The Battle of Bunkerville: Restoring the Rule of Law

Really? All this over a multimillionaire not wanting to pay his bills?

I know really, why the Government said paramilitary forces with armored vehicles over this issue?

The armored vehicle were Clark County Sheriff SWAT escorting the Sheriff. Bundy is a fundamentalist Mormon, ie, Wack Job.

There were many armored vehicles nitwit. And wtf does being Mormon have to do with a anything, bigot?
The gigantic bureaucracy blinked and the citizens won....for now. The strange thing is that the democrat senator representing Nevada decides to back the gigantic federal bureaucracy and vows revenge over his own constituents.

Nothing strange about it at all. Other than Fox news and a gaggle of guys on horseback most think the guy is wrong.
Rosa Parks broke the law. A gay guy buggering his boyfriend broke the law. Unjust laws will be broken and broken again until the unjust law is changed.

The people are in the mood for rebellion.

These are definitely comparable scenarios. I bet Fox News would bring you on to talk all about it.
If a jury was composed of far right freaks, sure, he would be convicted. But there are not enough of you to get a jury in NV.

Turtles are a deflection. The man has cheated We the People for many years for not paying his leases on OUR ground.
You seem to be the only one who thinks the federal government wants Bundy dead, yet you can't seem to explain why they would.

The "only one" ???

What a propaganda artist. There are millions who KNOW that the federal government wants him dead.

Why were they there in full military gear BEFORE the Militias arrived?

Let's take a poll.

How many posters here think that the federal government "wants Cliven Bundy dead"?

Make a thread with a poll, I do not believe I can make any more threads on this subject without strafing the "spam" line.
If a jury was composed of far right freaks, sure, he would be convicted. But there are not enough of you to get a jury in NV.

Turtles are a deflection. The man has cheated We the People for many years for not paying his leases on OUR ground.

Then why don't the feds arrest these Militia men and Bundy right now for treason/insurrection?

Oh, because the Battle of Athens, Tennessee, 1946, shows that a Jury of their Peers will not convict them.

K thanks
The gigantic bureaucracy blinked and the citizens won....for now. The strange thing is that the democrat senator representing Nevada decides to back the gigantic federal bureaucracy and vows revenge over his own constituents.

Nothing strange about it at all. Other than Fox news and a gaggle of guys on horseback most think the guy is wrong.

Bury your head in the sand a little further son.
I know really, why the Government said paramilitary forces with armored vehicles over this issue?

The armored vehicle were Clark County Sheriff SWAT escorting the Sheriff. Bundy is a fundamentalist Mormon, ie, Wack Job.

There were many armored vehicles nitwit. And wtf does being Mormon have to do with a anything, bigot?

Fundamentalist Mormon, Ruby Ridge, really? btw; my 'bigotry' extends to multimillionaires like Bundy that don't pay their bills.
Fundamentalist Mormon, Ruby Ridge, really? btw; my 'bigotry' extends to multimillionaires like Bundy that don't pay their bills.

Why do you keep criticizing this man for having money and wealth? Why should this be a negative factor? Are rich people not entitled to American liberties?

Honestly, it's not even a thought on any Patriot's mind except when buffoons like you invoke it. It's liek the race card, Patriots/Libertarians aren't even thinking of race until you you suddenly invoke it from no where.
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Fundamentalist Mormon, Ruby Ridge, really? btw; my 'bigotry' extends to multimillionaires like Bundy that don't pay their bills.

Why do you keep criticizing this man for having money and wealth? Why should this be a negative factor? Are rich people not entitled to American liberties?

Honestly, it's not even a thought on any Patriot's mind except when buffoons like you invoke it. It's liek the race card, Patriots/Libertarians aren't even thinking of race until you you suddenly invoke it from no where.
Because, being very rich, the Welfare Cowboy can afford to pay his Reagan grazing fees!

Bundy broke the law and Republicans love him for it because they hate a black President.

This story should be over by now. There wasn't any "militia" defending anyone's "rights". They were out-of-state morons who showed up to voice their incorrect opinions about an issue that they know less than nothing about.

In St. George, UT., the closest city with its own daily media, the online St. George News weighed in with a critical piece Sunday that also took aim at the national press supporting Bundy, stating: "The Bundy Range War was perpetuated by an irresponsible media vying for nothing more than ratings and an ill-informed and willfully ignorant public who, much like a NASCAR fan, come to the race simply in hopes of seeing a crash."
Nevada Journalists: Conservative Media Darling Rancher Is Clearly "Breaking The Law" | Blog | Media Matters for America

I know, I know. "Media Matters is left-wing hippie commie propaganda!" Yeah, we get it. The point remains, Cliven Bundy broke the law and assholes showed up to support him.

Good job, assholes.
The armored vehicle were Clark County Sheriff SWAT escorting the Sheriff. Bundy is a fundamentalist Mormon, ie, Wack Job.

There were many armored vehicles nitwit. And wtf does being Mormon have to do with a anything, bigot?

Fundamentalist Mormon, Ruby Ridge, really? btw; my 'bigotry' extends to multimillionaires like Bundy that don't pay their bills.

Please provide a link to Bundy's actual bank account.

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