The BDS Movement Against Israel has Accomplished Less Than Nothing

All this babble and still no list of this Bowel Discharge Syndrome's magnificent accomplishments over the last 9 years. Other than bullying misguided rogue musicians and scientists, and heckling and disrupting guest speakers at universities, do you have anything else to show for?

Hey it's to too late to join the good guys. Check this site out, its like the who's who of business, science, technology and education. Register now to observe how the BDS is "slowing" Israel down! Ha ha ha:

The Israel Conference - May 31 & June 1, 2012 - Los Angeles, California - Participate in the Conference

things take time.

i have incredible patience.

neither one of us is worried.

All this babble and still no list of this Bowel Discharge Syndrome's magnificent accomplishments over the last 9 years. Other than bullying misguided rogue musicians and scientists, and heckling and disrupting guest speakers at universities, do you have anything else to show for?

Hey it's to too late to join the good guys. Check this site out, its like the who's who of business, science, technology and education. Register now to observe how the BDS is "slowing" Israel down! Ha ha ha:

The Israel Conference - May 31 & June 1, 2012 - Los Angeles, California - Participate in the Conference

things take time.

i have incredible patience.

neither one of us is worried.

You are confusing "patience" with "fantasy and delusion". These mental masturbations about the demise of Israel have manifested in various Bowel Movements, the latest being the BDS. Ha ha ha.
All this babble and still no list of this Bowel Discharge Syndrome's magnificent accomplishments over the last 9 years. Other than bullying misguided rogue musicians and scientists, and heckling and disrupting guest speakers at universities, do you have anything else to show for?

Hey it's to too late to join the good guys. Check this site out, its like the who's who of business, science, technology and education. Register now to observe how the BDS is "slowing" Israel down! Ha ha ha:

The Israel Conference - May 31 & June 1, 2012 - Los Angeles, California - Participate in the Conference

things take time.

i have incredible patience.

neither one of us is worried.

You are confusing "patience" with "fantasy and delusion". These mental masturbations about the demise of Israel have manifested in various Bowel Movements, the latest being the BDS. Ha ha ha.

Israel losing America - Israel Opinion, Ynetnews

[ame=]Paul Simon - Slip Slidin' Away + lyrics - YouTube[/ame]
But Seal, Israel losing America means America Losing Israel. i don't see how that benefits the U.S ? Do you ?
things take time.

i have incredible patience.

neither one of us is worried.

You are confusing "patience" with "fantasy and delusion". These mental masturbations about the demise of Israel have manifested in various Bowel Movements, the latest being the BDS. Ha ha ha.

Israel losing America - Israel Opinion, Ynetnews

[ame=]Paul Simon - Slip Slidin' Away + lyrics - YouTube[/ame]
Israel enjoys record approval numbers with American public and in the House and Senate. Dream on!

Still working on that list if BDS achievements? Ha ha ha.

Come on, sing with me: Dream on, dream on, dream on, dream on oooooooooooooooohhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!


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Well other than symbolic meaningless BS. Eight years of delusion while Israel prospers and gets stringer. LOL

The BDS Movement Against Israel has Accomplished Less Than Nothing

As it happens, there is a web page that exhaustively tracks BDS achievements. It contains such triumphal entries as “Andreas Oberg, Swedish guitarist, cancels gig in Tel Aviv, heeding BDS activists’ appeals,” and “Ten talented young harpists bow out of the International Harp Contest.” But for the most part, the entries consist of gestures similar to the York student-federation vote, which is to say: rhetorical attacks from activist groups, unions and academic organizations with no power to influence trade policy.
From the slogans emitted by BDS champions (including, at times, Canada’s own Naomi Klein), one would think that BDS was on the cusp of bringing Israel to its knees. Yet since 2004 — the period corresponding to the lifespan of the BDS movement — Israel’s economy generally has been booming, especially in the areas of telecommunications, computer technology, aviation, specialty medical equipment, military hardware and natural gas.

The BDS campaign is also morally hypocritical. Not all of Israel’s policies — especially in regard to settlement construction — are defensible. Yet in humanitarian terms, nothing Israel does to Palestinians comprises even so much as a rounding error on the horrors perpetrated by such nations as Syria, Iran and Sudan against their own citizens. The plight of Gazan religious and political dissenters — not to mention gays and women in the Hamas-run enclave — is especially notable, given that many of the same activists who champion BDS also have championed the Boat to Gaza movement and other efforts to equip and legitimize Hamas.
But eight years in, the movement has accomplished nothing. Indeed, less than nothing: For it is thanks to BDS, and similar gestures of anti-Israel antipathy (especially at the UN), that many Israelis — including Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu — have become convinced that their country will always be the victim of a vicious moral double standard. If Mr. Netanyahu has struck a more standoffish, militant, uncompromising tone than his predecessors when dealing with the international community, it is largely because he has come to see the hatred of his country as irrational and unremitting.
- See more at: The BDS Movement Against Israel has Accomplished Less Than Nothing | Foundation for Defense of Democracies
I didn't know what BDS was, Roudy, so I looked it up and found it means "Boycott, Disinvestment, and Sanctions" against Israel. That doesn't sound too nice to me, and I'm sorry people are frightened into cancellations of good things for the people of Israel, and I hope that there will be peace between peoples in the Middle East and that all the death threats, missile strikes from child-and-densely-populated neighborhoods, and dramatics will stop. A better strategy would be for everybody to just do their jobs, do them well, and concentrate on a better way of life for their families.

