The Battle of Bunkerville: Restoring the Rule of Law

Rosa Parks broke the law. A gay guy buggering his boyfriend broke the law. Unjust laws will be broken and broken again until the unjust law is changed.

The people are in the mood for rebellion.
And seeing as those militia groups were in a state of insurrection.....they are insurgents. And the government COULD have called in state and county SWAT teams

No. The Constitution clearly delineates that only the MILITIA can be used to suppress Insurrection against the Federal Government --- word for word.

To provide for calling forth the Militia to execute the Laws of the Union, suppress Insurrections and repel Invasions;

Find us which part of the Constitution says otherwise.

So you are saying if there were an insurrection in the United States, the police, FBI and National Guard could NOT participate in suppressing it? And seeing as we don't have martial law, neither could the Army.

So really, if ALL citizens decided they were going to be in insurrection, then ALL cops and feds and National Guard and military would legally be BANNED from operating in America hahaha!!!!

Um, yeah, that's not how it works.

UNLESS you are saying that "militia" really means the military. If so, we have a 2nd amendment discussion to have.
So really, if ALL citizens decided they were going to be in insurrection, then ALL cops and feds and National Guard and military would legally be BANNED from operating in America hahaha!!!!

Um, yeah, that's not how it works.

UNLESS you are saying that "militia" really means the military. If so, we have a 2nd amendment discussion to have.


If all Americans decided to be in insurrection there is absolutely nothing the cops, feds, Guard or other armed forces could about it, whether they became ILLEGALLY involved or not. Nor do I think the armed forces would support of governemnt that is so (according to YO) tyrannical that ALL Americans (according to YOU) would rise up against it.

Unless of course you disarm us first. Molon Labe.

Welcome to reality, how things really work.

Also, in reality, People do not randomly rebel against the Government for shits and giggles. It's take a steady train of intolerable abuses for such an event to occur. And even then, only 3-10% of the population fights.
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The more I read about this, the more I do NOT side with Bundy.

Since when do you ever side with anyone other than the Government?

Plenty of times. Weed should be legal. I don't like some of our wars. I don't like a lot of our educational mandates done by government.

But I don't side with insurgents. And that's exactly what that Tea Party Rally On Steroids was comprised of.

You don't like the law, vote. You don't take up arms against federal agents....trying to enforce federal law....on federal land. That is insurrection.
Um.....they weren't. That's why they left.

But these INSURGENTS have been so rallied up by the nonsense they see on the news, that in their minds they thought they were about to fight another Civil War or something. And luckily, somewhere up the chain of command, a cooler head prevailed and told the guys to back away from the federal land and leave.

We used to deal with people who were in a state of insurrection against our government a different way. Guess Obama went soft on us haha!

You say one thing, but the body armor, m4s, pepper spray, attack dogs, tasers, and snipers say something completely different.

Don't forget the SPEC OPS ALPHA WOLF SQUADRON oakleys these guys were wearing. Straight outta Afghanistan.

So they wore some expensive sunglasses? That's your gripe?

But speaking of Afghanistan......the guys in Nevada were surrounded and outnumbered by men with no uniform, carrying guns, trying to insurrect the will of the US government. Sound familiar?

If you wonder why law enforcement has guns, armor, etc, etc......take a look at the psychos running around in this country, and threatening their own violence. Yeah, those guys don't want to get shot and killed any more than some poor kid in Iraq does. Hence the guns and armor.

But HEY, maybe we can just dress all our cops up in pink uniforms, and give them a whistle and BB gun.

That is my only gripe if you don't count the other 6 gripes I had before that one.

What uniform were these BLM thugs wearing? I saw Tan over suits, the same ones you can buy at any two bit survivalist website. That isn't any national army fatigues that I recognize.
So really, if ALL citizens decided they were going to be in insurrection, then ALL cops and feds and National Guard and military would legally be BANNED from operating in America hahaha!!!!

Um, yeah, that's not how it works.

UNLESS you are saying that "militia" really means the military. If so, we have a 2nd amendment discussion to have.


If all Americans decided to be in insurrection there is absolutely nothing the cops, feds, Guard or other armed forces could about it, whether they became ILLEGALLY involved or not. Nor do I think the armed forces would support of governemnt that is so (according to YO) tyrannical that ALL Americans (according to YOU) would rise up against it.

Unless of course you disarm us first. Molon Labe.

Welcome to reality, how things really work.

You missed my point, obviously.

