The BDS movement taken to it's logical conclusion.

browsing deer

Silver Member
Jul 11, 2015
The fire has to go.....

Yeah the whole BDS thing is pretty funny. I guess it just goes to show you can't base an entire movement off lies and revisionist views.

Oh yes, if it wasn't for Israel the world would go back to the stone age. What arrogance.
It took decades, but a similar BDS movement eventually toppled the apartheid South African government.

So there is no reason the BDS tactic applied against the apartheid Israeli government won't produce the same results. ....... :cool:
It took decades, but a similar BDS movement eventually toppled the apartheid South African government.

So there is no reason the BDS tactic applied against the apartheid Israeli government won't produce the same results. ....... :cool:
Similarly, US govt support propped up the SA apartheid regime long past its use by date as well.
It took decades, but a similar BDS movement eventually toppled the apartheid South African government.

So there is no reason the BDS tactic applied against the apartheid Israeli government won't produce the same results. ....... :cool:

Actually it was not a similar BDS movement. Even the briefest of views of the two situations will reveal the glaring differences. The first and most basic is that Israel is not an apartheid state. Its the palestinians who are requiring Israel to institute restrictions in order to quell the ongoing palestinian violence. Its a state of war. South Africa was not at war.

Another glaring difference is that while South Africa was a colonial state the Israeli's are a first nations people. Its the Arab Muslims who conquered and colonized the middle east, a very small portion of which has now been won by its native inhabitants.

The Anti-Apartheid sanctions movement is exactly like the BDS movement, it started with a few universities and slowly began to involve companies and then nations.

The Zionists themselves declared their movement a colonial movement. They were Europeans colonizing the native people of Palestine.

Zionists plan to colonize Palestine in 1899 NY Times

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Zionists plan to colonize Palestine in 1899 NY Times - World Bulletin

Successful Jewish Colonization Will Extend Beyond Palestine Frontier, Weizmann Tells Actions Committ
July 25, 1926

(Jewish Telegraphic Agency)

The contemplated trip to the United States of Dr. Chaim Weizmann, president of the World Zionist Organization, the continuation of his efforts while in America to extend the Jewish Agency through his negotiations with the Marshall group, the possibilities of extending Jewish colonization work outside of the present Palestine frontiers, including. Transjordania and certain parts of Syria, were the main features around which the deliberations centered.

“Due to the success of our colonization work in Palestine proper, it is possible that eventually our colonization work will be extended beyond the frontiers of Transjordania. It is true that the Palestine government has not taken a clear stand in regard to its economic policy, but well founded demands have every prospect of being agreed to. A great deal has been achieved during the last months,” Dr. Weizmann said.

Successful Jewish Colonization Will Extend Beyond Palestine Frontier, Weizmann Tells Actions Committ

You're simply pissed that Jews actually accomplish what they set out to do while Muslims simply start murdering each other over haircuts.
And that little revisionist history thing you got going there.
But please proceed...I need a little chuckle every now and then knowing how frustrated you are.
It's odd that the liberals here support the Hamas style murderers but condemn the same type of killers when they take out a few Magazine staff or people going to a concert in Europe. Curious!!

Actually it was not a similar BDS movement. Even the briefest of views of the two situations will reveal the glaring differences. The first and most basic is that Israel is not an apartheid state. Its the palestinians who are requiring Israel to institute restrictions in order to quell the ongoing palestinian violence. Its a state of war. South Africa was not at war.

Another glaring difference is that while South Africa was a colonial state the Israeli's are a first nations people. Its the Arab Muslims who conquered and colonized the middle east, a very small portion of which has now been won by its native inhabitants.
Incorrect Bozo

There is almost no difference between the defunct fascist S African government and the current fascist state of Israel.

Both enforced a segregated apartheid social structure by the use of an paramilitary police. ..... :cool:
Actually it was not a similar BDS movement. Even the briefest of views of the two situations will reveal the glaring differences. The first and most basic is that Israel is not an apartheid state. Its the palestinians who are requiring Israel to institute restrictions in order to quell the ongoing palestinian violence. Its a state of war. South Africa was not at war.

Another glaring difference is that while South Africa was a colonial state the Israeli's are a first nations people. Its the Arab Muslims who conquered and colonized the middle east, a very small portion of which has now been won by its native inhabitants.
Incorrect Bozo

There is almost no difference between the defunct fascist S African government and the current fascist state of Israel.

