapturing the eastern groves of Al-Bayarat.

North of Al-Bayarat, the Syrian Arab Army’s 67th Brigade – in coordination with Liwaa Suqour Al-Sahra (Desert Hawks Brigade) – recaptured the strategic town of Jazal after two days of non-stop fighting; this town was originally captured by ISIS on Sunday."

ISIS Takes Advantage of the Weather and Launches a Surprise Attack in Western Palmyra
Northwest Palmyra: Syrian Army Recaptures All Gas and Oil Fields in Jazal

"On Wednesday morning, the Syrian Arab Army’s 67th Brigade of the 18th Tank Division – in coordination with the National Defense Forces (NDF) and Liwaa Suqour Al-Sahra (Desert Hawks Brigade) – conducted a counter-assault at the Jazal Oil Fields in the ancient city of Palmyra’s northwestern countryside after terrorists from the Islamic State of Iraq and Al-Sham (ISIS) took control of the eastern fields earlier this week.

The Syrian Arab Army’s 67th Brigade began their assault at the Jazal Oil Fields on Wednesday morning, killing over 20 enemy combatants from ISIS, while also destroying 4 of their armored vehicles that were mounted with 23mm anti-aircraft machine guns.

Not long after their counter-assault began, the Syrian Arab Army’s 67th Brigade had seized almost all the gas and oil fields in Jazal that were under the control of ISIS inside the town; this was followed by a vicious series of airstrikes from the Syrian Arab Air Force (SAAF), which badly damaged the terrorist group’s frontline defenses.

With their defensive frontlines fractured, ISIS was forced to retreat to the town of Jazal; thus, allowing for the Syrian Armed Forces to seize the entire area before nightfall on Wednesday night.

Firefights are still ongoing between the Syrian Armed Forces and ISIS, but they are now taking place inside the town of Jazal, where the SAA’s 67th Brigade looks to recapture this strategic town located southeast of the Al-Sha’ar Mountains."

Northwest Palmyra: Syrian Army Recaptures All Gas and Oil Fields in Jazal

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