You or some other right wing idiot said that ONLY the "militia" can suppress an insurrection. And since martial law bans the military from operating on US soil, and the police and feds are not "militia" that means that ONLY fellow armed citizens who are NOT cops or military can suppress insurrection.

So what if a gang of 10 guys went out committing mass crimes, and in doing so, made it known that they were trying to overthrow the government. They would be in "insurrection"........but, according to you idiots, the cops and feds would have NO AUTHORITY to "suppress" their rampage haha!!!

See how stupid you and your argument sounds?
You say one thing, but the body armor, m4s, pepper spray, attack dogs, tasers, and snipers say something completely different.

Don't forget the SPEC OPS ALPHA WOLF SQUADRON oakleys these guys were wearing. Straight outta Afghanistan.

So they wore some expensive sunglasses? That's your gripe?

But speaking of Afghanistan......the guys in Nevada were surrounded and outnumbered by men with no uniform, carrying guns, trying to insurrect the will of the US government. Sound familiar?

If you wonder why law enforcement has guns, armor, etc, etc......take a look at the psychos running around in this country, and threatening their own violence. Yeah, those guys don't want to get shot and killed any more than some poor kid in Iraq does. Hence the guns and armor.

But HEY, maybe we can just dress all our cops up in pink uniforms, and give them a whistle and BB gun.

That is my only gripe if you don't count the other 6 gripes I had before that one.

What uniform were these BLM thugs wearing? I saw Tan over suits, the same ones you can buy at any two bit survivalist website. That isn't any national army fatigues that I recognize.

Um, I'd guess it was the duty uniform of the BLM's uniformed enforcement division.

And, does it make them "thugs" to.....well, be a federal officer, trying to enforce federal law, on federal land? THAT makes them "thugs"?

And you're actually upset that some federal agents wore some fancy Oakley sunglasses?

My God. And you right wingers wonder why you are alienating so many voters in this country.

400 out of 900 cattle were taken according to this article.

Nevada rancher Cliven Bundy inspects cattle for damage by feds - CBS News

Of course the remaining hostages have been released, and are pending an inspection. A total death toll has not been tallied.

"Taken" is not "killed".

That is nice. I said "unaccounted for".

Phew, they were merely stolen at gun point. I feel better.
Um, I'd guess it was the duty uniform of the BLM's uniformed enforcement division.

And, does it make them "thugs" to.....well, be a federal officer, trying to enforce federal law, on federal land? THAT makes them "thugs"?

And you're actually upset that some federal agents wore some fancy Oakley sunglasses?

My God. And you right wingers wonder why you are alienating so many voters in this country.

Oh, the BLM's uniform enfrocement division?


They are the same private military contractors (read mercenaries) that you would probably complain about in a Bush/Cheney thread.
400 out of 900 cattle were taken according to this article.

Nevada rancher Cliven Bundy inspects cattle for damage by feds - CBS News

Of course the remaining hostages have been released, and are pending an inspection. A total death toll has not been tallied.

"Taken" is not "killed".

That is nice. I said "unaccounted for".

Phew, they were merely stolen at gun point. I feel better.

over a 130 mostly calves died because of BLM action

and they shot two bulls
You or some other right wing idiot said that ONLY the "militia" can suppress an insurrection.

I'm the messenger relaying EXACTLY what the Constitution itself says.

Congress has the Power to:
To provide for calling forth the Militia to execute the Laws of the Union, suppress Insurrections and repel Invasions;

After the Militia is called into service by Congress:
The President shall be Commander in Chief of the Army and Navy of the United States, and of the Militia of the several States, when called into the actual Service of the United States

That's it.

Don't like it? Amend it.
that would not be unusual the BLM had not collected them all

it would have taken a couple of weeks to get all 900

Link to the government killing any of the cows, is what I was asking for.

you could have probably googled the info

Board of Land Management savagely tasered and slaughtered Cliven Bundy?s cattle - Los Angeles Obama Administration |

You're going to need something better than a third-hand account from a random contributor.

You're going to need something better than a third-hand account from a random contributor.

It would be a lot easier if the BLM would just say if any of the cattle died under their care or not, and what exactly they needed the excavation equipment for. Instead we are still waiting on an official tally from the owners.

BLM Won?t Say if They?ve Euthanized Cows in Ranch Standoff | Washington Free Beacon
Yep. Thousands of rednecks. And how many tens of thousands agreed with Bundy and didn't show up?

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