Otherwise, there can be no true peace.
Well other than symbolic meaningless BS. Eight years of delusion while Israel prospers and gets stringer. LOL

The BDS Movement Against Israel has Accomplished Less Than Nothing

As it happens, there is a web page that exhaustively tracks BDS achievements. It contains such triumphal entries as “Andreas Oberg, Swedish guitarist, cancels gig in Tel Aviv, heeding BDS activists’ appeals,” and “Ten talented young harpists bow out of the International Harp Contest.” But for the most part, the entries consist of gestures similar to the York student-federation vote, which is to say: rhetorical attacks from activist groups, unions and academic organizations with no power to influence trade policy.
From the slogans emitted by BDS champions (including, at times, Canada’s own Naomi Klein), one would think that BDS was on the cusp of bringing Israel to its knees. Yet since 2004 — the period corresponding to the lifespan of the BDS movement — Israel’s economy generally has been booming, especially in the areas of telecommunications, computer technology, aviation, specialty medical equipment, military hardware and natural gas.

The BDS campaign is also morally hypocritical. Not all of Israel’s policies — especially in regard to settlement construction — are defensible. Yet in humanitarian terms, nothing Israel does to Palestinians comprises even so much as a rounding error on the horrors perpetrated by such nations as Syria, Iran and Sudan against their own citizens. The plight of Gazan religious and political dissenters — not to mention gays and women in the Hamas-run enclave — is especially notable, given that many of the same activists who champion BDS also have championed the Boat to Gaza movement and other efforts to equip and legitimize Hamas.
But eight years in, the movement has accomplished nothing. Indeed, less than nothing: For it is thanks to BDS, and similar gestures of anti-Israel antipathy (especially at the UN), that many Israelis — including Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu — have become convinced that their country will always be the victim of a vicious moral double standard. If Mr. Netanyahu has struck a more standoffish, militant, uncompromising tone than his predecessors when dealing with the international community, it is largely because he has come to see the hatred of his country as irrational and unremitting.
- See more at: The BDS Movement Against Israel has Accomplished Less Than Nothing | Foundation for Defense of Democracies
I didn't know what BDS was, Roudy, so I looked it up and found it means "Boycott, Disinvestment, and Sanctions" against Israel. That doesn't sound too nice to me, and I'm sorry people are frightened into cancellations of good things for the people of Israel, and I hope that there will be peace between peoples in the Middle East and that all the death threats, missile strikes from child-and-densely-populated neighborhoods, and dramatics will stop. A better strategy would be for everybody to just do their jobs, do them well, and concentrate on a better way of life for their families.

Otherwise, there can be no true peace.

Yes, Becki. The Bullshit Movement has been around for 9 years and all they have done is bully and threaten misguided and misinformed musicians or scientists. That's all they have to show for, besides being a front for Hamas terrorists.
But Seal, Israel losing America means America Losing Israel. i don't see how that benefits the U.S ? Do you ?

well, anybody who doesn't see a link between bombings by muslims and our country and our support of israel isn't paying attention...and that is just the beginning.

i'm glad there are no hungry children or poor schools in america. three billion bucks would go a long ways to helping them i there were.
But Seal, Israel losing America means America Losing Israel. i don't see how that benefits the U.S ? Do you ?

well, anybody who doesn't see a link between bombings by muslims and our country and our support of israel isn't paying attention...and that is just the beginning.

i'm glad there are no hungry children or poor schools in america. three billion bucks would go a long ways to helping them i there were.

You seem to be under the impression that if America ceases to be the Ally of Israel, then the Jihadists won't be hostile towards Israel (in the form of bombings on U.S soil, attacking U.S bases in the ME, chanting death to America etc....)
Lets say for a moment you were right, that the Jihadists/Terrorist are very hostile towards Americans because of Israel. So they want America to cut ties with Israel. You want America to bow down to the demands of these people ??Terrorist leaders? You expect the U.S to surrender to them in the form of demands ?

Anyway, the fact of the matter is, the hate that these jihadists/militias/terrorist/freedom fighters, call them whatever the fook you want, is also due to American bases all over the Middle East and the alleged 'stealing of their oil, the fact that the U.S has killed tens of thousands of civilians in Iraq and Afghanistan, and basically just general 'American Policy' in the ME.
Blaming Israel for all the Muslim savagery that occurs around the world and against America? That's how anti Semites and terrorist enablers think.

It's actually pretty sad, their hatred of Jews has caused them to become steadfast supporters of the biggest America haters, so much that they don't mind seeing the demise of America.
Why then are Muslims bombing and killing all these innocent people in countries all over the world? :cuckoo:

Israel as well? Ha ha ha.
This thread has yet to see a major accomplishment listed by the BDS in the last 9 years of its existence, other than bullshit Islamist propaganda and hype.

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