Both enforced a segregated apartheid social structure by the use of an paramilitary police. ..... :cool:

Perhaps if the "Palis" weren't blowing up buses in 1999 and 2000, they wouldn't have been segregated.
Actually it was not a similar BDS movement. Even the briefest of views of the two situations will reveal the glaring differences. The first and most basic is that Israel is not an apartheid state. Its the palestinians who are requiring Israel to institute restrictions in order to quell the ongoing palestinian violence. Its a state of war. South Africa was not at war.
Hoho, so it looks like DeNial is not actually a river in Egypt, rather it's situated a bit northeast.
Actually it was not a similar BDS movement. Even the briefest of views of the two situations will reveal the glaring differences. The first and most basic is that Israel is not an apartheid state. Its the palestinians who are requiring Israel to institute restrictions in order to quell the ongoing palestinian violence. Its a state of war. South Africa was not at war.

Another glaring difference is that while South Africa was a colonial state the Israeli's are a first nations people. Its the Arab Muslims who conquered and colonized the middle east, a very small portion of which has now been won by its native inhabitants.
Incorrect Bozo

There is almost no difference between the defunct fascist S African government and the current fascist state of Israel.

Both enforced a segregated apartheid social structure by the use of an paramilitary police. ..... :cool:

I will not engage in a war of personal insults, sorry, but I'll take the high ground. However I will rebut this nonsense about Israel being an apartheid state.

Is Israel an Apartheid State?

The term apartheid refers to official government policy of racial segregation that was formerly practiced in South Africa. Whites sought to dominate the non-white population, especially the indigenous blacks, and discriminated against people of color in the political, legal and economic sectors:

  • Whites and non-whites lived in separate regions of the country;
  • Non-whites were prohibited from running businesses or professional practices in white areas without permits;
  • Non-whites had separate amenities such as beaches, buses, schools, benches, drinking fountains, restrooms;
  • Non-whites received inferior education, medical care and other public services;
  • and, non-whites could not vote or become citizens.
Today, Jews are the majority within Israel, but the non-Jewish minority (Arab, Christians, Bedouin, Druze, Baha'i and others) enjoy full citizenship with voting rights and representation in the government. Israel’s Declaration of Independence even specifically calls upon the Arab inhabitants of Israel to “participate in the upbuilding of the State on the basis of full and equal citizenship and due representation in all its provisional and permanent institutions.” The Arab minority comprises 20% of Israel's population.

It is illegal for employers to discriminate on the basis of race and Arab citizens of Israel are represented in all walks of Israeli life. Arabs have served in senior diplomatic and government positions and an Arab - Salim Joubran - currently serves as a justice on the Supreme Court.
End Quote.

Oh yes, if it wasn't for Israel the world would go back to the stone age. What arrogance.
Israel is the center of the world. East meets West right there, ground zero.
The entire world has an opinion and emotions on a 5 mile wide strip of sand.
Here the thread goes wandering again....

This is about the BDS and they have to be logically consistent. That means no apple laptops, and no computers using the last 3 operating systems or Pc operating systems using Vista, 8, or 10.

And all the other things that come out of there
Here the thread goes wandering again....
This is about the BDS and they have to be logically consistent. That means no apple laptops, and no computers using the last 3 operating systems or Pc operating systems using Vista, 8, or 10. And all the other things that come out of there
So what's your point?

During the 1930's Nazi Germany lead the world in technology and inventions.

And we all know how that turned out. ...... :cool:
Here the thread goes wandering again....
This is about the BDS and they have to be logically consistent. That means no apple laptops, and no computers using the last 3 operating systems or Pc operating systems using Vista, 8, or 10. And all the other things that come out of there
So what's your point?

During the 1930's Nazi Germany lead the world in technology and inventions.

And we all know how that turned out. ...... :cool:

His point is exactly what he wrote. In order for the BDS movement to be consistent and non-hypocritical, no recent computer technologies should be used by its proponents.
The IBS or whatever you want to call it failed, and failed miserably. Israel is stronger today than it was yesterday both in its economy and its social structure and it will be stronger tomorrow than it is today. The revisionists can try and use the failed policy as a platform for all sorts of nonsense and claim a false victory as is their way, but those among us who are actually following Israel's progress as a returning native first peoples to their homeland; are very encouraged by what we see, despite the expense of the war effort.

In the end no matter how you slice it, Israel has not only survived but thrived.


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